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I ask of your opinions.

Dumbest thing ever.

those aren't even the worst pictures... :facehoof:


Rule 8.

1093667 Sweet baby Jesus on a pogo stick! Is that from the actual movie?

Equestria Girls just got more interesting...


Sunset Shimmer turns into a demon and attacks Twilight with her new group of friends. Twilight manages to the get her crown back and she is able to find the elements of harmony in this new world that are also within her new friends that basically look like her original set of friends. She then defeats the demonic version of Sunset Shimmer with the help of the rainbow tornado attack. Sunset Shimmer then begins to cry into the dirt.
That's all I've seen from leaked pictures, but I assure you that this is 100 percent true. Basically it's Nightmare Moon all over again, but with pageants and extremely stupid stereotypical high school shenanigans. In other words, a movie I won't watch because the ending is basically spoiled. (Have fun my friends)

1093667 First change the tile to be discussion.

Anyway I find it intresting how she turns into a demon. I have a feeling this might tie into why Celestia gave her the boot.

1093667 She looks like one of the demons that I would find in my mind...


All I got from that is "Who the fuck is that and why is her clothing made of fire?"

Now I know that i'll make a sequel to my story that i'm writing. My inner demon vs her. We'll see who the better demon is.

It's the humanized equivalent of Sunset Shimmer turning into an alicorn and becoming 'Nightmare Moon-ish'.

What the actual fuck- OH MY GOD IT GOT IN MY EYES!!!

1093667 Where dfuq did you find this?


Your ex-student looks like an easy target to laugh at. No offense.

You know, for kids!

What a bitchcunt.

I find myself glad that Equestria Girls isn't canon.

Like I said in the other thread where this came up: Any character who turns into a demon has to be at least a bit of fun.

Frankly, this gives me far more reason to watch that movie than I had before.


yeah... they are... :ajsleepy:


1093667 well red and yellow are somewhat demonic colors I guess. The face is a bit funny looking but I like how her wings are sort of ragged and have holes.

Looks like a sailor moon villain. Not bad, wasn't expecting something like this. You should spoiler tag this OP

Group Contributor

Satan is canon.

Demon? I'm getting gargoyle vibes from her...

Seriously, it gets worse.

There are like, TWENTY other pictures leaked from an early screening.

It won't take a long time if you look for them, but I'd advise against it for obvious reasons.


I think your picture exploded.


That's a damn fine cup of coffee.


Hate it when that happens.

1093667 Perhaps you should have put a spoiler tag over this? I don't want spoilers.


I googled "Equestria Girls leaked" and I found this picture.

This is going to be awesome.


There it is. Not a bad form of defense.

If not for the... well, 'burning alive' part. It's always one flaw in an otherwise-perfect plan, isn't it?

How much money would I have to pay to see that happen?


Here is some context for you.

(Dan McNinja's plans are always perfect, flaws and all.)

Showmare Trixie
Group Admin

... Succubus now canon?

1093667 Kill it. With fire. Have Derpy deliver the film copies to the theatres.


I'm on the fence about the movie, but those pics did inspire a slight alteration to the climax of my fic (I'm assuming she turns into a demon from misuse of the Element of Magic, so if I'm wrong it may change back), as well as giving Sunset Shimmer a minor role in it.

I'm not a hundred percent sure what to think of this...

What the...? :applecry: She looks hideous! :scootangel:

Looking back at this, I'm actually getting kind of an Ulquiorra vibe from her.

"Friendship, you say? You ponies are always so quick to speak of such things, What is this "friendship"? If I tear open your chest, will I see it there? If I crack open your skull, will I find it?"


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