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EStarshot: Star Speaker
A group of ponies accidentally activate a dormant alien spacecraft. Things only go downhill from there... Or uphill, depending on who you ask. | In Part I of their tale, the ponies figure out their ship, and Luna figures out her true potential.
Tums Festival · 46k words  ·  122  3 · 2k views

Wonderful little sci-fi story. Interesting premise and roster of characters, plus a lot of fun little references.

Here a little question. Do you know the story Background Pony? Oh, what a silly question. Of course you do. Is there a brony who doesn't know about it? It might be the most famous one there is. So perfectly written. So emotional and thought provoking. And of course an amazing bittersweet ending that will leave you in tear. Or in my case, plagued me with an existential crisis to the point that it was difficult for me to move and eat. Good thing I was not working that day. However, if there is some of you at whom that ending still haunt you, even to this day, here a light of hope. An alternate ending to Background Pony. The Crimson Sunrise written by Malckeor.

Do you know the most amazing part about that fan-made ending? It's good! The happy resolution does not come out of left field, it was one made from the underused plot threads of the original fic to reach a conclusion that make sense but also feel earn. Malckeor had stay faithful to the style of Background and to its characters, showing his respect for the source material. I insist to say that the original ending is beautiful and essential to the message of the story. So just see The Crimson Sunrise more like a 'what-if scenario' instead than a rectcon. I guarantee that this happy end will help you feel better. It certainly did that to me. I am surprise that after all this time, so few know about it and I feel it deserve more love.

Today, I will make an exception and instead of one, advise two stories since they are from the same author: MrNumbers, and also, those two are similar in way.

The first one is a fan-favorite: The Mare Who Once Lived On The Moon

TThe Mare Who Once Lived on the Moon
In a steampunk reimagining of the universe, Twilight Sparkle finds perhaps the one pony as lonely as she is. It's rather unfortunate that they're on the moon.
MrNumbers · 143k words  ·  3,019  57 · 29k views

What happen when you put our heroines in steampunk version of Equestria combined with the grisly realism of the colonial British empire. While also making your version of 'Fromthe Earth to the Moon', making it a story worthy of Jules Verne, if not more. You got this. This is actually a story about two things. One, get Luna back from the moon with the power of science trough a gradual process which each step is rewarding. Two, about six friends trying to live in an innovative but quite bleak world while never losing their inner shine. Both of these narrative are mixed in perfect harmony, making it one hell of a tale.

Now, the second one is one that less know but still, one that I consider deserve a lot of praise. A beautiful night.

TA Beautiful Night
The Elements didn't work. Nightmare Moon won. Twilight and Pinkie Pie never gave up, even when everyone else did.
MrNumbers · 78k words  ·  536  33 · 7.2k views

Once again, it is a story about two thing. One, about ponies trying to fight a revolution against the tyranny of Nightmare Moon that is both realistic, epic, and even funny at certain moments. And two, but not less, about Pinkie Pie Twilight Sparkles entering in a romantic relationship. And the beauty of this is that the psychology of these two mares is faithful to a T compare to the true characters, showing that the author knew very well how they work. We even get to see a Pinkie Pie who had learn to mature while never losing what make Pinkie, well, Pinkie. And like the first, these two narrative intertwine in a logical sense. To the point that one must depend of the other to succeed. I won't say which one.

These are the two stories that I suggest because I think they are the perfect examples that show the genius writing style of MrNumber.

First and foremost is another human trapped in a villain's body. It's an incredible story where the human is trapped in a world of evil alicorns and other immortal rulers who have twisted everyone's sense of morals. It's a truly dark AU with a fun protagonist who makes for a good heroic Bad guy. The Smooze.

TWho Told You This Was A Good Idea?!
After 1000 years of tyranny and despair, one mare attempts to unleash ultimate evil, in a desperate bid to save her people and lead them to a brighter future. What she gets is not quite as advertised on the box.
Bender Alpha · 76k words  ·  889  37 · 12k views

So, who here likes sad stories in a crumbling world? I know I do, and this story has despair in spades. Really interesting and deserves a smidge more praise considering how much work the author has put into it. Story's complete and really fulfilling.

TAnd Hell Followed
The sun hangs in the sky and it hasn't moved in nearly a month. The sounds outside are enough to make you want to never figure out why.
BaeroRemedy · 112k words  ·  1,041  35 · 9.4k views

If you like humans as villainous icons, then do I have the story for you. Bloodshed, Changelings, and diplomatic relationships, this story has them all. Hasn't been updated in around two years, but what's there is genuine gold. Maybe if it gets a sudden increase in likes, the author can be convinced to get back to the story and help our poor little edge lord, the Overlord.

[Adult story embed hidden]

How does a story I wrote have more likes than this gem? That is a crime, and you're all guilty in helping me commit it. Granted, it has the greatest ratio one the website, but it needs more likes! Seriously, read this, like it, favorite it, comment, this story deserves them so much more than what I've done and it's a shame that it hasn't hit 1,000 likes yet at LEAST. How dare you all not worship this alter!

EWorshiping At The Altar Of Knowledge
When Princess Twilight Sparkle hears rumors of a dark cult centered around worship of her, she asks her mentor for advice. The answers are not what she expected.
TCC56 · 5k words  ·  1,100  10 · 13k views

Finally, a really good story full of fun little adventures, romance, and a long read. Check out any of these stories and throw some love at them if you can. These authors deserve it.

TOff The Mark
Mark Wells only bought an old mirror, so why did he now have hooves, wings and green fur? And where was he? Maybe this great and powerful princess could tell him?
Goldfur · 716k words  ·  1,381  114 · 23k views

For a more recent one I'll go ahead and recommend:

EQuantum Leap Forward
Cheerilee wakes up twenty years in the future, in the body of Big Mac's daughter. Now she must find out how to get back to her proper time and body.
Halira · 134k words  ·  255  8 · 2.8k views

A fun little story taking place a bit after the series with Cheerilee as the main character. Yes, Last year is recent as far as I'm concerned. It's newer than this thread.

For a comedy, I'll have to go with this one:

TChangelings, Love and Lollipops
When the Royal Wedding scatters defeated changelings all over Equestria, a member of the hive winds up being captured in Ponyville, tied up, stunned, shot by a cannon, and held against his will. The truly frightening part is he’s starting to l
Georg · 72k words  ·  1,275  38 · 12k views

It's one that I have downloaded on my phone and have read several times. The chronicles of one poor changeling that get's caught in Ponyville after the failed invasion and how he learns to love pink.

Keeping on the changeling side, here's a drama of a changeling that gets lost in Equestria during training and follows their life as they grow up among ponies.

TWithout a Hive
A young changeling is separated from his hive, and must blend in and survive among the ponies of Equestria.
Phoenix_Dragon · 181k words  ·  2,113  32 · 30k views

There is another story that takes place alongside this one and a sequel that ties them together, but this story is very good by itself. It's one of my favorite changeling stories.

This one's an old story from all the way back in 2012, but still a lot of fun and actually does a good job of keeping true to the canon at the time and even explains a few fun little details in the show.

EAlarm Clock
Ditzy Doo sees things nopony else can see: higher-dimensional spatial anomalies, fae creatures, and eldritch abominations. She solves problems that other ponies don’t even know exist. But now, she may have bitten off more than she can chew.
Meta Four · 51k words  ·  565  8 · 8.8k views

Probably enough for now, but these are just a few from my favorite stories that I've read over the years. All are completed stories, and in the case of "Without a Hive" The other story and their sequel are both completed as well.

Group Admin

Without a Hive is excellent. Read it for the first time recently and it's one of those fics that you absolutely can't put down once it has its hooks in.

I know there's a lot of negative stigma around Displaced, but I thought I'd throw this in here in case anyone hasn't read this one yet.

TThe Mighty Warrior of Epicness
A cosplayer is sent to Equestria as his outfit, Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy. Let his epic quest for fights and fun begin!
shinigamisparda · 106k words  ·  1,939  84 · 27k views

Gilgamesh is a Displaced story, (which are known for their OP characters) but it's OP done right. He starts the story as a character with only a fraction of the power that he once held, but he's still strong enough to wrestle Celestia and demolish a city. Gilgamesh has a similar mindset to Goku. Fighting should be fun, and it gets boring when it's serious.

To him, the fights he's caused are nothing more than a fun brawl to let loose. In fact, he doesn't even realize that the other countries declared wars (multiple) because of him until Celestia shouts at him and tells him to his face, "None of this is fun, we hate you, and I, the most powerful being alive, am afraid of you."

It's a really sobering moment for Gilgamesh, and even though he decides to continue on his quest for more power and better fights, he realizes how childish he's been and strives to be better. Along the way, he meets another Displaced and mentors her to be more than a fighter, to be a hero.

I won't spoil too much, but there is only one time he takes off his mask in the story and it's really beautiful. He drops the facade, sits down, and takes everything with the seriousness it deserves. It's his most human moment, and it's the only time we ever get to see his face. After that, the mask goes back on, but there's a small crack in his armor, a promise that he won't hide from the truth and that he'll try to be better.

Gilgamesh in that story has the power to kill pretty much any other Displaced character on Fimfic, but he's also the most human character I've read in any fan fiction, even outside of MLP. I highly recommend reading it if you haven't. I know that there's a lot of negative stigma around Displaced, but you won't regret reading it.

THalf-Life: Pastel Paradise
Equestria is in danger. It’s up to the crowbar-wielding physicist, Gordon Freeman, to save the day.
I aint no damn brownie · 90k words  ·  108  6 · 3.6k views

A crossover between Half Life and Mlp where Gordon Freeman, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Spike (and maybe Cheerilee) save Equestria while Celestia tries to convince everypony- I mean everybody to kill another living being. Its an action packed adventure story with Top tier comedy and the only negative thing I can say about it is Twilight's OOCness but other than that it's hilarious and heavily underrated so you should read it

It's finished but idk if the sequel is coming out anytime soon

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