• Member Since 16th Jan, 2020
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Tums Festival

What's wrong with my face?!



Three years ago, an alien spacecraft was discovered buried deep beneath the Everfree Forest. Without delay, it was excavated and thoroughly studied to the best of Equestria's capabilities. All signs pointed it being completely defunct, never to fly again.

Though unfortunately for creatures visiting it during its first day as a museum, the truth was the exact opposite.

A three hour tour of the ship has now turned into a grand tour of the galaxy. Will homesickness overtake these new explorers, or will they learn to love going where no pony has gone before?


In Part I of their tale, the ponies arrive in a star system at the edge of the galaxy. Immediately, Luna is voted as 'captain', and the race is on to find out how to operate the museum turned starship before they run out of food. Will our intrepid night princess be able to lead her ponies to this goal, or will her self-doubts put an end to her captaining days?

And why can't her new Red Dwarf friend be less cryptic if there's danger nearby?

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 161 )

Yeah this is gonna be epic.

“Uncle, pelase,” Ocellus said bashfully, tugging at one of his legs. “I don’t think the princess knows anything. Nobody does.”

That should say please

She pointed to a monitor at one of the nearby consoles. On it was a twirling, three-dimensional diagram of the triangular-shaped vessel, and above it a string of suprising text.


“They’re a series of science fiction novels,” Ocellus explained shly. “I, um, may have read a couple of them… a couple dozen.”


I'm firing my autocorrect after this :(.

“Manning?” Scootaloo said.


That one was intentional

Though I do appreciate your corrections :)

Aetherium: an ultra-rare highly volatile trans-luscient substance.


“This doesn’t tell us anything,” Pharynx grunted. “Hyperspace? Wormholes? Trans-Luscient Substances? What are those?”


Your welcome
Lol I hate autocorrect. It doesn't seem to know how to spell at times lol
I guess I'm missing the joke... to be honest the only thing that's coming to mind with the name Manning is someone named Peyton, who that is though not a clue.

In this context, manning is used the same way one would say, "I'm manning the guns!"

:facehoof: of course:facehoof:
I was WAY overthinking it lol

Haha, it happens. And to be fair, 'manning' wasn't the best word for me to use in a pony fic. Just couldn't think of anything else.

You know I didn't even think about that... ponying? Equining? *throws hooves up* I don't know. Ack overthinking again... I just can't help it sometimes lol

Oof, that’s roughly the radius of our galaxy. They got quite the journey ahead of themselves

They also have 2 forms of FTL Drive, if I understood the computer correctly.

Yes, but the one best suited for such distance relies on a hyper rare fuel source that they don’t have any of. They’ll have to either use the hyper drive,once they get their bearings and fuel for it, to either go to the planets that have the rarer fuel or go straight home, whichever turns out to be closer. And then there is the potential issue of the civilization that controls said planets, which might not be exactly welcoming.

Well, that could have gone better. This should make for quite the adventure. Looking forward to seeing where it goes from here.

Luna knew the position of the stars like the back of her hoof, yet glancing out the viewscreen, none appeared to be where they were supposed to.

Well, that's enough to tell me they're definitely not in their home star system then--even traveling just as far from one star system to the next nearest is often enough for all of the stars to appear to be in different relative positions.

“I always preferred Captain Smirk myself"

So this premise is starting to sound something like Stargate Universe...only much more comedic, which I'll definitely not complain to.

...well, actually, upon thinking it further, Star Trek: Voyager is probably a better comparison...whatever, the point is I'm hooked! Please sir, can I have another chapter? :twilightsmile:

Certainly caught my attention.
Didn't like the reference to how Luna didn't rule as long as Celestia did due to the lost 1000 years and her retiring recently..

But I did like Luna and Spike's interaction a bit there. Hope there is more between those 2 down the line.
Liked that Luna is captain too of that ship now. Would be interesting to see her learn more about all that tech stuff along with learning more from that franchise Spike mentioned about.

“She is quite powerful,” Luna nodded. “I found that out the hard way. Still, doctor, I trust your judgement on this.”

Yeah... hated the reference to how the movie shafted the sisters badly with Tempest humiliating them like that infront of all of Equestria.
Sorry.. just still bitter on what the movie did to Luna. Whats worse is how the show brushed it aside, like.. wouldn't that failure there badly affect especially Luna?

“What is she-- her group doing now?” Luna asked. ‘I suppose I shouldn’t be hypocritical, believing she reformed so suddenly, but she didn’t exactly take a direct hit from the Elements of Harmony, either.’ She furrowed her brow. ‘It seems unlikely, but could she be behind this? Why?’

At least Tempest would be able to change out of her free will, unlike Luna who was forcibly purified and turned good by the Elements instead of her resolving the darkness within her on her own(and like controlling her dark powers and befriending her darker split personality). The actual issues that led to NMM happening weren't properly resolved and its like the Elements basically brainwashed her and made her accept she's inferior to Celestia.(Like.. Luna really deserves to shine much as Celestia did, not be forced to accept she's doomed to be in her shadow) I just hated how things were handled there in the show..

Aside from that stuff..
Liked how Luna pondered more about the stars and looks like that stuff will be explored here like with the "Star Speaker" bit Luna heard.
Along with liking more interactions seen there. Wonder if she would eventually learn more about the advance stuff that would be often confusing to others when Doctor Hooves explains such as Wormholes?
So interesting chapter I suppose.

To be fair, Tempest did have to cheat by using those stone grenade things 😋

A humiliating loss is still a humiliating loss though..
Especially with how the sisters kept losing every turn during crisis stuff if they get involved in.
It just can't be ignored sadly..

Also Twilight avoided that humiliation pretty much. Yeah, she got lucky but fact still remains she manages to win despite the bad guy is packing stuff that hard-counters like the Obsidian Orbs.

I don't think I would ever live it down with how the writers shafted Luna in the movie like that..
Same with how thing went for her in the series finale.

Luna will have a chance to prove just how powerful she is by the end of this fic (or series, since it'll likely be multiparty).

And let's just say she has some pretty powerful 'friends', too.

Looking forward to that. With the power stuff and the "friends" you mention.
Though I wished the certain embarrassments are addressed too instead of like.. how the writers had Luna brushed said stuff aside(with how much of it has happened, no way either sister would not feel not so confident).
Heck.. look at this meme thing
Who would win: One majestic princess that can control celestial stuff and crazy magic OR... one smol orb boi(I probably effed that up but yeah..)

Sorry about that..
Looking forward on seeing what you got in store for Spike too.
I just love seeing how he and Luna interacts in general pretty much.(If only the show did that much more often)

“That was the one with Deep Space Swine!"

Ohhhhhh, I should shoot you for that horrible horrible pun. :rainbowlaugh:

“Nopony knows what really happened,” Luna said. “One day he was going very fast and he simply… disappeared.”

Well, he needed to go finish Green Hill Zone, so...

Oh good, they aren't alone. I know they weren't alone to begin with, but eight creatures is not enough to crew a ship that apparently is bigger than Canterlot.

I am really enjoying this story. Keep it up.

The amount of pure nerd in this chapter is precious and I will continue shoving every update to this fic into my eyeballs.

Pretty interesting with Scootaloo about to mess around with those fighter craft(shame the writers decided to go with her being disabled and make her wings incapable of flight.)

Interested on what Doctor Hooves has found for Luna there too.

“Inspired one of her worst books, though: Daring Doo and the Crystal Femur."

Still better than Temple of Doom, IMO. :raritywink:

Void Inquisitor...sounds like a literal name for a ship designed to go poking around space and seeing what's there, if anything...or just making sure the "void" of space is in fact still a void wherever they go: "Is it still a void now? Good!...Is it still a void now? Good!...Is it still a void now? Good!..." :rainbowlaugh:

"That sounds like Twilight-speak," Rainbow groaned. "Nevermind, don't kill my buzz. Talk to me about it later."

Alright, can't wait for Rainbow to fall asleep in her new quarters, just for the computer to suddenly start educating her on Newtonian physics without pausing... for hours. :trollestia:

"Objects in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force."


"... To be accurate: he has figured out that I have figured you out."

Well, that's not at all ominous.

This computer definitely has a lot of personality to it. I'm not sure how to feel about that, especially since it itself doesn't know why it's so readily accepted the ponies as its new crew. Still, this should be very interesting. Especially since it seems that Luna really can communicate with stars.

Huh, this sounds like a crossover with Starbound. Even if it isn't it still looks interesting.

Two small ornaments of strange lizert like creatures?

Maybe Luna just found Torchs parents momentos?:moustache:

You dont need all the fancy materials to open a wormhole if you have a big enough spinal cannon, if its energy based. Just need a crudload of recoding.:trixieshiftright:

Void Inquisitor? Anyone else get 40k vibes from that?

Luna raised her eyebrows. Now this was beyond anything she had heard of even in Space Trek.

What, no holodeck malfunctions?

That talk of the Deep Ones is deeply concerning. Especially the corporal punishment. Let's hope the computer doesn't mind more lenient discipline policies.

Liked that Spike is First Officer there.

Curious on what happens next :0

Luna raised her eyebrows. Now this was beyond anything she had heard of even in Space Trek.

Clearly, you have not yet learned enough about "Space Trek," Luna. :ajsmug:

‘Deep Ones?’ Luna pondered. ‘Some form of leadership?’

I'm more concerned whether or not one would want to meet these...Almighty Deepest. Because the more I learn about this ship, the more I wonder about just what sort of creatures the previous owners were... :unsuresweetie:

"Example: decks two through five’s life support. The sacrifice of non-essential crew will not upset the Deep Ones.”

Case in point. :ajbemused:

These tutorials are so thorough, yet so condensed, that I don’t believe they bothered teaching their crew nearly anything before they boarded this vessel - at least not in regards to their stations. They learned everything right here.

Well, isn't that awfully convenient for them.

"Kidding, kidding!" the doctor said defensively. "None of us are going to die - I promise."

Especially if you don't put on any red-colored shirts! :rainbowlaugh:

“First Officer?” Spike asked in a tone half-flattered, half as if he thought he was the butt of a practical joke, as he met with Luna in the captain’s quarters. “Me?”

He is now required to grow a beard and proceed to never sit down in a chair like a normal person would. But it'll be great, Spike--you get a lot of the girls this way! :moustache:

I don't think the others have caught on yet, but this ship seems to have been built for only one thing: combat. Everything about it screams military.

Yeah, I'm starting to think the previous owners were more...imperialistic than democratic, if you catch my meaning. Which means they might want to take their Space Trek references and take them through the transporter accident into the mirror universe at this point--it'll probably be a more apt comparison at this point. :twilightoops:

Liked that it looks like Luna would still be dreamguardian even after erm.. retiring.
Kind of surprised some of the other Student Six aside from Ocellus are on board too.

Hoping to see more on what Luna encountered in the dream realm there.

Also curious on if the ship having an armory there, what tech/weapons it might have there.
A random thought I had there.

Consider me highly intrigued.

Is this based off of another story?

There are a lot of Scifi references and concepts used, though I wouldn't say it's specifically based off anything.

I am rather curious will you touch on the immortality of luna?

As it affects the crew. Since she can not die or will not. I expect?

Thank you for a lovely chapter. I epreciate your gift of a great story! I have looked and love the idea and concept. Reminds me of the podcast a little to be honest. Startripper which is phenomanel.


Ps. A addition to my point is due to her immortality and if full takes away from the natural tension of your splendid story. Since the solution to general problem be. Oh immortal bam? Ya know?

Oh what if the aliens that are watching their planet judge them for immortality? What if aliens are harmony?

Pps. Have any aliens been watching their planet! Please no spoils!? :)

Ppps. That would be dope as heck fire.

Thank you again for your time and any criticisms are welcome!

The only question now is who will be on the night shift?

"Wait, so we're actually going to visit other planets?" one of the ponies asked excitedly, a teal unicorn with a slightly obsessive look in her eyes. "Planets that might have humans on them?"

Lyra...not the time, girl. :rainbowlaugh:

"Um, the correct term w-would actually be 'red shirts', Gallus," Ocellus corrected.

Ocellus...Gallus is smart enough to not be caught in a red shirt. :rainbowlaugh:

Besides, none of you normally even wear shirts anyway (except, I suppose, Grubber), so...semi-moot point anyway. At the very least, the red shirt moniker doesn't work so well here.

That being said, I actually don't want most of these characters to be reduced to mere redshirts--they ought to be, at the very least, full-on secondary/supporting characters and with their proper share of the screen time, so to speak. The fact it took this long to even really meet with them like this is probably my one major criticism for this fic, but it's one that can be easily sorted moving forward.

"Ocellus, nobody reads that nerdy stuff," Gallus said. "Fargate SE-1 is where the cool kids are at these days."

Oooh, boy, Gallus, you just won a lot of respect from yours truly from that. Star Trek remains my first sci-fi love, but Stargate's a very close second. :raritystarry:

"Do we need someone to cook? Cus I'm so on that, baby!" Grubber proclaimed. "I didn't get this chubby eating slop, you know.”

Now I'm wondering what he could do with some leola roots. :raritywink:

Sacrifice's to the Deep One's? Did the people that built this ship worship Cuthulu, Dagon and their brethren?

“The length of time light travels in one year,"

I think that ought to read something like "The distance light travels in one year"

Loved with how Spike helped Luna out with handling being captain and such.
With how Luna mentioned on how Celestia managed to raise the moon too, I wished the show could have touched on the issue of Luna feeling like if she even mattered(since how Celestia can raise the moon while apparently Equestria was completely fine with Luna not dreamguarding for a 1000 years).

Kind of wonder if Luna would eventually be able to prevent herself from getting booted out from the Dreamrealm by that entity?
Along with wondering if she would figure about the issue of mana being low and such due to the environment not having magic there(as in aside from having to use her own energy since eventually they will run out of food faster).
Part of me also wonders if Luna's darker half(Nightmare Moon) might be touched on too in a way?

They were ready to unfurl the sails of their ship, their newfound knowledge being the winds that would carry them forth.

Metaphorically, of course, seeing there's no actual sails on this ship. :rainbowlaugh:

“Great wickering stallions!” Doctor Whooves called excitedly. “This may be premature, but I believe that this world is tidally locked!”

At that point, doc? Nah, it's definitely safe to say its tidally locked. It's the only physical way I know of where you could get such extreme environments so clearly cut between hemispheres like that. Plus, science suggests that worlds closer to their parent star tend to have a higher chance of becoming tidally locked...depending on the world's origins and the age of the star system, of course.

“Planets near dwarf stars are always tidally locked?”

Well, I wouldn't say always--again, the system's origins and the nature of the planet could play factors into it.

“A crashed starship.”

Suddenly envisions a "Galileo Seven" sort of scenario... :twilightoops:

Even if I do have direct control over all of them, it’s like trying to wield ten spears at once.

He's clearly never watched Rarity sew five different dresses at once.

Don’t waste time pondering the true nature of reality. Instead, find ways to bend it to your will.

The problem there is that if you don't know the true nature of reality, you can't know the best ways to make it bend.

Don’t become Twilight 2.0.

Yeah, no one's a big fan of that design.

In any case, some very interesting stuff with the eldritch entity in the dreamscape, to say nothing of what looks to be a salvage operation. Definitely looking forward to more.

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