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I watched a Family Guy episode fairly recently that had this gag:

See where its going?

"Aw, no!! Make it blue!!"

The tampon commercial gag got me thinking about something. The color of blood. Some people are terrified are blood and cannot even function right if even if they see a single drop. The description of gore can be very bloody in writing. But, do you use red in all?

Red is a very bold color and strikes our eyes the most. Traffic lights, stop signs, the 'cancel' button, its every eye catching. And I repeated that again.

Think of an extra-terrestrial alien that may or may not have a different color of blood.

Close enough.

Let's try blue blood. (I'm refraining myself from posting a particular thing that'll ban me.)

A cover art for a book, you don't cringe much except the blood is blue on a human. Blue is a color that is 'chilling'. Just like ice. I may be bullshitting you in these colors, but hey, blue blood. Has a nice twist to it. Maybe it can be a name!! Facebook, Twitter, and many other sites use blue because it relaxes you. It pleases you.

Such as this.

Think about it. Its blue because its the color of the sky. A thing that'll you'll never see again.

Bold, isn't it?

I think the color has some psychological aspects. And also the smell of iron is another factor. Another color that won't effect much is green.

Now why is that? Green is also a relaxing color. It is like an opposite for red. Green and red are both colors on a traffic light, and same as yellow.

I didn't have a picture, so enjoy something yellow.

Now I ask you a question. With blood, do you think changing colors just for the sake of difference will have the same factor with red blood? Imagine videos such as SmilesHD with the color white.

1975414 Smile HD + white blood = ponies are filled with cum :moustache:

Group Contributor

Well, it actually got me thinking. :applejackunsure: I imagine an alien being splattered by bullets and blue blood accompanies it. Now that's pretty cool. Blue liquid being everywhere.

But with red, it has a horror factor than amazement,

Group Contributor

I was thinking of vanilla icing, but okay!! :trollestia:

Group Contributor


All I know is: The last picture in that post is the best picture ever.


The ratio of pictures to actual content has made it very difficult for my insectoid brain to decipher this post. Are you asking if blood of a different color has the same impact as the red blood we have? Like, if you wanted to show the brutal slaughter of an alien race, but their green blood makes it look like Slime Time made a pit stop on the scene, and lessens the impact?

Group Contributor

Photoshop: it makes a fucking difference. :twilightsmile:

Pretty much. If you saw humans getting slaughtered, with blood everywhere, you'll be surprised. Very surprised.



Comment of the day... if not the rest of the year... :trollestia:


Think about it this way: If us humans had, for example, green blood, then would the sight of red blood be nearly as unsettling?

Also, nobody ever asks these guys... :ajsmug:

Group Contributor

Green is a relaxing color though.


See the difference?

No no, to emphasize it you got to do it backwards
Green is a relaxing color

After Observations: 1) Now looks like its written by that notepad in "Don't hug me, I'm scared"
and 2) looks like someone wrote it without knowing its meaning.

Group Contributor


Interesting that you should post something like this- in my (still stuck on plot) fanfic, I depict Draconequs blood as being orange- I don't know, just 'cause it's close enough to red but different enough so that it raises some shock, especially when somepony else is discovered to have the same-colored blood as Discord...

i can see where you're going with this and I agree. I mean hey we got an alien with green acid for blood. I even know a giant monster who bleed purple blood!:twilightoops:


Black ichor is usually used for zombies and eldritch abominations...

There are scientific reasons for blood being blue, red, clear or even green(ish), and I personally like to apply myself to these reasonings. Blood is just another fluid that just happens to come out of living things.

The reason blue blood is a thing can be found here: HERE
The reason clear blood is a thing can be found here: HERE
The reason green blood is a thing can be found here: HERE
Yellow blood is actually a thing too, as seen here: HERE

You can look into it more HERE.

Or you can just say magic and make everything that isn't a mammal bleed a different color. That works too. You could say it makes sense for changelings, since they aren't even INSECTS on the grand scale of things; feeding off of an emotion exhibited by sentient creatures and all. Color them green because of reasons.


Or that Metal gear 4 Cyborgs

1975414 Maybe give this a thought.
In a different reality instead of having red blood we had blue blood, would we be scared of blue blood in that reality as we are scared of red blood in this reality? :applejackconfused:

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The world may never know...

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