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Curious, what are some very small character interactions you've written that you're proud of?

I drew a little comic of two characters from an old d&d campaign (basically) I was doing with my brother a while ago on my whiteboard and whenever I reread it, it instantly helps me remember who they were and what their dynamic was, makes me happy.

Chance: I know I said I'd do anything, but... an ice skating rink? Why?

Matthew: Because I think it'd be fun to teach you something you're insecure to fail at.

Chance: Ah. So you can laugh at me then?

Matthew: Only if you do something funny.

From an unreleased story, but still one of my all time favorite interactions to have jotted down. Cadance is trying to track down her family, has found only dead ends - "If there weren't any crystal ponies, then how am I the Crystal Princess?!" - and has come to Celestia for help. This requires jogging Celestia's memory (it's been 1000 years), but...

"[Lord Beryl] was a traitor to his peers, and not viewed much better by the survivors of The Empire.  Even I didn't write much [in my journals] after the fact - which is by design, I think - but a little over a year after The Empire vanished, I wrote this note: 'Beryl never struck me as the type, but the farm where teal joins yellow is doing well, and all are blossoming happily.'  I think we helped his family disappear."

Cadance's wide eyes met Celestia's glimmering ones.  As one, they turned to the maps.  It took a while to sort out, since names had aged and long been replaced, but at the confluence of the former 'Jade Vine' creek and 'Autumn' river an unassuming little town had sprung up.  It still existed.  Cadance could have kissed Celestia.  So she did.

7967960 I actually won a writing competition with this one:

"Trixie, I still can't get over the fact that you came to my library," Twilight scoffed. "Why did you want to borrow the Magic Impotence, anyway?"

"Trixie has her purely hypothetical and theoretical reasons… Nothing for you to concern your little head with. Now, if you would be so kind to leave the book on the table and stop violating Trixie’s library rights.”

“About those… Maybe you should check your privileges.”


Not sure this really qualifies as it's a small part of an extended scene rather than anything standalone, but here it is anyway. There's a small part of Ponyville bureaucracy which is devoted to keeping records when sentient creatures die. Applejack has come to report a timberwolf's death. Surprised, the civil servant on duty asks for cause of death.

“I bucked it right in the face.”

I lower the quill to the desk; it lands with a harsh click.

“Um, what?”

Applejack’s eyes narrow; her voice is low and lean and lethal. “I bucked it in the face. Worked mighty well, too. Are you sittin’ there safe and snug behind your desk in Town Hall and tellin’ me I should’ve asked it in for a nice chat by the fire and a mug of spiced cider?”

“That’s not what I’m saying, Ma’am.”

I realise my error half a moment too late.

“Don’t you ‘Ma’am’ me, Mister Last Account. Ponies have names.”

i really, really enjoyed writing beyond her limit

"So, how would you like to begin?" he asked politely to Wind Rider.

"I would like to begin by stating our purpose. As the, um," Wind Rider pondered a moment, as if he was hesitant to say the name.

"Nincompoops Invoking Greater Goods Egainst Rarity?" Blueblood chimed in eagerly, really stressing the "E" in "Egainst".

"Uh, yeah, can..."

Wind Rider sighed heavily, the massive banner with the title floating behind him, the first letters of each word's font size about twenty times bigger than those that followed.

"Can we change the name?"

"Why?" asked the young prince, as if his feelings were hurt.

"BRING OUT COCO POMMEL!" announced Blueblood grandiosely, cutting off Wind Rider again. There was silence.

"Blueblood," spoke Wind Rider as calmly as he could. "We're the only three working here. Nopony is going to 'bring out' Coco Pommel."

"I know that, DIPSHIT," sneered Blueblood. "Ever heard of INTIMIDATION?"

"No," replied Wind Rider dryly. Blueblood responded by doing sort of a shimmy in front of his face with a tough looking expression, jerking his head forward at him every so often.

"It's like THAT, bitch," laughed Blueblood, before going off for a few moments

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