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Why, isn't that a good way to start a thread?


Fueled by evil and with the darkness by their side, the dark lords will do anything to achieve their goals. With dark magic and hatred fueling them, these (sometimes) Gary/Mary Stus characters are nearly unbeatable. They can be a huge challenge and obstacles for heroes, kingdoms, nations, and many more.

Powerful antagonists with evil intentions such as taking/destroying/enslaving/etc. the world, killing one/and or more particular races/species of creatures, and more evil stuff that is evil.

Now, what exactly is evil? Well, I'll make it understandable and easy so that even I can understand. Evil is basically... Ah, well, I used Google to define it. Really simple. I just search 'define [word]' and you have the definition. It can really help you. Anyway:


profoundly immoral and malevolent.

Gee, that's overly complicated.

Bah, no matter. You can find it out yourself.

With dark lords, what I love about antagonists is their past. Sure, some of them can be complete buttwipes just like Moldybutt.

Some can be easily misunderstood. Just like this guy here. He may have been turned to the shadows just because of his self-esteem.

You can clearly see that this guy didn't get touched by an ugly stick. Rather, he went through an ugly tree.

A really good example is Lord Sauron.

A badass.

Another one is Darth Vader.

He too, es badass.

With such power, comes with a heavy price. The dark lords had sacrificed something to obtain the power of darkness. Does it mean that these particular antagonists are assholes with a layer of asshole on top?

No, not really.

Some of them can be just plain sob stories, but like I said; antagonists I love the most is with a deep moving story. The story shows what made them who they are very deeply, not just a layer of bullshit to cover their evil crap up.

Anyway, these dark lords.

Will your heroes be worthy enough to take them on?

>deluxe's discussion time
uh oh

Group Contributor

Is the story also giving love to the antagonist?

Group Contributor

That always seem to work out in the end. :moustache::moustache:

Group Contributor

It isn't Deluxe's Funtime yet, so no worries.

2306444 Well it's a Jedi and a princess, so yes, it ought to work out for everyone involved :moustache:

I smell...evil. *pulls out sword* Who's first? :moustache::trollestia::moustache:

Group Contributor

Even I don't know. :facehoof:

Group Contributor

Yeah, its that bad...

2306399 The thing about these characters is they come in two forms.
One: The dark and evil guy who has a damn good reason to be evil and enslave and or destroy an entire planet. These are the ones I tend to like. Like you said, good backstories make good villains. These guys have character to spare and a past that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemies....because well, then you'd really have bad enemies! I really like this type of 'dark lord' and want to read stories with these guys in them.
Two: The force of evil that is just so damn evil and hate filled that it's barely even a character anymore, much less a man...or whatever they were to begin with. Do these guys need a backstory? Nah. Do they need a motive? Nah. Are they the villain you fall in love with and just love how evil they are? Nope. BUT. When you want something truely badass for your heroes to battle, you call these guys in. Basically in a nutshell these characters are less developed, but more...evil. Ya' know? Like because you have no idea why they are so bad, it just makes it somehow worse (if they are written right. You want a bad example of this? Look no farther than King Sombrero.) I don't like these dark lords as much, but if I know what they are, I understand why they exist.
Anyway. That got long, but you wanted discussion, so by damn! I shall give it!
Bye now. Come back sometime!

2306521 What does evil smell like? Just ya' know for future reference. I'd hate to have it sneak up on me! :twilightoops:

A foul smell, the likes you have never smelled before. You'll know when you smell it.:eeyup:

2307102 I will keep that in mind. I appreciate your help fellow evil-slayer! :moustache:

Good guys wear black.


With dark magic and hatred fueling them, these (sometimes) Gary/Mary Stus characters are nearly unbeatable.

Objection! Antagonists can't be Mary Sue.


Some of my oc's, yes, because in day to day life they kick ass.

But then again, I have oc's who aren't much for fighting, so it all comes down to whichever kind of story you would ask me to pick from.


Clearly you've never heard of Superboy Prime then.


Sure I have. I haven't read any of the comics but he seems to be a pretty complex villain.

Point is, Mary Sues are protagonists by definition.


He would have been, but then after his first use as one he became little more then if the whiniest, most self-righteous fanboy in all of geekdom self-inserted himself into the DCverse as having all of superman's powers and none of his weaknesses and could beat up anyone and never really loses that badly

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