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Comments ( 13 )
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Yeah, yeah, I already posted a thread about this, but I felt the need to post another one; it's gotten worse, you see.

tl;dr my dad died

So yeah, anything happy, silly, random, or all-around distracting from this would be great.


Sorry bout that hopefully this cheers you up a bit :pinkiehappy:

2457032 I am sorry to hear :fluttercry: I hope this helps you clear your mind.

Try this friend always bring a smile to my face.

2457032 I'm sorry to hear that...

Markiplier has helped thousands of people through hard times. Helped me, even.

Best Wishes,
-Time Centurion

Just read Captains of the Sky. It's one of the most uplifting stories I've read. Also you should read some of the stories in The Bureau of Happy Endings. Some of those stories are downright sweet (not all are, though. The Bureau is just a jumping-off point.) There's also the Anti-Depression Ponies.

And I'm so sorry for you. Here, have an internet hug *hugs*.

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