S.S. Fluttermac 554 members · 210 stories
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After seeing other groups do it, why not have one here!

A user would leave a one word prompt and the user that claims it would have to write a short story about on this thread.

1. No clop (unless they're married)
2. Must be between 100 and 1,000 words (no more)
3. If a prompt goes unclaimed for 24 hours, then prompt is abandoned.
4. If prompt is claimed but no story is posted within 24 hours, it goes to the next who claims it.

This will eventually form a FlutterMac fic once we reach 1,000 words.

Look forward to it.

So here's the opening prompt:

Good luck everyone.

So we would use this thread to write a 1000 word post for the story?

IF you can do that.
As long as it is no less than 100 or no more than 1,000
No exceptions:flutterrage:

Comment posted by SubCinemaProductions deleted Dec 27th, 2013

I'll take the prompt and give another.


I want to remind everyone that all prompts must be posted on this thread within TWENTY-FOUR HOURS!

FIRST: SubCinemaProductions, you have 4 hours to post something here
EGGS: Foxmagik, you have 7 hours remaining
GIFT: 17 hours and still available.

2472169 Whew! Just approved. It's okay if I'm like a few minutes late?

So nice of you to make a fic out of it. But I think you misinterpreted the rules.

The prompt was supposed to be written here in this thread.

That's why the word count should be between 100 and 1,000 words.

2472991 aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh... darn it. Oh well, now I've got a thing going :yay:

That's okay, just post it on here.

Here it is:


Two ponies sat on either side of a long table lined with apples inside the apple family barn. On one end stood Big Macintosh; he had a confident grin on his face as he eyed his opponent and fillyfriend. On the other end, nervously looking at the daunting task before her, was Fluttershy. In the middle of the two was Rainbow Dash, who was wearing a referee jacket and whistle around her neck and held a stopwatch. It had only been a simple bet, but many ponies had shown up to see the victor. Pinkie Pie, Twilight, Applejack, The Cakes (babies too), Spike, The Mayor (and her group of officials), Princess Luna (Spike had quickly sent her a letter), and several other irrelevant townsponies were all crammed in the little barn.

Fluttershy looked to her coltfriend and asked, “How did we even get here?” Although barely audible under the din of the crowd, Big Mac just shook his head in understanding of not understanding. Suddenly, Rainbow flew up to face the crowd.

“Alright everypony!” she shouted to the crowd. The crowded space quickly became quiet. “We all know the rules! The first pony to eat fifty apples in the shortest amount of time wins the bet! Now, I’ve had Twilight”-she indicated to the lavender pony–“set up a tracer on each of these apples so we can get a definite answer as to how many have been eaten.” She turned to the players. “Are you two ready?”

The two nodded, one more anxiously than the other. The cyan pony took a deep breath and blew her whistle.

Big Mac set right to work. Nopony in the apple family had ever bested him in an apple eating contest, but he decided that he’d give Fluttershy a “fair” chance to beat him. Though he was a kind pony, he did enjoy a good victory and seeing his opponent crushed every now and again. He didn’t find it that unusual.

As he set into his second apple, he looked up and saw an unusual amount of cores piling up. Five he counted- no! Now six! His fillyfriend was on a good start to out-eat him! He gulped down his bite and finished his apple as fast as he could, but not before she downed three more. Before his eyes she just kept going at an un-pony-like pace. He hadn’t even finished ten before she had more than quadrupled him. It was going by so fast, that Pinkie Pie had commented, “Wow, she’s going so fast that she hasn’t even broken into a third paragraph yet!” What she meant by that, nopony knows.

Before he knew it, the whistle blew to cease eating. Twelve apples. Big Mac was ashamed at himself. Fluttershy, meanwhile, smiled shyly behind her hair as half of the crowd cheered and the other half groaned in defeat. “D-did I win?” she asked. Rainbow Dash flew over to her.

“Are you kidding? Of course you’ve won! I’ve never seen anypony out-eat Big Mac before! Heck, I’ve tried to beat him and he’s always bested me by a mile!”

The yellow pony’s eyes grew large. “W-wait,” she asked timidly, “Does that mean I’m the-“

“YES!” Dash yelled. Then, indicating over her back to the defeated Big Mac, she spoke more softly, “And I think you should go tell him.”

A new confident smile grew across the usually timid pony’s face as she marched proudly over to her coltfriend. He gave her both a look of congratulations and of defeat. She leaned in very close into his ear and whispered one word; one word that would change the outlook of themselves by others and themselves; words that, without them, might’ve not have led to their greatest moments together and apart:


The next prompt is GIFT

SubCinemaProductions, you are free to leave another prompt.

Just to clarify, once you finish a prompt, you must leave another one.

I am claiming the "Gift" tag.

Work in progress on the story. :eeyup:


The cold winter air that evening was crisp and clear. The leaves of the trees on Sweet Apple Acres’ east orchard had long since changed colors and fallen. The fields were covered in a beautiful blanket of new-fallen snow.

The sun was almost ready to set as a pair of doves that had decided to stay the winter in Ponyville flitted about the branches of the trees in the orchard, teasing and chasing each other as they followed the yellow Pegasus mare who slowly made her way down the long farm road.

“Oh, Fluttershy…” the mare not-so-silently argued with herself, “he’s not going to like it. You should just go home now and save yourself the trouble.” She came to a halt and braced herself against the chilling cold by wrapping her blue scarf tighter around her neck, and pulling the matching toboggan further down over her ears.

The cold wind somehow helped her find her resolve again. “No. You promised yourself, Fluttershy. You can’t back out now.” The pair of doves landed on a nearby branch and looked at her curiously as she continued down the path before her, more certain than before.

She stopped short again and held out the box she was carrying. “But, what if he doesn’t say yes? … What if he says no?” She felt the compelling urge to hid behind her mane, even though there was nopony there to hide from. “I- I should just go by myself… It would save us both the trouble…”

She opened her clenched shut eyes as one of the two doves landed on her muzzle and gave her a reassuring coo. She smiled weakly. “I know, Mr. Turtledove but-“ She was cut off by more emphatic cooing as the other dove lit on her head.

“Well, I guess I wouldn’t know If I-“ The Turtledoves cooed more persistently and flapped their wings for emphasis. Fluttershy nodded firmly. “You’re right. I’ll never know if I don’t make myself ask him!” She started back down the road and sped herself to a full trot, causing the turtledoves to take to the air before settling again on her back.

She turned her head back to continue speaking to them as the pressed forward. “You’re both right. There’s no reason I can’t do this… I am going to trot right up to Big Macintosh, look him square in the eye and tell him-“ She was cut off as she suddenly ran headfirst into an unseen obstacle.

A big, red, well-muscled obstacle.

Big Macintosh rubbed his head with a hoof before he realized who it was he had bumped into. “Oh mah gosh! Miss Fluttershy! Are ya alright?” He took a moment to help her back to her hooves, as she had been knocked over as they collided. “I’m sure sorry for knockin’ ya over like that… I had my head down. I didn’t see ya comin’”

Fluttershy managed to make it back to her hooves with Big Mac’s help, but as soon as she realized who it was she had ran headfirst into, she became her usual timid self again, hiding behind her mane.

Big Macintosh turned his head a bit as he realized what she had been saying just before they collided. “Did.. I here you say you had something to tell me?”

Fluttershy shrunk, somehow managing to appear even smaller that she normally would next to the large stallion, but offered no reply. Well, no reply that was loud enough to here, at least.

A lone turtledove fluttered past her ear, cooing and chirping some sort of encouragement known only to Fluttershy, before returning to its mate on a nearby fence post, both birds watching expectantly.

Fluttershy hesitated only a moment, then grabbed the box she had been carrying from its place on the ground and fumbled with it absently. “I- Uhmm, well- What I was going to say was- …” Finally she just clenched her eyes shut and thrust the box towards him, expecting the worst. “Happy Hearth’s Warming…”

Big Macintosh was a little puzzled at first, but eventually found his wits enough to take the box from the half-trembling mare in front of him. The box was simple enough; it had no fancy decorations, save for a single hoof-tied bow that held it closed. He set it down on the ground and pulled the bow open with his teeth before opening the box and peering inside, unsure of what to expect.

Fluttershy kept her eyes clenched tight, until she heard him speak. “This- This is wonderful, Fluttershy!” She dared to crack an eye open to look. When she did, she saw Big Mac holding the Scarf and Tobbagan she had wrapped in the box for him, with a geninue smile on his face. “How did ya know I needed a new set of winter duds?” She opened both eyes and managed a small smile.

“A-Applejack told me your old ones were no good anymore…” Her smile got a little bigger and bolder as she saw him wrap the green knit scarf around his neck and pulling the matching tobbagan down on his head. “They’re hoof-knit you know…. R-Rarity taught me how…” She fought to keep from shying behind her mane again.

Big Mac simply stared for a moment, then looked at the end of the scarf before looking back to her. “You made this? For me?”

Fluttershy simply nodded. A turtledove chirped insistently just off to one side, which promted her to speak.

“Well- I knew Hearth’s Warming was coming up, and I didn’t want you to get cold, so I …” She laughed nervously as she caught sight of a very impatient turtledove tapping his foot with his wings crossed. She sighed a little, looking for the courage to tell him the real reason she made him the gift, and why she came all the way out on a cold winter’s night.

“Th-The truth is…” She hesitated for as long as she could, but finally found the courage to blurt out what she wanted to say. “I wondered if you wanted to go with me to Twilight’s Hearth’s Warming Eve Party tomorrow night!” She immediately tensed up and screwed her eyes shut. Somehow, finally saying the words wasn’t as comforting as she had hoped.

And the long silence didn’t help any either.

After several seconds of no response, she dared to open her eyes and look at him. Had he not heard her? Had she blurted it out too fast for him to follow? Oh, Celestia, don’t make her say it again…

Instead, she saw the stallion standing there with a lopsided grin on his face, and a light blush across his cheeks as he stared anywhere but directly at Fluttershy. His mouth tried to move a few times, but no words came out at first.

Fluttershy covered her face with her hooves, “Oh… I’m sorry, I’m sorry…. I just thought you might like to go to the party, and I knew you needed a new scarf and-“


“-now I’ve gone and offended you, and I’ll-“ Fluttershy stopped short and uncovered her face. “Wh-what did you say?”

Big Mac chuckled lightly in response, his own blush still apparent. “I-I said, ‘Eeyup.’ I would love to go to the party with you, Miss Fluttershy…” His cheeks got redder still, if that were even possible. “I think Applejack said the party starts at 7, right? So… I’ll pick ya up at 6:30?”

Fluttershy nodded timidly, even as a big smile began spreading across her face. “Th-That sounds wonderful… S-see you then?” Big Mac nodded awkwardly as he turned and trotted back toward the farmhouse. Fluttershy took a couple steps back down the road toward her cottage, but stopped as she heard her name.

“Oh, and Fluttershy…” Big Mac had stopped and looked back at her. Every ounce of his timidness faded for one moment, replaced by the kindness and sincerity that he was known for. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, Fluttershy…”

Fluttershy’s fear melted for just one moment, as she smiled back at the stallion sweetly. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, Big Macintosh…”

As he turned back to head home, she felt her heart soar into the clouds, and the rest of her followed. Her hooves never hit the ground, all the way home.


Next Prompt: Tea

I am claiming Tea.


May need editing.

It was a big day for Fluttershy as she walked over to the diner. Her mind filled with clouds and her heart joyous with the marking of the day.

"oh, boy I can't wait." she said to herself with a skip in her step, "Today is my second date with Big Macintosh, I'm so excited."

As she walked in she looked around at all the ponies sitting and having lunch. One thing was on her mind. 'Is he here?'

"ma'am?" called the waitress.

Fluttershy came out in shock and let out a squeal. "oh, sorry," she apologized, "you see, I'm looking for somepony, and I was... wondering if he was here."

"Is it any one in particular?" The waitress asked.

"well, he's big and red..." she described him, "And has an apple cutie mark."

"Oh, you mean Big Mac" the waitress responded. Fluttershy nodded to her correct answer. "sorry, he's not here." Fluttershy bowed her head in defeat. "However, if you came here for a date I'm sure he'll show up soon." Flutterhy's face reddened with that comment. "I'll show you to your table."

Futtershy sat down with a smile with the only thing on her mind as Big Mac. her hooves kicked under the table as she thought more and more about him.

"what would you like to drink?" the waitress asked.

"oh, I would like some chamomile tea, and a lemon, please." Fluttershy responded from her daze.

"right~o." the waitress said as she headed off into the kitchen.

Fluttershy sat at her table thinking of how wonderful it is to find somepony who feels the same way about her. A special somepony. She waited, looking at the door for him to come in and gallop to her table. but for now she waited.

Her tea arrived along with a tin of sugar and a pitcher of cream.The waitress waited beside her.

"ahem" the waitress cleared her throat. Fluttershy turned abruptly. "Are you ready to order?"

"Umm, no," Fluttershy responded, "I'm waiting for Big mac to show up then I will order." she lifted the ceramic cup with a smile, "the tea will do for now."

The waitress smiled and left. Fluttershy continued to look out the door waiting for him. Whenever the bell rang she paid more attention, but to her disappointment each time it wasn't him.

She counted how many ponies came and went as she sipped her tea. The first was a yellow pegasus with blue hair, she walked in and left in a hurry. the second one was a tan stallion who came to talk with a mare. Next a brown stallion with an hour glass cutie mark, who came in with his wife, teenage daughter and young filly. Still no Big Mac.

Fluttershy waited more as her tea grew colder. She then worried that their first date was not as perfect as she had thought. She worried that with her friends begin there her chances of him being interested were lowered. By some event she had ruined his interest in her. Perhaps the food was not to her liking. Perhaps...

"Miss shy?" a deep voice sounded off beside her. "are you crying?"

Fluttershy turned to see the big red hooves of the stallion she was waiting for.

"I apologize for being late," he stated, "Applebloom and her friends got a little tied up and needed our help to set the free."

Fluttershy sat up, wiping her tears away, "that's okay." she replied letting all her worries fade away. "would you like some tea?"


Next prompt: CMC Cupids

Calling CMC Cupids.

CMC Cupids

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and three little fillies were having a discussion in their clubhouse."
"Are you sure this is a good idea, Applebloom? You remember what happened when we tried to set your brother up with Miss Cheerilee."
"Of course Ah'm sure, Scootaloo. How were we suppose'ta know Miss Cheerilee wanted ta be a splinter?"
"You mean a spinster. An older unmarried mare who has never been married."
"Thanks, Sweetie Bell. Anyway, Big Macintosh still doesn't have a special somepony, an' now Ah think he's lookin'! He even blushed when Granny Smith told him she wanted great-grandfillies! Usually he just ignores her."
"Okay," Scootaloo looked dubious, but acquiesced. "So how're we going to get Macintosh and Fluttershy together, anyway? And why Fluttershy?"
"Well, when Ah was doin' some chores, Ah found some magazines under his bed. Y'all remember when Fluttershy was a supermodel? Some a'those magazines, an' Fluttershy's pictures had little hearts drawn around them. An' as for gettin' them together, Ah've got an idea."
Fluttershy trotted over to the cottage door when she heard the knocking. However, upon opening the door, nopony was there. Just a letter laying in front of the door.
Dear Miss Fluttershy,
I have a wonderful surprise for you at the gazebo in the park at noon. I would greatly appreciate it if you would come.
Your secret admirer
Fluttershy gasped and blushed.
Big Macintosh looked at the letter he'd found pinned to his tail.
Dear Mister Macintosh,
I have a wonderful surprise for you at the gazebo in the park at noon. I would greatly appreciate it if you would come.
Your secret admirer
The gazebo was splendidly set up. A lovely quilt was set up, and a beautiful picnic was laid out. The three fillies were hiding in a nearby bush, anxiously awaiting results and ready to do damage control if necessary. Fortunately, the trio had learned their lesson, and the food was completely devoid of any sort of love potion. At almost exactly the same time, both Macintosh and Fluttershy walked into the gazebo.
"Scootaloo, you're blocking my way, I can't see!"
"Ew, I just stepped in something!"
"Why weren't there any bushes closer in, I can't hear anything!"
"They're talking, but I can't hear what they're saying!"
"Secret admirer?" Macintosh chuckled.
"Don't look now, love, but your sister and her friends are hiding in that bush over there. They must have set this up." Fluttershy giggled. "Should we tell them?"
"Nope. Ah don't see any reason ta hurt their feelings. Let 'em think it was their idea"
The Pegasus mare giggled once more, that lilting musical sound that never failed to lift Macintosh's spirits, then kissed the stallion she'd been secretly dating for the past month.
Both mare and stallion pretended not to hear the cheers coming from the three poorly-concealed fillies.

Next prompt: Disguise

Nobody wants it?
Alright, let's try a different prompt: Paladin

Is everyone just not paying attention to this anymore? Or am I just giving bad prompts?
Oh, well, 24 hours is up, so new prompt: Walls.

I'll take the prompt of walls. See you in twenty four hours!

A little bit of both.



Seriously, nobody's taken this? It's such low-hanging fruit it's practically a potato.
Fine, I'll do it. This is my natural writing size anyway. I just don't want to monopolize the thread.

Macintosh awoke to a gentle poking. He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping to prolong his blissful slumber, but the poker was insistent. A certain fact went through the stallion's mind, and his eyes shot open with realization. Today was the day.

Carefully, ever so slowly so as not to wake the other occupant of the bed, he eased himself onto the floor and out of the bedroom. Only then did he give a respectful nod to the small white rabbit that had woken him.

When he got to the kitchen, Macintosh was amazed. He'd known his marefriend's animal friends were smart, but this was amazing. Everything was laid out perfectly for him to start. Fresh Sweet Apple Acres apples (though Macintosh wondered when they'd gotten them, since he certainly hadn't brought them from the farm), fresh flour and eggs, and all the other ingredients he'd need for the perfect breakfast. The most surprising thing was that Macintosh knew for a fact that that Fluttershy's favorite seasoning went for a minimum of 70 bits an ounce outside Cloudsdale. He decided not to wonder how they'd gotten it.

Two hours later, with breakfast as perfect as he and the animals could make it (and for a pony of Big Macintosh's culinary skills, this was indeed exceptional), there was just one detail missing.

"Where'd it go?" The stallion wondered. He searched for it, calmly at first, then more and more frantically as the object failed to appear. As he grew more worried, the animals that were helping him in this endeavor began to search too. Finally, Angel stopped for a moment before scampering off. Moments later, he returned, triumphantly bearing a small box.

"Oh, thank ya, little guy. Thank ya so much!" Macintosh gratefully took the box, loaded up everything on a tray, and made his way up to the bedroom.

He'd judged it perfectly, and opened the door just as Fluttershy was waking up up, looking beautiful as always.

"Happy Birthday, love. Ah made yer favorites!"

"Oh my!" The Pegasus beamed with pleasure. "You remembered! Thank you!"

The following minutes were spent in silence, with Fluttershy eating and Macintosh content to simply watch. Other ponies might have felt uncomfortable or compelled to fill the silence, but neither Fluttershy nor Macintosh were other ponies. They understood each other perfectly without words.

When Fluttershy was finished, Macintosh felt himself suddenly tongue-tied. His darting eyes found the window, only to see Angel standing there looking encouraging. Taking a deep breath, the stallion dropped into a sitting position, presented the box, and asked the most important question of his life.

"Fluttershy, will you marry me?"

New Prompt: Hero

Okay, let's try this again.
New prompt: Wings

Is anyone even trying here? I'm seriously tempted to just say screw it and write something for every unclaimed prompt.
Well, 24 hours are up, and then some.
New prompt: Quiet

This is becoming disheartening...you're going to make Fluttershy cry.:fluttercry:

I'm trying to keep things going here- I love me some Fluttermac. But I really don't feel like anyone else is trying. These are softball prompts I'm throwing now, just trying to rekindle interest.

Getting a little irritated at the total lack of anyone else contributing. Seriously, it's less than 1000 words. Is nobody else feeling creative at all?
Whatever. New prompt: family.

Okay, this is my last prompt for a while. If someone else wants to throw up prompts, fine. This is just getting depressing.
Prompt: Apples.

I claim the prompt Apples.

Oh shoot! Am I too late to try and claim Family? I'll post it anyway just have it up here.


The family of seven was gathered at the table enjoying a well cooked meal but Fluttershy and their daughter Gala. The baked potatoes were buttered, the salad was perfection, and the apple pie…mmm-mmm-mmm!
The troublesome twins, Sun Crest and Autumn, were making faces at their older siblings and playing with their food. Though you couldn’t really expect any better than them, they were only a year older than a foal.
Speaking of foal, Red Delicious was sitting in his high chair, Fluttershy spoon feeding him his formula. The crimson colt had a big goofy grin as he spewed some of the formula on his mother’s face. Fluttershy and Big Macintosh were not amused but the other ponies were cackling at their baby brother’s antics.
The canary Pegasus grabbed a napkin and wiped her face. Red Delicious’ smile disappeared when his mother started to scold him.
“Sworry mwom…” he said sadly. Fluttershy gave him a peck on the forehead and smiled. Her son’s smiled returned.
“It’s okay, Red. Let’s just not spit our food next time.” She set a deal.
“And not spit it at your mother.” Mac added.
Red Delicious nodded and shook his mother’s hoof. “Okway.” He said cutely.
Everyone settled down and started to finish their food. Just when they were about to begin on the pie, Jonagold, the eldest child, spoke up.
“Hey mom? Hey dad?” He gathered everyone’s attention. He didn’t have his father’s southern drawl like Gala or the twins.
“Yeah Jon?” Mac asked. Fluttershy still fed Red Delicious but twitched her ear, signaling she was listening.
“Um…you know how my friend Topaz joined the Canterlot Guard?” Jonagold asked. He was tapping his hooves together nervously.
“Yes?” Fluttershy dragged out, currently occupied trying to feed Red Delicious apple sauce but failing miserably.
“Well…I was thinking…and well…I was thinking of joining the Canterlot Guard, too.” He added quickly.
There was silence. The twins stopped bickering; Gala was in mid-sip of her water, and Mac let the food in his mouth slowly tumbling down.
Suddenly there was a loud crash and Red Delicious started to cry. Everypony’s head snapped towards the foal. Where was Fluttershy?
Autumn got a closer look and saw her mother on the floor. Sun Crest peeked over to see and wailed, “YOU KILLED MOMMY!” Gala’s mouth was still agape but her lips curled a little as she smiled.
Jonagold’s eyes were wide as he studied his unconscious mother. Mac had gotten up and was trotting towards his wife.
“Shy?” He lifted her onto a chair. “Shy?” The concerned husband asked. Fluttershy didn’t respond at first but finally mumbled something inaudible.
Her eyes opened and she leaned up. She studied her shocked family. “W-what happened?” Fluttershy asked.
“Do you remember anything?” Jonagold asked.
“A little. I was feeding Red Delicious and then nothing. I don’t remember anything else. Why? What happened?” The Pegasus asked.
“Well I-,” Jonagold was interrupted.
“Jon said he was going to join the Canterlot Guard.” Gala said smugly.
“WHAT!?!” The mare almost fainted again. Mac made sure she stayed awake. He helped her up and gave her a drink. Fluttershy calmed down a little and took deep breaths.
“Gala? Sun Crest and Autumn?” Mac called out from the kitchen. “You are excused. Please head to yer rooms.” Gala nodded and headed upstairs.
“But is mom okay?” The twins both asked in unison. Fluttershy smiled warmly and ‘awwed’ mentally at her children’s concern.
“Yes dears, I’m okay. But your father and I want a word with your brother.” Jonagold gulped nervously. Mac gave him a hearty pat on the back.
“Okay.” The twins listened and followed Gala up the stairs.
Fluttershy had managed to calm her heart beat and gave Jonagold a nervous smile. The young male Pegasus mirrored her unsure grin.
“Y-you really w-want to join t-the Guard? A-are you sure?” Fluttershy asked, stopping herself from wailing. She wanted to beg for him to re-decide and to stay with her where he’d be safe.
“I’m sorry mom but…yes.” His teal eyes met hers and she knew it was the right thing. But why her son? Why did her precious, handsome, wonderful Pegasus have to get himself involved?
Equestria wasn’t in war often, thank Celestia, but what if they got in a fight with the wrong bunch? What if they had to fight Draconia? DRAGONS!? DRAGONS FIGHTING HER SON?!
Her unrealistic but unsettling thoughts were cut short by her husband. “That’s very brave of ya’ Jon. Ah’m very glad my son wants to help Equestria in any way he can. And so does your mother-,” Fluttershy gave a startled but assuring nod. “-she just doesn’t want to see you get hurt.”
Mac pulled the orange Pegasus in for a hug. He used his hoof to scuff his son’s short brown mane. “You’re growing into a fine young stallion, Jonagold.”
The canary mare joined in. She kissed Jonagold on the forehead with small tears in her eyes. “I just wish you’d stop growing so fast. I’m feeling old. I swore I saw a gray hair in my mane the other day.” She said, looking into her pink locks.
The two stallions started to laugh at Fluttershy. The mare finished her look and joined in their laughter.

Oh hey I didn't even know this was a thing.
What's the new prompt?

3175636 Sorry...everyone forgets this thing. Someone had claimed Apples but hasn't posted. I posted mine, Family. If it still counts I'll throw out the tag:

Comment posted by not the real VAV deleted Apr 26th, 2014


“Ah-Ahhh… CHOOO!”

Birds, Bunnies, and various other assorted critters all took cover as the large, shivering red stallion seated on the couch erupted in a violent, explosive sneeze.

“Ah-chu!” A tinier, far less voluminous squeak of a sneeze came from the seat next to him.

A small white rabbit was the sole critter who held his ground. He sat in front of the pair on the couch, who were currently wrapped in his favorite blankets, dripping ice-cold water all over his favorite napping spot. The rabbit tapped his foot with his paws on his hips in frustration. Angel’s expression did little to hide his disdain for the situation.

Big Macintosh, his mane and coat still soaking wet, looked down to the small rodent, his teeth still chattering from the cold. “D-don’t l-look at me l-like th-that….Ah di-did’nt s-see you out t-there t-tryin’ t’ st-stop her….”

The bunny glared and crossed his paws over his chest.

“I-I’m s-sorry… I di-didn’t m-mean t-to be so m-much tr-troub-ble…” The tiny little voice softly apologized.

Big Mac just shook his head and continued stuttering. “P-please d-don’t ever sc-scare me like th-that again, su-sugarcube…. I th-thought I was gonna l-lose you….”

The timid little pegasus beside him lowered her eyes to the floor and pressed her ears flat against her head.

A soft, melodious voice came from the kitchen. “You scared both of us, dear… I was afraid I was going to lose you and your father…” The yellow coated and pink-maned mare fluttered in from the kitchen, carrying a large pot of hot water carefully in her forehooves. “And now you’ve both gone and caught a cold…”

“Why were you out on the frozen pond to begin with?” Fluttershy asked as she poured half the pot of hot water into the tub of cool water that the filly had her hind-hooves soaking in before pouring the other half in the tub she had prepared for her husband.

“Oh… no reason…” the filly began, fidgeting her little orange hooves together. “I just, felt like taking a walk, that’s all…” She grinned nervously.

“Honeycrisp Apple…” Her father glared firmly, using her full name.

The filly sighed and hung her head in defeat, causing a few strands of her soggy red mane to fall into her eyes. “Ya see… I heard aunt Apple Bloom’s stories about how she and her friends used to try all sorts of crazy things to try and earn their cutie marks, and it sounded like a really good idea! So….” She hid behind the soaked strands of her mane. “So I thought I’d try out ice skating…”

Fluttershy smiled and hugged her daughter close. “Oh, sweetie…” She tenderly pushed the strands of mane out of Honeycrisp’s face. “You can’t rush your cutie mark… Trust me, it will come when least expect it, and you’ll know when the time is right.”

Big Macintosh lended his own fatherly advice on the subject. “What ya should’a done was come and ask me before ya went by yerself…” His words were firm, but the hug he gave her was kind and sincere.

Fluttershy snuggled Honeycrisp closer and held her as if she was never going to let her go again. “I’m just glad my baby girl is alright…”

Big Mac pulled them both into a warm, loving hug of his own. “Eeyup…”

The family held their loving embrace for as long as they possibly could, until Honeycrisp suddenly looked up from the hug and sighed. “I’m still grounded, aren’t I?”

Without letting go of their daughter, Big Mac and Fluttershy answered in unison.


Next Prompt: Serenade

Prompt abandoned


Wait, crap, how'd I miss this?
I can get something for Serenade.


Applejack’s keen ears picked up the gentle strains of music wafting through her bedroom window. This was unfortunate, since it was the middle of the night and the cowpony had been sound asleep.

“What in tarnation is goin’ on? Who’s singin’?”

Getting out of bed (the warm, soft, cozy bed that even now beckoned to her), Applejack made her way to the window. Unfortunately, it was too dark to identify the singer- all that was visible was a silhouette. While the voice sounded familiar, Applejack couldn’t be sure of her suspicions. The Earth pony sighed and made her way downstairs and outside, taking care not to wake her family.

Upon exiting the house, Applejack was able to identify the song as a popular love song. A suspicion began to grow in her mind as she approached the singer. This suspicion only increased when the cowpony got close enough to determine the singer’s identity.

“Fluttershy, what’re ya doin’?”

The figure squeaked and jumped in surprise before recovering her composure.

“Oh, um. Hi, Applejack. Um, fancy seeing you here?” The last sentence was more of a question, as if acknowledging how pathetic an attempt it was at deflecting inquiries.

“Fluttershy, why are ya here, on mah farm, in the middle of th’ night, singin’ love songs?”

The Pegasus mare blushed deeply, hoping desperately that it was too dark for her friend to see. It was not.

“I, um, I got the idea from a book. Rarity loaned it to me.”

Applejack sighed.

“Okay, Fluttershy, jest a few things. First off, it’s the middle of the night, when most ponies are sound asleep. Second of all, yer one of mah best friends, an’ Ah love ya like a sister, but mah barn door don’t swing that way.”

Fluttershy’s expression rapidly shifted from one of confusion through comprehension, and then to shock.

“Oh, nonono, it’s not like that!”

The apple farmer raised an eyebrow.

“Yer singin’ love songs ‘neath mah window, an’ now yer tellin’ me it ain’t like that? Ah ain’t gonna judge ya, Fluttershy.”

“No, it’s really not like that! I thought that was your brother’s window!”

The prompt is still Relative

But I'll accept this one anyways.

Comment posted by not the real VAV deleted May 19th, 2014

I know Alex12 took Serenade but is it too late to claim Relative? I'll try it.

I keep forgetting about this. Jeez, they need to fix the fact that new posts aren't visible. I'D LIKE TO KNOW WHEN A NEW THING IS UPDATED! I CAN'T KEEP VISITING THIS 24/7 TO SEE IF A NEW TAG WAS POSTED!

"Relative" is all yours VAV

I think it'd be good to mention this isn't related to Enlisted but instead my own work, Big News.


Sun Crest trotted along, smiling, enjoying the privacy of nature. It was something he had gained from both his mother and father.
The young stallion was growing up, something that was devastating his mother. One of her foals wasn’t so little anymore. They’d spend their time at dinner with her ogling the twins, wishing they could go back in time.
His father, usually so strong and tough, had even gotten a little sad to find out Sun Crest was no longer a frail colt who need help every step of the way.
Maybe he could even find out where Tangerine Twirl was at these days. It had been a while since the Pegasus has seen his old colthood crush but certainly, many years later, she couldn’t have changed much.
Sun Crest kept up his pace, merely adventuring around the trail, seeing where it would lead to. He had never gotten out this far before. His mother and father had been protective. This trail was fairly close to the Everfree and everypony knew you didn’t underestimate the Everfree.
The colt with a crème coat had heard his mom’s adventures with her friends. They often traveled into the forest.
A sudden crash alerted the stallion, making him look about for the source.
It didn’t take long to find.
“Hey Crest!”
Sun Crest shook his head and mentally face-hoofed.
“Hey Prism.”
It was Prism Stream, Rainbow Dash’s son.
The stallion was a little younger than himself and a bit more immature. He had a pure white coat with a shaggy rainbow colored mane. His cutiemark was a pair of wings, a rainbow streak running in between them.
Prism Stream rubbed his head, searching for a bump. When he didn’t find one, he grinned, and sauntered over to Sun Crest.
“What’s up?” He flared out his wing.
Sun Crest arched an eyebrow.
Prism let out a playful groan, “How about a really cool wing bump? Y’know, like this.” Prism tapped Sun Crest’s wing which was still folded against his side.
Sun Crest rolled his eyes and opened his wing.
“Oh yeah!”
The tip of their feathers touched and the two retracted their wings.
“What have you been up to? Haven’t seen you in a while.”
It was true; both stallions hadn’t seen each other in at least a few months. Sun Crest wasn’t sure why they hadn’t met up but the two had never been to close to each other. Sure his mother was awfully close to Prism Stream’s mom, but the boys were complete opposites.
Sun Crest was introverted: shy, quiet, sweet, and kind.
Prism Stream was extroverted: loud, rambunctious, cocky, and daring.
Both took after their parents but, unlike Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, they had never been forced into an environment where they only had each other.
“I saw our mom’s friend, Twilight, the other day.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. Just looking through some stuff. And I overheard my mom talking about her family. I got thinking. What if, in some weird way, we were related? Mom always said yours was like a sister in flight school.” Prism said, looking up to the sky.
“My mom doesn’t like to talk about her school years much. She said it brings back bad memories.”
The white stallion nodded. “Same.”
His wings suddenly flared and he bent down.
“Um? Okay?”
“Sorry. Gotta fly! Dad’s gonna take me for some lessons.” He took flight, zooming past Sun Crest. He arched an eyebrow, looking at the other young stallion.
“Cya bro!” he joked.
“Bye brother.” Sun Crest chuckled.
He watched his friend fly away and started to trot away. He thought to himself…maybe he wouldn’t have been that bad of a brother to have.

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