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For those of you who watched the latest episode of MLP: FiM, Scootaloo was able to participate with Rainbow Dash in the Sisterhooves Social event, even though both of them are not technically sisters. Like Granny Smith said, "As long as you share a bond that represents the spirit of the Social, you're in!"

Even though the episode was focused on Big Mac and Apple Bloom, we get to see several scenes with Dash and Scoots. The interaction between them was amazing! :scootangel:

They were amazing in jump ropes.

They were totally in sync before the race.


And in the end.

"Ha! Looks like we win, squirt!" :rainbowdetermined2:

What did you guys think? Did you love the interaction between Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash in the episode? Leave your thoughts below!

They were cute, yes.

I can only imagine Scootaloo's happiness.

4754348 It was perfect. It's the sort of interaction they really needed after becoming honorary sisters, and this confirms that Scootaloo is an only child.


Kind of makes you wonder why the episode didn't focus more on them.

Does it now? What if she has a brother with ties to the family as legendary as Twilights' to her parents... that one blue pegasus and that other kinda gray pegasus? Or a connection as deep as Twilight to her brother, so deep she never even mentions him so her friends thought she was an only child until she got a letter spelling it out.

Honestly I hope she really is, as this series has a history with ass pulls as far as families are concerned.

I did like how the relationship between Scoots and Rainbow was more subtle than Big Mac and AB. (Still could have done without Rainbow's comment "Don't think I'll go easy on you because you're a stallion!" I can just see the writing staff "SEE! SEE! Reverse sexism to prove a point!" What do you want a cookie? You realize you're only begging to be called sexist by this point right?)

Oh well, it has to be said.
THEY FINALLY FUCKING DID SOMETHING WITH IT! How long have we been waiting for the writing staff to follow this moment up:

Finally! And yes, it was so cute!

4754348 This episode became my favorite episode of all time, not just because of the moments with dash and scootsies, but because we got to see some really good heartfelt moments with the apples. I actually cried a little at the end.

4754348 Yeah! I loved those scenes, and the whole episode was a 10/10 for me :yay:

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