Aussie Bronies 448 members · 780 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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So, is anyone here actually going? I know I am.

>TFW you can't go to American events because you live in Australia
>TFW you can't go to Australian events because you live in Alice Springs

5208693 no. i'm in Adelaide, plus i didn't even know one was happening, so i've no money saved for it or any ideas on how i'd get there.

PS, is it in June? If so, that's kinda creepy because i based my most recent fic on the main character going to supanova this year around june.

5215132 - It's on June 17 to 19.

5215313 :rainbowderp::fluttershyouch: okay, now i'm creeped out. How did i write soemthing happening then, based on events soon to happen, without even knowing there was a supanova happening?

So, if anyone happens to be here this weekend, look for a guy cosplaying as this guy.

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