Aussie Bronies 448 members · 780 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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I seriously did not think I would find a group like this. But now that I have, I'd like to meet more Aussie bronies. That's be so awesome for me! I have a Skype or discord account so send a PM if you want to hit me up there, mates. Or if you prefer we can just chat over PM. Can't wait to have interaction with bronies in my country. Also, I'm in Tasmania.

Also, I'm in Tasmania.

This is a group for Australians, mate.

5461871 Hello there!

If you have a chance to get to Sydney, there is going to be a PonyCon there sometime this coming year. Keep an eye out for it, as it might be the last Aussie pony convention to come along for a while. I've attended all of the PonyCons (and SalvageCons) and they've all been a blast.

Tasmania isnt a bad place from what I heard, then again, I live an hour away from Sydney ... in the Illawarra to be exact .... I hope its true about the PonyCon in Sydney ... I will have to save for it if its true


XD I was born in Queensland Bundaberg and the only place I haven't lived is NT.

Also, I unfortunately do not have the money to fly all the way over to Sydney for pony on. But is there a website I can visit that'll keep me informed of such things?


One does not simply 'live' in the NT. One survives in it.

5461871 yo, fellow aussie. i'm in adelaide myself. yo wanna chat to me on skype, i'm Japanride26... or autum breeze, not sure which it registers me in the search as.

Just make sure to mention that we first met here, or i won't be able to tell if it's you or another bot. i've had maybe five of those damn things hit me


Dropbear. - XD I've not had the pleasure of experiencing NTs climate. But if it's anything like WA in summer.... Fuck that for a joke...

Autumn Breeze- sweet!! It'll be awesome to chat with a fellow Aussie Brony. Right now I'm in the final stages of moving but I'll definitely be hitting you up on Skype. :twilightsmile:

5462323 hang on. i just realize we already have exchange skype. sending you a message now

5462291 Airconditoners in every room Dropbear... And the dickheads from Telstra came today so we should have internet for at least the next two days.


I wasn't referring to the climate, Lorry..

5462402 I know, how will we survive Chief Minister Gunner for the next four years

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