Aussie Bronies 448 members · 780 stories
Comments ( 26 )
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Exactly what the title says. I'm from China, migrated to Adelaide in 2008, and now... there's a chance I might be going to the cultural Capital of Australia.

5731418 Cultural capitol? I thought you said you were going to Sydney!

Well, its either that or Melbourne :trixieshiftleft: I mean its probably not Adelaide

5731444 I used to live in South Australia, Adelaide was paradise compared to the town I was living in at the time.

I have a brother in Melbourne and a Brother in Brisbane... For some reason they avoided Sydney altogether!

Yesh, so the rumors are probably real. But the decision is out of my hands. Adelaide is pretty chill though and I had a lot of good time with the little city.

In the future, if business allows, I recommend Brisbane. It has many (if not all) the facilities you need, it's only a short hop to the Gold Coast and a mere 90 minute plane ride away from the tropical islands of the Whitsunday passage.

I'll definitely keep that in mind, although it is most likely I will be aiming for Melbourne due to the presence of a certain university there.

If you have a choice, Melbourne or Brisbane are better destinations. I've known lots of people who have been glad to escape Sydney. Nice place to visit, but you don't want to live there.

Any particular reasons as to why? Just curious.

>When even new Australians think Adelaide is boring
Wow, the rumours ARE true!

Also don't listen to Johnnosk, he's a Queenslander, they're all a bit strange.

Ha, tbh when I first came to Adelaide, I didn't think it was boring. No, in first, second and third place I used the word scorching to describe the place. Take into consideration that I came during the goddamn drought years and that I lived in northern China where it snows aplenty with a top temperature of about 25 Celsius. :duck:

5731651 Sydney's biggest faults are:
High cost of living.
High cost of housing.
Nightmarish roads.
Poor public transport.

Melbourne and Brisbane have their problems too, but Sydney is definitely the worst.

5731657 don't you live in a desert?
I think you're the strange one, mate

Yeah, I can definitely see that manifesting in Sydney. It's probably going to give me flashbacks of my time in China. My main concern right now, is actually school. I'm starting Yr 11 this year, and this move is going to mess a whole lot of things up, from SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education for those who don't know) transfer to whatever NSW schools have instead as well as completely redoing my subject selections.

Hoo boy this is going to be a challenge.

So.. I'm wondering if there's any bronies here who lives in Sydney?

Do you like hours of traffic and bad drivers?

Because Sydney has hours of traffic and bad drivers

5731680 SEMI desert!

It rained this morning.

I'll miss you friend x3
Hope to catch you before you leave ;b;

5731680 Oh hello Stiggz

5731707 I'm not shitting on anyone else's states here because I was born and raised in NSW, but you really don't want to live in Sydney.

Traffic is murder, cost of living is murder, property prices are murder. Don't get me wrong, I love Sydney, but it's really just a place where you go for a few days, walk around, "ooh" and "ahh" at all the cool shit and massive skyscrapers, and then get the fuck out. You really want to avoid it if you're looking at permanent residences. A standard house in Sydney easily costs 200 or 300 grand more than it would in most of the state, just because it's in Sydney.

Basically, the only time you should ever go to Sydney is for a holiday.

5731657 Me, a Queenslander? What gave you that idea?

5733950 Queenslanders are a strange people.

Come to think of it so are Victorians— and The New South Welsh.

5733961 If you want to meet strange, go to Western Australia... I have an uncle over there who is obsessed with trains, and everybody thinks that its OK!

5733965 Jokes aside, Perth is really really nice and property is really cheap there at the moment.

Although I was under the impression Western Australians were more of the cashed up bogan variety.

5733973 More like the Outlaw variety. There is a reason that there is a whole contanant between them and civilisation!

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