Aussie Bronies 448 members · 780 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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I can't believe I've never thought of this before.

This is FimFiction, so obviously literature is a big part of the thing, but are there any pony fan-artists out there? I don't get around in any of these circles nearly enough to know.

So yeah. Go nuts and stick lots of aussie pony stuff in here :rainbowkiss:

(Obviously, NSFW stuff has to be tagged and all that.)

Da Bunnana King
Group Admin

Meat pies.

Oh, so much win.

Hey, you know those ponified foods, like the Pizza mare and Coke Bottle guy? I wonder if there's a ponified meat pie, or maybe a snag and potato pony.

That'd be so cool.

Da Bunnana King
Group Admin

Sheperds Pie:
Pie crust thing.

Yeah thats as close as I can get without cooking it.

Sometimes when we make Shepherd's Pie we skip the pie and just stick a whole lot of meat and potatoes in a big pan, stuff it in the oven for a while and hope it goes alright.

At least, that's how I think mum does it. In reality she's much better than I make her out to be.


Da Bunnana King
Group Admin

Alright, I'm trying to work on an IRC for the group but I suck at stuff like this so expect something when ever... or until I find a slave to do my bidding.

Does anypont know what station MLP FIM can be veiwed in Qld? Pplease? :twilightsmile:

431192 Shepards pie: First, peel two shepards...

439697 Pfft! Who needs TV in this age, and besides, Boomerang has only season one. The internet will solve all your problems my friend. Head over to this site and all your troubles are dead and gone.

Da Bunnana King
Group Admin

God I feel like such a bad admin... I think we should hold a writing comp or something... just for bragging rights, ya know.

If you feel like being buried under piles of rushed work...
Sure, why not. I'd enter.

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