Aussie Bronies 448 members · 780 stories
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Recently the organising committee for Sydneigh 2014 formally announced their con. As a member of that committee, it was a rather large oversight of mine not to include this group when sending out the details. For that, I am sorry.

Sydneigh is a MLP:FIM fan convention, to be held at the Australian Technology Park in Redfern on the 27th and 28th of September 2014. It will be Sydney's second Brony convention, and Australia's third. We are hoping to make this an annual event, dependant on the success of our first.

We have confirmed Andrew Francis, the voice of Shining Armour, as our first guest, and we are still working on additional guests.

For more information, please visit our various online resources:

Sydneigh website.

Facebook page.

Twitter Account.

YouTube Channel.

The recording of our Livestream announcement is on our YouTube channel. We are planning another Livestream later this month to announce ticket packages and prices.

I hope to see you guys at the con.

Da Bunnana King
Group Admin

Look at all these conventions I can't go to... anyhow.

Sounds fun, and I won't need bloody plane tickets, either. Now I just hope I can finish my renovations and build up some savings by then.

1861303 Thank Celestia that I can go to a convention and not need to go to Melbourne.

Yep, living in Perth sure does suck

One of the reasons we chose the weekend of the 27th and 28th of September is because it is one of the only times that all Australia and New Zealand have school holidays. I know Sydney is a long way for many of you, and younger members may have trouble convincing their parents, but at least the con won't conflict with school. (If you can't be there in person, we will be live streaming the important bits.)

And here I am in WA with
*Rage quits*

1861887 You've got twelve months to save up for it...

...or Livestream.

There's also the fact that I just can't find justification for spending a ridiculous amount of money on a plane ticket to Sydney, including accommodation and the return trip, just to go to a convention.

I just may consider going to this... (Perth):rainbowkiss:

"Citizens of FIMFiction... Behold our Sydneigh 2014 Livestream: Nightmare Night edition on Sunday 27th of October at 4pm AEDST. You will be wise to tune in here: (link) as we reveal tickets to the most wonderful of days!

We intend to release details of our VIP ticket packages, and open them up for sale. There will also be a very limited release of General Admission tickets as well. I hope you can tune in.

On Sunday, at 4:00 pm AEDST, the Sydneigh committee will be hosting our second Livestream event. We will be announcing our VIP ticket packages, and they will be available for sale after the stream. A very small number of general admission tickets will also be made available at the same time (for a one-off discount price).

We will also be taking questions, so please join the chat.

Our fearless leader has also given Moonlightseista free reign to make it a "Nightmare Night" edition. Expect pumpkins, spiders, and all things Halloween... (Should I be frightened? Probably...)

Sydneigh website.

Livestream page.

Facebook page.

For those that can't view live, an edited version will be added to our YouTube account at a later date. I hope to see you there!

In summery, artist tables are $99 with one convention pass included. Vendor tables are $199 with two passes.

Artist and Vendor tables link.

Mascot contest link.

Another con to attend later on?

I may have to look into this.

An important announcement.

Ashleigh Ball is coming to Sydneigh!

Yes, the voice of Rainbow Dash and Applejack is going to be attending. We are all very excited to be able to bring her down for our con. Ashleigh will be joining Andrew Francis for panels and autograph sessions.

Tickets available at the website.

I know this will be an exciting post for everyone here. The Sydneigh team would like to announce our major multimedia contest!

Our contest has divisions for artists, musicians, and fan fiction writers. You have from now until the 31/08/2014 to get your entries in. Just remember that our theme for the contest is "The Road to Sydneigh," and your entry must relate to that theme.

Please see this link for our full rules and our FAQ.

Good luck! I look forward to seeing your entries.

Da Bunnana King
Group Admin

Brisbane con when?

3204634 Our team is looking to make Sydneigh an annual convention. For conventions in other cities, you'd best get in contact with PonyconAU. They are having their convention rotate between cities. As far as I am aware they haven't announced their next venue yet. Here they are on FaceBook. To get a convention in Brisbane they would be the people to contact.

Good luck. I know how frustrating it is hearing about stuff happening in other places. Still, we are closer than all the American cons...

This went up a little while ago, but you might get a laugh. The Sydneigh team Blooper reel.

We have too much fun filming these things...


Hmm, urge to go and reveal my face in public rising....

Big news. Our Pozible campaign to get Michelle Creber and band to Sydneigh has gone live!

Pozible Link.

Get in quick! You've only got 30 days to pledge your support.

Re-posted from my blog:

Good day all.

Australia's newest pony convention, Sydneigh, is coming up at the end of September, and I will most certainly be there. This would be a great chance to meet up with any of you who missed out on PonyCon 2014, where I was on the writer's panel.

Sydneigh is looking as if it will be a lot of fun. Ashleigh Ball (Applejack, Rainbow Dash) and Andrew Francis (Shining Armor) will be there along with plenty of other community guests, and there's a chance to bring Michelle Creber (Apple Bloom) there as well if the crowd funding effort is successful.

That would be especially cool, as I've been trying to find ways to get her to Australia for a while now (we almost got her to PonyCon this year, but things fell through). Apple Bloom also features prominently in the sequel to PonyFall: Australia that's coming up, and that somehow makes me want to meet Michelle that much more.

Well, the Pozible campaign is up and running and the possibility to get her to Australia is there. Anyone who plans on going to Sydneigh should absolutely buy the tickets now, as this is where we determine just how cool the convention will be.

TL:DR - Help get Michelle Creber to Australia by getting your tickets and/or pledging here: Sydneigh Pozible


Sydneigh Facebook page.
Sydneigh Website.
Sydneigh store.

Hi Everyone,

Over the last year and a bit we have worked hard to organise a convention that people would love to come to and be part of. We have organised international VA's, interstate and local cosplayers, tournaments and a wide variety of panels and demonstrations to suit the community. We even got Madman Entertainment and Banter Toys and Collectables and the Games Cube to join in. We have tried to make Sydneigh a place where you could enjoy the creativity and passion of our community. We have genuinely tried to make a convention that you would want to come to and enjoy with your friends as well as something we would love to attend ourselves. We've done all of this based on our experiences and a lot of feedback. We pride ourselves on adapting so much to suit the community and we're thankful for the feedback.

However, now more than ever, we need your help. Before we get to that though, do not read into this post that we are finished as a convention and you were right to doubt us. This is us coming to you saying that we need your help, not your doubt. What we have been organising can still go ahead. We have survived despite other major challenges and we are determined and passionate for this con to happen.

After feedback about our Pozible and realising the plans didn't suit our community we pulled it out and made an alternate but ultimately suitable replacement plan but by doing so we starved Sydneigh of the money we needed. Without this money it has meant that the committee has had to financially invest in the con ourselves as there have been unexpected expenses that we could not have prepared for. We saw a need in the community for this con and have done our best in every way imaginable to make sure this con happens. We live and breathe Sydneigh even with jobs, relationships, friendships and obligations.

We know there was a rocky start and we have massive challenges to overcome. But we are doing this for the community we love and request that the community do their part to assist. If you wait for us to fail and do nothing to help then Sydneigh will definitely fail.

We are asking anyone who has held off buying a ticket to please go to the site and buy one. This may seem a little risky at first, but we are personally guaranteeing the tickets and will make sure that if Sydneigh does not go ahead then you will get your money back. What we need is for about 150 - 200 ticket sales within the next 3 days. This is a tall order but we know that this is a community that rallies when times are tough and will always be willing to lend a hand.

We know that we are asking for most of the weekend’s ticket sales up front but at this stage without it the convention will not be able to go ahead. We’ve tried to put on as brave a face as possible but we are now at the point where we can’t go any further without help. Over the next few days we will be keeping you up to date with everything that is happening with Sydneigh. However we really do need your help.

To those that have already bought a ticket, thank you for your support. It has encouraged us and shown us that people are interested in what we are doing. We will do everything we can to do the right thing by you. To our vendors, we want you to know that we are doing everything we can to make this event work because we know you have put time, effort and your own money into stock. You will be the first to know if we have been successful and we will be contacting you in the coming days.

Lastly, don’t forget our current competition for the Movie Night. If you haven’t entered already please check our Facebook page for entry and T&Cs.

Kind Regards from the Sydneigh executive,

Rob, Brumby, Rain, Moons & Sirri

It's probably too late for me to get a ticket now. Oh well.

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