Lyra & Bon-Bon 1,668 members · 536 stories
Comments ( 17 )
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I need people who can sing like Bon Bon and Lyra. Here's the instrumental:

And here's all the stuff 'bout the lyrics: Link.

Anybody up for the challenge?

Ooooh time for some James Bonbon? :pinkiehappy:

i can do either them quite well but it dependson the lyrics really like the instument really though

Who here can sing-a? About the Bon Bon the Lyra and the spy-a?

4476044 It's perfectly fine if you play around with the lyrics a little, just let me see what you do. Also, do you have any examples of your singing?

4476138 ill get some:twilightsmile:

4476138 when do the lyrics come in on the song

4476154 Click the link above, it'll tell you everything. :3

I'm trying, but I just don't know when I'm supposed to start singing and when to stop, and that's making it really hard.:applejackunsure:

4476681 You start when the whistling comes in. Or about ten seconds in.

Lyric information is at link above.

4476138 Oh! I have an example of my singing! Right here! Here!

4482651 Nice!

One of my concerns though is that when you clear your mouth by the mic. When you're breathing in and such, move your head away from the mic. Also, get rid of all background noise. You don't want the sound of a fan, let's say, buzzing around while you sing. Turn it off. Also, do you perhaps have a higher quality mic? You're voice is a tad fuzzy. It isn't that big of a deal, but it'd be nice to have that be a bit clearer.

But I think I'd like to have you sing.

Also, when you're singing, don't play the music in the background. Put earbuds in or something. ALSO, I may change the lyrics, though you can sing the ones I have so far for practice.

4482731 Well, I recorded it on a computer, so it's not the best quality. My brother was watching tv in the other room. But thank you! I'd love to do it, but it's okay if someone else has a better voice than I do.:twilightblush:

4483605 No, I want you to do it!

It's just take my advice: and do you have anything else to record with?

4483643 Really?!? Thank you so much! Umm... I have a camera I can record it on. But other then that, I don't.

4484091 Alright. When are you up for singing?

4484647 Umm... Next week. My brother will be gone for camp and my mom has work all day so I'm home alone!:pinkiehappy: I will try my hardest to not have anything going on in the background. Oh, and even if it's terrible, can you just sing when the parts are? It doesn't matter how good or bad you are, I just need to know when to start and stop. I already printed out the lyrics, so after that, I'm good to go!:rainbowkiss:

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