Lyra & Bon-Bon 1,667 members · 536 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Since Bon Bon is a spy, does that basically make EQG Bon Bon that universe's Kim Possible (and Lyra would be her Ron Stoppable)?


That... is an entirely plausible sequence of events.

4490066 ..............Oh my god.


Why is this not a fic yet?

4490066 That... Is the most brilliant thing I have ever read. I WOULD TOTALLY READ THAT!!!

I had this thought for a while too. That needs to be written like yesterday.

4490066 That's an idea, but I don't envision Lyra being as clumsy or as goofy as Ron is. Still there is a lot of potential here.

I didn't have Ron's clumsiness or personality in mind when I had the thought, only that Lyra would be the "sidekick" of the duo.

4491864 That would work. I am interested by this idea and what it would turn out like.

That didn't cross my mind at all actually. Though as a fan of KP when it was still showing, I would totally read a story that went along that line.

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