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a brony analyst Canned Cream broke down all the evidence to see if lyrabon was canon or not, what do you think

4687197 I think that it is canon but Hasbro will never confirm it because of the whole Gay debate thingy . In my opinion, I`m fine with the same sex falling in love with each other ,I see no problem with that.

4687393 Yeah, but the soccer moms wouldn't allow it. You'd think by now it would be a moot point, what with the Supreme Court legalizing gay marriage and everything. But I guess there's no cure for prejudicie and traditionalism.

It isn't even about America's attitude towards same sex couples. Remember, MLP is not just a US and Canadian thing. They sell toys around the world, including in countries that are far, FAR more socially conservative than the US.

It a shame really, we like to think in this modern time we are more tolerant and accepting but as a species as a whole we are still full of hate :fluttercry:

4687197 Apparent lesbian relationships and the idea of them are not news when it comes to My Little Pony. This moment from the end credits of Escape from Catrina back in 1985 gives the idea that there is more between Megan and that mare Sundance than can be confirmed. This is also the first time a human x pony relationship became an idea.

4688663 Well, considering My Little Pony wasn't very popular back then, and considering that the internet did not exisit back then, most people likely didn't think much of that scene. If the same scene came out today, you can bet there would be controversy.

4688737 Oh most definitely, but only to a point. We have in the U.S. gotten pretty far in resolving this issue. There is a long way to go all the same though.

4689563 Yeah that's strongly suggestive isn't it?

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