Lyra & Bon-Bon 1,667 members · 536 stories
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Only 'good' one I can think of is Lyre, but if I am going to write a fic with both Lyra and a rule 63 version of her, then that would just get confusing. It's too similar. Another one is Strapping Strings, or maybe Handy Straps, but that is a bit too dissimilar... Any other ideas?

5136618 Have you seen the Guyra comics? :trollestia:

>handy straps
Is this a bondage-themed fic? :rainbowhuh:


Without trying to deviate too much from her name, you could try "Lyle."

5136618 her official rule63 name is "Guyra"

5136624 5136643 No joke, I almost put this in parenthesis, "And no, I'm not calling him Guyra ." but I deleted it, thinking no one would actually say it. I stand corrected. And yeah, I've seen the Guyra comics. Love them.

5136625 Nah. If I do go through with the fic it'll be Lyra and (Insert male name here) both being curious about the other's life, and using a mind swap spell they found in the Library.

5136640 Too human.

5136678 lol sorry but that is her OFFICIAL rule63 name, so you'll have to put it MWUUUHAHAHAHAHA:pinkiecrazy:

5136684 But... That sounds soooo bad! No one will take me seriou- Wait, what am I saying?! I'm writing fanfiction for a show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The main characters are Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy for Pete's sake! I could call him Flapjack and no one would bat an eye. So why does Guyra make me cringe?

I'm serious, this is kind of freaking me out. Am I really so desensitized to MLP character names that this makes me cringe, but not names like Silver Spoon, or Sweetie Belle?

Harpsy Mandolin and Lyric Hearthside are also common rule 63 names for her.

Lol i havd no idea...only you can figure out why it makes you cringe lol

No, you're right to cringe a bit at Guyra. It was purely a joke name used in a fan comic and others kept it around out of laziness. Harp or Harpsy would work.

R63 is cancer.

5136848 Calling things cancer is cancer. It's so overdone and everyone does it. Especially when referring to the brony fandom in general. If you're going to disagree with something, at least use a subjective term instead of an objective statement that makes you look foolish.


The cancerous nature of R63 in this fandumb is both objective and self evident, but since you seem to be a cancer patient:

Rule 63 gets invoked because people see cute ponies and want them to get kissy-faced, but desperately want a dude because they are either afraid of women, afraid of lesbians, or afraid of catching "the gay". All three of which are utterly retarded.

5136953 That's not any of the reasons I like rule 63. At all. I like it because it's selfcest, but where the characters' genitals are different. It makes some interesting interactions if written well, because it causes them to question how they themselves would act as the other gender, and it also allows them to explore each other without consequence and with the knowledge that the other pony is totally okay with it.

Who hasn't wanted a gender-swapped version of themselves to 'have fun' with, or just ask questions about the other sex with, and be able to be totally free to ask anything, since you both know each other so well?

5136618 aside from Harpsy and Guyra i've never heard any others

pretty sure that more than half of R63 stuff involves dudes having sex with other dudes because that's what the writers are into. Which is kind of... exactly the opposite of any of those things.

R63 names, on the other hand, are pretty dumb. The vast majority of pony names are random nouns and aren't particularly gendered in the first place, so there's really no reason to change them at all. (Lyra actually might be one of the few exceptions, but if you're keeping everyone else the same it's probably less weird that he has a slightly feminine name.) The fact that the commonly accepted R63 names are terrible is just icing.

Anyway, yeah, that's my suggestion. Keep everypony's name the same, and then write in either first or second person, so you can use pronouns to dodge most of the confusion. Both those perspectives are probably more suited for a character-study/weird-sorta-self-exploration fic like you pitched, anyway.

5137530 . Yeah, I think first person might be best. I tried writing third person past tense semi-omni to see how it flowed, but got two pages in before it felt too weird. Too hard to give thoughts, and it was too detached. I will however make his name Lyre Heartstrings. It's similar enough, but just different enough to not be too confusing. It'll work better since first person makes it all easier.

and then write in either first or second person,

I'd rather slit my wrists than write in second person. Nothing against people who read or write it, but it's the opposite of my thing. Different strokes for different folks.

Group Admin

There's nothing OFFICIAL about that name at all. Cut it out.

I like these ones: 5136703


It's like you're trying to say stupid things. Maybe that's your special talent. Your cutie mark would probably be a helmet.

5136703 I must have missed this comment earlier, but Lyric does sound pretty good. I'll just go with Lyric Heartstrings instead of Hearthside, since that doesn't click in my mind.


Rule 63 gets invoked because people see cute ponies and want them to get kissy-faced, but desperately want a dude because they are either afraid of women, afraid of lesbians, or afraid of catching "the gay". All three of which are utterly retarded.

This has the be the dumbest thing I've read all day. Even more so than calling someone a cancer patient as an insult. The fact that it's coming from someone that's a mod for several groups makes it even worse.

Just out of curiosity, what about those that like lesbian and have also written R63 gay shipping fics?


Nah, the purpose of a helmet is to protect the wearer's head because they can't be trusted not to slam their skull into sharp, pointy corners and kill themselves. It's for their own good, really.

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