Pokemon Club 535 members · 190 stories
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Your most amazing capture?

3085437 Just having another pokemon to add to your growing family. I'm one of those people that consider pokemon family rather than pixels or other stuff:twilightsheepish:

3085437 I once snagged a level 77 Volcarono with a Timer Ball.

Idunno...I really like Xerneas...so that I guessヽ(´ー`)ノ

ummm I caught zapdoes with 1 HP and a quick ball...

3085437 Xerneas. One Ultra Ball. At full health. Just for kicks. Critical throw.

Comment posted by Ausbrony deleted Mar 14th, 2014

3085530 Pokemon Ruby. Rayquaza. Great Ball. SHINY. Only half-health, no afflictions. Only one ball. It was the greatest mis-click of my entire life.

First shiny, wild Stunky(yes, Drapion is better, but whatevs) literally shouted "YES! HOLY FUCK" in the middle of Econ Class.

My teacher was screaming at me to put the DS away.


Ready to call principle.

My friends explained the circumstances to the teacher, and he let me off the hook.

Named it Will Smith.

3085437 most of my catches are just your average catch.

Zapdos with my last ball.
A Poke Ball.
It had half-life left.
My team had one HP left.
At an average level count of 28.
Do-or-die, and I landed it.

Also my first-ever non-Master legendary capture.

Got a shiny girintina with a pokeball last one too.

as for shinies I have a shiny swampert, charzard, giritina, a male gardevoir, gabite, machamp, uxie and azelf and that pokemon with the teeth for hair has the mega stone that makes two teeth hair things cant for the life of me remember its fucking name

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