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So, with the games set to come out at the end of November, I think I'll start a discussion about the Pokemon that will be getting the power to Mega Evolve, or something similar, that we'll be seeing.

First, the ones that I'm not too thrilled about.

Mega Audino.

So the thing has higher Defense and Special Defense. Too bad it's stuck with Healer, an ability it can get naturally, which is useless outside of Double Battles, and even there it only has a 33.3% chance of removing an ally's status condition. Yeah, I think I'll pass on this guy, since it seems to be intended to do nothing but fill the same role that Chansey and Bilssey can fulfill without Mega Evolving.

Mega Slowbro.

OH MY GOD, ITS OWN SHELLDER IS EATING IT ALIVE! Now that I've gotten that out of my system, the boost to its Defense and Special Attack are nice, but Shell Armor? Sure, it prevents critical hits, but those are exceedingly rare, and it's better off with Own Tempo, for the rare enemy that might cause confusion, Oblivious to prevent it from being vulnerable to falling in love and from being hit by Taunt, or better yet, its Hidden Ability, Regenerator, which restores up to 33.3% of its HP if you switch it out.

Now for the Pokemon that I'm neutral about.

Mega Swampert.

It looks plain ugly, and Swift Swim as its ability? Unless it gets more Speed, I honestly don't know what to think about it. I guess we'll have to wait and see how this ability that raises its Speed in the rain affects it.

Mega Camerupt.

Sure, its Speed goes down, but it gets the ability Sheer Force, making moves that would have secondary effects more powerful, but at the cost of those secondary effects. And all of its other stats go up. I'm indifferent.

Mega Sharpedo.

It's Strong Jaw ability makes the power of its biting moves go up, and all of its stats go up. But with only 100 extra points to go to those stats, I don't think any of its stats are going to go up that much, and it gets a rather poor selection of biting moves.

Now for the Pokemon I'm excited about, to a certain extent.

Mega Lopunny.

With it being able to learn High Jump Kick, and the Scrappy ability, which enables it to hit Ghost types with Normal and Fighting type attacks, combined with it getting Fighting as its secondary typing and boosts to its Attack and Speed, it's going to be seeing quite a bit more use, I think.

Mega Sceptile.

Once you get past the Christmas tree it has for a tail, it gets Dragon as a secondary type, meaning the Fire-type attacks that were a pain for it to deal with before only do neutral damage. What's more, it gets the Lightningrod ability, which boosts its Special Attack a stage if it's struck by an Electric type move and draws all Electric type moves to it. And it doesn't take damage from them, either.

Mega Sableye.

Its sole weakness is the Fairy type introduced in X and Y, and with its new ability, Magic Bounce, which reflects all non-damaging status moves back at the opponent, combined with the boosts to its Defense and Special Attack, it might be viable, even if its Speed goes down.

Mega Altaria.

This Dragon gets Fairy as a secondary typing, and with boosts to its Special Attack, Attack, and Defense, it might actually be usable. Especially when you factor in the Pixelate ability it gets, which changes all Normal type moves to the Fairy type and gives them a 30% power boost on top of the 50% boost they get due to becoming STAB moves.

Mega Gallade.

Let's face it, with Gardevoir gaining a Mega Evolution in X and Y, it was only a matter of time before the knight gained a Mega Evolution to stand beside his princess. And with boosts to his otherwise low Speed and already decent Attack, he's sure to be used quite a lot.

Now for the Pokemon that I know people are excited about.

Mega Salamence.

This thing is going to be big, and it's already quite commonly used. With its new Aerilate ability changing its Normal type attacks into Flying type attacks and gives them a 30% power boost on top of the 50% boost they get due to becoming STAB moves.

Mega Diancie.

Diancie is going to be released in a serial code event at the end of the month, and trading it to Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire will unlock the event that gives you its Mega Stone. And it gets Magic Bounce as its ability. As for its stats, its Speed goes up big-time, and its Attack and Special Attack also go up, but its Defense and Special Defense go down. Still, I don't think anyone is not looking forward to this beauty.

Mega Metagross.

Metagross boasts a high Attack stat and the move Meteor Mash, and it's the only Pokemon that not only gets the move, but is able to use it effectively. And Mega Evolution will give all of its stats boosts, with its Speed getting the biggest boost. What's more, it gets the Tough Claws ability, which gives moves that make direct physical contact, including Meteor Mash, a 33.3% boost in power.

And now for the stars of the show. The legends, revised.

Primal Groudon.

With Fire being added as a secondary typing to its Ground type, it might seem like it now has a quadruple weakness to Water type moves, but its Desolate Land ability is like Drought on steroids. It creates harsh sunlight which makes it impossible for Water type moves to even work, and moves that would change the weather are useless while it's out. So that weakness is null and void. What's more, it loses its weakness to Grass type moves due to its new Fire type. So that's two weaknesses removed just like that. And it gets a new move called Precipice Blades, which can hit multiple opponents. Add in a boost to its already massive Attack, and this thing is a beast.

Primal Kyogre.

Unlike its counterpart, it does not gain a new type, but its Primordial Sea ability creates Heavy Rain, making Fire type moves useless while it is on the field. And its new Origin Pulse attack, which like Groudon's new Precipice Blades, can hit multiple opponents, combined with the boost to its already high Special Attack, makes it quite powerful in its own right, and arguably able to stand up to Primal Groudon.

But they both have one Pokemon that can perfectly counter their abilities.

Mega Rayquaza.

What, did you think the one Pokemon that could counter them wouldn't receive something to allow it to counter their new Primal Reversions? This was revealed only recently, so we know nothing about how its stats change. But we know that it gets a new ability, Delta Stream. This ability negates any and all weather, even from Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre, as well as making it so moves that would be super effective to Flying types only do regular damage instead. What's more, it gets a new attack, called Dragon Ascent, a Flying type move that has been confirmed to be the most powerful Flying type move in the game, even if it comes at the cost of its Defense and Special Defense being lowered when it uses that move.

So overall? I can't wait for next month, when these two games hit North American shores!

3688879 I'm excited simply at the prospect of my childhood being recreated for a new generation.

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