Pokemon Club 535 members · 190 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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I found this quite amusing. The music (Red Alert's Hell March) was oddly fitting.

What the crap? o_0:rainbowlaugh:

With Pikachu, it's adorable. with, oh, let's say Charizard or something, that could be either the most badass thing to see, or the most terrifying...

As someone who's not a big fan of the franchise, this was terrifying. I feel bad for the people in the costumes, though. Especially the one second from the front. Must be hot in those.

4416687 Now Imagine Tyranitar.

.. Oh god...

4416633 needs more Brock

4417337 imagine motherF!@# Garchomp!

Dear God!

4417744 Now Imagine Arceus

4416633 Jesus Christ!

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