Pokemon Club 535 members · 190 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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So Nintendo and The Pokemon Company are teaming up with Ingress developer Niantic to develop a Pokemon augmented reality game for iOS and android smartphones, so that people will go outside, explore and capture Pokemon. Coming sometime in 2016.


HOLY SHIZ! Really?! My thoughts: WICKED!!!

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Literal interpretation of my morning

Woke up
Ate breakfast
Check FIMFic
Saw feed
Watched video
Got excited
Went to school
Showed friends
Began planning my real life pokemon adventure.

Literally, next summer we are going to go by foot camping around the state of Georgia and have our own Pokemon journey. So excited!

Now I'm curious as to what's going to be located near me.

Same here! I'm so excited for this app. I got chills from the Mewtwo part.

Keep in mind those were simulated images.

Yeah, I know. But still, if that were real, New York would have blown up. Mewtwos power, if we are going by anime standards, is over 9000. Litterally. Someone's gotta make this all Holo-Lens compatible so that when they come out, people can use them.

That would be cool as hell. I can also imagine someone doing an MLP augmented reality app for it.

Yeah, that would be so cool. Imagine seeing Pegasi flying around or unicorns teleporting all over the place. Or you see flipping Luna fly by. God, that'd be awesome.

4702620 dude this is retarded.......I can't wait to get a flareon.

Yeah. I was never a huge fan of the franchise, but the augmented reality thing piqued my interest.

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