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Comin' at you with yours truly, it's another FUCKING POKEMON UPDATE, BITCHES!!!!

(Be warned: this will be LONG!)

Not even a fucking month later and already we have the hot new shit coming right at you from Pokemon HQ. Man, what a way to kick this month off, eh? We have so many new things to talk about this time around. And yeah, the new starters we a big deal, but I mean we have WAY too much to talk about now. It's ludicrous!

I hope you're ready for this giant info-dump! Oh, and if you have anything to add, don't feel shy about commenting down below. And finally, if I say the word "fuck" too often, forward apologies; I'm just very, VERY excited!

Here we go!

New Pokemon (sorta)

Right off the bat (HA! Get it?), we now finally have the official names and TYPES of the new legendary Pokemon! Allow me to introduce, from left to right, Solgaleo, the Psychic/Steel type, and Lunala, the Psychic/Ghost type!

I know they technically aren't "new" since they were already revealed a few weeks ago, but at long last we finally have the official names of them! Granted, we've technically ALWAYS had them thanks to Poke-tubers, but I digress. They also come with their own moves in the form of Sunsteel Strike for Solgaleo (which sounds fucking awesome), and Moongeist Beam for Lunala (which sounds slightly silly, but whatever). Both of them seem to take power from the fucking sun and moon to unleash a powerful strike upon your opponent. I LOVE BOTH OF THEM!!!!

I'll be getting Moon to keep up with the tradition I have with getting the second game, but I'll be trading with my sister to get Solgaleo because I like him FAR more! Nothing against Lunala, but with the introduction of something called SUNSTEEL STRIKE, how could I say no?

Finally, and this one actually caught me by surprise, there's a new Rotom form, believe it or not! Obviously that's any reason to get excited, but what makes this form even more awesome is the fact IT IS YOUR FUCKING POKEDEX!!!!

This Rotom will be your partner through everything, guiding you through your adventure and just generally being helpful. Oh, also talks! You get a talking Rotom that is also your Pokedex. WHAT?! I CAN'T EVEN!!!!

I wonder if it has battle capabilities. No, really! It's a new Rotom form, but... it's also your Pokedex, so... Yes? No? Maybe so? Whatever. You guys can talk about it in the comments below. I want to hear your thoughts on the new Pokemon!

New Characters

It's common practice in RPGs to introduce brand new characters to the mix. Pokemon is no exception! While like the Pokemon before this, a few of these characters aren't exactly "new", but rather now we know the names of them. However, there is ONE new character who- SWEET MOTHER OF GOD, I'M IN LOVE!!!!

Why do I always pick the tsundere-looking ones...?

First up, we have Professor Kukui, named after a tree in Hawaii, obviously.

Sweet Jesus, this man is hot...

Anyway, we already know this guy is the professor of the game this time around, alongside the apparent Professor Hala, named after yet another tree in Hawaii. This guy is also your older cousin, so having some family guide you along your quest would certainly be a nice change. It makes you feel at home, in a sense, and I really like it! We don't really know too much about Kukui at the moment, besides the fact he loves the Alola region and his hotness is comparable to Sycamore's.

Next up we have Lillie, the- HOLY SHIT, SHE'S SO CUTE!!!!

...*ahem*... sorry, I just... wow, she's cute.

Anyway, she's the assistant to Professor Kukui and is said to have a HUGE role in the game's story. What this role is exactly, I'm not too sure. In fact, no one is quite sure except for Masuda quietly laughing away at our anguish in his five-story mansion in Japan. Lillie isn't fond of Pokemon battles, so don't expect her to be battling you anytime soon. It's a little disappointing, but alas, it's her choice. I would assume she DOES have Pokemon though, so... maybe contests are coming back? We'll simply have to see.

Finally, we have Hau, your overly energetic and food-happy rival.

I'll be totally honest; I don't like him as a rival.

If this kid IS your rival, he does a pretty shit job at it. He chooses the Pokemon WEAK against yours, he isn't a snarky little asshole you want to pound your fist into the next chance you see him (which is what made Blue such a good rival), and unless he takes a serious 180 half-way through the game (which would be amazing), his personality doesn't appeal to me. He just likes food and happens to be your first friend on Alola. That's it. I hope he isn't just another Shauna... But, I will admit that I do appreciate his design.

And that's about it. Now, onto my favorite part! The greatest analysis! The Alola region!

New Region

This is our new region, ladies and gentlemen!

This region looks BALLER!!! It seems like we're finally getting another region that isn't linear, much like Unova and Kalos were. And it finally seems like we're getting another water region! YES! After tedious amounts of land for the past 8 years, we're finally getting something akin to diversity and water travel. I know a lot of people see water routes as tedious, but I find them refreshing. Well, certainly more refreshing than cave areas, that's for sure.

Let's take a look at it, from the leftmost island to the rightmost island.

The first island is a craggy place with a few trees scattered here and there. This makes me think that many a rock type Pokemon will be found there, as well as a few others just for diversity. What I can see here is a town completely on the water, much like Hoenn's Pacifidlog Town. I can see a few markets in that town, so maybe we'll be seeing a few bonus buy areas? But it seems to be the only town as well, making me feel like this is some sort of isolated island. I also see what appears to be a black geyser area where probably some water type Pokemon will be found. Maybe some Water/Rock, if you ask me. Way in the back, we have a few rivers and then a GIANT TREE!! What is this tree? Why is it here? Why is it so big? All these questions will probably be answered sooner or later, but until then. Finally, right in the center of the island is what appears to be an ancient temple of sorts. This is more than likely where we fight Solgaleo and Lunala, as the initial trailer showed them on top of a pillar with a stone monolith behind it.

The second island is the one we were first introduced to. Forests and grass cover the island, so that makes me think a lot of good normal and bug type Pokemon could be found here. At the second highest point is what I can only imagine is your starting town, complete with a few homes and Kukui's laboratory. This seems like a good town! All it needs now is the guy that says "Technology is amazing" and we're all set. Down below we have a few routes here and there, as well as rocks surrounding the front of the island that I can only imagine stops you from progressing any further. How curious that the map would include things like that, but I digress. It's a little hard to see, but behind the starting village is actually a waterfall in the forest. How pretty! Of course, how can we forget the big city we were introduced to which makes me worried on how big this region is actually going to be. But again, I digress. Finally, there's a smaller town in the back and also what appears to be a dormant volcano with a bit of grass growing in it. I'm looking forward to climbing that!

The third island is my second-favorite for sure. For obvious reasons, there looks to be a lot of water and fire Pokemon here, as well as ground and a bit of rock. Right off the bat, we have a few basins of water on the left side, some of which spill out and form pretty waterfalls. This makes me think this will be a very beautiful region, much like how Kalos was. Continuing along we have a VERY active volcano that looks like its about to blow any second, which is very fitting for something based off Hawaii. Seems like a good place to send a 14-year-old kid! In front of it is, surprisingly, what seems to be a resort area. Yeah, because I want to stay in a hotel next to an active volcano. Below that is what looks like a golf course, ANOTHER resort next to the beach, and a few towns, one of which has a lighthouse in it! The topmost town of the two is also the town we saw in the concept art, if you look really closely. Finally, its hard to see, but there's a bridge in the second-lowest town that goes straight into the rock next to the bottom one. Maybe this leads to a cave system? If so, it would be interesting to see a combination between forest and cave. Oooh! Maybe we'll get a moss Pokemon!

Last, but certainly NOT least, is my favorite island of the four. This place is home to what I can only imagine is ice type Pokemon, ground type Pokemon, and a huge other variety of Pokemon we may not even realize! There's a lot to talk about, so hang tight! The very first thing I noticed when looking at this island, besides the snow-capped mountain, is the walled-in town that looks more akin to something from medieval times. It's surrounded by a slight fog, making me all the more curious as to what exactly this place is. Below it is a road that leads to what appears to be a tabletop surrounded by Stonehenge. Yep, that's the only way I can describe it. But below that is a trailer town plus a Pokemon center. Maybe some hillbillies be there! Then we have what I KNOW is a water route for sure, what with smaller islands and the such. The largest island has what seems to be ancient ruins, but it's honestly too small to make out. Next to the route is what I'm very certain is either an ancient temple or a battle area, but below that is without a doubt the ghost area of the game. It's surrounded by a thick purple miasma, and in the center seems to be a relatively new place, but it could also be a closed down research facility now inhabited by ghost type Pokemon. Spooky! Continuing along the rim, we have a western-style town with an oasis in the center, and furthermore we have a rocky area next to what seems to be a research facility town. Above that is my favorite town thus far! It looks to be a Japanese-styled city with a tower on the side that has a... V on it? What could this mean? Maybe a hint for the new evil team? Finally we have the snowy mountains and the cities within them, the likes of which you seem to take an elevator to. I don't know what's behind that initial icy city, but it's definitely an important building of sorts. Maybe the Pokemon League? We'll have to find out.

Don't think I didn't notice the smaller island next to the leftmost island, and the building in the center of all the islands! The former appears to be out-of-reach from any form of surf travel. Maybe it's an event island for a mythical Pokemon? Only time can tell. And what of the building in the center? I think this is either the Pokemon League, some kind of resort, OR a new version of the Battle Frontier, which would be AWESOME!!! But again, only time can tell.

Overall, this looks to be one of the best regions we've had in YEARS. I absolutely can't wait to finally explore this region and squeeze the life out of it to discover its secrets! Unless, of course, I'm spoiled. In that case, I'll be slightly less excited. But nonetheless!

New Gameplay?

Not... really?

It seems to be your average Pokemon game with turn-based combat and whatnot. But I'm not blind to the little things I noticed in the trailer! For one, it seems you can switch the camera to see what Pokemon side you're viewing. Not sure what benefit this will have besides having a more detailed view of the battlefield, but we'll see what happens. In smaller details, I really like the new HP bars. They're sleek and have a next-gen vibe to them, in a sense. Overall, I like them!

But let's talk about what I think a LOT of people are very happy about. At long last, it looks like the grid system in Pokemon is GONE!! Movement seems more like that to XD and Colosseum, which were two of my favorite Pokemon games so I know this will be good. Having complete control over your character was something experimented on in ORAS, but it seems like we're finally getting our long-time wish for full-on movement!

Unless some people like the grid system, in which case... um... sorry? Yeah, sorry.

Finally, it looks to run on the same engine as Pokemon XY and ORAS, which is mighty impressive. Going from those dumb chibi designs (but dumb in a good way) to the more realistic models was a good step in the right direction! This is what a next-gen Pokemon game should look like! But it makes me feel as if generation 6 as a whole was just one giant test for this game. Hmm...

That's all the analysis for now! More questions than answers have shown up with this trailer, but we'll simply have to wait until November until those questions are solved for good. Questions like... What is that giant tree for? Who are the gym leaders? Why is there an island resort next to a FUCKING ACTIVE VOLCANO?!?!

All in good time, my friends.

All in good time.

This has been SuperKamek saying thank you, have a great night, and be sure to comment your thoughts on the new Pokemon trailer and my analysis! Your feed really does help me and brighten up my day!

Get it?

Brighten? Day? Pokemon Sun?

...forget it.

Mood: :pinkiegasp: (excited as fuck)

5270123 If Rotom isn't automatically in the dex, I'm cutting somepony

Hey! I actually have another blog where I've redirected everyone. Feel free to talk amongst the others about the game. :twilightsmile:


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