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Believe it or not, this is actually an in-depth discussion about Hau and his role in SM, but if you want me to get the meme out of the way, then YES; Hau is a precious cinnamon roll that is too pure for this world and must be protected at all costs.

For a few minutes, I want you to forget everything I've complained about regarding Pokemon Sun and Moon and just hear me out this one time. We good? Okay, great!

Originally, in my reaction blog, I said that I didn't quite like Hau because he wasn't quite the rival character we believe he should be, or something along those lines. But that was honestly me being a huge stick in the mud, blind to what Hau was really meant to represent. Believe it or not, it took some time for me to fully realize what he symbolized, but I think I've finally figured it out.

Hau represents us as children, or at the very least represents the fun of Pokemon.

Think about it for a minute. As children, we had so much goddamn fun playing Pokemon without a care in the world. Who cared if our starter was over-leveled and OP, we were having WAY too much fun to care. But now as adults, some of us have forgotten that childlike wonder and charm Pokemon had. We're too focused on competitive play and heavy-duty strategies to realize that the reason we started playing Pokemon in the first place was because we were having fun!

Now don't get me wrong; not everyone has forgotten the Pokemon charm! But a vast majority of adults who play Pokemon only for competitive purposes certainly have. When we saw all the simplicity going back into Pokemon, that wasn't Masuda being a dick and simplifying Pokemon too much, it was him trying to spark our true love for Pokemon again; our childlike wonder.

Of course, attempts have failed in the past. But then comes along Hau, the prime definition of cute! He chooses the starter Pokemon weak against yours because he doesn't care, and neither should we! It's all about having fun in his books! He doesn't care if he wins or loses, he just wants to see others smile, and I think that's a super-endearing trait. If I'll be totally honest, I prefer rivals with personalities more akin to his than some asshole like Silver or Blue. True they were satisfying to finally beat the shit out of, and Silver eventually grows into a respectable character, but Hau is kind from the start. He's your friend who grows and becomes stronger alongside you, not against you.

I can't believe it took me this long to realize this.

I do feel ashamed, but I want to know your own thoughts on this. Do you believe Hau is the pure embodiment of the fun we've lost when we grew into adults? Or do you think something else? Let me know in the comments below!

Until then, this is SuperKamek signing off!

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