Pokemon Club 535 members · 190 stories
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I cannot believe that Ash actually LOST again! Seriously what were the writers thinking?! Ash was such an amazing character in this series, he even made ti to the freaking finals for crying out loud! He deserved this win. After 19 years of waiting and hoping Ash still hasn't won a single league. I will not be surprised if a lot of people stop watching Pokémon from now on. I am so pissed at the writers and their actions.

5433249 saw it miles away... it means Ash will be returning to Alola region again... and pokemon Sun and moon arc will have Ash again... they are going to MILK ASH FOR WHAT HE IS WORTH AGAIN! So much for character growth.

5433262 Indeed. I hate what they did to him. Had they let him win here and have him say "I'm not going to compete to become a champion, but instead continue my journey to find more Pokémon." I think a lot of fans would have gladly accepted that. Now knowing the writers made him lose, Amourshipping is probably going to go downhill as well. Shame on you, writers. Shame on you.

5433267why people like Ash again? He represents all the problem with pokemon anime today.

5433270 Ash was beginning to have actualy character development. He rarely lost in any of his Gym battles and he made it to the finals of the Kalos League. He was so close to winning but the writers and their bullshit... I simply cannot understand why the writers would throw away such a chance to have Ash turn into a more likeable character.

Here's your crappy reason for this:
They brought in writers from Best Wishes just for the two parter:

5433313 So they brought those writers for the Kalos league finals? Damn.

5433249 Well, that's the Pokemon anime for you. A cash cow TV series forever locked in stagnation and pandering to kids, making a quick buck based on brand recognition.

My friends this is what Pokémon fanfics are for.
I still think we should have had a new protagonist for each region.

5433249 well, then it's confirmed. Ash and Serena will be heading to the Aola region for ash to compete there. Seeing as they got him to the finals in Kalos maybe NOW they can FINALLY have Ash WIN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

5434349 doubt it... they will make him lose again even in Alola.

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