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Pretty much what it says on the tin. I thought that I would ask to see what you all think is the best climax in the history of Pokemon. It can be from any video game whether it be main series or spin off. You may not want to read this topic if you want to avoid spoilers of any of the games discussed here.

I myself think that there are three main contenders for that title:

Pokemon Colosseum: Pokemon Colosseum admittedly doesn't have the greatest buildup to the final boss in the world. The announcement of Cipher's plan to use Realgam Tower seemed a bit casual and we just went there and plowed through trainers and admins, then Nascour talks to us, and Gonzap shows up and challenges us. It all seems like the characters and the player are going through the motions in this area and it's not all that exciting due to the lack of unique atmosphere or proper story buildup. However, once you've entered the Colosseum, taken out four trainers and caught all of their Shadow Pokemon (or not), the game takes a sudden and drastic turn in terms of atmosphere and presentation. Suddenly, there is unique music when Nascour the big boss shows up and makes his speach, the crowd begins cheering repeatedly, and it all feels like you're playing a completely different game with how much everything improves. Then the fight with Nascour begins, and it feels intense as hell as there is absolutely no music, just the sound of the crowd in the background and the Pokemon fighting. I love this battle so much, as it's off the charts in atmosphere and tension and the battle is very fun offering a very fair challenge, although nothing that you can't handle should you play your cards right. Then, once you've taken him down and he demands a rematch in disbelief, they throw an awesome twist your way: Nascour is not the true leader of Cipher. In fact, the seemingly jolly and innocent Mayor of Phenac City shows up all the sudden and reveals himself to be Evice: the true leader of Cipher all along! This fact is lightly foreshadowed earlier in the game as Nascour was spotted exiting the Mayor's office so it feels like a natural twist and not something pulled out of thin air. Evice challenges you to put you in your place for interfering with his plans. Then the fight begins, and it is awesome! Evice has a very well built team that is very difficult to defeat, especially if you're team is not built properly. But if you're team is properly leveled and constructed to effectively fight Evice, then the fight feels at least mildly fair, and on top of that, the music is glorious! It truely gives the battle an epic and truly climactic feeling to it. And when you finally defeat Evice, it gives you a sweet satisfactory feeling in your mouth. This climax is a great example in my eyes thanks to the merits of the two great boss fights and the true feeling of an epic climax thanks to the atmosphere, music, and presentation. Unfortunately, the climax is slightly flawed in how most of the excellent elements that make it a great climax are mostly in the final two bosses and not before. The buildup is not exactly there and the final bosses feel completely different from the area leading to them due to the radical step up in quality. But still, in my eyes, it's a great climax.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky: These games are really something else as a whole. On top of being great rogue-like dungeon crawlers with fun and exploratory gameplay, the story is amazing with an intriguing and engaging plot backed up by memorable and well written characters. And the climax of this game does not disappoint in the slightest. The world is on the brink of dystopia and ruin as the time is threatened with paralysis due to the collapse of the vital Temporal Tower. After your old partner Grovyle sacrifices himself to ensure that you and your partner make it to the tower, but unfortunately, not before you learn that if you go through with it and save the world, you will cease to exist and your partner will be alone. But you agree to do it anyway, for the sake of the world and the many pokemon who are depending on you. You also don't tell your partner so that they can use their full strength, since they are going to need it. The music and atmosphere during these events are extremely effective and really tug at your heartstrings. Anyway, you make it to the tower and climb it, getting through the many strong pokemon inside while listening to the epic and effective music that gives you the feeling of urgency and determination. Once you reach the top, you find that the guardian of the tower: Dialga has become maddened with the disruption of the flow of time and must be defeated in order to complete our mission and save the world. So the fight begins...and you and your partner are KOed instantly with roar of time! Yeah this is the negative part of this climax...the boss fight with Dialga is really cheap. Dialga has incredibly high stats, incredibly strong attacks, and has the move Roar of Time, which does an inhuman amount of damage and hits both you and your partner no matter where you are in the room. And while Dialga becomes immobilized for a turn, it's still a ludicrously powerful move that can end the fight on the spot if you or your partner faints and you're not packing enough reviver seeds. Not to mention, Dialga has the intimidator IQ skill which occasionally causes you to be unable to attack. This fight can take forever and several tries to conquer depending on what kind of pokemon you and your partner are as well as what moves you two have, and how well stocked on items you are. Hell, even when I grind to similar or even higher levels as Dialga, I still struggle with him. But the atmosphere, the context in the story, and the downright incredible music make it all feel like something epic, and while the fight may not be good, it is a masterpiece of atmosphere just like the rest of the game. And once you actually do manage to defeat Dialga, the amazing and tear-jerking ending plays out and it is too good to spoil. This really sticks out as a grand and amazing climax due to the amazing storytelling and atmosphere elements that I would be hard-pressed to find anywhere else, but it is unfortunately flawed in how cheap and not-well thought out the boss fight is. But it's still a great climax nonetheless.

Pokemon Black and White: Black and White's climax truly is a grand one and tops off an equally grand entry in the Pokemon series. This one is interesting in how it strikes a balance between the main selling points of the previous two climaxes, having both great buildup and atmosphere, and two great boss fights. Throughout the game, the Pokemon trainer and King of Team Plasma: N has been working to try to free pokemon from the supposed trainers abusing them. To do so, he recruits one of the legendary dragons of the Tao Trio to his cause (Zekrom in black, Reshiram in White) and challenges the champion of the region to a battle. He wins, becomes the champion and is ready to issue the order to the entire region to permanently separate pokemon and people. However there is one more obstacle standing in his way: you. So he dares you to come into his castle and have an ultimate battle to decide the fate of Pokemon. You proceed boldly to stop the ultimate separation of Pokemon and Humans, going inside the castle and exploring, all the while learning some things about N and being approached by both the Shadow Triad and the Seven Sages who try to stop you, but they are kept at bay thanks to the gym leaders coming to your aid. Once you've prepared and reached the throne room, you are approached by Ghetsis and he briefly rants to you before allowing you to pass and face N. N taunts you for a bit before summoning his dragon, and the dragon's presence prompts the other dragon (who was in hibernation inside your bag) to awaken. You first have a quick battle attempting to catch it, and once you do, it can join your party (or not) depending on your desire and then you fight N. All these events leading up to this fight are all backed up with great music, atmosphere, presentation, and even writing as your friends and allies express their feelings on the topic and motivate you to keep going. The fight is excellent, being extreamely fun yet fair and just right in terms of difficulty, all backed up with excellent music. The fight plays out and you defeat N, showing him that he wasn't entirely right or wrong, and neither were you. There are many ideas and opinions and there is no reason to shun others even if you don't understand them. And this is when Ghetsis steps in, revealing his plans this whole time to make N the king and to create a the separation between pokemon and people so that the world would be vulnerable and helpless as Ghetsis would be the only one allowed to use Pokemon and no one could stand up to him. A truly brilliant and heinous scheme that involves the Emperor Palpatine style of mass manipulation. Then Ghetsis challenges you, attempting to crush you and stop you from ruining his plans. The atmosphere and atmosphere turns dark and oppressive as this all happens. The Ghetsis boss fight is excellent as well, being very challenging and keeping you on your toes while still being fair. And once you've defeated Ghetsis and brought him and his entire Team Plasma to heel, the ending plays out and it's just as glorious as the rest of the climax. This is probably the closest I will ever see a climax in a Pokemon game get. It combines great buildup, good atmosphere, top-notch music and visuals, excellent boss fights, surprisingly good writing and story context, and an overall glorious feeling of satisfaction. I'd be hard pressed to find a better climax anywhere else.

I apologize for the long post and I appreciate anyone who reads through all of it.

So what are you're guys' favorite climaxes in Pokemon games?

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