Twidance 654 members · 95 stories
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As above I believe there has been a severe lack of Twidance, and that needs rectifying.

Yes, I agreed

i agree with this statement, and just pure twidance, not one with shiny involved.

I wish I could add more thumbs up for that last comment shiny need not apply or better yet gleaming shield.

depending on the background like i fine with the 3 of them together if there no blood,

I am not really talking love triangle or guro. More that he or she will exist but have little to nothing to do with cadance

that understandable or all they connection is best friends, and or he was her personal guard for while.

Pretty much so long as he is out of the picture, it reminded me of my I'll fated twidance fic I killed off shiney and everyone complained. Like wah why you kill shiny eyeroll, so I had to ruin the fic to bring him back.

hmm i say he is marry with to his work,

I don't think you'd find anyone here who will disagree, but TwiDance is hard. And not just in the way that all creative writing processes are hard, I mean there are basically three forms of TwiDance and they each come with serious pitfalls and difficulties before you even get to the actual story proper itself.

First, you've got Alternate Universe. This one's my favorite, not least because of things like Twilight Sparkle of the Royal Guard and My Little Dynamite. But with AU stories there's a much bigger onus on the author to create an interesting new Universe for these characters we love to reside in. That's one heck of a responsibility!

Second, you've got drama. Secret love, affairs between kingdoms, sibling betrayal, in an emotional and/or physical capacity Twilight and Cadance have a relationship behind Shining Armor's back. Although this is the bread and butter of daytime television, this sort of drama is one of the hardest to make compelling while still making your characters sympathetic. In fact, it's almost impossible. Makes it very hard to enjoy the romance when you hate the guts of these characters for what they're doing to an innocent person they both claim to love.

Third, you've got tragic. Sometimes this blurs lines with AU but it doesn't necessarily have to. It all comes down to the "death do us part" bit in the idea of modern marriage, where Shining Armor dies. Whether by the weapon of an enemy of the Crystal Empire, or the inexorable march of time for a mortal standing beside an Alicorn, Shiny is no longer part of the picture, leaving Twilight and Cadance a chance to grow even closer. Although this is the most realistic of the three, it's really hard not to make a fic like this, especially a short one, feel cheap. Obviously in this case one of the most important conceits for Twilight and Cadance getting together is the death of Shining Armor, but it's so very hard not to make that just blatantly obvious for the whole fic.

Sort of corollary, there are plenty of authors that find the idea squicky. My OTP is TwiLestia so I'm very familiar with the idea. So the pool of people actually willing to try writing a relationship between those two is smaller than, say, the pool that are willing to do Mane6 ships.

Now, with aaaaaaall that said, I'd sure rather see people try and maybe not do great rather than no one ever try, but I can easily see why authors might be hesitant.

There is a fourth option that I only saw one story of, Cadence loved Twilight instead of Shining Armor but had to make it look like she was straight by marrying him.
It was unfortunately cancelled, but it is one of my favorite stories even though it was only 2 chapters long.:ajbemused:

I knew that story, why did it have to be cancel...... though I think it was little force with every member of the mane 6 plus other princess being gay....

the sad thing is there was one fic i liked that had a post shiney death going as a plot point, where he basically point blank says move on and find new happiness. but the author has stopped updating it. my princess alluring was another good one that was au. my own twidance fic didn't end well really as part of the contrivance was that I had to kill off shining in a comically bizarre way (like mel brooks). then again now that i am wiser i can see i could have gone a different route. speaking of mel wedding bell blues is an awesome twidance fic in that vein of comedy.

I completely agree with everything said here. I've only put my pen into TwiDence once. Where Twilight lovd her and cried before going out to sing at the wedding. it was a little one shot meant to pop into the space between moments in canon. Even if unrequited, TwiDence can be really interesting to read.

But yeah. I wrote that four years ago but I still find it an interesting idea. But enough about my story XD

We def need more TwiDence

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