Queen Chrysalis's Changeling Swarm 3,976 members · 2,756 stories
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Here a challenge can you cringe worthy puns that a changelings can make.

That challenge Bugs me
Now I am going to go and wash my tongue with some bleach...

visits a bunch of prisoners held to the wall with changeling slime.

"Goop to see you stuck around"

I hate to BUGout but I have to CHANGE...
that was bad:fluttershbad:

5142794 I wish the writers would stop antagonizing and demonizing the changeling race, but they don't seem on changeling that anytime soon.

They're making a movie about a changeling who has to plant someone's idea into someone else's sub conscience. It's called Insection.

I'd buy that for a dollar, but I don't have the right CHANGE!

"If I was a changeling, would you feed me?:heart:" Not a joke, but it's so cheesy I could fondeu with it!

5142794 I'm going to cut off your legs and melt them on a ham sandwich.

5142794 That plot has more holes than is in all the legs of Canterlot.

Pony: "I hear you broke up with your marefriend!"
Changeling: "Yeah. I thought she loved me for who I am, but all she really wanted was to change me!"

Even worse
Changeling holds up a sign: "Free hugs!"
Pony walks up, frowns, turns up his muzzle and trots away mumbling: "Gosh-darned junky!"

Edit: Rock bottom
Pony meets two changelings in a bar. "Hey, why aren't you two disguised as ponies?
Changeling 1: "Why waste the energy?"
Changeling 2: "Yeah. They serve beer here, ya know!"

It bugs me that I can't think of anything punny to say about changelings.


I'd think of a joke to put here, but my shift is coming up.

"Why do you get hung up on sompony you used to know?"
"Now and then I get additcted to a certain kind of Sadness"

"I once made the massive faux pas of going to the airship exhibition as the same pony as someling else. I was beside myself in Hangar!"

So the changelings are making a new religion worshiping Chrysalis. They call her the HOLEY one.

I accept your challengeling

A Royal Guard Investigator examines the scene of the Canterlot invasion, mere minutes after Chrysalis's army was repulsed. Dozens of other guards sweep the area with him.
"What can you tell me about what happened here, and just how we're not bug food right now?" he asks one of his Lieutenants.

"Well sir, apparently the queen planned to impersonate Princess Cadenza and weaken the shield from within. Though her acting skills were terrible, she didn't kill Twilight Sparkle when she had the chance, and then completely turned her back while Captain Shining Armor was getting the shield back online." the Lieutenant shrugs, "To be honest, her plan was pretty flawed. Lucky for us."

The Investigator stares into the distance. "So I guess you could say..." *Pulls off shades* "There were a lot of holes in her evil plot."

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