One-Shots 2,371 members · 19,004 stories
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I wasn't active during the time this was a trend, so I'm late, but I've never understood it. Is it from an EQG movie, or is it just a fan-created thing? I see it pop up now and then, but I don't understand it, as the stories usually just refer to it by name.

Majin Syeekoh


Beanis is comedic sexual absurdism, where the general premise is that Twilight does something incredibly stupid (Like say, making a fully functional magical dildo out of bean paste) and Sunset is very confused and exasperated about this.

This has since evolved into a shared collaborative universe with a rich sense of continuity where multiple talented authors all work together to out-do each other and have a good time.


Beanis is comedic sexual absurdism, where the general premise is that Twilight does something incredibly stupid (Like say, making a fully functional magical dildo out of bean paste) and Sunset is very confused and exasperated about this.

50 stories later, and the premise has shifted more towards:

Twilight is the leader of a global Megacorp based around magical bean based phallus's and bean phallus accessories, which have been slowly penetrating into and taking over every other market. The future is careening headlong into an apocalypse scenario, and the window in which it can be stopped is shrinking rapidly.

As for how things got from point A to point Z, well, that would involve a lot of reading. It's a good time though.

Unlike your average fimfiction bandwagon, the stories of the BCU are all set in the same continuity, and build off of each other. We also work together to plan out our stories, and figure out what author should handle what story.

Beanis stories also aren't as popular as something like Anon A Miss or RGRE. We don't write these for views. We write them because we want to.

Thanks! How did it come about? Did someone say "lawl, Twilight makes a bean penis?" and write a story about it?

Majin Syeekoh

Yes. That's exactly what happened.

Beanis is a clear example of why you should not do drugs.

Majin Syeekoh

You know you love me bby


I can't rightly disagree with your assertion.

Author Interviewer

This thread's giving me indigestion. :pinkiesick:

Oooohhh!! Penis + beans

(I wondered what the heck beanis was now I know[and wished I didn't])

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