Twilestia is Bestia 3,275 members · 956 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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I'm trying to find a fic to re-read but I can't remember the name of it.

What I remember the clearest about it is that in one of the chapters, Celestia takes Twilight to a secret room in the garden were there are six statues of ponies that represent what the 'Elements of Harmony' can become when used improperly.

If anyone remembers please help me.

No it's not that
The fic is a Twilestia fic and the inverse harmony statues are just the theme of that one chapter not the whole fic.

Did you place a comment in that story?

Or a like?

I honestly can't remember

It would have made it easier to find it.

Hey, any success in identifying the fic? Any result, or new clues?

Do you remember if it was complete or incomplete when you read it? What other characters were present? Possible other tags? Was it romantic Twilestia or platonic?

I’m pretty good at finding stories, even those I haven’t read, but I’ll need more to go with.

I beleve the fic was complete and was a Twilestia fic.

I can't remember how many chapters it has but I do remember that each chapter was named.
Example: not an actual chapter "Of Sake and Tacos"

I think the chapter that had he scene I remember was called "Of Statues and ..."

This sounds an awful lot like it could fit the bill of this story:

However, it’s not a Twilestia story. Do you remember what other genre tags the story has? I tried sorting through the group by word count and going through the stories by the likelihood of them matching that description.

...Hmm I know that I found the fic one of the Twilestia Group's but now I'm wondering if the story is no longer on the site.

It didn't have a lot of tags far has I remember. Romance and I think Drama




I found it! The fic is called Between Day and Night! Thanks for your help guys.

Congratulations! A nice little brainstorm)

Oh, I remember that one now!

I’ll have to give it a look sometime!

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