Twilestia is Bestia 3,277 members · 956 stories
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Group Admin

If you're ok with it, I'd like to throw this over into the NSFW collab. I agree with the thought that while not explicit, it goes beyond the Teen rating of the standard collab, but it is still a good piece of writing and I'm sorry I missed it until Knight of Lycaeus brought it to my attention. Plus, the NSFW collab needs a shot in the arm, at the moment and something sweet like this is just what the doctor ordered.


I'd be honoured. :twilightsmile: I'm still struggling to get my proper entry finished, so it'll be nice to have something of mine in there for the moment.

Group Admin

Cool. I'll get that up in a few hours when I'm not at work.


Want me to do the editing? There are a lot of italics. :derpytongue2:

Group Admin

That would be super helpful. Shoot me a gdoc link or something I can copypasta it into fimfic and that'll smooth the process

Group Admin

Yep, looks good

Updated prompts list;
Castle (Noctus Noxia, Knight of Cerebus)
Clover Shampoo
Mardi Gras
Push My Luck
Running Gag
Twilestia (Ashi)

Also nabbing "Caramel".


I wonder why Ashes is sticking out so prominently to me. :trixieshiftright:

Can I have Twilestia for $400, Alex?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

4663545 Claiming Musical

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

4663545 Musical

Celestia bobbed and weaved her head in tune with the sweet sounds of a jaunty piano, her body rising and falling with the swells of chello that accompanied the mischievous, elegant ivory-keyed main act. Her eyes shut, she didn't notice the pony slipping into the room with her to appreciate the vinyl echos of a distant era. Suddenly her hooves were up, and she was bumping and moving to the beat of the cheery tune with a quick and elegant sway. She decided to keep her eyes closed instead, letting the pony's deft hands and sweet steps gently guide their bodies to the music. The track ran to its close, and at last she opened her eyes. "I didn't take you for a fan of Ragtime, Twili--" She found herself staring into the mismatched, pinprick eyes and incredibly bushy eyebrows of a very different subject of hers. "Oh. It's you."

"Yes," the draconequus deadpanned. "Oh," he dropped Celestia like a ton of bricks, mimicking her disgust. "It's me." Celestia dusted herself off, bracing herself for the inevitable request.

"How may I be of assistance?"

"I never said I wanted anything." Discord was quick to look away, his lower lip quickly swallowing up his singular fang in a pout.

"You never stop by to chat. Not unless it's some kind of test of character." Celestia raised an eyebrow, studying the former villain's face.

"I bring you gifts. Flowers, a nice card for the Gala. Maybe I'm asking for one of those." Discord suddenly jumped up from the floor and gave Celestia his best smile. "Where is Dearest Twilight, anyway? Off dealing with griffonic trade embargos?" Discord yawned, a large trail of fliers following the carbon dioxide out from his cavernous orifice. "Sorting out those border tensions with the Yaks again? Those do get awkward." Discord hid a spear and shield behind Celestia's right flank and gave a "shhhh". Celestia batted them away with a wing, then fixed him with a glare.

"Most likely she's taking court right now, or perhaps adventuring with her friends in accordance with their recently acquired map. I don't actually keep a constant tab on her. She's my lover, not a dog in need of housebreaking. You might wish to speak with Fluttershy, who sees her more regularly." Celestia stretched her wings. "Will that be all?"

"'More regularly?' How regularly do you see her? About half as often as Nightmare Moon?" Discord rolled his eyes. "You certainly show the mountains you'd move for each other in time spent together. You practically wear your feelings for each other on your sleeves." Discord pulled on a piece of cloth that had materialized itself around Celestia's wristbone. He pondered the words emblazoned across its surface, which read "I.O.U."

"Where are you going with this, Discord?" Celestia's eyes narrowed, her wings raising in warning.

Discord gave a smirk and a wink. "Wherever you wish, my dear. Time is something that I seem to have much of on my side." He swept his arm around himself, gaining a well-pressed suit, deluxe top hat and polished wooden cane. His other arm came up to showcase a sizeable silver watch. "But you must admit it--that smoldering glare, the way your wings raise ever so quickly, the way your heart is beating. We do have such tension whenever we meet, don't we? So much passion, where right now you have so much vacancy." Celestia's jaw actually dropped, then firmed up to jut out with the rest of her face like hard steel.

"Discord, if this is the request I think it is, then the answer is an emphatic no. Not ever." Celestia paused for a minute. "Did I make you consider...this? Was this your initiative, or were you misreading my signals. Yes, Twilight and I have to work hard to be together. Yes, I am enjoying your continued attempts to be more social and open up to others. No, these two things should never be mistaken as signs of my waning affection for her. If we did not want to be together, why would we be working so hard?"

"You've worked hard all your life, both you and her, my dear. Call it second nature. But tell me--does she ever bring a smile to your face? Could she ever make you laugh like me?"

"Did you even watch me whilst you were impersonating her?" Celestia's wings folded back, and for a minute she was smiling again. "I have many smiles, Discord. But the ones I save for her are all my brightest."

Discord glowered. "And what did she ever do to deserve it? Fuss at you? Boss you around with that tinny little voice of hers? Is that what you like? Being a cog in her machine?"

Celestia giggled her tinkling laugh. "I'm afraid you have it quite opposite. She enjoys living under my orders. Or did you think I grew up under Princess Twilight?" Celestia's smile remained unchanged. "She is merely a more zealous version of me, and everything you hate about her has its roots in the relationship I have with her. If anything, you should be squaring your proposition at her."

Discord gagged.

"But I'll grant you this, Discord. If this was a masquerade, another mentor session, it has worked its magic well. You've worked up my courage." She slipped across the plush floors of her room, over to the record player. "That's the crucial part of starting a relationship, Discord. You have to both have something the other wants. And nothing you could offer me, my dear, is anything that I would wish for."

Discord lifted up his hat with the tip of his cane, stammering. "N-nothing? But you can't mean that! I can give you anything. And I would, you know, though it wouldn't come quick or easy." He gave a knowing wink. "Things are never done the simple way with me."

She gave a smile, sad though it was. "The things I want are more abstract than that. Friends, security, a loving family. These are the things I love most of all. Order, prosperity, freedom. Things a recovering tyrant with a love of madness is only just beginning to understand. Tell me, what do you think of Equestria? As a country? A people?"

Discord gave a sigh. "Oh, if we must talk about them. Yes, your darling subjects. Boring, judgemental and self-righteous whelps if ever there were any."

"Also called contented, close-knit and moral. But thank you for your high opinion of my life's work." Celestia's eye glimmered. "Now, what was that about knowing what I want and how I think?"

Discord balked. "Errr, yes, well." He pulled on the rim of his hat and gave an awkward cough. "When you put it like that..."

"Is it any wonder I was won over by the pony I could most easily name my heir? You look at my beloved subjects and see an enemy. She looks at them and sees cherished companions." Celestia looked over at Discord at last, eyes still showing sympathy. "But I don't think it's me you want, is it? It's just somebody. Isn't it? It could be anypony under the skies."

Discord scoffed. "It doesn't matter what I want. It's not like you'd even know." Discord snapped his coat away. "No, you're right. If it is all about this needing and wanting business, I guess that's one train-wreck I'd like to step to one side of. I thought it was about fun. Flings. Energy. Not what you need from someone." Discord threw the cane away bitterly.

"What you get from your own relationship is your own business. But you can't have mine." She gave him a wink for his troubles. "No matter how much you beg."

"Right-o." Discord blew a raspberry. He put the top hat in his hands, holding it over his chest and looking at Celestia like a lost puppy. "I guess I'll be on my way. But, err, before I do. Why were you listening to music? Most times I see you you're reading, with friends or playing some strategy games. When you aren't working. New hobby?"

Celestia gave one of those 'most cherished smiles' she had mentioned earlier. "No. I was looking for music to propose to. Thank you, though, for giving me some excellent material to work with."

Prompt: Caramel (Sequel to Frame)
Dawn had broken not even an hour ago and already Celestia's heart was racing. Her sleep had not proven as restful as she had desired, not while a familiar image taunted her mind about what might be.

She swallowed in an effort to help calm her shaking nerves. The motion had little effect on helping her to calm down her breathing. The scroll, the source of her current problems was lightly held before her.

The scroll itself was rather innocuously, but its content on the other hoof was like a deadly poison. Now in cool air of the early morning she prepared herself to cast the reveal spell again. She needed to be sure, to know that what she saw last night was not a dream.

She tried to calm herself again this time through careful breathing which had some success in calming her racing heart. Even so she could still feel how heavily her hesitation weighed on her even as she sought the answer she wanted.

The truth is what mattered, one had to be certain.

Slowly her golden magic aura coated the scroll as she casted the reveal spell. After a few moments the golden glow slid off the scroll and slowly formed into a shape.

A Sun. The image that formed before her was clearly a sun and not just any sun, but her Sun. Last night her mind had not seen falsely and that truly she herself was responsible for Twilight receiving a missive that should have never been sent.

She just sat there mutely looking at the image formed from her golden aura. She did not notice the passing of time not even when the servants arrived half an hour later with breakfast. Hot, steaming buttermilk pancakes topped with fresh sliced strawberries, a thin caramel sauce, and a large dollop of whipped cream.

It wasn't until her meal had been laid out fully that a servant coughed lightly that she tore her eyes from the hovering sun. The servant asked if she needed anything else, to this she shook her head and thanked them as they left the room.

Despite her hunger and the wonderful smell of the finely prepared breakfast, all Celestia could do was stare as the image of the sun faded away.

The truth mattered, but it didn't mean that it didn't sting.

New Prompt: Running Gag

Incidentally we've now reached the 450th chapter with the overall number of stories/chapters.

I think I would like to play around with ashes

And so it is written, Ashes

This was it, everything was gone. Her kingdom turned to ash, her subjects scattered to the four corners of the earth. Everything had come down around her and now she was alone, only the slowly dying embers of her kingdom remained. Celestia closed her eyes and remembered. Remembered her life, the days that had long since passed and been forgotten by most.

The young purple filly excitedly jumping around her, the joy of finding her cutie mark overwhelming her. Such innocence, such purity. Where had she gone wrong in raising the young foal. When was the last time she had smiled or laughed. Had it been eons, maybe only centuries. It wasn't supposed to have happened like this,

She wasn’t supposed to be immortal, just an alicorn with a longer life. Celestia opened her eyes and stared out over the horizon. An orange glow permeated the night sky around her at the edge of the horizon. The last vestiges of the kingdom drifting into the night sky. Had she made Twilight into the warrior who had fallen so low. Was it her fault that Equestria now burned and her subjects fled in fear.

Her mind drifted back to the reports of Twilight's battle with Tirek. Entire landscapes changed forever, mountains lost and homes turned into lakes. She hadn’t thought much of it before, Tirek was a powerful foe and collateral was expected. Where had she gone wrong with Twilight.

She turned her gaze to the east, to Ponyville. Not much was left of the old village, it had gone downhill after the bearers of harmony had passed on. It was the first place Twilight had razed. The Everfree forest had taken it shortly after. A light on the horizon caught her eye.

Nightmare Moon was hard at work somewhere out there under that light. When Twilight had brought her back should have been the first sign. Maybe it was but Twilight had convinced her she had it under control, and she truly did. Why hadn’t Celestia seen what Twilight was becoming back then. She never should have let her study Sombra’s magic.

A thump beside her alerted her to the arrival of another pony. Slowly she turned to look and her breath hitched. Twilight smiled at her, a predatory smile that chilled her to the bone. “It’s truly beautiful isn’t it my dear Celestia. Such a gorgeous orange hue painting the horizon where your sun has set for the final time.”

Celestia hung her head. “Why Twilight? Why?”

Twilight pondered for moment. “A good final question I suppose. I guess you have been trying to figure out where you went wrong. Well I can tell you with certainty it wasn't your fault, completely. You made me a princess after all, you do need to take blame for that. As for the real question, because there are somethings you can never give me as long as the nation stands.”

“You think all of this will make me open my heart to you?” Celestia stared at her former student in a mixture of terror and confusion.

Twilight snickered and shook her head. “Or course not, it’s just an obstacle towards freeing you up a bit. We can’t really lock the monarch of the most powerful, sorry formerly most powerful, nation in the world can we.” Twilight turned to look at Celestia, the glint of a mare lost in her own insanity visible in her eyes. “So we just take away the nation and nopony is around to complain that their monarch is missing.”

Celestia’s eyes teared up and she moved towards Twilight. “Oh Twilight, where did it all go wrong? When did your mind become so corrupted? How long have you wanted more from me and I ignored it?”

Twilight's face snapped to angry and she grabbed Celestia by her peytral and yanked her close. “No, you don’t get to be the damsel in distress. It’s to late to play that card.” Twilight growled at Celestia and flung her away. “I stood by you after you made me a princess, I stood by you when immortality was thrust upon me. I even gave you the benefit of the doubt when Applejack passed away but no more. You never once reached out to help me no matter how hard I cried, always sending your sister, trying to deflect my affections. That ends now.”

Twilight turned away from Celestia and rose up on her back hooves, her front hooves opened wide as though embracing the horizon. Slowly her horn began to glow brighter and brighter, a menacing laugh crescendoing with it. Finally the glow stopped growing and Twilight’s eyes flicked back to Celestia. “It ends.”

Before Twilight could release her spell Celestia dove forward and tackled her. Together they fell over the railing and off the cliff. The ruins of Canterlot lay below them like spires reaching up for them. Celestia locked eyes with Twilight. “You’re right, it ends now.” Her horn lit up with a golden glow and enveloped them both. Time slowed and Twilight watched wide eyed as Celestia pulled her close and kissed her tenderly.

The kiss was fleeting but inside, Twilight’s world exploded. All the hate, the anger, the rage, it all faded away. She felt the warmth of Celestia’s magic fill her. The warmth of her kindness, of her love, of her boundless forgiveness flooded through the her and purged everything. Twilight’s eyes flickered close for a brief moment and tears streamed down her face. “Why, why now? You could have stopped this at any time.”

Celestia cupped Twilight's cheek gingerly. “Because you had closed yourself off. I could never have reached your heart before this night.”

Twilight wrapped Celestia in her wings and cried. “How can you forgive me after everything I have done? Your sister, your kingdom, your soldiers and the their families.”

“Because you need to be forgiven.” Celestia smiled and stroked the purple alicorns mane. “You will never be able to forgive yourself, so I will forgive you first so maybe, someday, you can forgive yourself.”

Twilight gripped Celestia tighter and began to channel her magic. “This is the end for us but I can leave something behind.” A purple orb pulled free from her horn and shot out to the east. “I will free your sister from my spell and give her a final message. It is my goodbye to her and to you.”

Celestia brow furrowed and she wrapped her wings around Twilight. “No, we will go together.”

“No, this world needs you.” Calmness filled Twilight’s features. “I on the other hand, I have done unforgivable things.” Her eyes drifted closed. “This world doesn’t need a monster like me in it. Tirek, Discord, Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis, the world has enough monsters threatening it, it doesn’t need another one.” Twilight pushed her forehead against Celestia’s. “The world needs you, needs your sister but not me. My time is over, my evil must end. It must be ended.”

A smile worked its way over Twilight's lips and she darted forward. For a moment Celestia stiffened and then relaxed as she returned the kiss. As quick as it had begun though it ended and she was shoved away. Twilight drifted further and further from her, time slowing the closer she got the jagged ruins of the ancient city. Before she turned away she saw Twilight mouth three words, three of the most powerful words that had ever been spoken. Three words that could have prevented the war before it had even begun.

New Prompt: tacent

I would like to prompt Castle. Is it okay if this Celestia is an Alternate version in this oneshot?

Okay. Then I will write Castle as soon as I find the time.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

4663545 Claiming Castle. Oh shit. Somebody else was going to do that. Let's try it as Twilestia instead.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

4663545 Twilestia

"It must be nice." Twilight said whistfully, eyes on a pair of prancing ponies in front of her. The two horses, maid and butler, from what she could tell, were too busy with each other to think to check where she was lurking. The butler was currently trying to adjust the maid's bonnet, much to the maid's exasperation. He blushed and stole a glance at her from time to time, muttering about how "cute" she was going to look. He got a shove into a patch of chrysanthemums for his troubles.

"Come now, Twilight. Have some perspective. They look at us every day and think the same things."

"Yes, well, neither one of us exactly got to choose, did we?" She pursed her lips, then looked up at Celestia for a moment. "Do you ever think about...just...running away? Letting it sort itself out? There are always ponies like us out there. I know. I've met a dozen of them on my travels. Just for a few years!"

Celestia looked back at her with disappointment in her eyes. "Twilight Sparkle! Is this how you'd repay all those ponies you call your friends? Abandoning them on a whim? Because of a longing for a simpler life?"

"Alright, alright. But just calls to you, you know?" She looked back at the couple, who were now lying against each other on one of the garden's benches. "Not for me. But for what we have planned. You want to bring a pony into a world like this? Stuffy and cold with everypony afraid of the magic she's going to inherit from us? All the pressure to be as amazing as her rich and talented parents breathing down her neck from day one? I lived that, Princess. That wrecked my life for seventeen years. Living in this prison of a castle." She turned to look into Celestia's eyes. "I'd do anything so they'd never have to live a life like that."

Celestia took in all this quietly enough, but she allowed Twilight to see the discomfort spreading further and further across her face with every word. Twilight caught her worry immediately.

"And it isn't you fault, and it's not your subjects' fault. It wasn't because of my parents or Cadance or me or anypony." Twilight let more than a little pride and relief shine through with the words "it isn't my fault", the past insecurity falling below her like a mountain she still savoured the memory of conquering. "But I won't let it happen to her."

Celestia merely gave a gentle nod. "I understand." She looked over at the couple, who were themselves currently looking back at over them with confusion and concern. She gave them a smile, then turned back to Twilight. "But you and I do have a long time to consider."

Twilight let out a breath. "Yeah, we do." A thought troubled her for a minute. "Just for the record, I do love this life we have together. I love my friends and--" Celestia cut her off with a peck.

"I know, Twilight. I know." The larger pony wrapped a wing around the smaller. "Now let's give them something to marvel at." She gave a wink, and the two took off toward the palace in step, entering back into the world they knew so well with a wing around each other and bodies pressed firmly together.

Next Prompt: Woona

Here comes Castle. AN: Contains reflected Celestia and Twilight.

"Three cellings have crashed down, two towers collapsed, nearly half of a wall crumbled and five of my maids died!" Twilight flinched, while she watched Celestia walking back and forth in front of her throne. Her horned crown shimmered dangerously in the light and her violet cloak dragged behind her. The dawncoloured eyes were narrowed. The Tryannt Sun - as Princess Celestia was known in Ponyville - bared her teeth.
"What do you have to say for yourself, Twilight?"
The purple unicorn did not responded at first. Instead she looked at the part of the Royal Sisters Castle, which had been thorn appart by the explosion she had caused during an experiment. Twilight ran through her blackish shaded mane with a hoof and blew away a few strands from her face. Better be careful what you are saying now. The Princess was known for having no mercy. Rumors said, she liked to imprison her foes in stone or throw them in the dungoen.
Twilight folded her arms and lifted her nose. Her cheeks flushed. "Who says, that it was me? Where are the facts?" Facts. She could never go without them. Her Cutiemark - a star around which circled several atoms - showed that she was a serious scientist. She was not Celestia's private student, but the mare liked her experiments and her studies and enjoyed assisting and helping her work.
Celestia asked: "Oh, and how do you explain this?" With a nodd of her head and a glow of her horn Celestia leviated a book in front of Twilight's surprised face. 1000 ways of causing an explosion. Twilight took a step back. Her ears dropped. Horse apples! The unicorn's eyes widened.
With a weary laughter she said: "Yeah, that makes every discussion irrelevant." She dropped her head, expecting Celestia to punish her.
The white Alicorn took the book again and flipped through the pages. She mumbled: "I could punish you now. For destroying my property." Twilight looked up and blinked in surprise, because Celestia started to smile. "But I won't." I must be dreaming! I must!
"Really?", stammered Twilight happily.
Celestia pushed her in an embrance. She placed her head on Twilight's mane. "That part of the castle was ugly as Tartarus anyway", she found, "So I would have let it restored eventually. You just made the progress go faster." A kiss on her forehead and Celestia asked: "Besides could you make an explosion in Sombra's castle? I bet he will be red with anger."
Twilight snuggled against her chest. "Of course, Princess."

Next prompt: Mirror

Group Admin

Laying claim to Mardi Gras

Group Admin

Here's Mardi Gras!

Twilight blew her bangs out of her eyes as her cab pulled up into the guest drop-off semicircle in front of the hotel she was staying at with the girls for Mardi Gras. She paid the driver and climbed out into the quiet, muggy Louisiana night. The three strands of plastic beads around her neck clicked and rattled along with her movement, bouncing across her t-shirt covered chest.

Twilight looked down at them as the cab drove off to pick up other people looking to escape the still raging party that was going on in the French Quarter, several blocks away. She’d gone out late to hunt down a M.I.A. Pinkie Pie, when a text to her phone from AJ let her know that their friend had reappeared at the hotel room covered in more confetti and glitter than seemed possible. They’d even sent her a picture. Twilight had started back on foot at first, but the crowds and the unfamiliar territory soon made that next to impossible.

Maybe it was the heat. Maybe it was the loud music and revelry in the streets. Whatever the cause, it had an affect on her and before she’d managed to flag down a ride, she had the beads. Physical proof of overcoming her fears and self conscious nature. Evidence that she’d actually flashed her goods at the crowd of party goers. The first one was a flash in every sense, a blink-and-you-missed-it sort of thing.

The second one was longer, and won her a larger, more elaborate string of colored plastic spheres. The third was an experiment. At least that’s what I think it was. Did a more substantive flash equal bigger and better beads?

Twilight fingered the third set around her neck, walking through the automatic doors into the cooled lobby. That set of beads was metallic and had a larger circumference set on a thicker cord that hung down to her belly button. Initial results point to yes. I just wish I could have found my bra afterwards.

She crossed her arms across her front as the AC cooled air in the lobby gave the strings of beads something to catch on. Twilight nodded to the bored looking concierge behind the front desk, picking up her pace when she heard the elevator around the corner ahead ding. “Hey! Hold the door!”

Twilight broke into a sprint the last few yards, a pale hand holding the elevator door open for her to breathlessly skid to a stop through. She laughed, coughing into her hand before turning to her lift partner. “Hehe...thanks...these elevators are so slow and I’m all the way up on the fourteenth floor…”

“I know, I’m on the sixteenth—wait...Twilight Sparkle? Is that really you?”

Twilight blinked, her distracted mind catching up to her and processing just who her elevator savior was. She hadn’t seen her since the graduation ceremony some six weeks earlier. That time, Principal Celestia was wearing the traditional cap and gown. Normally, her attire was a sensible suit with pants in light, neutral colors. Twilight could only think of a handful of times she’d seen the principal in a skirt in her four years at Canterlot High. Now she had a new occasion to add to that list.

The beads weren’t usually a part of her standard dress.

Principal Celestia stared back at her with wide eyes, taking in the trinket-esque necklaces and her obvious lack of a bra under her shirt. Twilight could see her putting two and two together and rejecting the result. She folded her arms across her front again, covering her chest a little more, and eyed the Mister T levels of necklaces the school administrator wore on top of her considerably more ample bust.

She cleared her throat once the elevator doors were firmly closed, entrapping the two of them alone for the next couple of minutes while it climbed the hotel floors. “Um...enjoying Mardi Gras?”

“I-I-I...I’m not here for that.” Celestia glanced down at her collection of cheap jewelry. “Administrator conference, actually. sister and I...had a late dinner nearby.”

Twilight nodded, one eyebrow raising incredulously. “Pretty late for dinner.”

“Oh you know how it goes. We got to talking about...things.” The principal flushed and then stood a bit straighter, which only served to reinforce how short her tight skirt was. “What about you? Having fun before getting into your college studies?”

“I guess you could call it that. Pinkie really wanted to see Mardi Gras and we’re all over eighteen now…” Twilight shrugged, causing her beads to rattle again. “...I’m not sure how I even got these.”

“I’m not sure how I got these either.”

The elevator dinged for the fifth floor, the only sound as the two women studied each other evenly. When it chimed again for the sixth, they were grinning, Twilight’s arms comfortably at her sides, Celestia resting back against the opposite wall, one hand on her hip. By the time the seventh floor was announced, they were both laughing openly, their combined collection of necklaces clicking and clacking along with them.

When she had her breathing under control again, Twilight pointed at the beads Celestia was wearing. “That’s a pretty impressive collection, honestly.”

Celestia chuckled again and lifted a few in one hand. “Thank you, but the secret is this push-up bustier. All I had to do was open a couple of extra buttons on my jacket and I was getting them two at a time.”

Twilight looked down at her own chest. “I actually lost my bra after the third time. Thankfully it wasn’t the only one I brought for the trip.”

“That explains a few things.” Celestia smirked, crossing her arms under her bust and shaking her shoulders with tiny movements. “Be glad you’re still young, Twilight. A few more years and too much cake will leave you in sore need for proper support all the time, like me. But I can’t imagine how you managed to completely lose your bra!”

“It was an accident, I swear!” Twilight giggled, but she shook her head at the idea of ever being as stacked as the woman in front of her. That would take a miracle. Or surgery. Or both. She bit her lip though, as she looked over the types of beads Celestia had. “I know there isn’t really a codified set of rules to it...but I only got the metallic ones after I flashed the high beams. You’ve a lot of those.”

“Why, yes, I do.” Celestia replied flatly, her eyes searching the tiny space for something other than Twilight to focus on. The chime for the tenth floor sounded. “Give it a few more Mardi Gras and you’ll figure out how to do it without losing anything.”

Twilight nodded silently, blushing and stuffing her hands in her pockets. The eleventh floor ding came and went. The twelfth ding was followed by her gently clearing her throat.

Celestia looked up, idly plucking at the hem of her tight skirt, the action making her suddenly seem much younger. “Yes?”

Twilight slipped her three strings of beads up and over her head, clenching them in hand, before meeting Celestia’s eyes, her voice shaky and quiet. “I...uh...have three sets. Think I could trade you for...a demonstration of your...uh…technique? So I don’t lose any more bras, of course!” She added quickly.

The thirteenth floor chimed past with Celestia staring at the plastic necklaces, frozen in shocked thought.

The fourteenth floor finally arrived and the doors slid open. Twilight dropped her eyes, her hand with the beads lowering. “Nevermin—”



“If you see my…”Celestia glanced down at herself, color flooding her neck and the little triangle of exposed flesh between the jacket’s collar. “ technique, that would be an acceptable trade. Just not here. My room, perhaps?”

Twilight swallowed, a small smile appearing on her lips.

The elevator doors closed with yet another ding, the fourteenth floor hall just as empty as it was a minute ago.

Man, it has been too long since I've done this.
In other news, I still can't do short prompts.
New Prompt: Organized

It may not be the best written thing I've ever done, but have a gander at Precision

Waxy paper rustled, flapped, and crinkled in the bindings of a well-worn, oil-clothed tome the size of a large sandwich. Beside it laid a half-filled scroll with an inkwell and quill off to the side, sharing space with the tome on a mahogany table. Beside the writing implements was a glass of iced tea, garnished with a lemon wedge and chilled with several chilled stones.

Before it all sat Twilight Sparkle, firmly furrowing her brow upon a fuschia comforter.

This was a situation that to her was all too common. To a pony as particular as our purple princess, proper placement of punctuation and words were of utmost importance. Naturally, this would lead to a particularly puzzling problem whenever there was a particular phrase that she couldn't find. Oftentimes, there'd be a concept she'd want to describe, but couldn't quite confine to a concise term. To a studious sort like herself, this lead to but one recourse: consulting the dictionary.

Twilight had been attempting to prepare a speech for sometime now, regarding the state of affairs in Ponyville in light of the recent addition of the Rainbow Friendship Castle. As many residents had reported, during the day, the castle would often take in ghastly amounts of sunlight, which refracted around town, causing sporadic spouts of temporary blindness in some ponies. The structure couldn't be taken down, of course; what remained of the Golden Oak's Library had been placed in the new castle, and the castle was now her official home, not to mention a royal estate. However, something had to be done to mitigate the amount of light being indiscriminately distributed to unsuspecting ponies, and it had to be done sooner rather than later.

The problem was trying to convey the potential solution. While the ponies down in Ponyville are far from simple, what Twilight had in mind would require some clever linguistics to explain. Being that she was especially skilled at working out exacting, precise answers to even the simplest of problems, she wanted to make sure there was no room for error.

But, several minutes into scanning both her densest dictionary and thickest thesaurus, Twilight was horn-first into a wordy wall, which she plomped into trying to meet that one measly word she needed.

"There has to be something here," she muttered to herself, rubbing her temple with her left hoof as she wiped the sweat off her brow with the right. "This is the fifth edition of the Oxherd Common Dictionary! I should be able to find at least one stinking sentence that sounds even vaguely similar to the one I want!"

A loud thud sounds from outside as something lands on the platform on one of the tree castle's wider branches. The weight of the noise was too large to confuse; it was very probably Princess Celestia, come to check in on things.

"Good afternoon, Twilight," cooed the solar sage. "Hard at work in your new castle, I see. What seems to be the problem?"

Twilight stood up, regarding her mentor with a worn, but welcome gaze, frowning slightly as she gave a brief hug of greeting.

"That's just it," she said straightly. "The castle itself's what's giving me trouble."

"Oh?" The older princess leaned in to glance at the scroll. "Whatever for, dear?"

"Well, for one, the crystalline structure's been scattering light all across the town. The way it's structured causes some crazy refractions that are shining just about anywhere there's strong light. I'm trying to write a plan up for some sort of prism-y, mirror-based system to try to redirect the flow back into the tree--you know, so it can heat the place up a little easier during the summer and winter--but I'm having trouble finding the right words to get what I'm trying to say across."

Celestia nodded her head. "It seems simple enough." she replied, looking to the dictionary. "Could you perhaps describe it to me as best you can? Maybe I can find it?"

"You would do that?" Twilight stepped back, allowing Celestia to sit down. "Please, be my guest!"

"I'd do anything for you, Twilight," said the princess with a gentle smirk. "We're not just student and teacher anymore; we're friends and partners in royalty. We have to look after each other if we want to ensure the realm is working as it should be."

"I'm in your debt, Princess!" Twilight told the taller alicorn.

"Don't be silly, Twilight," chided Celestia. "You know you owe me little more than that darling little smile of yours."

Twilight shrunk away, cheeks aflush with warm blood as she tittered on to herself. "It's not that adorable."

"Nonsense." Celestia nuzzled the purple princess, touching noses with her like she was stealing away a kiss. "There's nothing as adorable as that smile you hear my praises."

Twilight wanted to curl up in a little ball and hide away from the warm fuzzies Celestia was sticking to her like tiny little bubbles. She was familiar with Celestia's glowing reviews of her, but even now, just hearing her mentor constantly speak so highly of her made Twilight melt so gradually with every word. It was only her superior's sterling white hoof that keep her good and solid.

"Twilight? That description?"

Twilight shook away her white-hot embarrassment and snapped herself back into reality. "Right, right! I was looking for a word to for the way sunlight heats up glass structures when it's focused through a lens, like in a greenhouse."

Celestia nodded her head and smiled. "Sounds simple enough for me. I'll see what I can find."

This said, Celestia swiftly set to work. She hummed to herself the bars of an eerily familiar song. Twilight was especially acquainted to it some time ago, and its tone made her wings twitch at the pinions.

She looked to her reflection in the mirror, "It's hard to believe that it's almost been a year since...well, you know."

"Well, one year, three months, eight weeks and seven days," corrected Celestia with a chuckle. "But who's counting?"

Twilight blinked in earnest surprise. "You actually know how long it's been?"

"Well, when you've lived as long as I have, while most events in life are often a blur," said the mighty mare as she lazily shrugged her wings. "But when there comes a moment that worms itself deep inside your heart--one of those very special moments that you played a particularly important part in--it sticks in your head about as well as a favorite song."

Celestia chuckled to herself for a moment.

"It's funny, isn't it?" she asked Twilight, craning her head around. "How just before that fateful moment, I sang that song to you. I didn't compose it; neither did Luna or Cadence or even Raven. That entire aria was born of its own, deep in my heart of hearts. I felt such a pride for you on that day that my heart was lifted into song.

"That, dear Twilight, is the kind of exacting precision only a precious few ponies in my life have in my memories."

Twilight bit her lip, half between pride and guilt from the princess' wording. "Who were the others?"

"Well, let's see," said the princess, putting a hoof to her chin. "Well, there was Sunset Shimmer, back when she was my student. Princess Luna, of course. I think the only pony who could compare to you, however, was Starswirl the Bearded. Even then, I only place him so high for the contributions he made for the realm's sake."

"You mean when he--"

"Yes," Celestia said snappily. "He did things few ponies have the power or will to. Even at the cost of his health, he tried to keep the world moving when no one else could."

Twilight hung her head. "So what makes me any better than him?"

Celestia stopped her search and turned to Twilight, holding her chin up with a demure smile.

"What makes you special, dear?" she asked rhetorically. "Is that where Starswirl had taught me that the right pony in the right place can work wonders, you taught me that when the right ponies come together in the right place, they can make miracles."

The heavenly mare drew her wings open, draping them against her purple protégée. She kept quiet as a mouse, focused on the moment as she tried to keep herself reigned in. But there was always something about Twilight. The way she saw her grow from such a promising young student into one of the finest mares of her age, the effervescent curiosity she had for her talent, and the exacting lengths to which she'd go, just for her teacher's approval. The way that time had turned for them both made that imperious mask of hers slip away, little by little, with the sweat and tears serving helping it on its way off.

"My dear little pony," she shuddered, "If you want to know precision, than look in the mirror."

Twilight saw her reflection in Celestia's eyes, awestruck by way it seemed to glisten in her magenta eyes.

"If precision were ever a pony, you would be its spitting image."

I figured I needed to try something a little different. Not much planning went into this one; I just started from a simple seed of a story and just went with the flow from there.

New Prompt: Lotus

Reposting an updated prompts list;
Clover Shampoo
Push My Luck
Running Gag
Woona (Silver Scrolls)

By principal alone I must claim Woona *snatches the prompt and scurries into his hovel*

Group Admin

When it comes up, I'll make sure the revised version posts to the story page.

Claiming Movie


“Oh come on!” Twilight shouted at the projector screen set up across from Celestia’s bed. “Griffin necromancers animated their ancestral dead as servitors to them by giving them the opportunity to remain useful as guardians and soldiers! They don’t consider the undead monsters and they most certainly would NOT hire an earth pony they’d never met to hunt down and destroy one!”

Twilight fumed as the athletic mare on the screen swung across the chasm filled with moaning, gnashing horrors using her enchanted whip. Celestia giggled.

“Twilight, you simply must learn to let details like that slide,” she admonished.

“But it’s historically and scientifically inaccurate!” Twilight whined.

Celestia chuckled again as Twilight pouted.

“The director had probably never even heard of the books before the studio decided to make a quick bit adapting them,” Twilight continued to grouse.

Celestia patted Twilight with her wing. “On the contrary,” Celestia said soothingly. “I know for a fact that Mr. Applemont is very much proud of his many times great-granddame’s exploits and was positively thrilled at the chance to bring them to life on the big screen.”

Twilight’s jaw dropped. “Wait...Sonja Applemont wasn’t a fictional character?”

Celestia smiled. “There is a reason the Apple family in particular was given the charter to settle in vampire fruit bat country,” she said with a wink. I owed their great-dame and I couldn’t think of anypony better suited to settle the area.”

Twilight’s mouth worked soundlessly as she groped for a response.

“...You are so hot right now,” she said after a moment’s thought.

Celestia’s smile widened. Twilight stopped nitpicking the movie.

And then they had sex.

New Prompt: Aegyptian

Place claim on Organized

I'm claiming Clover Shampoo if no one minds.

ETA: I'm still working on this prompt but it's gotten away from me a bit and since I won't be able to work on it until next week I'm releasing my claim on Clover Shampoo. If it's still available next week I'll reclaim it.

I'm claiming Tacent.

Here's Tacent!

Look at them, having the time of their lives. That should be me with her, not Twilight!’ A voice yells in my head, shattering my thoughts. I blink twice, and release my grip on the bannister keeping me from falling over. My crossbow sits next to me, unloaded but strung to fire at a moment’s notice.

I looked down from my vantage point, spying on the two princesses’ romantic picnic. I keep telling myself it’s to protect them, but that lie keeps feeling more and more flimsy by the day. Maybe… maybe one day I’ll work up the courage to say something, but what chance do I have against one of the Elements of Harmony, and fellow ruler?

My shoulders slump. ‘No chance, that’s what.’ I lamely think, forcing myself to look away just before Twilight leans back to kiss Celestia. They’ve been happily dating for six months, two weeks, and three days now. No, I’m not obsessed. I’ve just been good at keeping track of time.

The longer you wait, your chances with her dwindle…’ the voice helpfully adds. This time, I don’t even bother looking away as Celestia kisses Twilight. The blow to my heart hurts, but it’s a common pain now.

I managed to catch Princess Luna spying on one of my dreams about Princess Celestia, and she assured me that she will not reveal my feelings to either of them. Either way, I’m not sure if she was telling the truth or lying, but nothing has been said yet.

A bush rustling nearby startled me from my thoughts. My muscles move automatically, years of training honing them to a subconscious action. My hand snaps to the crossbow and the other draws a bolt, slamming it into the channel and arming the weapon. My wings flare as I call out, “Who goes there?”

I take wing as the bush continues to rustle. I set down loudly, announcing my presence and aiming at the bush. “Come on out, I know you’re there.”

The bush’s only response was to stop suddenly and squeak. I slowly close and finally see somepony inside the bush. White fur, purple mane, and probably terrified.

Lowering the weapon, I kneel down and glare at the pony, my training still driving my body. “This area is off limits for the evening. Please leave.”

The pony, no mare, looks into my eyes, almost as if she’s searching for something. She’s terrified, yes, but in only a few seconds it fades. Naught but a few seconds later, she’s bolted upright and apologizing profusely.

I get a good look at her, though I ignore her words. She’s thin, but not overly so like some of those so-called ‘supermodels’. She has a white coat, similar to Princess Celestia’s, and her mane and tail are styled as well, though I can’t recall the style’s name. She looks beautiful, but has a subtle, hidden strength to her.

In the middle of her apology she reaches forward.

Instinct kicks in and I bring up the weapon. “Ma’am, this area is off limits. Please leave. I will not ask again.” Her pupils shrink and she freezes, just like a normal pony would.

“I’m terribly sorry, sir. Princess Luna told me to meet a guard out this way.” She reaches into one of her pockets and fishes out a note. “She said to give them this note.”

Right.’ I cocked an eyebrow, “And you hid in the bush to get my attention?”

A blush furiously drew across her face before she looked away. “I… may have actually tripped into it.”

“Oh.” She passes me the note.

Try taking Rarity here out. You both will find more in common than you realize.

Besides, you owe me. Your replacement will arrive shortly and relieve you.

I sigh. ‘Of course she’s doing this right now. Well, it’s a direct order, and she is beautiful.’ Subconsciously, I hope Luna is right.

“Love, was that Rarity being escorted away?”


673 words. Gdoc link.

Not much to say. It started creepy, then devolved into... something else. Not really happy with it, but I did need to write something.

Offering up sleep. I kind of need that myself, actually.

Claiming Mirror

I was in the mood for something like this, so I wrote something for Push My Luck. Contains Equestria Girls.

With a doubtful expression, Twilight Sparkle looked at the paper in her hands. She knew quite well that these things could get seemingly silly and nonsensical. She also knew that despite how they may look, they're necessary to ensure that everything goes well and things won't get overly complicated due to petty complaints. Truly, you could never be secure enough.

At least, that's what she thought, until she saw what was written on the form. "The student acknowledges that they're not allowed to take the salt shakers from the cafeteria home"? Even to her, that seemed unnecessary. It was already covered by more general rules and besides, something like that should be written on the school regulations in the first place, not a separate document that needed to be signed. And somehow, Twilight knew that she was the only one to get a paper like this.

It wasn't just because it was so weird, but because it was the fifth time she was called into the principal's office. And it was her first week at this school. Something was seriously off, but Twilight found it hard to complain. Not just because she had a lot of respect for Principal Celestia, but also because she always seemed so happy to have her here. Maybe a bit too happy...

Despite her positive outward appearance, Celestia felt conflicted. She knew that she couldn't keep it up for long. She was struggling to find good reasons to call the new student to her office and was already failing. Yet, despite knowing how unconvincing she was becoming, she couldn't stop. The desire to be alone with her, if only for a few minutes, was still too strong.

Telling her the truth was out of question. She wouldn't understand. Celestia didn't even understand it herself. She barely knew the girl, especially since she was rather different from the other Twilight, and they were principal and student. Would she really be fine, if the she told her how much she loved her pretty looks, appreciated her intelligence on more than an academic level, wanted to hold her body in her arms and taste her lips? Probably not. She had a hard time with other people to begin with. Being desired by an older woman would completely swamp her.

"Um, Principal Celestia...," Twilight suddenly said. "I don't want to be disrespectful, but... why do you call me here so often?"

She shouldn't be surprised, but Celestia was startled a bit by this. The girl wasn't stupid. Of course, she would figure out soon that something was up. Although, it might take a while until she realizes what that is. Still, Celestia knew that she should stop before that happens.

"We have to cover quite a lot of things, that need a lot of documents. I'm sorry to keep you away from your classes so often, but it takes a while to prepare everything."

Twilight didn't seem convinced. "But why are so many rules on separate papers? Why not put them all on one? Besides, aren't most of them covered by the school regulations in the first place?"

Celestia didn't really know what to say. Of course, it was all an unconvincing lie, so it was hard to think of a satisfactory answer. It was clear that she couldn't keep up this charade for long and this really should be the last time.

The principal stood up and went around her desk to the girl, who sat in the chair in front of it. She looked down on her, staring into the purple eyes. She was about to reach out to her, but managed to resist the urge. Instead, she turned away.

"It... has something to do with the regulations of the school board," she finally replied. "I have to admit that they're quite a pain. They tend to be very controlling and pain-stakingly check the schools for any kind of breaches. Or even possibility of breaches. We constantly have to think of new rules to ensure that they won't give us a hard time for no good reason."

"I see..." Twilight still wasn't convinced, but didn't dig deeper. Instead, she just signed the pointless document and stood up from the chair. "Well, if that's all, I'd like to go back to class."

Celestia just nodded and only turned around again when the girl left. She picked up the paper from her desk, gave it a glance, then crumbled it together and threw it in the waste basket.

The principal sighed. She called Twilight to her office to satisfy her urge to see her, but it only her a bigger craving, that was impossible to fulfill. It was clearly a mistake and she had no one to blame but herself.

Twilight Sparkle was a model student and yet, Celestia knew that she would give her a harder time than any delinquent.

New Prompt: Amaterasu

Group Admin

Posting an updated prompts list as of 12/16/15
Clover Shampoo
Running Gag

I think that's all of them. All previous claims have been reset due to the time some of them have been in limbo.

Group Admin

Gonna go ahead and claim Mirror while I'm at it.

Mardi Gras needs a follow-up.

Group Admin

Here is Mirror. Follow-up to Mardi Gras. I am writing an 'extended version' too that will be decidedly NSFW and go into THAT collab shortly.

Warm, golden, fluorescent lighting flickered to life in the expansive bathroom of the hotel’s presidential suite. It cast soft shadows over the executive quality tile work, sparkled on the polished chrome of fixtures in the dual sinks and glinted off the multitude of cheap plastic beads that hung heavily from her throat. More shadows gathered in the hollow area between her breasts, emphasizing the depths of her cleavage even more so than the wonder bra she wore already accomplished. Accent lighting in the corners and under the lip of the countertop kept the light from being too harsh and chased away the deepest darkness.

Celestia, Principal of Canterlot High School and suite’s sole listed occupant, tossed her small hand purse next to the sink and brushed a strand of her hair from her eyes. Her reflection in the enormous mirror looked good. Like, really good. The heat and humidity of a Louisiana night during Mardi Gras had only served to make her skin glow and bead with a little sweat. Her hair was a wavy sheet of rainbow colors and covered one eye artfully enough to mistaken for intentional styling. The smart business jacket and comfortable blouse, paired with the skirt she’d picked purely based on the oppressive Southern heat, made her look like an adult film star.

And just my luck, MILFs are far too popular these days. Celestia shook more of her hair out of her face and leaned forward, bracing herself on the counter to examine her mirror-self closer. Is it any wonder I made it back here with all of these beads? Or a visitor?

She glanced to the side, watching the young woman who’d joined her for an elevator ride a few minutes earlier examine the rest of the hotel suite. Twilight was a former student at Canterlot High, a exceedingly bright mind with an equally bright future ahead of her and caught up in the last summer before starting her collegiate career. Twilight was dressed simply in a light t-shirt and jeans that hugged her own curves. With Twilight’s long hair pulled back in a basic ponytail and her bra-less chest playing peek-a-boo though the shirt’s cotton, she looked very much like another porn stereotype.

Celestia studied Twilight. Traced the lines of those healthy legs with her eyes while Twilight wandered unawares through the suite’s main room. Am I really going to do this? Show her my… She looked back down at herself. It’s not like I didn’t just do that in public for hundreds of people in the French Quarter. But this is different, isn’t it?


With a former student. A quiet voice in her mind reminded her that it had been Twilight that asked. It had been Twilight that offered her all of the beads she had in exchange for a ‘lesson’ in how to flash without losing all of her modesty or underwear. “But I was the one who stupidly said ‘yes.’”

In the main room, Twilight looked up, hearing her speak despite the quiet tone. The girl shifted awkwardly, suddenly seeming to realize just where she was and why she was there.

Celestia turned on the water in the sink, distracting herself and splashed the cool liquid onto her face. She was lying to herself if she denied that the request to teach her technique hadn’t tickled a very deep set, old fantasy of hers. Being a school administrator gave her few opportunities to actually teach, and now a perfect storm of coinciding chances had delivered to her, her greatest desire with almost no strings attached. If only that nagging feeling of guilt would go away.


“I’ll be just a moment.”

Celestia splashed more water into her eyes and washed away the light make-up there until her face felt clean and refreshed. When she looked up again, it wasn’t the principal of a high school that looked back from the mirror. It wasn’t a middle aged, glorified civil servant with too much education for such a stifling career. It wasn’t even regular, everyday laughingstock-of-a-personal-life Celestia. It was a sex goddess in her prime. The woman looking back at her was blessed with an ageless form that had been the envy of practically every other female she’d ever met. She was confident. She was commanding. She was every naughty school teacher or office lady fantasy rolled into one.

The goddess in her was hungry. Starving for the sort of worship the girl in the next room over could give her.

Celestia smiled lightly, drying her face with a small hand towel and giving herself one last appraising look in the mirror. “Yeah, I’m really going to do this.” She straightened up and turned back toward Twilight, reaching up to grab the top of the bathroom door frame and lean suggestively against it.

“Ready for your lessons, Miss Sparkle?” She took a deep breath and started across the carpeted floor with an exaggerated sway to her hips. The way the younger woman’s eyes locked on her and the way Twilight’s breath caught in her throat was nectar to Celestia’s soul. She stalked up to Twilight and reached back to pull her hair aside and then her massive collection of Mardi Gras beads from off her shoulders.

“Why don’t you take a seat and I’ll start by outlining the basics?” She punctuated her sentence by tossing the bundle of plastic necklaces onto couch there and unbuttoning one more button on her blouse.

New prompt: Vitamins

4925001 It slipped my mind

Claiming and submitting Sleep.

“Do you ever wonder why this happened?”

I was so surprised by the question, the tea tray I was putting down actually rattled. I winced slightly - I knew I was better trained than that. “What, Princess?”

I heard her wings rustling, the quiet of the room accenting all of the quietest noises. “Do you ever wonder… why they did what they did?”

I blinked, and since she was speaking to me, I turned to look at her. “Um… who did what, Princess?”

She was looking through a window, the joints between the panes casting a patterned shadow over her figure. “Tirek. Chrysalis. Sombra. All of them.”

I wasn’t quite sure what to make of this line of inquiry. “Well… they were evil, Princess.”

“Yes, but… all the same, what drove them to such drastic measures?” Her hair, a pink mass that flowed over her shoulder, seemed to shimmer slightly for a moment. “Come for a moment.”

I dutifully walked forwards, the clink of my hoofsteps on the cold marble the loudest sound in the room until I paused next to her. “Do you need something, Princess?”

“I just… stay here, please.”

I looked at her face, and could see several tear tracks. Refraining from fidgeting, I sat down on the floor and looked out the window. The sun in the sky gleamed down on Canterlot below, shining its light back up through our glass panes.

“It’s ending.”

I looked up at her. “Princess?”

“I never…” She winced. “I never told anyone. It wouldn’t help at all, anyway.”

I blinked, and repeated my question. “Princess?”

She looked at me. “Can you keep a secret?”

I nodded. “According to the official documentation, anything that you say-”

She shook her head. “No. I want to know if you can keep a secret.”

I tilted my head. “Um…”

“You wouldn’t have to keep it for very long.”

“I… I’ll try my best,” I gulped.

She looked over at me and nodded. “I suppose that I have to tell someone.”

There was a pause, and I looked out of the window again, waiting. The stillness in the room was absolute.

Then, a pair of white wings wrapped around me, and I tensed. “Princess?”

“I’m so… so sorry.” A tear silently dripped onto my chin. “I didn’t want it to end this way.”

I was silent as my Princess’s white wings shivered around me. There was a silence amongst the warm wings and cold tears.

“It wasn’t supposed to end this way, but the world wasn’t meant to last forever.” A flash of gold came from above my head. “The world is ending, Twilight.”

I blinked. How did she know my name?

“I’m so sorry.”

As the warm wings wrapped around me, a roaring filled my ears.

I closed my eyes and whispered, “It’s not your fault, Celestia.”

Then, sleep claimed me.

New Prompt: Floccinaucinihilipilification

4924991 Claim Panda.


I'll snag Troll.

And here's some Troll action.

(Here's the link to the GDocs version as there's rather a lot of italics and it's not fair to make someone go through that much effort to add it to the prompt.)

 Princess Celestia awoke with a groan to the sound of a sharp knocking at the door to her chambers; she felt the beginnings of a scowl tug at her muzzle, and she cast a narrow-eyed frown of irritation at the grandfather clock adorning the opposite wall. A lavender figure stirred in the bed next to her, slowly opening one eye in order to regard her sleepily. “What is it?” asked Twilight Sparkle, covering her mouth with a hoof in order to stifle a yawn.

        “Somepony's at the door,” replied Celestia, not even bothering to mask the annoyance that she felt at the intrusion.

        “This early in the morning?”


        “It must be important, then. I mean, if they've come all the way here instead of going straight to your sister.”

        “Yes,” Celestia said with a nod. Princess Luna had agreed to take over all royal duties, both day and night, for one day out of every month so that Celestia and Twilight might at least have some time to themselves without constantly being torn away from each other by their respective duties.

        “Are you going to answer them?” Twilight's eyes flicked briefly in the direction of the heavy, wrought-iron door.

        “Do I-” more knocking, a shade more insistent this time “-have to?” Celestia winced, rubbing her temples to stave off a headache.

        “Princess Celestia, Princess Twilight Sparkle,” a stern, commanding voice – doubtless that was old Cannon Fodder, the head of the royal guard, himself – said, “we regret to bother both of you so early in the day, but the Council of Unicorns has requested your presence on a matter most urgent.”

        “Most urgent?” said Twilight Sparkle in a low whisper so that Cannon Fodder wouldn't overhear her, shifting herself around on the bed until she was lying on her stomach, her violet tail swishing back and forth playfully. “Sounds pretty … urgent.” She giggled lightly at the repetition.

        “What is this most urgent matter?” asked Princess Celestia, trying to ignore the fetching way that Twilight's tail had fallen over her cute purple butt, putting enough heft into her tone that the royal guard commander sounded like a frightened colt by comparison.

        “Regretfully, ma'am, I'm afraid I must report that I am unaware as to the extent of the situation,” the commander replied, his attempt at sounding apologetic ruined rather by the low note of exasperation creeping into his voice at the princesses' continued recalcitrance. “The council refused to discuss the particulars with the guard, saying that it was a concern for the attention of the princesses alone. They, um, they were quite insistent that you meet with them as soon as possible, however.”

        Twilight rolled her eyes, shooting Celestia a can-you-believe-this-guy expression. “The one day of the week that you can sleep in and they're trying to drag you out of bed, and they won't even do you the courtesy of telling you why.”

        “Pfft,” Celestia said, sticking her tongue out in distaste. “Try going through this same rigmarole for ten thousand years. Last time, it was to deal with a party of trolls that had made their home under one of Darwen River's bridges.”

        “Just get rid of them.”

        “We did. Oh, the unicorns. I couldn't do that.” She looked thoughtfully at the ceiling. “Could I?”

        “You could-”

        “-Don't say I could banish them to the moon or you'll be going straight back to Ponyville without any breakfast, young lady.” Celestia shot Twilight a grin to indicate that she was joking. No way was she planning on passing up a tasty morning treat. “Commander, please return to the Council of Unicorns and tell them that, on my personal authority as Diarch, I am ordering them to tell you what the situation is. Then, we shall decide whether or not to attend their meeting.”

        “I … yes, ma'am. I shall return presently.” They heard the sound of hooffalls disappearing into the distance.

        “Now where we?” Celestia asked Twilight, grateful to have bought at least a little more time.

        “Breakfast,” replied Twilight, an innocent expression on her muzzle as she rolled onto her back. “What do you fancy?”

        By way of an answer, Celestia lowered her muzzle to Twilight's and kissed her softly on the lips; collapsing on the bed with her, she wrapped the smaller alicorn up in all four of her legs, embracing her warm body to her own. “I fancy you,” she said, breaking the clinch for air. “Always have done.”

        “Always?” asked Twilight, one eyebrow raised archly.

        “Don't start.”

        Pulling her hindlegs up with her forelegs, Twilight wiggled her flank under Celestia's nose. “Were you checking this out before it got the star of approval?”

        “That,” Celestia said firmly, shaking her head at Twilight's antics, “will be getting a slap if you keep this behaviour up.”

        Twilight's mulberry eyes flashed. “Is that a promise?”

        Before Celestia could reply, the guard commander returned. “Ma'am, the Council of Unicorns request your presences in order to discuss the possibility of opening trade negotiations with the Minotaur lands beyond Equestria.”

        Celestia bit her lip softly, a look passing between her and the younger alicorn who was shaking her head disdainfully. “Those discussions have already been scheduled for a week from now. Why are they trying to move them up all of a sudden?” She already knew the answer, of course: some overeager puppy on the council got a whiff of the exotic riches to be found beyond Equestria and now they wanted a taste. Still, a trade agreement with the Minotaur tribes would bring incalculable benefits to all the ponies of Equestria. Getting the proposals out of the way now wouldn't be so bad, really, would it?

        Except that it would really, really ruin her morning plans.

        “They did not say, I'm afraid.”

        “Tell them that, regretfully, neither I nor Twilight Sparkle will be able to make it.”

        “But … what reason shall I give them for your inability to appear before them?”

        A smug smile crossing her muzzle, Celestia gripped Twilight's curvaceous flank tightly and said, “Tell them that I'm feeling a little hoarse.”

New prompt: Delirious. (Because Ashes has been done already.)

Group Admin

Have a list of prompts because we haven't touched them in a while.
Clover Shampoo
Running Gag

Also claiming Clover Shampoo

Claiming Running Gag

Running Gag

“Twilight would you like some hay fries?”

Twilight blinked. “Why yes, I would. You know I love hay fries.”

Celestia chuckled and passed her student the hay fries. Twilight munched them eagerly. They sat there, not saying anything.

“Do you think Luna’s still upset we wrecked her car?” Twilight asked when she was done wolfing them down.

Celestia looked up at the night sky. A bright new constellation in the shape of an exaggerated version of her rump filled a quarter of the heavens.

“Yes, she probably is,” Celestia confirmed.

They let that hang in the air for awhile.

“So...want to talk more about modern technology?” Twilight asked?

“No,” Celestia said. “Let’s just go home before Luna starts messing with the etheric currents.

With that Twilight and Celestia teleported back to Celestia’s bedchambers in the palalce. And then they had sex.

New prompt: Saber

Claiming Amaterasu


Note: I consider this a continuation of my By Any Other Name prompt story

“So, you were a sun goddess,” Twilight continued. “What was all that stuff about you have a...sacred...mirror…”

Twilight trailed off. Celestia smiled enigmatically. Twilight looked peeved.

“Oh you damn it,” Twilight said crossly. “I should have seen that one coming.”

Celestia chuckled. “Not exactly. Originally the mirror was a metaphor I used. They were relatively uncommon objects at the time and I used the way they only reflect things as they are as an analogy when I was preaching against some pre-Classical nonsense that had started creeping in among my followers.”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “Preaching?” she said. The term brought to mind minotaurs and other bovine clergy, not Celestia.

Celestia’s face showed the barest trace of a blush. “It’s the most fitting term. I can’t say I was arguing with them because you can’t argue with people who worship you without lowering yourself to their level. And as bad as that sounds now, I needed them to see me as above everything to get them to accept the things I was teaching them.”

Twilight took that in. “I guess that makes sense. So the mirrors to the other worlds?”

“I suspect Starswirl was having a private joke when he used that design, but honestly I don’t know,” Celestia said.

Twilight pondered that. Celestia changed the subject.

“So how is Sunset Shimmer doing?”

Twilight perked up at the mention of her friend. “She’s doing great. Last time I visited we spent the night at Monkey Rainbow Dash’s house. Those people have some really amazing video games. There was this one called Okami that was about…”

Twilight trailed off. “Oh your sister damn it.”

New prompt: Globe

Is this still ongoing? The collab doesn't seem to have updated for a couple of months

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