Twilestia is Bestia 3,277 members · 956 stories
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5141544 Just wondering

So what exactly happened to kill this collab?

5284452 is right. We should Lazarus this shit.

Claiming and submitting Vitamins. First time doing this, so apologies if I royally fuck something up.


Celestia brought a hoof to the bridge of her snout and looked down at Twilight, sitting on the floor and wearing a pouting frown.

"Twilight, for heavens sake."

"I don't wanna!"

"Pleeeeeease? For me?"

Twilight ignored her, refusing to break her pouting frown. "No! I don't wanna, and you can't make me."

"You only have to take two of them!"

"Uh uh."


Twilight shook her head viciously. "I don't wanna," she said again.

"Your flu isn't going to go away until you take them! Do you want to be sick forever?"

Twilight broke her pouting expression and frowned introspectively, for several seconds.

Deciding her flu was infinitely more tolerable than the horrible tasting vitamin before her, she reassumed her childish and assertive stance.


Celestia let out a long sigh. "Twilight, this would perhaps be adorable if you were, like, three," Celestia said impatiently. "The fact of the matter is that you are approaching a hundred years old and yet I still have to force you to eat your vitamins."

"They taste gross though! Why didn't you get the gummy ones?"

"Because the prospect of giving a sugar-filled vitamin perplexes me," Celestia replied. She gave the jar of vitamins an encouraging shake. "But these ones look like dinosaurs! Look, a stegosaurus!"

"Don't patronize me, woman," Twilight grumbled, and violently wrenched the jar from Celestia with her magic.

"I'm only thinking of your health, my love."

"Well, you're giving me a headache."

"I will make you an ultimatum," Celestia said. "You take your vitamins, or no sexytimes tonight. I'm not making love to a leper."

"Stop saying that! It's just a flu!" Twilight protested. "Also what the heck! The Treaty of Verse-hay wasn't as harsh as that ultimatum!"

Begrudgingly, Twilight took to trying in vain to remove the cap from the jar of vitamins. She quickly became frustrated by the child-proof-lock and instead took to blasting the entire thing into ash with her magic.

"Oops," she said, frowning at the hunk of dust and gnarled plastic. Nary a single vitamin had survived her vicious assault. "Does this mean no sexytimes...?"

"Nah," Celestia shrugged. "It was an empty bluff."


Next Prompt: Videotape

Group Admin

I will start posting the new prompts to the Collab story page.

Group Admin

Sorry this took forever to get posted. I am a highly distracted S.O.B., and forgot to check this thread since no one was replying back to me that new prompts were written. I'll be catching up on these now, so should you feel so inspired to write more, please do!


Since we're attempting a Resurrection here. I've updated the GDocs list and I've gotten the prompts list together again.

Current Prompts;
Clover Shampoo (JKinsley)
Delirious (Fuzzyfervert)
Ebullition (Knight of Lycaeus)
Organized (NorristhePony)

Also going to try and write again, so taking Saber.

So I tried something, am a tad rusty as I haven't written much for about half a year.

Prompt: Saber
The early autumn Sun peeked down on the stretch of rough-trodden hard earth. The air was silent and still. Except for a light cool breeze that served to further chill the already frosty morning.

Two armies of almost statuesque Ponies stared at each other across the barren land. The rough terrain had bore witness to numerous excursions from both sides determined to make headways against the other.

Scars marred the land, the results of magical force finding purchase on foes and those that did not.

On one side the Ponies were outfitted in barding of bright, shining white and dimmed only slightly by the trimming of deep gold on the edges of their brilliant plates.

Silently the ranks shifted to allow one Pony to pass and march right into the barren lands. The Pony was likewise garbed in the same barding yet slightly more. Fine designs in gold were wrought onto the plates and the helm boasted a plume in the colours of the dawn. Their Champion, the Paladin of the Sun stood stoically as another made their way out onto the barren earth from within the ranks of the opposing army.

If the first army reflected the gentle radiance of their patron, then the other army's barding reflected the mystic prowess of their patron.

Outfitted in plates of deep purple which even in the steadily brightening light, seemed to shimmer with tiny specks of dusky silver. The fields of deep colour were broken up by trimming of pale pink.

Their own Champion, the Grandmaster of Magic was likewise garbed in similar barding of its comrades. Yet across the plates were fine-lines of faintly glowing runes and across their back was a long hooded deep blue cloak.

The Paladin and the Grandmaster bowed to each other as tradition and their honour demanded. The Paladin bowed first as the Grandmaster had bested the Paladin during their last confrontation.

Formalities out of the way, the Paladin readied their lance. Finely crafted out of Solar Bronze and chased with gold along the dawn-coloured shaft. While the Grandmaster prepared their saber, forged from Mystic Iron and lined in fine glowing runes.

In less then the blink of an eye the two charged. Solar Bronze meet Mystic Iron, neither gaining or losing ground in this tough battle of equals. The two blades danced and twirled around each other guided by the skilled hooves of masters.

The Paladin taking chance of an opening and lunged only to find the Grandmaster had dodged the blow and was in the midst of bringing the edge of the sword down on the shaft of the lance.

In an instant the shaft was sliced nearly clean through. The Paladin grunted as it stared down at where the Grandmaster had broken the....

The breadstick he was looking at had been sliced clean in half.

Shining Armour sighed as he lowered what he was holding aloft in his magic. He turned his head to face Spike who was standing just behind. Unlike Shining, he wasn't confused or fazed by the oddity of what they had been looking at. He looked more resigned and weary.

"Should I even ask?" Shining said slowly.

Spike sighed, "You shouldn't, you really shouldn't."

Shining nodded, "Has this been happening a lot?"

Spike groaned, "Too often. Since the two started dating, Celestia's more creative with how she's teaching Twilight now."

Shining sighed, "I'm going to regret asking, but what happened?"

Spike facepalmed, "I did tell you. Stay away. Far, far away. The Crystal Empire is saner.

This started because Celestia wanted to teach Twilight about military stuff, things she might need to know now.

Twilight might be dedicated to studying everything, but it was easy to see that she wasn't really interested in the topic. So Celestia decided to be playful and started animating things and food into toy soliders and sent them against Twilight.

After a while Celestia got Twilight annoyed enough that she started sending her own soldiers against her. Now these two are have a "food fight".

Spike said as he put quotes around the phrase "food fight".

Shining sighed again, "You're right. I shouldn't have asked. So now what? Cadance is busy for a few more hours."

Spike looked directly at Shining, much easier now that he was nearly the same height as the stallion.

"There's two options, one is we go home. Stay with family and try to forget the silliness that follows Twilight everywhere or-"

Spike was cut off by a loud bang and glob of something pink flying into his face.

Spike facepalmed again with a more audible slap, "I forgot Discord was visiting for the week. There's no hope left."

"So the other plan?" Shining asked as Spike cleared the strawberry milk off his face.

Spike sighed, "The age-old solution and tradition to ignoring problems," as he deftly pulled out a large case of beer, "Get. Very. Very. Drunk."

Shining nodded and snagged a beer in his magic and took a gulp as the two slowly tuned out the sounds of the "food fight" going on around them.

I really don't have an explanation for the last half of this. Also this will likely will get an editing pass soon.

New Prompt: Escape

Group Admin

Nice. Thanks for keeping up both the list of prompts and the gdoc, dude. Saves me a lot of trouble.

Also gonna lay claim to Delirious.

5289266 I didn't realize there was a Google Docs list

I've been running it for quite a while sometime around the 200th when there was a massive backlog of prompts. It was meant to keep track of growing number of prompt stories by forum page and comment number.

As for not knowing it exist, it's understandable. I don't really advertise that it exists since the published collab story is far more accessible for reading purposes.

So to keep the ball rolling, I'm taking Floccinaucinihilipilification.

I'm gonna claim Organized.

Legitimately surprised nobody already has. We're writing bookhorse here, people.

Group Admin

Reclaiming Clover Shampoo. Oddly enough, I had the last Shampoo prompt as well.

Claim: Escape

“More tea Your Majesty?” The small brown unicorn mare asked politely. Treasured Tome had no idea how she’d ended up in this situation. She was a librarian! Not a noble or anyone of importance! Yet here she was, sitting at a table, using her chipped tea set to serve tea to a purple alicorn.

The day had started off so well. She’d woken up full of determination to finally sort the new arrivals. Hours had flown by as, lost in her work, she’d made books fly around the library, finding their very own spots on the shelves. Interruptions were few, it being summer in a small town, most of the populace was busy out on the farms, without time to stop at the library. The few customers who had shown up had quickly been covered and she’d gone back to her work with a smile. By late afternoon, she’d finally finished the task and, wiping her brow, looked about her with satisfaction.

That was when it had all gone south. As she’d stood there surveying her work and feeling imminently satisfied with herself, she’d heard a throat cleared behind her. “Excuse me, do you have a moment?”

“One moment please,” She’d said, as she ran down her list, quickly assuring herself that she’d gotten everything sorted. “Ok, how can...I… help you?” Her voice trailed off into a squeak as she looked up into the large purple eyes of an alicorn, watching her with an air of amusement.

“You’re a Princess!” Tome had blurted.

“Am I?” Princess Twilight Sparkle had asked mildly. She flared her wings and looked at them. “Why, I suppose I am. What do you know?”

Treasured Tome blushed and dropped into a bow. “I’m so sorry, Princess. I meant no disrespect. Please forgive me.”

Luckily, Twilight Sparkle hadn’t been offended by Tome’s lack of refinement in dealing with Royalty. She’d laughed and asked her if she could help her with something. Obviously Treasured Tome had agreed instantly and that had lead to this situation, the two of them sipping tea in the late afternoon.

“Princess,” Tome started hesitantly, “You asked if I could help you with something… if it isn’t too bold, may I ask what?”

“Just wait, please.” Twilight responded. “It’s almost time for the sun to go down.”

Twilight stared intensely at Tome as the sun dropped below the horizon. Nothing happened. Twilight’s face fell with a sigh. “You’re not her,” She murmured, “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but I was hoping… I’d hoped so much…”

“Excuse me? I’m not who?” Treasured Tome asked nervously. “I suppose I can be this mare, if you need me to be, anything for a princess right?”

Twilight smiled wanly. “I don’t think so. I’m looking for Celestia.”

Tome gasped. “Princess Celestia? She’s gone? But… but, the sun…”

Twilight made a calming gesture. “The sun still rises every morning and sets every night. Wherever Celestia has gone, she is still raising the sun. I know it’s her because I forced a Pinkie Promise out of Luna to not touch the sun until I can find her.”

Tome’’s eyes widened. ‘What? You thought? Me? Her? Why? What’s a Pinkie? HOW? I don’t understand, where did the Princess go?”

“I don’t know. She left without telling me anything. I just assumed she’d be back, but after two years… I had to go looking for her myself.”

“Princess, if you don’t mind my asking, if Princess Celestia doesn’t want to be found, how can you find her? What led you here?”

“I’m here following one of my few leads. A couple of months ago was Celestia’s birthday. Luna had some type of gift sent to this province.” Twilight answered.

“This province? That’s an awfully large area to search Princess.”

“I know, but it’s what I have.” Twilight looked tired. “I can feel the surges as the sun goes up and down. When she raises the sun, she uses such a large burst of magic that I can feel it, if I’m within ten miles or so. I’ve been close, so close. Three times in the last seven years I’ve almost found her. I was hoping… well, it doesn’t matter. I will find her if I have to search all of Equestria. Thank you for the tea and your time Miss Tome”

Tome watched as Twilight Sparkle got up with a grace born of practice, bowed her head slightly and turned to leave. Twilight walked out the door with her head held up, but her wings drooping slightly in a position of defeat.

The door closed behind the purple princess and Treasured Tome slumped down. When she rose up, her eyes held a different look in them. Gone was the meek submissive librarian, instead they held a look of steel and determination. “You were close Twilight, hopefully you will never know how close.”

As she set about cleaning up the tea, thinking about the encounter and wording a thank you note to Cadance, she began to feel cold. It welled up from the depths of her heart. A voice sounded in the back of her mind, sinuous and proud, full of hate and desire, a beloved voice but one she could never listen to. “So once again, she came so close to finding you. You cannot keep her away from me forever. One of these days you will slip and she will be mine.”

Anger flared, pure and bright. “Never. You will not have her. She will escape from you.”

Prompt: Escape
Word count: 919
Pun count:1
Notes: Guys, I have literally not written anything for fun in over six months. I need feedback on this as I have no idea if its any good. I know what I tried, but man, I'm much rustier than I thought. TL;DR: FEEDBACK PLS

It took me two read through to get what was going on, it's late and I'm tired so there's my excuse. It makes sense once you get what's happening and the ending is quite interesting in that it does leave room for a sequel if you choose to continue it.

As for improvements, I did at first have a little confusion gauging the passage of time, although I did pick up that it has been about a decade since Celestia left. That might be worth clarifying if this prompt continues onwards. Otherwise story flowed pretty well, it made sense, and I didn't spot any spelling errors. As well the little mystery at the end is a good touch.

Oh and one more thing, more puns. The pun count is too low. :trollestia: (As much as it I cringe about it, I did enjoy your pun-filled prompts.)

5308516 Thank you for the feedback. I totally get what you mean by the timeline being vague, it was actually pretty vague in my head and is probably the largest logical hole in the piece. :twilightsheepish:

I will also try to up the pun count, but man, squeezing in that one was harder than I thought it would be. :trollestia:

I will try and suggest a prompt that can be punned next time I post a prompt. Also new prompt?

5309194 Oh yeah, new prompt. I'd forgotten we did that.

How about....Cooking

The prompt that got away from me, it was intended to be funnier and shorter. It then morphed into this, a headcanon-style story which does fit some of the other headcanon prompt stories I've done here.

Prompt: Floccinaucinihilipilification
“Celestia?” Twilight asked as she levitated a wooden box into the room, “There’s an unlabeled box here that I had found among some of your stuff. I was trying to tidy up, but I don’t know what’s in this box.”

Celestia got up and walked over from she was reading over a last minute proposal from a petitioner. “Let me have a look Twilight”, she said as her magic took the box from Twilight’s magic field.

Celestia looked at the small box and after a while she smiled slightly. She walked over and placed the box down on her desk clearing away some of the piled up paperwork.

Twilight sighed, “I did just organize that.”

Celestia kissed Twilight lightly, “I know and thank you for doing that. But I believe I know what is in this box. That I think will be worth a few misplaced forms.”

Twilight looked at the piles that had just been shifted onto the floor. “I should reorganize this, again. Just to make sure nothing important got misplaced.”

Celestia nuzzled Twilight before using her wing to draw the other Alicorn in, “That can wait a few minutes.”

Twilight grumbled, but said nothing as Celestia’s magic carefully pried the box open.

Most of the box was filled with a few letter and few small trinkets. The age and design of what was in the box varied greatly from items that were relatively more recent to things that were far older.

However the last item to come out of the box wasn’t anything Twilight had expected. It was carved from wood that much she could see. But otherwise there wasn’t anything distinct or unique about it.

“Celestia”, Twilight said as the last item was carefully levitated onto the desk, “what is that? It looks almost the same colour as the box, but the box looks pristine and so I don’t think it’s a broken piece from the box. Otherwise I don’t see anything special about it.”

Celestia laughed slightly which caught Twilight off-guard.

Celestia looked a bit sheepish when she caught Twilight’s glare, “Ah sorry, I wasn’t laughing at you. But rather I was laughing at the fact that we both devalued this little item the first time we saw it. There is actually a long story involved with this, one that begins before Unification.”

Twilight’s ears perked up, “Something from before Unification? Could I hear about it?”

Celestia shook her head, “The story in full is far too long to share with you right now. However I can tell you of what happened the first time I found this statue.”

“Father, what is this?” asked the filly to the Unicorn standing nearby.

The sand coated Unicorn turned and carefully lifted the small item from the filly’s hoof.

“Mother had asked that Luna and I helped to clear away some of the things in the house. I found this while cleaning. Before I could throw it away, Mother told me to bring this to you. I am not certain why. There doesn’t look to be anything special, it looks like any other.”

The Unicorn nodded as he examined the small object. In his magic was a small wooden statue of a Knight in full barding. The statue was rough carved with a few chisel marks that had not been smoothed out, the sword it held was dented and askew, and it lacked the paint work that one would usually find on statues such as these. In was as the filly said it was an unremarkable item. Of no worth or value, yet the stallion smiled.
He bent down and nuzzled the confused filly, “Thank you my daughter. I had feared that I had truly lost this.”

The filly as her father nuzzled her although she was still confused by the rough and simple statue. “Is it that special to you?” she asked.

He stood up and placed the statue down on a nearby table, “It is. This was given to me as a gift by somepony close to me a long time ago.”

His eyes glazed over as he became lost in the memories before shaking his head slightly, “That is a story for another day my daughter. Come, let us go and help your mother and sister with cleaning up.”

The filly nodded and ran back to where her mother and sister were working. However the stallion lingered for a bit as he looked forlornly at the small statue. A small yet powerful reminder of the life he left behind and the friends he had lost. The war with the Imperium wasn’t over; the one who had taken his brother still lived and gaining power if rumours were to be believed.

“Now I understand why you said it would be a long story,” Twilight commented.

“Far too long, the war lasted quite some time”, Celestia said as she went back to the box. Carefully she pried the base of the box free to reveal another hidden space.

“My father dabbled in carpentry all his life and the box was originally his. One thing that he was fond of was working in subtle designs into whatever he made a fact that my mother loved and one that frustrated her to no end. This box was made to house his prized possession and one of those was his journal.”

Celestia lifted a faded and worn book out of the box.

“He told me the story a few times in my life and understandably he disliked sharing the story. Yet he wrote it all down in here, the journal he carried with him during the war.”

Twilight carefully took the journal from Celestia mindful of its age.

“Did he ever tell you who?” Twilight asked tentatively.

Celestia looked at Twilight before sighing, “He did. That is also part of the story and it is equally as long, but it would be best to hear my father’s story first. For now I think we should put this all away and later we’ll spend some time reading his journal before I tell you the second half.”

New Prompt: Weather

5310213 The exploration of a bit of your headcanon leaves me wanting more. More about this war and Celestia's life before Alicorn. :pinkiehappy:

However, I must confess, I don't know what Floccinaucinihilipilification is or how it works into your prompt. :twilightblush:

The prompt means the act of valuing something as worthless which is that tiny wooden statue by Celestia and by Twilight at different times.

As for the headcanon, I have a more developed headcanon for Celestia which is why there is a loose storyline through quite a few of my prompts. What I really should do is compile a list of all my prompts which fit into the overarching story about Celestia.

5310940 A doi. That's what I get for reading it right after I wake up. :applejackconfused:

And you totally should compile the headcanon. It's pretty interesting.

It is something I've thought about, collecting and publishing a more edited and chronological story from the prompts that fit. But for now an incredible terrible and unformatted list of related and semi-related prompts now exists, (Link).

As for the war and the second half of Celestia's story, these two prompts fill in some of the blanks. Twins and Tiberius

Claim: Weather


Ok, this is pretty interesting.

I definitely wouldn't mind if there's a sequel.


I'm swiping Lotus!

Group Admin

Finally posting Clover Shampoo (after what, three, four months?)

Celestia rolled her shoulders and stretched as the squeal of the train’s brakes died down. In the distance, she could still hear the gentle chug of the steam engine belching superheated water into the mountain air of the capital.

“Ah, Canterlot!” Rarity sighed once they’d disembarked. “Don’t you just love this city, Celestia?” Rarity twirled around, her mane and tail whipping around just behind her as she took in the sights and sounds of the glorious mountain capital that is Canterlot.

Celestia trotted at more sedate pace than her enamored friend. “I’ve missed it, yes, but I can hardly say that I’ve even been gone long. It’s not even been a year. It’ll be nice to catch up with everypony, but I’m not, well, I’ve seen the sights. I did live here.” She chuckled. “And aren’t we here on ‘business?’” she asked.

“Yes, we are, darling. But I can mix business with pleasure.” She tossed her head back to catch a glimpse of the poor, teenaged colt acting as their porter. Their bags—Rarity’s ten suitcases, two hat cases, three color-matched saddlebags, what Celestia strongly suspected was a case containing a full ponykin, and a makeup kit to Celestia’s one well-worn pair of saddlebags—teetered precariously on his back. “Once we fit your sister for her dress and I add the finishing touches, I’m sure I could get an escort into the city for some shopping or to catch a matinee. It may not be Bridleway, but I’m sure the Canterlot Symphony Orchestra would be performing, no?”

Celestia gave Rarity a flat look.

“Oh, don’t be like that! It’s so rare that I get to travel because I have business back in Ponyville.” Rarity slid up to Celestia, placed a hoof delicately on her barrel, and batted her eyelashes. “Allow me a little indulgence, would you?” she asked with a mock pout while circling her hoof on Celestia’s barrel.

Celestia rolled her eyes and pushed Rarity’s hoof away. “Fine. Just... Let’s get to the castle, alright? And then you can start Luna’s fitting.”

Rarity tossed her mane and turned gracefully on the spot. “Very well. Off we trot, then.” She high-stepped up the street with just a little too much swing in her hips.

Celestia averted her eyes and marched her way next to Rarity. “You seem awfully driven today. Is Luna’s dress really that important to drop everything?”

“Why, Celestia, how could you ask such a question?”

Celestia raised an eyebrow.

“Of course we must attend to your sister’s Gala ensemble! All of our outfits and manestyles and makeup are all very carefully coordinated such we match both ourselves and our group! I will not allow your sister to be a Gala attendee in some prêt-à-porter dress that clashes with her and...” Rarity stomped her hoof and gnashed her teeth. “I will not allow any of my friends to befall such an awful fate if I’m in a position to do something about it.”

Rarity fumed silently for the rest of the trip to the castle, where a quick nod from Celestia granted them entry. Their porter lagged far enough behind that he was accosted by the guards at the gate. Celestia was about to turn around and help him sort the situation out when Rarity cleared her throat.

“So, where might we find your darling sister at this hour?”

Celestia searched for one of the many clock towers on the castle’s walls. “Ah, well past noon. She’ll be up by now, probably finished breakfast and in her room. We can head there.”

“Lead the way.”

And so Celestia did, their brief interlude allowing the porter to catch up and get some assistance from another oily-faced colt. The four headed to the West Tower with its protruding brass telescope. Along the way, guards opened doors and greeted “Lady Celestia” with a warm enthusiasm Rarity found to be both charming and suspect.

“Lady Celestia?” she asked, drawing out her question as much as possible.

“It’s... complicated, alright? Suffice to say, being Princess Twilight Sparkle’s personal student has some perks. And requisite responsibilities, should the Princess ever call upon them.”

“You’ll have to tell me sometime, Lady Celestia. I mean, should that be agreeable to the Lady, of course.” Rarity’s eyes sparkled mischievously.

Celestia groaned. Fortunately, they arrived at Luna’s door. Celestia rapped her hoof against the wood not adorned with moon and star motifs.

The door swung open with an ominous creak and a more ominous “Enter” by a dark-but-clearly-feminine voice from deep within the equally dark room.

“Luna, seriously? It’s noon. Quit wasting candlelight.” Celestia marched to the far side of the room and ripped open the curtains with her magic.

“Augh!” Luna screeched as she covered her eyes with a hoof. “Tia, you know how much I hate that bright light! I work best in darkness!”

“Yes, but your dressmaker does not. She’ll need light to get the colors and—” Celestia looked back at Rarity “—whatever else it is that she does to make dresses properly. Look—”

“Since when did you hire a dressmaker for me? I can just head downtown any time and pick up—”

“Absolutely not!” Rarity shouted, shoving Celestia out of the way in order to stand face-to-face with Luna. “I will not tolerate such nonsense.” She softened and smiled gently at Celestia. “And your sister did not ‘hire’ me. I volunteered my services in order to provide you with a couture dress to match those of the rest of my friends. All I ask is that if anyone should ask where you got the dress, you give them my name.”

Luna raised an eyebrow and spared a glance at Celestia, who shrugged in return. “And you are?”

“Rarity Belle, owner of The Carousel Boutique and Element of Generosity.” Rarity bowed with a broad smile.

“Lady Luna Stellaris, Royal Astronomer in Training.” Luna extended her hoof to shake.

Rarity took it and kissed it instead. “Enchantée.”

Luna withdrew her hoof with a slight frown. “You have strange friends, Celestia.”

Celestia facehoofed and nodded. “Sorry, Luna, it was this or bear witness to months of her whining. Did I tell you about the time she convinced an entire pack of Diamond Dogs to abandon six carts full of gems just to have us take her away?”

“Hmph.” Rarity stuck her head in the air. “I’ll have you know, I would’ve been able to negotiate my own release and form a fruitful partnership if I’d been allowed a little more time.”

“Rarity, they begged us. Begged.”

“But I do recall how brave you were, coming to my rescue,” Rarity said, sidling up to Celestia and placing her hoof on Celestia’s barrel once more. “Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? Shouldn’t I be the one rescuing the Lady? Hmm? Perhaps I could rescue you from your loneliness at the Gala?”

Luna laughed. “As if Celestia would be anywhere but at the side of her intended, Her Beloved Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Celestia blushed furiously. “I have a tremendous amount of respect for my long-time teacher and mentor! I’ve been away for months and I want to spend an evening with her because I haven’t had the opportunity in a while!”

Luna approached her and sniffed. “Clover? You ought to switch cleansing products, Celestia. You know Princess Twilight prefers lavender. Rosemary in a pinch.”

“I have not switched shampoos. Clover, lavender, or otherwise.” Celestia grit her teeth. “I may smell like a meadow because guess what? That’s where Ponyville is. I get outside. You might smell less like musty old books and brass cleaner if you got out of the tower once in a while,” Celestia spat back.

“Fine, don’t take my advice. I only wished for you evening with your betrothed to go as—”

“She. Is. Not. My. Fiancée,” Celestia said through grit and grinding teeth.

Luna threw up her hooves.

“Rarity, would you... Could we please get to the fitting?” Celestia tried to unclench her jaw. “The sooner that gets taken care of, the sooner we can be out of Luna’s hair. Luna’s musty, brassy hair.”

“Very well, then,” Rarity said. “I shall just need to find those porters and fetch the necessary supplies.” She heard a knock at the door. “Ah, that must be them. Those poor dears, ascending so many stairs.”

The door clicked open before any of them could reach it and Prince Shining Armor stepped into the room. “I don’t find the climb to be that disagreeable, myself.” He chuckled. “But I assume you’re referring to the two gentlecolts currently a few landings down trying to rebalance a rather large amount of luggage?”

“Oh, don’t tell me they dropped anything! I have some very delicate items!” Rarity stamped her hooves rapidly and nervously against the stone floor.

“They’ll be fine, but that’s not why I’m here.” Shining Armor turned to Celestia. “Princess Twilight requests your presence,” he stated proudly, nose in the air and hoof to his chest in a mock salute. “Well, she wants you to stop by for tea when you have some time. Nothing that formal.” He laughed again. “I can take you to her?” he offered.

“No, thanks, I can make my way from here. I assume she’s in her chambers or the solarium?” Celestia asked.

“Her chambers, yes.”

“Bye for now, then!” Celestia said, waving briefly to Rarity and Luna. Before she could leave entirely, she caught one last snippet of conversation.

“Say, Prince Shining, or, excuse me, Prince Amore, is it true you’ll be attending the Gala solo?” Rarity unmistakably asked. “Or are you perhaps looking for the right... gem to come along?”

Celestia rolled her eyes as she descended the tower, squeezing past the hapless porters still dragging the luggage up the flight of stairs. It was a long journey from the West Tower to the North Tower that held Princess Twilight’s chambers. Winding, marble corridors lined with plush carpet, artwork spanning centuries, and enough plants for the palace to be considered a greenhouse in its own right fell behind Celestia in her deliberate trot to her date. Tea party.

Obviously a tea party. Alone, with a princess, called to her chambers by a fellow royal, not a servant. Not a courtship ritual at all. Definitely not, especially since Princess Twilight would know of every courtship ritual in the book, having either read it or wrote it herself. And being her dutiful student, Lady Celestia would have read up on courtly romance as well, just to be prepared.

Celestia gulped.

She stood before the glorious purpleheart doors, filigreed with silver stars surrounding a massive pink topaz six-pointed-star split in twain. She knocked gently as there were no guards to be seen. Not a date, not a date she attempted to remind herself.

“Come in, Celestia!” chimed the light, warm, almost musical voice of Princess Twilight at her best: hosting a friend. The doors swung open silently just wide enough to admit one pony.

Celestia slid inside and the doors shut behind her with hardly a sound but the slight clang of solid wood hitting stone and metal.

Glancing around, Celestia saw Philomena on her perch, preening her wings; an ornate Princess-sized ponykin draped in a beautiful navy gown; an artfully engraved silver serving tray full of little cakes, cookies, and other pastries; a lovingly hand-painted tea set of which the teapot was giving off some small amount of steam; and finally, Twilight Sparkle smiling a beatific smile as she gestured for Celestia to come closer.

Too rare were these privates moments, Celestia thought. She barely made it two steps before Twilight sprung forth and grabbed her in a tight hug. Twilight’s longer neck curled around hers and they both nuzzled the other. Celestia smiled back. Too rare indeed.

“Well, I hope you’ve come hungry, because I don’t expect to eat these treats myself.” Twilight laughed. Celestia joined in with a small giggle. “You’ve not been by for some time, my little pony. That ashamed of this old mare, or did you get too caught up in your new assignment? Should I assign some homework to visit me sometime? Or is the gala enough of a final project for this term, hmm?”

Celestia sat down next to Twilight and leaned against her side, Twilight’s wing already lifted up and draped over her. Celestia sighed. “Oh, nothing that dramatic. I am learning more and more each day, but you knew that already. Or are my friendship reports not enough work for the Eternal Teacher?” Celestia magicked a ginger snap over to her.

Twilight laughed again as she poured two cups of tea. “I won’t be your teacher forever, Celestia Solaris. You’ll need to teach me a few things some time. Student becoming the master and all that.”

“Then here’s to being student and teacher together in whatever form that takes.” Celestia raised her teacup. “To us!” she shouted and sipped slowly at the hot liquid.

Twilight snickered. “To us!” she said and sipped her tea as well.

“I feel like my toast was undermined somewhat by a too-hot beverage.”

Twilight pressed her hoof to Celestia’s nose and tapped it lightly. “Then next time, you’ll have to take me some place more suited to serving something cold enough to toast with.” Her soft smile betrayed nothing.

Celestia gulped again.

Next prompt is Yield

Group Admin

Claiming Lotus unless ashi posts it first


I just got around to reading this. Is this a sequel to something? I feel like I'm missing some context beyond the apparent "Evil thing in Celestia's head that she's trying to keep from getting near Twilight."

Just curious, are you going to publish the Mirror prompt story I wrote because I'd forgotten someone already did it?

If you don't mind, could you point out which comment on this thread has your story for the prompt Mirror? I was trying to find it, although to no anvil. I most likely have missed which comment it was in and I would like to ensure it wasn't missed on the overall list.

Also this prompt tag collab has a history of the occassional two stories for the same prompt. There has been a few prompts with two different stories written for them. Hygiene, Apology, Dreadful, and Dragon are a few examples. So it is likely your take on Mirror will be published, although that's still Fuzzy's call.

5332706 Nah, not a sequel to anything. It's vaguely connected to some old head canon, but it doesn't tie in to any of my other prompts. :twilightsmile:

5332968 Oops! I was thinking of the one for Amaterasu. Sorry.

Group Admin

After too long, I have something.


“Are you certain, Your Highness?”

“Yes. Please tell the courts that I appologize for the sudden absence, but given the circumstances, I feel I need to remain at Princess Twilight’s side while she recovers. It goes without saying that she commands a great deal of powerful magics, and should her illness cause those reserves to go haywire, I can best serve Equestria by being the first line of defense.”

Prompt Response saluted. “I shall inform the courts.”

Celestia nodded, casting a glance over her shoulder at the bed where Twilight lay. “Alert my sister as well. I’m sure she will be able to handle anything that comes up, should the need arise. I shall busy myself with paperwork in the meantime.”

Twilight groaned, turning restlessly under a light sheet that was already damp with her sweat. Her mane was much more soaked, the purple strands stringy and spread out over the pillow she lay against. Celestia frowned, acknowledging Prompt’s salute and sending him on his way with her missive. She walked back toward the bed, her magic drawing a cool cloth from an iced pitcher at the bedside and placing it over Twilight’s forehead.

“I don’t know if you can hear me, dear, but I’m right here if you need me. I’ll keep anything from happening while you recover, my Twilight.” Celestia smiled softly and settled herself on the floor next to the bed, levitating a pile of paperwork and favorite quill to herself. It was going to be a long day, and she just hoped the young alicorn was resting.

Twilight wasn’t sure where she was. It was warm, and light, but she couldn’t seem to pull any details from the heavy mists that surrounded her on all sides.

“Hello?” Twilight swallowed, the mist thick enough on her tongue to make breathing feel like drinking. Her voice sounded muffled and quiet to her ears, the sound absorbed by the softness around her.

She lifted a hoof slightly. “Why am I so tired? What’s going on?” Twilight let her hoof drop, breathing hard. It barely made a sound.

She looked down at herself. There was another hoof by her own, huge and cream-white. “Celestia?” Twilight blinked slowly and turned her head to look up and up, over herself. It was like she was a filly again, hiding under her mentor to escape the blinding light of the mid-day sun. The legs went on forever, but that gorgeous body was just over her head, the same cream-white coat covering a barrel that was the perfect mix of strength and soft curves.

The body continued upward, the chest flowing smoothly...into a torso? Twilight blinked again with glacial slowness, focusing as best she could in the hot steamy air. Celestia’s cream coat came to an end, revealing blue tinted skin on a humanoid torso, complete with two slender, well defined arms. The torso even had those oddly engorged teats that the humans of that other world possessed.

Beyond that, the face that smiled down at her was the one Celestia had worn in that other world. Principal Celestia’s rainbow colored mane waved in its own breeze, unbothered by the humidity, and twin massive curving horns rose above it all. The Principal’s smile widened, and Twilight could feel the equine portion of the body over her shift.

“Don’t worry, Twilight” The Principal’s voice was breathy and did amazing things to those teats when she spoke. “I’m here with you.”

“Good.” Twilight sucked down more wet air. “I don’t feel good, Princess.”

“I’ll keep an eye on you.” Celestia winked at her and a point between those two horns started to glow with golden light that cooled Twilight like a strong breeze on a summer’s day. “Rest.”

“But...but something is wrong here.”

“You are ill, Twilight.”

“But you are…” Twilight lowered herself until she was laying on her belly. “You are so beautiful.”

“I will make sure nothing happens.”

Twilight nodded slowly, groaning. “Okay. But...I’m confused. Why are pretty?” She sighed and lay on her side, gazing up at the Goddess above her. Both Celestias stood guard in Her terrifying grandeur. Twilight couldn’t pull her eyes away from it and lifted her tail some. “Will you...always take care of me?”

Celestia looked up from her work when she heard Twilight moan again. Twilight shifted in bed, mumbling something that might have been speech. The mare looked flush, buried against the fresh linens that supported her. With a twist of her magic, Celestia got the air in the room moving, blowing a cool breeze across Twilight’s brow. That seemed to settle the filly down again.

“Just rest, Twilight, I will always be here to take care of you.”

Word Count: 795
Next Prompt: Planner

Group Admin

Okay, let's do a little cleaning and updating.

Live Prompts:

Ebullition (The act of bubbling or boiling)
Aegyptian (Archaic spelling of Egypt/descriptive Egyptian-like or related to Egyptian culture in some way)(claimed)

All previous claims are hereby cleared.

Tentatively claiming Planner


The water of the river of the Duat tastes, Twilight thinks, like how she imagines magic would taste, if it were a liquid splashed upon the tongue and not a vague feeling in her horn. Twilight hasn't used her horn in a long time, though – the dead have no need for spells. The Duat is beyond such things, in any case.

As Twilight pulls herself out of the Duat, hooves digging into the thick and lush soil of the riverbank, the water pours out of her mouth and escapes back into a current that has flowed unceasing for countless eons. It glints, like mercury, reflecting the pulsing light of the fierce and mighty stars of the Duat's sky, closer here than anywhere.

Twilight remembers. Memory and thought and knowledge are not constrained to mortal bodies and their tragic mutability in the spirit world. And so she has witnessed, personally, the stars as they were first born from Luna's own flesh, the tears from her crying eyes in the beginning of all things given life and purpose in the realm of the gods.

And she remembers, too, the feeling of sand under her hooves made of meat and bone and not the stuff of spirits. She remembers, as if it were yesterday, the feeling of a warm body against her own – fur against fur, silken sheets and honeyed lips and all the pleasures of the flesh.

She remembers the sound of a laugh that is like the trickling of the water of the river of the Duat, and the heat of the Sun in all its glory.

She smiles. Twilight remembers these things every night, for it is the hour of the dead.

The Sun is a barge, built from gold by Celestia's own hooves, forged when she first fought the Serpent, Discord, at the beginning of all things. It burns surprisingly softly. It is not for battle, this hour, but for celebration.

Around it, the dead awaken from their slumber.

Slowly, gliding across the river of stars like a dream, the Sun comes to rest by the riverbank, where Twilight stands, waiting, as she has for countless years. There is a moment, where the Duat itself holds its breath, and then Twilight rises by some unseen force, crests the side of the great golden barge, and lands lightly on the deck.

Celestia is waiting for her.She is pristine white, like the heart of the Sun over which she holds dominion, and her hair glows all the colours of the rainbow, blowing in an unseen solar wind. Her eyes are lined with kohl, and she bears a gentle smile.

She does not wear her battle garb, for it is not yet the hour of battle, although she carries with her the symbols of her office – a flail, and a crook.

"Hello, Twilight," says Celestia. Her smile, slowly, deepens, until her lips part and reveal gleaming white teeth. An honest, open smile, now.

"Hello, my love," says Twilight. The magic of the Duat suffuses her, pays fealty to her station. She wears now the regalia of a pharoah, dark lines of kohl lining her eyes also, and she too smiles.

The dead celebrate, for this hour, as they do every night.

Group Admin


mmm...that was perf.


I hadn't intended to, but that would be interesting.

Reasserting my claim on Planner


Prompt: Weather.

Link for formatted-version.

The bucolic hush pervading Canterlot was sharply ruptured by a bolt of lightning that brought with it its concomitant brief flutter of false daylight to the late evening serenity; most of the city's residents were grateful to be safely tucked away in their beds, blissfully unaware of the surprise thunderstorm – from time to time, atmospheric anomalies wandered in from places beyond pony control such as the Everfree Forest – raging just beyond the bricks and mortar of their houses.

Those that had the misfortune to still be outside – mostly the young and the restless, seeking entertainment in the wild narrows between the city's more pedestrian main thoroughfares – quickly sought shelter wherever they could, waiting out the deluge under canopies, beneath balconies, and between doorways.

While the extra bout of heavy rain might've been seen as a blessing by some – especially for the farmers in the midst of what had, so far, been the hottest Summer on record for much of Equestria – there were some notable exceptions.

One such exception was a tiny unicorn filly who listened to the persistent pitter-patter sloshing against the windows with a darkly solemn expression shadowing the delicate features of her muzzle; it was all well and good for her to know rationally that lightning was nothing more than a simple electrostatic discharge caused by rising ice crystals, but that sudden booming crack that was able to pierce the stillness so absolutely was enough to send her huddling into the nearest corner, forelegs covering her mulberry eyes.

As usual, Twilight Sparkle had been studying late into the night; Celestia had, after much consideration, instituted a policy of allowing her most promising students unfettered access to the castle's libraries, and – though, in her innocence, she was unaware of how much of an imposition she could be at times – Twilight had all but co-opted one of the many tower rooms as her own. On any given day, it was usually to be found littered with books, notes scribbled in bird-like handwriting, laboratory equipment from her many practical experiments, and just sometimes, when she was allowed, a baby dragon.

Twilight was eager to care for Spike herself – she was grateful to Celestia for allowing her the honour of naming him – but she understood that her mentor's coterie of servants were better-equipped to handle the fussy infant until he was old enough to be released into her custody.

Somepony was usually on-hoof to alert her when it was time to go home, but many was the time when they had either forgot to do so or found her so endearingly engaged with her research – tongue hanging out in concentration – that they couldn't find it in themselves to disturb her. It was a running joke amongst the staff that Twilight would invariably be found keeled over at her desk, small pools of drool collecting around her muzzle.

Not much chance of that happening tonight, thought Twilight, amazed that she could still even think logically with all of this going on, shivering despite the warmth as she watched the storm at work in mute horror. It was almost pretty: the radiant bolts of energy sizzling through the sky, never exactly the same colour twice. Almost, but not quite.

Twilight did some more thinking: sleep was a necessity, but impossible in the current situation; unless the parameters shifted soon, unless some new dynamic was introduced, she was at an impasse. She let out an impassioned sigh: her teachers had often complimented her on her problem-solving and analytical skills, too.

Her train of thought was quite startlingly derailed when another flash flooded the room with brilliant white light; the ghastly boom sounded uncomfortably close, and part of her wanted to inch toward the window to see if some part of the town below was on fire, while the rest of her wanted to find the most heavily-fortified section of the castle and barricade herself within it until the storm abated.

She was just about to sate her morbid curiosity when yet another loud cannonade of noise rang out; Twilight found herself tripping over her own hooves, so quick was she to back up, and her rump collided painfully with the stone flooring. Her pathetic snivelling must've been heard by some passing servant because the next thing she knew she was looking up at a light brown muzzle with a sympathetic expression cast from wrinkles carved into it.

“What are you still doing here, Miss Sparkle?” the servant Twilight hesitantly identified as Dumbwaiter, one of the many castle staff charged with taking items to and from different guests, asked kindly.

Wiping away snot and tears with a foreleg, Twilight replied hurriedly, “I'msosorry,IknowI'mnotsupposedtobeherebutIgotsocaughtup-”

“-Slow down, Miss Sparkle,” Dumbwaiter said, suppressing a grin, holding up a hoof to cut off her babbling. “Start again.”

Collecting herself, Twilight said, “I'm sorry. I know I'm not supposed to be in the castle so late at night, but um, nopony interrupted my studying and I, uh, thought I was getting somewhere with an experiment I'd been having trouble with and I didn't want to just stop.” She looked up at him, eyes wide in alarm. “Am I going to be in trouble, sir?”

“No, Miss Sparkle, of course you're not in trouble.” He took a quick look around the rather-cramped confines of the tower. “But perhaps you'd be more comfortable in one of the guest quarters downstairs?”

Twilight nodded enthusiastically, getting on to all four hooves and beaming at the servant. “Yes, thank you!”

As they walked down the spiral staircase, Dumbwaiter, to keep Twilight's mind off the storm, asked her about her studies; he didn't understand a tenth of what she said, and he doubted that many ponies short of Celestia herself could, but she seemed happy to have something to occupy her attention … to say nothing of a willing listener. The more she spoke, the more he rather got the impression that she didn't have a lot of friends in school.

The room to which he eventually led Twilight was one of number of small but opulent suites, normally used by the retainers of travelling royalty and the like; there was a comfortable-looking bed, a dressing-table and a wardrobe normally stocked with the latest fashions, but more important than that was the bathroom. That storm had really done a number on her nervous stomach and she was glad to see it. “Um, Mr. Dumbwaiter, sir, may I ask a favour of you?” Twilight asked falteringly, coyly batting at the ground with a hoof.

“Certainly, Miss Sparkle. What can I do for you?” He fixed her with an expectant look.

“Would you be able to stay here until I fall asleep? It's just that-” Twilight looked away, aware that her muzzle was turning cherry-red “-I'm scared of the storm.”

“Well, that's understandable. There hasn't been one like this for years,” said Dumbwaiter, casting a glance out the window. Thanks to the reinforced glass used in the suites, it was less noticeable than in the tower. “I'd be honoured to grant your request, but alas there are many tasks to which I must attend.” Off Twilight's defeated look, he quickly added, “However, there is somepony usually awake at this hour that may fit the bill. Shall I fetch them for you?”

“Yes, please,” said Twilight eagerly, wiping away the last of her tears. “And thank you so much for all your help. I, um, I'm sorry to have been such a bother to you.”

“We're here to serve, Miss Sparkle, your apology is unnecessary,” Dumbwaiter said and disappeared, shooting her a mock salute as he did so.

Twilight took the moment of relative peace to quickly clean herself up; whomever was going to be saddled with the inauspicious task of foalsitting her, she at least wanted to look presentable for them. She was just finishing up resettling her frayed bangs – it was always a nightmare trying to get the stripes to line up correctly – when an even more impressive head of hair made its way into the room.

Princess?” Twilight stared in slack-jawed wonder as Princess Celestia herself made her quiet, dignified entrance, a half-smile playing on her lips. Her ethereal mane undulated this way and that, and trying to keep track of its many perturbations soon made Twilight nauseous.

“Good evening, Twilight,” Celestia said, her tone low, warm and inviting like a dollop of honey in a mug of tea. “I understand that you're having some difficulty in getting to sleep because of this terrible storm?”

Once again, Twilight felt her muzzle turn bright red. Well, now my mentor knows that I'm nothing more than a big scaredy-pony. Terrific. Can this day, well, night get any better?

“Twilight, are you okay?” asked Celestia, mother-like concern flooding her voice. “You can talk to me about anything, you know that.”

Letting loose a defeated sigh, Twilight's withers slumped as she said, “I'm scared of the storm.”

“That's nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Isn't it?” asked Twilight, a little more angrily than she'd intended. Sitting down on the bed and trying to calm herself, she continued, “Even though I know exactly what causes thunder and lightning happen, I'm still scared of them. Even though I know I'm safe in here, I'm still scared of the storm outside. That's not … normal, surely, for an intelligent pony?”

“May I sit down?” asked Celestia, gesturing with a golden-shod hoof to the empty space on the bed.

Twilight nodded.

“It's perfectly normal to feel fear, even toward those things which you do understand,” said Celestia, taking up a position next to her student and favouring her with a tender smile. “These storms contain vast power, and they are uncontrolled, and that makes them worthy of our respect. Even grown-ups, even the weather pegasi whose job it is under normal circumstances to create these tempestuous conditions, know that.”

“So. You never stop being afraid of things?” asked Twilight, looking up at Celestia with a frown.

“Even when you get to be as old as me, no, you never stop,” Celestia replied, idly stroking Twilight's back until her knotted muscles eased up somewhat. “And that's a good thing, too. Fear exists for a reason: it's a teacher, and its lesson is to never, ever go into any situation unprepared. To never, ever think that you know so much that you can be arrogant.”

Feeling somewhat more relaxed, though not entirely convinced by these words, Twilight found herself lying down in the bed, stifling a yawn as she did so; Celestia did likewise, wrapping her delicate yet powerful forelegs around the tiny filly. Without bothering to stop and worry about whether it was proper or not, Twilight found herself wriggling in Celestia's grasp until her back was flush with her mentor's chest. “I'm sorry for being so silly,” Twilight said quietly, shutting her eyes tightly to avert another flood of tears. It'd probably be Tartarus to get the dampness out of these expensive pillows.

“Fear is never silly,” Celestia said seriously, using her flowing tail as an impromptu duvet for the pair. “If anypony ever tries to make you feel small or stupid because you're afraid of something, it's only because they are afraid of being seen as weak, of being vulnerable, in front of others.” After a moment of silence, Celestia said, “May I tell you something, Twilight?”

“Of course.”

“I'm afraid of storms, too.”


For a moment, Twilight could only hear Celestia's shallow breathing, and she turned her head to see the look on her mentor's face. It was a study in rigidly-controlled melancholy. As if some ancient and terrible pain had scabbed over without ever healing properly.

“You don't have to tell me if you don't want to,” said Twilight, patting Celestia's foreleg with a hoof. “But I promise to keep it a secret if you do.” Not that I have anypony that to tell secrets to, other than Shining Armour, anyway.

“It's only fair. You were open with me, after all, and it's only right that I do the same.” Gathering up her courage, Celestia said, “It was on a night like this one that … my beloved sister disappeared. Whenever there's a storm, I'm reminded of her.” It was only a small lie. Looking back, that ferocious fight that had destroyed the old castle had certainly felt like a storm, anyway. A single tear fell down her cheek. “Perhaps it will be on a night like this one that she will come home and be reunited with me.”

For a long moment, Twilight was silent. She wasn't sure what to say; she was deeply moved that Celestia had trusted her with something so personal, something that she had been carrying for a long time. “Thank you,” she eventually said.

“For what?” asked Celestia quizzically.

“For telling me. I appreciate you trusting me with this.” Looking slightly abashed, Twilight added, “I, er, hope that your sister does come back someday.”

“I hope so, too.” Celestia's voice turned wistful as she recalled how Luna had been before … well, just before. “She was a lot like you, you know.”

“She was?” Twilight was intrigued by this. Her classmates were of the opinion that nopony in Equestria was like her, and that was not meant to be taken as a compliment.

“Mm-hm,” said Celestia. “Very smart, very powerful, but always unaware of just how truly talented she was. Maybe I should've ...”

“Should've what?” Twilight asked.

“Made more of an effort to tell her what I'm going to tell you now: that you are a beautiful, young pony with a brilliant future ahead of you. That you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. That I'm so proud of what you've accomplished so far, and that I'll go on being proud of you forever.”

Tears, but this time of joy, streamed down Twilight's face; she squirmed until she was facing Celestia, and embraced her in the tightest hug that her tiny muscles could muster. Celestia reciprocated as gently as she could, bearing in mind the size and strength differential between a fully-grown alicorn and a unicorn filly. Ever since her entrance exam, Twilight had felt slightly unworthy with her position in life – there must've been better ponies out there who could've been Celestia's personal student – but knowing that she felt this way about her, that she was on the right track toward fulfilling whatever arcane destiny fate had in store, made her feel so much better.

In the warm embrace of her mentor, Twilight Sparkle was finally able to forget about the storm and fall asleep. It was much later before Celestia did likewise, but it was with a sense of peace that she hadn't known since she was much, much younger.

On a night very much like this one, when her sister had held her close, telling her that there was no need to be afraid of the darkness.

New prompt: Inattentive.

Group Admin

Nice! Also, posted.

Seriously, I have something for Planner! But I understand if I get sniped, its only been a week...

His Majesty's Purple Paramour Problems Planner

Twilight shifted on the couch once more as she sought comfort for her sore hindquarters,
ice packs were moved back into place with her magic and she couldn’t help but hum as she tapped her chin in thought. Her old faded planner sat infront of her on the desk open to a page she’d written so long ago. With a smile she dipped her quill into the inkwell and made a neat check mark next to the first thing on the list.

Tell him how you feel

    She frowned slightly realizing she hadn’t actually said it in as many words, maybe he’d brush it off as her being in estrus, that would certainly put a damper on this all. She closed her eyes and sighed, before magically removing the mark and snapping the book shut. Slowly she stood and wincing made her way out of the study. Time to find Solaris and talk to him.
    The journey towards the royal office brought back the memories of writing the list. A teenage mare infatuated with the Prince, a wild dream she’d thought she’d gotten over. Then came the Longest Night, and the return of his sister. Having a smiling happy Alicron stallion pull her into a tight hug had reignited a fire she thought gone. She shook her head sadly,
    “I wonder if that’s why I never could keep an lover..” Twilight muttered remembering Soarin drifting away from her, and Moondancer’s breakdown. She shook her head clearing away those thoughts before they overwhelmed her again.


    Twilight jumped as the planner slapped into the cool marble of the floors. She laughed nervously looking around before picking it up once more. Briefly she wondered why the usual guards weren’t around, but then she had to laugh, it wasn’t as if she were the only mare in season in Equestria. She arrived at the Royal Office far sooner than she’d have liked, and from the sounds of arguing inside it seemed her Brother and Cadance had made it here before her.

New Prompt: Chariot

Not my original idea but its been a wierd month, sorry for the insane delay.

Group Admin

Dude, I totally missed this. I'll get it up in just a few minutes.

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