Spitfire 1,118 members · 609 stories
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So, as you can still see pinned to the top of the group I used to do a little thread of answering questions in-character as Spitfire and I now have the urge to restart such a thread, see how it plays out.

I'd like to know if there's interest in this just as a silly little idea (seriously, ask questions as goofy or as genuine as you want). So, anyone feel up for doing some Ask A Pony?

4203400 *Fluttershy walks in and puts a hoof to her mouth* Well, um, since you are open to questions, and um, Rainbow's birthday is coming up, well, um, how much is it to get you to. *Fluttershy can't continue speaking, holding up a note detailing the process of Spitfire jumping out of a cake for Rainbow*

Group Contributor

That's gonna run you a lot of bits... and probably more than a few drinks down the hatch before I agree to that. Look I'm fine to do birthdays, especially for one of my own recruits, but the cake thing might be a little far. I do have a public image to think of after all, the parasites love it whenever the captain of the wonderbolts does anything to look bad or what they and their readers perceive as bad.

4203432 Please? Rainbow seemed really adamant about it for some reason.

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Look kid, it'll take a lot for that to be arranged, especially if you seriously intend for that to be a public event...

I hate my good nature. I'll do it kid for my normal appearance fee, Luna knows Rainbow's worked hard enough, but I'm doing it in normal wonderbolt suit; you try and get me in some stripper's outfit and the deal's off.

4203432 Speaking of Rainbow, I've always wanted to know, do you have any romantic feelings towards her? I mean you two woud be the cutest couple.

4203460 *Fluttershy turns bright red* I doubt she ever planned to put you in *her wings spread out suddenly* Um, I think I ought to be going.

*Soarin walks in* So sexy, got plans tonight?

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We've talked about it. Obviously, nothing can go on while she's a cadet, that's fraternization and would lead to trouble for me and for her. But once she graduates fully or she moves on to something else, whichever comes first, who knows? I've never been one to turn down a fun night out, and if we decide we're not right for each other there doesn't need to be anything awkward about it.

Things you learn from eight years on the wonderbolts main team roster; awkwardness does nothing but get in the way of enjoying yourself more, whether it's on the flight track or in your own life. So be confident and live life like every day is your best day.

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((Bear in mind this is questions and not full roleplay, just something to bear in mind. Asking in-character is fine though))

Soarin, don't call me that. As for tonight, I got some recruit reports to send, Lightning Dust is coming along well considering; a few more rounds of proving that she's willing to put the work in without shortcuts or dangerous tactics this time and she'll be ready for another trial run.

4203486 Ah come on Spitfire. When was the last time you relaxed a bit. Unless... is that why Lightning Dust is getting another chance? [I'm just enjoying doing the different characters. :rainbowwild: ]

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Is what why she's getting another chance Soarin? And choose your words carefully.

4203502 *Soarin pales as he remembers the full fury she can have* Well, I just, um, I was thinking maybe you two had started going on practice flights and such and that one of those convinced you to, ya know, give her another chance. I-is that it?

Group Contributor

I gave her another chance Soarin because she deserves one. You'd do well to remember that it took me three times to convince the Brass I was worth a damn.

4203502 I guess you’re right. Another question though, how long do you think it will take Rainbow to graduate? I mean with her being an Element of Harmony, she could be called at a moments notice to defend Equestria. So wouldn't that take time away from her being a recruit and attending training /classes?

4203521 Wait, it took you three times? I passed first go, so why in the world did they NOT pass you?

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I came up when I was 17 and lied about my age to get in, so that was strike one. The second time I tried the brass wasn't impressed at the Fillydelphian loudmouth shooting her mouth off everytime she saw something she didn't like without the talent to back it up.

So I went away for three years, worked private sessions with the second in command at the time. "Paid my dues" as he put it, and my third tryout they were practically begging me to join.

It's a legitimate concern but then we ourselves can be called away when an emergency response team is needed and we're the closest. It might take her longer indeed but Princess Celestia works directly with us regarding Rainbow Dash's case. Good thing too, the Brass doesn't exactly take me at my word regarding her.

4203554 Oh, man, I never knew. Damn, that is some dedication. Though, it does bring some of my bets into jeopardy. Of course, *Thunderlane nudges your shoulder* Rainbow's still got the best chances for future captain, right?

Group Contributor

I don't make estimations on future captains. Rainbow Dash is an exceptional order follower and she inspires loyalty in others but she's also still in developmental training, nevermind performing before a sold out crowd or at a national event.

You two know full well I don't play favorites. If I did then you Soarin would've been second in command a lot earlier wouldn't you? Or are you forgetting how hard I made you work to ensure you earned that?

4203554 Well if the Brass doesnt take your word for it, he can go directly to Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia and get chewed out by them. Also i just remembered, back during the Grand Galloping Gala, you invited Rainbow to hang out with you and the other Wonderbolts, she was overjoyed, yet during the gala you ignored her. Im not trying to make you feel bad cause I do not wish to invoke your fury :fluttershyouch: but she was crushed that her idols ignored her. Im sure there was a perfectly legitimate reason as to why, i would just like to know that reason.

On a side note, just to you know if you were wondering where Soarin was during the gala, he was gorging himself with apple pie after pie after pie :rainbowlaugh:

"Umm..." Spike said as he slowly walked forward, playing with his fingers nervously as he couldn't look into Spitfire's eyes. "I know it may be a dificult topic... but... I wanted to appologise for... for slamming you guys against a mountain when I was..." he took a deep breath before continuing. "Back when I turned into a giant monster out of greed."

Rarity walked forward and sat next to Spike. "I would also like to appologise for knowing you and your team when I was falling down to my death."

Pinkie jumped ahead of Rairty and Spike and shouted, "And I would like to appologise for the questions I am about to ask." She inhaled air into her longs for several seconds before speaking, "Why is Dashie not yet the Wonderbolt? I mean, she is all fast and cool and so on, she saved Equestria on many occasion, she saved you guys, she beat many dangeorus villains, she perfomred a sonic rainboom, which also make her far faster than any of you."

Pinkie took a moment to rub her chin thoughtfully before continuing, "Now that I think about it, why she want to join the Wonderbolts? It makes no sense, I mean, you guys are kind of incompetent and all. Dashie slammed against rocks and was fine, but Soarin' ended in hospital after hitting one obstacle. Dashie fought against army of changelings, and you guys were knocked out by Rarity with one punch, Dash saved many ponies, did you saved any ponies? Dash saved Equestira on during cool adventures, and you guys were knocked out by Spike. I mean, if I was in your horsehoses, I would probably dig myself undergorund from embarasement or beg Dashie if you would join her on adventure to save Equestria, because..."

Pinkie looked around in confusion. "What I was talking about... oh right, sorry for asking those questions. I am really really curious and hoping you could answer all those quesitons, but I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to hurt your feeelings. I'm sorry."

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At the time I didn't know Dash other than she saved my life, and considering my career that list is worryingly long. I had a lot of things to do that night, the main problems I run into with higher ups is on the public image side of things; I got a lot of skills, PR isn't one of them.

4203579 *Soarin pales and mutters* So little pie... *he shakes his head violently* Um, I should really be going. Though, in case you do come, we'll be at the Howling Gale. What do you want me to order for you, cause I still don't know what you're favorite drink is?

Group Contributor

The pink one. Yes, Dash has mentioned you before. Also, your ignorance is on display; pegasi are capable of surviving a great deal of kinetic force without injury but we need to know it's coming. Rainbow Dash knew the rocks she was slamming through were coming, Soarin did not see the obstacle presented to him and so it hit him with all the force you would expect. You'd do well to remember Rainbow herself ended up in the hospital for the same reasons, she told me about it while we were doing a medical.

As for previous events, it comes with our occupation. If you can believe that's not the first time an airborne unicorn has knocked out multiple wonderbolts at once.

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Just get me a Pear Cider, if I don't show up I don't doubt that Fleetfoot will take it off your hands.

4203599 Thanks, i was just really curious. Oh and sorry for not introducing myself before, my names Knight'n Gale (pony persona)
Also, is it true that you're the youngest captain in Wonderbolts history? And what exactly are the duties of a captain, you know, besides being in charge of everyone

"Not the first time airborne unicorn has knocked out multiple Wonderbolts at once? Umm... I may not be a smarie ponies like Twilight, but umm..." she tapped her chin while searching for words. "Isn't it making you even less competent? I mean, why would Dashie hang up with pegasi that get knocked from the sky on a daily basis, unless it is fun... but I don't know if one can find anything fun about crashing into the ground, also, when it comes to surprice, I am best of the best in surpricing ponies, but I remember one time when I tried to warn Dashie that there is a mountain on her way, but she just kept saying 'not now' over and over and crashed into it, but it didn't take long before she got back up."

Pinkie looked at Fluttershy for a moment and next turned back to Spitifre. "I also remember how I bit my lips after Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps slammed into a mountain during their training, but when I asked Fluttershy is she was alright, she asked me to not worry about her... Wouldn't it make you guys even weaker than Fluttershy? Oh, and speaking of Fluttershy, Dash once told me that thanks to her, water was transported to Cloudsdale during some sort of tornadoe event, and if it wasn't for her, there wouldn't be enough water for clouds and stuff. But she also mentioned that you were there at least few times, so why didn't you help. Oh, and didn't you guys tried to get Dashie to help and rid of Soarin' or something. That wasn't very nice to do to a friend!"

Pinkie pressed her muzzle agianst Spitfire, "Now I am even more curious why Dashie want to join the Wonderbolts and why she isn't yet a Wonderbolt if all you guys do is being knocked from the sky by unicorns left and right and being embarassed over and over and being jerk to friends, Please tell me, tell me!"

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Half right; I'm the youngest captain to ever not climb the official ranks. I was chosen to be captain over the at the time second in command when Captain Phoenix Splash retired. I don't think Fleetfoot's ever quite let it go with all her badgering about me being the ace flyer but we both knew it was best, Fleetfoot might snark about it but she and I both know she would've hated this job.

As for my duties, I have to lead the flight routines, organise our events, keep a good public image for myself and our squadron, train the newcomers, assign our members where they're needed. I could go on a lot longer but I'd bore you. Suffice it to say, it's not a job you do for the paycheck, you have to be passionate about this to even think of staying in the job.

4203671 Wow...just wow. Im a Pegasus and even i would crack under the pressure...and im part of Luna’s royal guard reserves...wish i was a regular royal guard but a reserve is better than nothing.

Also, when did you know you wanted to be a Wonderbolt? Was it always your dream, or did you decide later down the road?

Comment posted by ObsidianPony deleted Mar 25th, 2015
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At first the deciding factor was that I barely had any money and I could make money for flying really fast. Took me a good few attempts of failed routines before I decided to try having fun, and, well, that certainly worked wonders.

Group Contributor

Allow me to ask you a question, since you're supposedly the best friend pony; why does Dash hang out with you? Why? Maybe it could be because she wants to? Maybe because military competence isn't a measure of friendship or else she would have even less reason to spend any time with you than she does with us? Maybe a pony who claims to be everyone's friend should understand the basic concept of it?

I thought so. Before you start demanding a detailed explanation of which came first the chicken or the egg, kindly get the hell out of my office. You two can stay, this pink one has no place even as a visitor to an academy she obviously has zero respect for.

4203774 Damn...I can escort her out if you wish...

4203771 and because of that, you're doing what you love right!? It doesnt matter what you do in life as long as you love and have fun with what you do

Group Contributor

Well I'd argue having a roof over your head and food on the table would be pretty important as well, but the general point is there yes. And no, removing her won't be necessary, I believe my point has been made.

4203912 I understand, and i can see that...remind me to never piss you off

which reminds me, I know that your fellow Wonderbolts can get on your nerves sometimes, but who has made you the most angry and what did they do?

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You'll generally find not pissing me off is best for your health. As for who's made me the most angry, not counting that pink mare five seconds ago that would probably be an old member of the wonderbolt brass who tried to insist that the wonderbolts should only perform in venues made for pegasi and that it was "tough luck" for unicorns and earth ponies who didn't have the means.

He no longer works for the wonderbolts. You can thank me and Fleetfoot for that one.

4205142 Damn...

Im glad im not pissing you off, as i very much like living at the moment :twilightsheepish:

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Eh, I'm on a murder break but I have a lot of ways to make life difficult for ponies who try and make life difficult for me.

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