Spitfire 1,118 members · 609 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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Well, at least I think so. Even if her character isn't what some would call wholly pleasant, something about her design really stands out. She'll always have that going for her, which is definitely a nice trait to have when it comes to finding amazing artwork of her. And for the sake of discussion, does anyone else feel the same when it comes to Spitfire's design? :twilightsmile:


She's Cute, Right?

Duh. :moustache:


She's Cute, Right?

She's more than that. She's sexy.

5217190 Cute is definitely the word for it. Actually, I rather like Spitfire and her Drill Sarge demeanor. It can make for some good fanfic potential if you need somepony from the military.


I like Spitfire.

Funnily enough -maybe because I came in at season 3- I prefer her in her drill sergeant costume. I see that as her acting a role...but even so, the shirt and jacket look is better on her than the flight suit in my opinion.

5217190 Of course she is, why wouldn't she be cute?

5217981 Not just cute, I say cute and badass.

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