Spitfire 1,118 members · 609 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Was wondering anyone know any good stories as not only as spitfire as main character but has its share of action, adventure, and romance? While also not shipping her constantly with rainbow dash or one of wonderbolts?

7538627 It's not got a lot of action but I've got some romance where she gets shiperoonied with Rarity. Only one of two stories to my knowledge that does that!

Gotta count for something!

i take a gander, thanks, i really iked her design. Enough make my own Au of her and make a bad ass soldier/warrior. Recently reworking on her with devil may cry giving me some insperation


thanks, i really iked her design.

Thank you! I nicked it from MLP myself.

Chiming in here with a similar answer to HapHazred: I wrote a Spitfire romance shipping her with Adagio Dazzle. Alas, not a ship I've seen very often here.

But if it's action you're more looking for, I'm afraid I'm not so sure what to suggest. This one might possibly take your interest, but, while Spitfire is the viewpoint character, she's not really the focus.

oh, i never thought seeing her ship with the sirens or anythign like that. might have to look. Thanks. Too many soarin and rainbow dash ships. I been trying find something unique and different. Thanks

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