TwiLuna 3,809 members · 884 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Group Admin
Gwenio #1 · Aug 7th, 2017 · · 1 ·

Long time no see!

Popping on FimFic I noticed that the Romance folder is (predictably) really crowded. So I made a sub folder for short stories under it, as a large portion of them are pretty short. My current definition is stories marked as complete that are less than 10k words.

I would like to see peoples' thoughts on what the definition of a short story should be. Or suggestions for additional ways to divide up romance.

Whether or not stories placed in Short Stories will be removed from the main Romance folder will be decided after most qualifying stories are placed in it to get a count on how many there are. Removing later is easy once they have been added to the new location.

Long term it would likely be best to move everything in Romance into sub folders and make it so stories cannot be directly added to it, but have it instead show the contents of all sub folders.

Way to spam the group.

Next time you want to reorganize, use the admin panel to move stories instead of adding them.

I'm happy for 10k words or less to be short stories. When looking for bigger stories on I usually look at the +10k words ones, so I think thats a good way to start on here to tidy the groups stories up.

It was funny waking up to see there was a massive spam of stories from this group.

Group Admin


Oh, the site has that feature now? Well, I will see about using it in the remaining steps of splitting up the Romance folder, of which this was the first.

Group Admin


10k may not end up being the breaking point, but it will be at least 5k. I will be removing those below the 5k mark later and see where that leaves things.

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