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What the title says. Here are the rules:

Someone starts off by posting a 100-500 word mini-fic about Luna and Twi. At the end will be a one word prompt. If you would like to write a 100-500 word TwiLuna mini-fic relating to that prompt within the next four hours, comment right away to claim that prompt. Post the story when you finish, and add a one word prompt at the end for the next people to claim.

Simple enough?

Just to make sure everything is clear:

* The mini-fic can be in any style, any tag, AU, humanized, whatever. It can be a cute scene, a snippet of conversation, or an excerpt from an Equestrian history book. It's not expected to be preread or proofread, and if you've never written before that's just fine. Just try to keep it rated teen or lower and make sure it's 100-500 words of fiction about Luna and Twi and it relates somehow to the prompt you claimed.

* Claim prompts with a quick post responding to the last post. Just the word "claimed" is fine. When you finish, make a post with the mini-fic and the next prompt.

* Your claim is valid for twenty-four hours, to keep someone from accidentally holding things up all day. After four hours, another person could post a claim for the same prompt. If you ran out of time, and no one else has claimed it, and you still want to write it, just go ahead and reclaim it.

* In the event that people become confused, and two fics are posted for the same prompt, the first one posted contains the official next prompt.

* Please include a one word prompt at the end of your fic. There are lots of words, and they can mean lots of things, and it's up to the next writer what they want to do with it.

and here's an example of an ongoing thread: It's the one for the Twinkie group, but the AppleDash group started it all, then the FlutterDash, TwiDash, RariJack, and Flarity groups started doing it as well. So I figured that we could give it a shot.

If you'd like to play, I'll make the first prompt. After we have about ten prompts completed then someone can put it into a story and we'll just update that as we play on this forum.

Here's the first prompt, whoever is up for it.
Prompt: Troubled

So, in order to make sure I understand this properly and to clarify for myself, we write the mini-fics here in this thread, yes? I'm not sure if I can do this since I take around 500 words to say hello but I'm interested all the same.

Same here I could take a crack at one for troubled if noone minds :twilightsheepish: I don't claim to be perfect but I'm not half bad

(Spark: Alright time to take a crack at drabbles *cracks knuckles*)

~~Setting one week after Twilight's coronation, Grand Canterlot Observatory~~~

"Aha I knew you were around here somewhere" the lavender mare mumbled peering through the eye piece of the telescope "Now...where is..."

"Is there a reason you snuck into my tower at such an hour Twilight Sparkle?" A voice asked behind her making the younger princess jump.

"WAUGH!" She yelped spinning around nearly falling off the seat as she spotted the source of the comment "O-oh Princ-" she started.

Waving it off with a hoof the Lunar Mare continued forward "If you call me by my title one more time when we are alone Twilight Sparkle I shall ensure the punishment for such is most severe..."

Twilight flushed, considering the LAST punishment had involved an enchanted pair of saddlebags making her perform the chicken dance in front of Princess Celestia for two hours, there was no way she was taking any chances "S-sorry Luna, you just startled me. And as for why I'm in here...I couldn't sleep..."

Luna frowned gesturing for Twilight to join her on one of the padded benches around the edges of the room, fluttering down the bookish mare soon sat next to her friend "But do you not have a meeting scheduled with a most important pair of ponies early tomorrow?"

"That's just it Luna, I haven't spoken to either of them for over a Month, they have no idea I was even coronated, or that I'm even an Alicorn! What if they're upset with me, what if they're scared or treat me differently, or even disowmph" her rant was cut off in mid build up by virtue of a silver clad hoof pressed against her mouth.

"Peace young Twilight, I sincerely doubt your parents will disown you, I do admit they are likely to be surprised by your transformation. But one of the virtues of being a parent is the ability to love thine foals no matter what." She explained simply, lowering her hoof slowly.

"B-but..." she started slowly.

With a small sigh the Lunar mare cut her off again "If it will help you calm down. I shall accompany you to your parent's tomorrow if you so desire."

"Y-you mean it? But aren't you supposed to sleep during the day?"

Nodding she continued "Most of the time yes, but getting up early one day to help provide moral support for a dear friend will not kill me Twilight. I promise you that, I shall simply have to take a nap before dusk falls."

Twilight smiled softly "Thank you, that would be wonderful Luna" she replied softly yawning slightly as the late hour started to make itself known, slowly leaning over to support her suddenly tired form against the taller mare's shoulder. she was still uneasy about meeting her parents the next day, but somehow knowing she'd have Luna there to back her up, helped sooth the young alicorn's troubled thoughts enough for her to find sleep's sweet release.

(Prompt: Summer, Final Word count: 497 words)

Prompt: Summer

Princess Luna was having a fine day outside Canterlot Castle. The breeze was blowing, the birds were singing, the fillies were playing in the maze ... What? Luna walked over to where she thought she heard the CMC playing but there was nothing there. Oof! Luna fell down as she felt something jump onto her back.

"Hello Luna. How are you?" Twilight laughed at Luna's face. "I got you again!" Luna growled a bit and pushed Twilight off of her. She got up and stared back into Twilight's wide, lavender eyes.

"Nice weather, isn't it?" Luna asked, being nonchalant.

"In Summer it's beautiful. It's just the right weather oh wait. That's Autumn." Luna giggled a bit.

“Yes, that is Autumn. Why don’t we enjoy the sunshine and fly around a bit?” Luna ruffled her wings a bit and took off. When she got up to the first cloud she spotted, she alighted down on it and saw that Twilight was already there.

“You are getting better Twilight.” Luna commented.

“Yes, but that’s only because I had the loveliest teacher to teach me.” Luna saw Twilight blush a bit. In response, she felt her own cheeks flush.

“Luna, are you crying?” Twilight walked up to Luna and laid a touching wing on her marefriend.

“Yes. But that’s only because I’m so happy.” Luna leant into Twilight’s shoulder and they both watched the sunset on that beautiful summer day.
(Prompt: Happy, Final Word Count: 237)

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

Prompt: Happy

{Happy} {Based on a True Story} {Sciency Stuff}

“Luna! Come quick! You’re not going to believe your eyes!” Twilight hopped in place, a huge grin stretching from ear to ear. Her wool-lined parka wobbled off her head as bounced in the middle of the hatchway that lead to the Princess’ personal chambers.

“What is it?” Luna raised her eyebrow and set her quill aside from where she had been writing. Twilight’s abrupt entrance a few seconds earlier had startled her and already a few blots of ink had splattered on the page she had been working on.

“You have got to see this for yourself! It’s unbelievable!” Twilight stomped her hooves and let out an excited whoop. She turned in the hatchway and wrenched open the outer hatch with a burst of magic before diving out into the night without so much as re-donning her hood. “C’mon! This is incredible!”

Luna groaned as she spared her work a final glance. It could wait. Twilight was likely to take a tumble out in the darkness in her youthful exuberance. She pulled on her own parka and closed both hatches to her temporary domicile as she made the short walk to the Observatory. She thanked her sister for the foresight to get enchanted parkas when she found Twilight inside the main viewing chamber shivering and trying to catch her breath. Twilight’s condition did not seem to calm her excitement any.

Twilight shuffled a dozen or so loose sheets of scroll parchment on the huge table. Each sheet was covered in her scratchy hoofwriting. Even the margins were filled in with equations on mass, density and particle distribution in vacuum. Twilight coughed, her lungs rattling with the effort and the air fogged considerably before it drifted to and merged with the cloud floor beneath them.

“What is it you wanted to show me, Twilight? Have you found another exo-planet to put under your claim?” Luna glanced up at the enormous telescope that loomed above them. Twilight has overseen every aspect of its construction, enchantment and placement here in the Ultra High Altitude Geo-Stable Observatory Cloud.

“This!” Twilight shoved two pieces of paper across the table.

Luna leaned down and examined the annotated math that drove Twilight to smile wider than Pinkie was even capable. She squinted, the numbers tumbling through her mind. It was impossible. Improbable. If any other pony had showed her such unbelieveable findings, Luna would have thrown them out on their plots. Not this mare however. Twilight Sparkle didn’t make errors this egregious.

“Are you sure?” Luna looked up, her eyes narrowed. “Really, really sure, Twlight? It’s not just some trick of light or angle of perspective?” Luna jabbed a hoof at the last number on the sheet in front of her. “This number cannot be, Twilight. It throws everything we know about the laws of our world out the window!”

“Oh I’m sure.” Twilight’s grin turned into a smirk as she gestured at the telescope. “Wanna look at it?”

“Buck yes I do!”

(Prompt: Strangers; Final Word Count: 496)

Question: What number is it?

Group Contributor

Roughly four times the speed of light.


Yes, that's correct. But it doesn't have to always be EXACTLY 500 words - you can go a little over. In the RariJack group we had one fic that was 1,000 words. No one cared. So as long as it's not too over the top, you can go a little over the top. :twilightsmile:

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor
Pearple Prose
Group Contributor

{Prompt: Strangers}

At the beginning of the night, we had been strangers.

The princess had arrived in Ponyville on Nightmare Night, hoping to introduce herself to the fair folk. Unfortunately, it had not quite gone as planned. It turns out that an eon on the moon doesn't help with your social skills.

And so I had done what I do best: I lectured her. And so I did.

It was all very proper; I introduced myself, we had a small chat, and then I introduced her to my friends. There wasn't anything deeper to it, really. She was a princess, I was her subject. She was a stranger to me, and I to her, friendly as we were.

It was over the course of the night that something... changed. Changed in the dynamic. I can't point out when, precisely, that it happened.

I mean, the first thing I noticed about her, of course, was how beautiful she was, but that goes without saying. Complimenting her on it would have meant nothing, for it was a simple fact of her station. If anything, her appearance was more than a little intimidating.

But looking back on it, when she let down her barriers--when she stopped being so... royal--I realise now that I saw something.

A kindred spirit.

it never crossed my mind at the time. That night, I could only think of how much I wanted us to be more than strangers. I wanted to truly know that mare underneath.

And so, at the end of that night, I blurted out:


She looked at me in confusion, and with, dare I say it, a spark of hope.


At the end of that night, we became more than strangers.

{Word count: 293}

Prompt: Disaster

Group Contributor

That was very sweet. I liked that.

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor


Thank you! I liked yours too.

I really need to write more TwiLuna stuff. The ship doesn't get enough love, in my opinion.

I pushed the front door open and let my vision became used to the half-light. Of what was once a standard apartment remained only empty rooms sprinkled with broken objects and litters, whose walls displayed marks of ancient furniture and childish writing, obvious token of the precedent owners. A thin ray of golden light crossed throughout the piece, coming from a unknow source. I breathed slowly, the air was warmth and stifling; nopony had aired it for a long time. It was irritating, I was worried for the pony who lived here, and I wanted to open violently the windows and clean everything, but a stronger feeling pressed me to advance along the walls. I followed the sunbeam as far as the bedroom and sat down in the shadow of the door. She was here, slouched on her desk, writing tirelessly the fruit of her researchs without taking the time to sort out and tidy up the parchments which covered the floor. It took me time to capture her expression, hidden behind an hourglass, in fact every places of the room were occupied by an object: scientist materials, trinkets, books and a way too much empty bottles.

“Twilight...” I began, knowing she had waited for me.

She stopped writing and turned slowly her head toward me. Messy hair, rings and bloodshot eyes, she wore her old white blouse now stained and disentangled. Her look sheltered nothing but anger, and a certain sullenness.

“How long?” She asked abruptly.

“Seven, it’s been seven years.”

“And you continue to return every months...Luna, what do you want exactly?! Give me a break, for Celestia’s sake!” A sharpness characteristic in her voice which turned my heart over. I was tired of this comedy, I had to take action.

“It been too long now Twilight, you can’t go on like that. Celestia said you needed some time alone, but I can’t stand seeing you down.” I moved forward, cautiously for not to frighten her.
“I know you’re scared, and yet you continue to shut your eyes. It’s useless, they’ll never return.”

She went back to her scrolls and her work, she never stopped since this madness has begun. I could now see her frown and the pain hidden in her eyes. I sighed. If I wanted to bring her out of her dumbness, I will have to challenge her dignity.

“Nopony forced you to leave, you know, it’s you who transformed your life in a disaster. As I see you now I have more pity for you than sadness. You can’t-”

“I can do this, I can’t do that, Luna you’re not my mother!”
“No, but even her gave up on you. I’m just worried about you...” I knew my words will have an effect on her.

“And I don’t need your pity!” She stood up abruptly, knocking down the chair and opened her wings threateningly. “Leave me alone! And get out of my appartement!”

I moved back, never stopping to look straight in her eyes, my hooves shaking and my heart pounding in my chest. I felt like crying, but it was necessary.

“No...” I muttered. In my head, I wanted to shout it. A fragment of surprise passed on her face before it took the feature of anger, and I lost precious secondes thinking that even angered, she was still beautiful. But it was time for me to act. With a nimble movement, I hurled myself toward her and tackled her against the floor. She struggled but as skinny and weak as she was, she could do nothing against my 80kilos of nerves and muscles.

“Twilight...” She remained paralyzed, panting, the regard agitated. Her expression passed from anger to fear, as if she didn’t know in which side she have to be.

“It’s okay, I forgive you.” My words, trivial for anynopy but a metaphor of so much more for her, became the relief Twilight needed. She flew into my arms and cryed. It’s with a new joy I held her tight against my chest as she tryed to explain herself, and even if I didn’t understand her blabbing I already knew the content. It been too long that I didn’t hugged her like this and I was delighted to feel her heart calm down, to play with her mane and to whisper this words she seemed to forgot...

“I love you Twilight, I’ll always be with you.”

(word count: 734)
Prompt: stalker.

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor


Stalker? Really?


Challenge accepted. Claimed!

Group Contributor

Shoot. I was gonna take that one... then I saw Composure updated...

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor


Heh, I have that open in another tab. Going to finish this prompt, then gonna finish it.

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor

{Prompt: Stalker}

Princess Luna was using a telescope.

It was quite the impressive contraption, she thought. A collection of mirrors and lenses arranged in such a way that the reflected light would allow for viewing of far-away objects in the cosmos, all contained within a simple cylinder mounted upon a stand.

A device for viewing the night sky... such ingenuity! Truly, it was an example of just how far pony creativity could extend.

All of these reasons, and more, made Luna feel a little ashamed that she had decided to use said contraption to spy on her crush.

Only a little, mind you.

"Blasted gizmo. Your princess demands that you ZOOM-!" Luna slapped a hoof over her mouth, eyes darting around in panic. After a minute of silence, she pulled her hoof away and sighed gustily.

What am I doing? Luna thought despairingly. Why can't I just... go to her?

Luna already knew why, of course, but she wasn't sure she wanted to admit it to herself.

"Well, no more!" Luna shouted, leaping to her hooves. "I am going to walk right up to Twilight Sparkle, and I am going to say 'I love y-'"

Something moved in Twilight's window.

"Ohwhatamisayingimacoward." Luna dived for the telescope, practically shoving her eye onto the lens as she stared at the distant treehouse. Pain flared in her eye, making her hiss, but she ignored it. Her trembling hooves held the telescope steady, as she peered closer... closer... closer...


The telescope snapped in half from the force of Luna's spasm. Ever-so-slowly, her head turned around to stare at the door.

Twilight Sparkle stared back. "Um, what are you doing?"

Luna's eye twitched. Her jaw fell open with a rusty clunking sound.

"Ok... I'll just... go, I guess." The purple unicorn slid out of the room, leaving the door to slowly shut on its own.

Luna slumped to the floor of the balcony as soon as the other mare disappeared from view. She sighed again, perhaps even more gustily than before, and crawled into the bathroom.

She glanced into the mirror, and froze. Around her eye, there was a clear, black ring.

She knew.

She knew.

Luna dashed with a mad, stumbling, gait to the door, opened it slowly, then peeked her head out. She spotted the object of her - somewhat unhealthy - desire trotting down the corridor.

As she watched, Twilight glanced over her shoulder, winked, and, without warning, lifted her tail.

Luna glanced for barely a second before flattening herself against the wall, hoof held against her pounding heart.

Distantly, she heard the echoes of soft giggling.

What... Luna thought, smile threatening to split her face in half. ...Have I gotten myself into?

[Word count: 458}

Prompt: Satisfaction

Group Contributor

Claimed. First a shower, then I write

Group Contributor

Prompt: Satisfaction

Derpy pumped her wings harder as she climbed toward her delivery point. Thermal streams helped her ascend faster in the magically stilled air around the Ultra High Altitude Geo-Stable Observatory Cloud, but at this height there was serious risk of ice forming on her feathers or fur. Thankfully she only had a single envelope to haul along with a re-breather and an under-wing slung oxy tank.

Derpy released a grateful sigh when she finally set her hooves on the super dense cloud bank. She pulled her wings as close to her core as the tank and her mostly empty satchel would allow. The tip of the giant telescope glinted in the light of the setting sun from another three hundred meters above her, pointing into the black. She looked around, trying to spot a pony to give her envelope to.

Derpy shook her head and reached up to her chest to press the rubber bulb on the mail horn. A moment later two heavy parka covered ponies trotted out from thick mists, moving it aside with little flicks of their heads and the haze of unicorn magics.

“Hey Derpy! We weren’t expecting anyone until the next resupply run.” Princess Twilight Sparkle doffed her hood and smiled. “Did you bring news from Celestia?”

Derpy bowed as shallowly as manners allowed and shook her head. “Nope! I have something else for you Princess!” She did her best to return Twilight’s smile around the re-breather clutched in her teeth and opened her satchel.

“It just came in this afternoon. Supposed to go out with tomorrow’s mail and wait back at home but… since you’re fellow Ponyville alum,” Dery shrugged, “I figured I’d bring it by.”

“Aw, thanks Derpy!” Twilight pulled the mailmare into a tight hug that threatened to drive the oxygen she had left out of her lungs.

Twilight let her go after a moment and tore the envelope open, pulling out what looked like a short form letter. Derpy silently crossed her feather tips, hoping that she hadn’t accidentally delivered bad news.

Princess Luna leaned in and looked over Twilight’s shoulder at the note. “Well?”

Twilight whooped and jumped a good three feet in the air. “They’re going to publish it! The magazine is going to publish my paper on that superluminal object we found! It’s my first professionally published work!”

Twilight spun in place and grabbed Luna by the shoulders, knocking the older princess’ hood back. Luna smiled happily and laughed until her eyes went wide when Twilight pinned her in a lip lock. Luna took a step back but Twilight just continued to lean into her. The kiss slowly became less one sided and both mares blushed furiously when they finally parted.

Derpy blushed and scuffed the tip of one hoof into the cloud floor. “Well, glad it was good news. Hehe.” She turned and looked back at the princesses who were still trying to find their voices. “I think I’ll go see what Carrot Top is up to.”

{Word Count: 500}

Prompt: Medicine

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor
Pearple Prose
Group Contributor


{Prompt: Medicine}

"Aaaaaaah... CHOO!"

Luna snorted, her eyes snapping open. A moan sounded off from the pony lying next to her in the bed. She turned around to see her marefriend sitting up, wiping her nose with a hoof.

"Good morning, Twilight!" Luna chirped cheerfully.


"How are you feeling on this beautiful morning?" Luna asked as she leapt out of bed and walked over to the window.

Twilight responded by way of an askew glance, coupled with a very wet and disgusting snort that--somehow--managed to sound rather indignant.

Luna turned her head away and smirked. This was just too perfect. "Oh, would you just look at this beautiful day?" Luna said, hamming up the "morning pony" attitude that she knew s despised. "Oooh, maybe we should go out for a stroll around Ponyville! Wouldn't that be just divine?"

Twilight groaned as the stream of sunlight struck her eyes, half-heartedly lifting a purple wing to protect herself from the unholy rays. "Nuuuuurr..." She mumbled, before sneezing again.

Luna's eyes were clenched shut with the effort it took to stifle her sniggering. The sight of the normally collected pony in such a ridiculous state was becoming too much for the Night Princess to hold in.

Twilight looked at her giggling marefriend, then crossed her eyes to peer at her snivelling snout. "I thing I hab a cold." She declared, after a few moments of deliberation. Then sneezed again.

That was all it took. Luna immediately burst into fits of laughter, rolling on the floor of Twilight's bedroom while the pony herself looked on with a frown. "Shnot funny." She huffed.

Luna eventually gathered herself back together, crossing the room to examine the bleary, bedridden alicorn, who glowered at her with sleepy eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry, love. I will admit, I have been quite impolite as your guest."

Twilight glared at her. "Yur could shay that."

Luna coughed out another chuckle, then painted on a look of motherly concern. "Oh, my darling Twiley-poo's caught a frightful cold! Now, don't you worry dear, Lulu is here to help!" With that, she scurried out of the room.

Twilight watched her go with confusion, amusement, and more than a little bit of abject terror. She let out a sigh and sank under the covers.

Well, it wasn't that bad, Twilight admitted. It was actually pretty funny. She imagined herself going cross-eyed, and found herself giggling.

I'll let her have her fun. She's deserved it, after all. Twilight relaxed with a bashful smile. There's still that one experiment with the socks that I don't think she's forgiven me for quite yet.

Ten minutes later, Luna still hasn't returned, and Twilight was starting to get anxious. Her optimism from earlier was threatening to fade. It's okay, Twilight. Maybe she's just- The bed-ridden alicorn perked up. Maybe she's making breakfast! Twilight drooled slightly at the thought of pancakes, dripping with syrup. She wondered if they'd get topped with baked apple slices this time...

"Twiliiiight~" Luna called from outside the bedroom.

"Yes, Luna?" Twilight hollered back, eyes still closed peacefully.

"Do you, perhaps, remember that one incident with the socks...?"

Twilight's eyes snapped open. For a moment, she swore that her heart stopped beating. "Oh no."

A voice whispered right next to her ear. "Oh, yes~"

And to this day, the ponies of Ponyville still remember the mad cackling, against a backdrop of screams.

{Word Count: 585}

Prompt: Snuggle

I'ma yoink snuggle. Always wanted to write some TwiLuna.


Standing on the balcony of her room in Canterlot Castle, Twilight Sparkle let out a sigh of relief that had been building up for a week. Only seven days ago she had proved to the Elements of Harmony that she truly understood the magic of friendship. Just seven days ago she had taken the most powerful magic in Equestria into her body and it had transformed her. She spread her practically virgin wings and felt the gentle breeze flow across her feathers.

For the entire week since becoming an alicorn, she’d had very little rest. She’d made several trips back and forth between Canterlot and Ponyville via sky chariot overseeing the preparations for her coronation. She had officially been crowned an Equestrian princess mere hours ago and now, with the celebrations finally winding down, she could take some much needed rest.

Unsteadily at first, she beat the air with her wings, as Luna’s advice played back in her mind. She reached out to the air currents, as if to levitate an object that was not there, but with a great effort of will, channeled the magic through her wings instead of her horn. It worked; the air became paradoxically more solid, in order to support her weight, and more fluid, to allow her to pass through it.

A brief and somewhat nervous flight later, Twilight landed on a large cloud, bathed in moonlight. She tucked in her wings and lay down next to her lover, snuggling up against the warm body of the Princess of the Night as a large, dark wing draped across her like a blanket. Twilight let out a soft coo as some of Luna’s feathers brushed against her own.

They lay in silence for quite a long time, gazing at the night sky together, needing no words to express their mutual feelings. Finally, Luna broke the stillness of the night.

“My love, I had not the chance to query thee previously. Didst thou enjoy thine first flight?”

“It was... different.” Twilight finally decided. “It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before.” Twilight rested her head against Luna’s chest, flexing her wings slightly so their feathers brushed again. “Was that how you felt during your first flight?”

Luna chuckled. “It would be more appropriate for thee to compare it with me casting mine first spell.” She grinned down at the younger alicorn.

Twilight’s eyes went wide with shock. “You first sp—but then you were a pegasus?!” Luna nodded in confirmation. “But all the history books say you were a unicorn...”

“Tia was, ‘tis true, but not I. It matters not now, but ‘tis an amusing mistake, is it not?”

Twilight gave a half-hearted chuckle while wondering just how many more ‘historical facts’ were amusing mistakes now. As Luna’s wing hugged her closer and she felt a soft pair of lips touch her horn, she decided that was something she would worry about later.

Next Prompt: Cake

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

Prompt: Cake

The private living chambers that Celestia and Luna shared at the castle were comforting in their simplicity and spartan furnishings. The dining room held a single unadorned table large enough for ponies of the Princesses proportions and a few cushioned seats.

Twilight adjusted her position on her chair, sitting up straight and did her best to project an aura of patient calmness. Across from her, Luna sipped from a cup of coffee as she read today’s copy of the Canterlot Times, her plate of cake half-finished. Celestia sat at the head of the table, her plate clear, her nose crinkling as she read over the latest report Twilight had turned into to her after returning with Luna from the Ultra High Altitude Geo-Stable Observatory Cloud.

Twilight shifted her weight, waiting for Celestia to finish the report and start grilling her with questions. That was quickly becoming her favorite part about her new Princesshood. Celestia always allowed her closer than most other ponies, but now she was privy to so much more ‘behind the scenes’ real life moments with her mentor. Celestia cleared her throat and Twilight went rigid at attention in her seat.

“Twilight,” Celestia clicked her tongue and looked back at the parchment she held, “I won’t pretend to understand these numbers as well as you and Luna do. However, if I am following this correctly, then you have discovered an object in a neighboring star cluster that appears to be moving considerably faster than light itself?”

Twilight grinned and nodded her head. “Yes! Though, it isn’t an object, per se. We actually discovered evidence of something massive moving in a predictable pattern faster than anything we’ve ever encountered before. It might not actually be anything, of course. We’ll need to observe it more to confirm that it isn’t just an optical illusion or false reading.”

“Interesting.” Celestia fell silent for a moment, a small smile playing across her lips. “Before you returned, I learned something myself that has yet to be confirmed. Something that a young mailmare mentioned in passing while making a delivery to the castle. I’m curious to know what you or Luna might make of what must surely be a fictitious rumor about scandalous behavior happening on royally owned cloud facilities. You two were there after all.”

Luna’s cup of coffee started to shake in her magical field, the hot liquid sloshing about as she found a very interesting article on page seven. Twilight blushed and swallowed hard, her wings rustling.

“Um…” Twilight’s eyes flicked about, unable to rest on anything or anypony. “I… we…w-we don’t know anything about that! Do we, Luna?”

Luna shrank in her seat, her Canterlot Times shaking violently as she buried her face as deeply into the fine print as it would get. “No n-nope! W-we know nothing about any s-scandalous behavior! Tis but rumor, Tia! You know how ponies talk…”

Celestia smirked and helped herself to another slice of red velvet cake. “Yes Luna, I most certainly do.”

{Word Count: 499}

Prompt: Memes

What can we do with memes? :rainbowhuh:

Group Contributor

Anything you want. Use a meme-as-theme: Socks! Juice boxes! Hoodies! Or, have Twi and Luna talk about memes in a meta-textual sorta way. There are plenty of ways you can interpret it. That's why the single word prompts: let it inspire you and guide you, not straight-jacket you!

Spark: I'm not claiming the prompt this is just a suggestiong when this is ever put up in a story I have an idea for the name (unless the creator of this thread has one already)

Dark Paradise

Group Contributor

If no one is going to claim my prompt, then by gum, I will!

Group Contributor

Dark Paradise is a good name. I like that.

Spark Hehe if you want I just am not good with meme stuff trust me I tried x.x

And thanks for saying that I was working on Destiny today and it just clicked for a moment with the name

Group Contributor

Just reminding everyone that this thread is still alive.

Prompt: Memes

“Twilight, I do not understand the purpose of this periodical.” Luna looked up from her reading as she called out to her companion. They were both staying in a spacious flat in a newly constructed area of Canterlot that commanded a view almost as awe worthy as the one from her personal chambers at the castle. Truth be told, it was too large for just two of them and Luna found herself frequently having to go in search of her friend. Luna sighed after a moment of silence and folded the paper up under one wing and headed toward the other side of the house.

“Twilight? I have discovered another modern puzzle.” Luna poked her head into the kitchen and then headed toward the side office. “I have just an article with accompanying images of the both of us. It purports to recollect a…a…” Luna paused and opened the paper again. “A ‘romantic getaway for two’ that I do not recall us actually taking.”

“What?” Twilight’s voice floated down from the second floor walkway. The unicorn looked over the railing and down at Luna. “What are you talking about Luna?”

“This!” Luna sat back on her haunches and tapped the article with one hoof. “There are pictures from our grocery shopping trip the previous week. The editors of this publication have placed text upon the images in a very odd manner and I cannot tell if it is to be description or dialogue. I cannot recall ever saying any of these things.” Luna squinted at one grainy picture. “And their spelling is atrocious!”

Luna felt Twilight’s magic tip back the front page of the newspaper.

“What are you reading?” Twilight gasped. “The Canterlot Questioner?! Luna! That’s a cheap tabloid, they don’t report real news. They make up sensational garbage about celebrities like Vinyl Scratch and fictional societal issues. If we’re in there, then they must be trying to drum up drama to sell more copies!”

Twilight groaned and facehoofed. “The pictures are done with text in what is known as a ‘meme-style’—which is totally inaccurate--by the way. It’s popular with the younger ponies these days. It is meant to comedic, but it’s usually just childish.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “’Meme?’ I am unfamiliar with this word.”

“It’s a fairly new word in Common Equestian. It has multiple meanings. The meaning popularly ascribed to it is only vaguely related to its Oxenford Dictionary definition. Several terms have mutated like that in recent times.”

Luna grinned as she wiggled in place. “Can you give me a lesson on them Twilight?”

Twilight Sparkle smirked and shook her head. “Sure, but only if you wear that cute hoodie I like.”

“Only if you wear those ‘socks’ I so adore on you.”

“Goddess, you’re insatiable, you know that, right?” Twilight chuckled and started walking toward their bedroom. “I am going to teach you so hard tonight.”

Word count: 483
Next Prompt: Hunger


If we turn this into a story, does someone else want to host the collab? I'm already very busy running the Twinkie one and don't really have time for hosting another, what with school having just started and all...:unsuresweetie:


I'd be willing to take it if no one else wants to. Flarity runs pretty slow. But, anyone else who wants to grab it can have first dibs.

Spark: I talked to Twilight we could take it I suppose might get a bit more attention to our account which wouldn't be a bad thing in my opinion *grins*

No sorry. I just don't have the time for it right now. Please don't hate me!!

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor


I'll take it, if no-one else wants it. Do I just need to make a story, and c/p these stories into chapters?


You do have to watch the formatting, though. You lose line breaks, italics and everything when you copy/paste. That's the thing that's really time consuming about it.

See the Flarity collab, for example.

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor


Ah, okay.


So what's happening with this? I'd like to host it, but I don't want to step on anybody's toes. :applejackunsure:


You can most certainly host it if you like. :pinkiehappy: As Jondor said, as long as you watch the formatting, it should work out. It does take a while though, as I learned when I waited until there were about fifteen prompts to do the Twinkie Collab...:facehoof: I thought we should deal with this now. :raritywink: So go ahead if you'd like!


That's alright, of course I understand. :raritywink:

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor


BEHOLD! Password is 'twiluna'

If anyone has a problem with the name, feel free to offer suggestions while I'm still creating this. I just went with Spark's for now.

Also, I have some cover art I'd like to use, just getting the artist's permission first.

Now... time to get these chapters sorted out.


It looks great! :raritywink:

And I was the first one to give it a thumbs-up. :rainbowwild::pinkiehappy:

Spark: Hehehe woo! This is cool *grins* great job pearple prose

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor

Ok, time to publish. Let'sa go!

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor


Collab just got featured.

Turn on the mature filter and see for yourself.

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