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Pearple Prose
Group Contributor



I think.

Group Contributor

That list looks correct to me.

I just hope I did your original prompt justice. Although reading back through it, I should have edited it a bit to fix some grammar mistakes :twilightsheepish:

Group Contributor


Twilight mumbled to herself, working the end of her quill with her teeth into a ratty mess, as she glared at the pile of paperwork in front of her. She looked over at the abacus by her side for what must have been the hundredth time and huffed loudly.

Luna watched Twilight in silence. She’d seen the behavior often enough to know when Twilight was stuck in some problem and didn’t like the answer, so she kept checking and re-checking to find where the mistake was in her math or logic. Luna shook her head as Twilight turned back to the paper and start then stop, only to start and then stop again in frustration.

Twilight spat out the quill in her mouth and stood up quickly in their cramped quarters and turned around to look at the large rainbow colored spectrometer graphs. “This is impossible!”

“What is?”

Twilight looked over at Luna where she reclined on their shared bed. “This planet’s composition. It’s way too big to be a rocky planet!”

“Twilight, we’ve found other super-equus planets before. What makes this one so special?” Luna grimaced and shifted position slightly. “Talk me through it, my love. I’ve been stuck away from the telescope all night.”

Twilight’s face softened and she stepped over to the glorified bunk where her wife was relaxing. She took a seat on the edge and ran a hoof through Luna’s mane. “You remember that sun-like star in the Keplar system we found a last year and detected a significant wobble? We both thought it was a gas giant that was causing it. Last night I got the data in to do the calculations. According to the Doppler measurements of the wobble, this planet is big. Almost seventeen times the mass of Equus.”

“That is quite the mass.” Luna smiled at Twilight and moved to rest her head in the younger alicorn’s lap. “It is nowhere near the largest planets we’ve measured though.”

“True, but all of those planets are gas giants.” Twilight sighed and stroked her hoof along Luna’s brow. “Once I had the mass, I did the calculations for the volume assuming a spherical body and measuring the occults of the stellar surface to get the diameter.”

“ calculus to me. Slowly.” Luna purred as she rubbed her cheek into Twilight’s tummy. “And don’t stop rubbing my temples. These new duties of mine don’t exercise my mind so much as frustrate it.”

Twilight chuckled and started to work her hoof in circles around Luna’s horn. “Well, as you know finding the density is merely as simple as taking the mass and dividing it by the volume. When I did, that’s where this little problem comes in. The density is five point four, Luna.”

“Oh my.” Luna closed her eyes and sighed. “Oh my your hoof feels good...keep it up, my sweet Evening Star.”

“Pay attention, please!” Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes. “Five point four is practically the same density as our own planet! It’s a rocky planet that is as big as a gas giant! Everything we’ve pieced together about how planets are formed says that is impossible.”

Luna groaned wordlessly and rolled over slightly and opened her bright teal eyes to gaze up at Twilight. “Nothing is impossible, Twilight, you know that. It simply means that we re-evaluate what we know about planet formation. But if it will make you feel better, I will check the calculations to make sure, ok? Besides, I believe it is your turn to feed Nova. I think I’m running dry.”

Luna shrugged the heavy woolen blanket off herself and gestured at the red colored foal attached to one of her teats. “A warning however, he is starting to bite pretty hard.”

Twilight groaned and let herself fall backward into the bunk. “Do I have to? Fathers don’t breastfeed!”

Luna lifted their foal to her chest and fixed Twilight with a glare. “These are new and strange modern times indeed, eh? Welcome to my world. Now feed him or I will unorganize your historical charts and graphs collection.”

New Prompt: Original

3344004 They found Gallifrey?

Group Contributor

Actually, they found Keplar 10c.

3344022 Even cooler, but I prefer my answer. :pinkiehappy:

Group Contributor

Then wouldn't it be...GALLOPfrey?:ajsmug:

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor


Oh jeez that's cute :o

3344004 babbu!

I agree with Pear, that's cute as all heck.

3344004 Has anyone claimed Original yet? If not, mine!

Luna stared up at the night sky, brow furrowed in concentration as Twilight sat on her back wrapped in a blanket and made corrections to their little pet project.

"Move that one over just a little bit please..."

Luna let out a quick sigh that sounded like an annoyed puppy. They were trying to make an original constellation, one that wasn't even remotely similar to any other. That required charting stars, moving stars, moving the stars around them so they didn't throw any cosmic balance off, and repeating the process over and over and over again. Oh, and a few calm-down potions for Twilight.

"No, maybe it should go there instead..."

"Twilight?" Luna asked, trying to hide the slight annoyance in her voice.

"What?" Twilight peered at Luna from up on her back.

"Do you think we could just leave it like this? I think it looks how we wanted it to."

Twilight climbed down off of Luna, looking up at their constellation. It looked like two wings, each star within the outline perfectly arranged to give the appearance of feathers. It was in just the right place in the sky so they would be deep purple, similar to both Twilight and Luna.

Twilight hugged the princess. "You're right. It's fine. Completely original, by us."

"By us, and for us." Luna returned Twilight's embrace.

Next prompt: Coltfriend

Group Contributor


That's cute.

Continuation from Promise and Daisies.

Prompt: Tourist
After the picnic lunch both ponies settled to calmly enjoy the day. For a few hours they relaxed in each other's company. Just before the moon was to rise Luna moved to stand up. "The moon needs to be raised soon" she turned to face the seated alicorn, "Before I had asked if you would like to aid me in rising the moon and you had declined. Perhaps tonight you will join me?"

Twilight sat still thinking it over before nodding, "I would love to" she said as she rose to her hooves. "What should I do?"

"Allow your magic to flow as mine does, allow your power to travel from yourself to the moon. To raise it is unlike the sun, the sun needs strength while the moon requires a gentler touch as it is much closer and has a more profound direct effect."

Together the two alicorns lit their horns, the elder of the two began weaving the flow needed to guide the moon upwards while the younger followed adding her own magic to spell. Together they raised the moon bringing it to its path in the sky. Then the elder painted the night skies in the lights of the stars while the young settled to watch the sky become awash in the light of the risen moon and stars.

Luna instead of joining Twilight on the grass when the spectacle finished remained standing, "Twilight, will you come with me?"
Twilight was slightly confused, usually after Luna raised the moon and the stars she would join Twilight in their mutual hobby of stargazing. Despite her confusion he rose again and found Luna's wing draped over her back. Together the pair disappeared from the field of flowers.

When Twilight looked out again she saw rocks, dust, plains as far as the eye could see. The air was silent and coupled with the empty lands gave the feeling of the void. Looking up however revealed even more lights shining from above than ever before but she saw no signs of the moon only a sphere of blue and green....
"Luna" she cried her voice filled with awe as the pieces fell in place, "Is this the moon?"

Luna smiled, "It is. I have wanted to show you the moon for sometime now and here we are. A land barren of life yet easily sees a place brimming with life. A place so quiet and so different from the bustle of the planet."

"It's amazing. I never thought I could see the stars so well, seeing them here is nothing like seeing them back home." A brief thought flashed in her mind, "Luna are you okay with being here?" Twilight said in a concerned tone, "I don't want to be here if you aren't."

"Being here is fine with me. My time locked here was hazy at best, much of it was in hibernation awaiting my chance to one day return home. The reasons I brought you here are twofold, the first is that I wish to share myself with you. The moon is part of who I am, I am the moon and it is me; my powers are drawn from the moon and its magics. We may not have been together long but I found myself savouring every moment that we are together. It is too soon even for me, me a being more accustom to the traditions of days long past, to know how things will come to be between us or if it will last. But that is my hope, that we as a couple will last."

Twilight swallowed, "Luna, that's what I hoped for as well" she turned her eyes towards the other alicorn, "Everything has changed so quickly, I'm so unsure of what the future is like now. For so long I had control, I knew what I wanted out of life and where I wanted to be or so I thought. I then made friends I never anticipated having, saved the world which I thought I would never do, found love that I always thought wasn't for me, then I ascended and became a Princess. A role I still question, am I worthy or even right for this role, can I lead ponies, can I help them. These are only some of the doubts and problems I've been carrying lately and part of why I've been so distant. Throwing myself into work, any work is how I used to cope with things." Twilight moved to embraced Luna, "I'm sorry. You were right though, a romance at this juncture may not be the best idea but at the same time I don't want to lose you."

Luna returned the embrace with a gentle kiss, "You shall not lose me, this weekend was for us to reconnect. For us to recover and hopefully rediscover the spark between us. In spite of my long years I cannot claim to know everything but I will try. Especially if it is for us. This was for the other reason I had brought you here. You welcomed me and guided my transition to the new Equestria, one alien from what I once knew. I wish to return that favour, I wish to open your eyes to locales others have never glimpsed nor will likely ever see. In our youth sister and I visited dimensions and places so similar and so different than our own. You know of the dining hall my sister had built in a remote location as well as the other less well known remote eatery she had built. Both are pale imitations of places we saw on our travels, someday I wish to bring you there and show to you the true depths of the mysteries and wonders our world and ours have to offer. To your unspoken question, travel is nigh impossible for most. For alicorns and others like us travel to these locales is possible; you are young in your powers and I wish to wait some time more for you to grow into them so that travel would be easier."

Twilight stunned sat thinking of Luna's words, "Luna, to see the moon like this was a dream come true. I never imagined how the stars could look like from here. I'm already glad you brought me to such an important place for you and someday I would love to see those places."

New Prompt: Sermonolatry, Noun (1859 -1859), Excessive devotion to sermons.

3346817 Claiming Sermonolatry. Takes place before the show, when Celestia and Luna are worshipped as gods. So I guess it's technically Clover x Luna, but Clover is Twilight, so it counts, right?

Clover knelt in prayer on one of the many mats within the small church, murmuring her prayers feverishly. She was praying to Luna, as she always did during the last vestiges of evening, when the sky grew dark as the Ever-Glorious Luna called forth the moon, and the candles that were always at the ready were lit, giving the room an almost ethereal atmosphere.

She was going to be a High Priestess someday, she was destined for it; that was what the priest had said, and the priest spoke nothing but truth. And as such, she had to pray. Pray every day, twice a day, at dawn as well as at her usual time, to make up for the feelings she had been experiencing.

Clover the Clever had a crush on the Ever-Glorious Luna. She had for a month now. How could anypony not fall in love with such a perfect creature? She was benevolent and wise, as well as beautiful and all-knowing. She was Clover's everything.

But such feelings were as good as banned. How the priest had scolded her when she told him of her crush. The Ever-Glorious Luna was a deity, a goddess made flesh. She was beneath her, nothing more than the dirt on her pristine silver shoes.

But pray as she might, block out the thoughts as best she could, it was hopeless. She finished her prayers with "Amen" as she always did, and a sigh.

She exited the church, the silver crescent moon connected to a sun that she wore around her neck gently whacking against her chest as she speed-walked out. As soon as she closed the doors, making sure they locked behind her, she heard a voice.

"Clover the Clever?"

She turned to face the speaker before gasping and throwing herself to the ground in a sloppy bow. It was the Ever-Glorious Luna, regalia and all, right in front of her.

"Rise, young pony." Luna assessed the violet mare as she scrambled to her hooves. "We would like to tell you that we admire your dedication in your prayer." She gently nuzzled Clover. "We would like to see you around the castle sometime."

"Y-yes, t-thank you, O Ever-Glorious Luna." Clover stuttered in reply.

Luna nodded and walked off toward the castle where she and her sister lived. Clover's heart skipped several beats. She nuzzled me. She admired me. She likes me too.

Next prompt: Dance

3344265 That prompt won't leave me alone. I shall snatch Coltfriend.

Comment posted by Starlight Shadow deleted Jun 10th, 2014

Claimed Prompt: Coltfriend
Optional theme music here and here. Inspired by these comments because I can :P.

Luna was furious. No, she was livid. Positively rage-filled. This wasn’t possible. Most importantly, it didn’t make any sense. She was pacing back and forth in the main hall of Canterlot Castle, thinking hard to try and figure out how all of this was possible. It just didn’t add up. She was trying to make heads or tails of anything that was occurring in the other room down the hall, but her result was always confusion.

Her anger was dissolving into perplexion.

All she wanted was an answer… and it was one that she didn’t want to realize.

Laughter was heard in the dining room, and Luna hesitantly stepped forward, pushing the door open ever-so-slightly. She was spying in on the dinner she should have been attending, but she couldn’t sit at a table where everything was so strange to her.

Time didn’t simply fly by - it was as if somepony had pressed the fast forward button and now it was stuck.

For a moment, Luna felt herself freeze as she met Twilight’s gaze. With a silent head-shake, as if to keep her whereabouts hidden, Luna disappeared back into the hall. She let out uneasy breaths and screwed her eyes shut. This was a bad dream. It had to have been. She would wake up, and instead, it would be exactly like it was before…

...years ago, when their daughter was still a young, innocent child.

Now, in that dining hall, Princess Astra Selene was twenty-three years old and engaged to a sergeant in the Royal Guard who was a part-time librarian. Luna’s constant question, was how?

It seemed like it wasn’t that long ago Twilight was fainting in the delivery room on the day Astra was born. Luna smirked at the memory. And so many other recollections of their daughter -- full of joy, pain and bittersweetness. From the time they found out Astra had dyslexia to the day she showed how generous she really was, by opening up shelters for homeless ponies. Their little Princess really did grow up to do great things: just as Luna had always hoped and predicted. But now?

Inside that dining hall, they were planning a Royal Wedding.

While Luna was happy for her daughter, she was still in shock and disbelief at the news.

By all standards, Astra was definitely not stupid. She knew how to judge ponies easily, even if she had a golden heart that could be vulnerable from time to time. Besides, she had been dating this Solar Flare colt for a little over five years. He was no stranger, and seemed very proper, with a good soul.

Before, Luna was happy. Her daughter was content and in love.

Then, suddenly, the tables were turned and the world flipped upside down.

“What are you doing out here?”

Luna froze as she heard her wife’s voice. A sigh escaped her, and she looked over her shoulder. “Just thinking,” she admitted.

Twilight closed the door behind her, and looked back to her wife, raising an eyebrow as she did so. Her expression clearly gave away the fact that she wasn’t buying it. With a wave of her hoof, she encouraged Luna to continue speaking her thoughts.

“It’s nothing important,” Luna grumbled.

“Luna,” Twilight said, in a stern yet heartfelt tone. “Talk to me.”

“I --” Luna felt herself getting defensive and she scowled. “It doesn’t feel right. I can’t sit there, and face the truth.” She swallowed. “Whatever happened to the little filly who would tear apart your library and disorganize everything? The one who woke me up at the crack of dawn?” A breathless laugh escaped her. “Our little star isn’t so little anymore. She used to run through these halls, screaming because that pesky owl of yours scared the living daylights out of her. We taught her how to fly here, and I remember how she would beg and plead every night to help me raise the moon.” She threatened to cry, but wiped away the single tear that almost slid down her cheek. “I feel like such a silly sentimental old fool.”

Twilight now had a bittersweet smile on her expression as she leaned in and affectionately nuzzled her wife in a comforting manner. “I know,” she murmured, as she placed a kiss on Luna’s forehead. “I miss all of that too.” She chuckled. “I’m still upset that her first word wasn’t Book.”

The slight joke made Luna cough out a laugh.

“It’s just… now, she’s getting married. For heaven’s sake, at her age, I was co-ruling an Empire, not worrying about a wedding,” Luna muttered. She glanced back to the door and released an uneasy breath. “I’m happy for her, I really am, but I can’t help but wonder.”

“Astra is going to make an amazing ruler when she gets older,” Twilight assured. “Right now, she’s still growing up. And we did promise we wanted a normal life for her, right?

Luna nodded. “But if only we could turn back time, just for one day,” she mused.

Twilight sighed. “I know,” she whispered.

The two of them were suddenly surprised as the door to the dining room swung open, and there stood their daughter -- Astra, all grown-up. Memories of the rambunctious, intelligent and talkative filly that they raised flashed in Luna’s mind as she spoke up.

“Forgive us, Astra, we were simply taking a break,” she said. “How are the plans going?”

“They’re going well,” Astra assured to her mothers. She looked between the two of them for a moment, and cleared her throat. “Mom, can I talk to you for a little while? Alone?”

Luna’s confusion temporarily returned, but she nodded. “Of course.”

Astra smiled, and waved a wing. “This won’t take long,” she said.

With the slightest bit of reluctance, Luna eventually started following her daughter through the halls of the Castle. An odd moment of silence passed, when Astra broke it -- speaking up in her chipper and sweet, yet solid and stern tone of voice.

“I wanted to ask you a favor.”

“Anything you want,” Luna replied, with a warm smile.

Anything your heart desires, little star. All of that and more, it’s yours. was the promise she used to tell Astra every night before bedtime. And throughout the years, Luna could proudly say that she had done very good on her promise.

“Would you be the one to lead the ceremony?” Astra inquired. “I… I would really appreciated it if you did. It would mean a lot to me.”

Luna nodded. “I’d be honored,” she murmured.

Astra smiled wide. “Thanks, Mommy.” she beamed as she wrapped her forelegs around her mother in a tight hug.

“You… haven’t called me that in a long time,” Luna observed.

“I know,” Astra said. “Sorry.”

As mother and daughter pulled away from the hug, Luna genuinely smiled. “No need to apologize, little star,” she assured. “I understand.”

“Thank you,” Astra repeated.

Seeing the joy and happiness sparkling in the identical pair of stardust-colored eyes that matched her own, Luna couldn’t wipe the grin off of her face. While having the younger version of her daughter might have been more preferable… this moment was fine, right here, right now.

Children grow old while their minds and souls mature. That was a rule in life, but Luna realized that growing up was a flexible thing. Astra still had that sweet spirit… no matter what, Luna would always have her little girl.

I'M SORRY -- I PROBABLY BROKE THE PROMPT LENGTH OOPS, actually, i'm not sorry mwahaha
But dammit, this was cliche.
New Prompt: Paparazzi

3349929 Ridin' in, stealin' Cinderella...

3349929 Claiming Paparazzi

Twilight coughed and nudged Luna, discreetly gesturing to the photographers lurking in the nearby bushes. Luna rested a hoof on Twilight's, silently telling her to ignore them.

They were out at Crescent Cafe, their preferred place to sip coffee and discuss astronomy. It was a lovely place, with the kind of simple homeyness not usually found in the austere city of Canterlot. After about a half hour which consisted of three cups of coffee and pretending not to notice the photographers, Twilight snapped.

"You know what? I can't do this. Ever since Astra was born, the paparazzi have been all over us. I love her, really Luna, but it's nice to have a little me-and-you time, you know?" Luna nodded, letting Twilight rant before the inevitable. "And I can't even have that!"

She stormed over to the bush where they were hiding. "Out of there, now." she ordered. The paparazzi (of which there were three) quickly jumped out of the bush and faced Princess Twilight. She took the photos from one of them and destroyed them with a quick burst of concentrated fire. She pointed at all of them in turn. "You three will leave us alone or I'm going to toss you in prison for harassment. Or something." She grabbed Luna by the hoof, tossing a few bits onto the table. "Come on, Luna."

As the royal couple headed off, they were unaware of the paparazzi snapping pictures as they left.

Next prompt: Filly


//sneaks in//
Claiming Typo.

3337078 Claiming Sled

"Luna, are you sure this is a good idea?" Twilight asked anxiously as she strapped on her helmet and knee pads, as well as wing guards.

"Positive. Besides, it's for science." Luna said, crouched in a predator's stance while she gripped the plastic sled firmly in her magic, waiting for Twilight to give her the go-ahead.

Twilight sighed. "I guess you're right." She was doing some research on propulsion magic, and after a few calculations, she had come to the conclusion that it was possible to fly across Canterlot without wings or chariots. Luna overheard this and gleefully suggested they test this theory. And since it was the middle of winter, they decided it was only logical to use a sled.

And that's why Twilight Sparkle was currently on the roof of Canterlot Castle above her study being strapped into a plastic sled and numerous pieces of "armor", including but not limited to a thick winter coat, wing guards, a helmet, goggles, and a few pillows. She now resembled a stuffed toy.

With a final snap, Luna fused the ends of the thick strip of fabric they were using as a seatbelt to each side of the sled. "Are you ready?"

Twilight lit her horn in preparation for the spell and nodded. "Launch in three, two, one..."

"FOR SCIENCE!" The second Luna pushed Twilight, she detonated her spell, and she went rocketing off the castle roof and into an arc across the sky. To ponies safely on the ground, it would look like a screaming purple pony-sized marshmallow was flying through the air while Princess Luna flew under it.

Twilight was having the ride of her life. She was flying through the air without her wings or a chariot or any sort of aide. It was almost like teleporting, only much more frightening and with a much higher chance of failure. And in the midst of her terror, she noticed with alarm she was falling. "Luna!"

And then she wasn't falling anymore. She was safely in the grip of the navy blue alicorn that she loved, and she was alive and safe and she was still buckled to the sled. She un-fused the fabric strip and planted a kiss on Luna's lips just so she could know the sensation of it and reassure herself that she was indeed alive.

She snuggled a little deeper into Luna's embrace as they flew back into her study window. Once they were safely inside the heated castle, Twilight took off all her winter gear and safety measures. Then she immediately rushed to her desk, scribbling notes.

"Twilight..." Luna started, but Twilight ignored her.

"I need to reconfigure these calculations, and this spell matrix here most likely, figure out what went wrong..."

"Twilight. Relax for a little while, please. You worry me." Luna gave Twilight a hug.

Twilight gave her a cheery smile. "Isn't that why you love me?"

"One of the reasons why, yes. Now, come here and snuggle with me before you work yourself anymore." Luna picked Twilight up despite her half-hearted protests, and placed her on the cot Twilight had in her study to make sure she slept at least a little, and gently stroked her mane until she fell asleep.

Next prompt: S'mores

Wrapping up the storyline from Promise, Daisies, and Tourist.

Prompt: Filly
They spent the rest of the night on the moon, Luna had used her magic to conjure a small dwelling with enough food and comforts to last them the night. They settled in to watch the stars which shone more brightly and more clearly than they had back in Equestria.

The next morning or what Luna claimed as morning looked no different to Twilight than night on the moon had although she attributed to the different rate of rotation of the moon. Luna guiding their teleport the pair left the moon for their usual destination; nights spent stargazing was common for the two as was falling asleep in each other's hooves. The following morning likewise had a similar ritual, it seemed mundane compared to the previous night but no less important, breakfast at Pony Joe's.

The Triarchs of Equestria all held fondness for the shop, its friendly shopkeeper, and its delicious wares, so much so that it inevitably became part of Twilight and Luna's regular stargazing ritual. Invigorated now by fresh donuts and steaming hot cups of tea and coffee, the second and last day of their weekend together began.

Today Luna led Twilight to a few places across the world, these were forgotten locales. Locations once of great significance but now people and time had forgotten leaving them to ruin. Their last stop was also where Luna had planned to have dinner.

"You brought us to your old castle for dinner?" asked a confused Twilight.

"Indeed, the Everfree Castle is a place of importance for us both."

Twilight turned to face Luna, "You're fine being here?"

Luna sighed, "Despite what did happen here it is still somewhere I have fond memories of." she closed her eyes thinking of the time she spent here, "This place once served as the last bastion from Discord's chaos, the powerful magics in this forest sheltered us which is why it and the castle bears the name "Everfree". I do not mind being here, I have been striving to not let the past weigh me down and being here and on the moon were part of that."

"If you're sure" Twilight began before trailing off.

"I am, the past will always be with me. With the many millenniums I've been alive that especially holds true." Luna paused when she noticed the slightly distracted look on Twilight's face. "Something else is still troubling you, more than what you told me before."

Twilight sighed, "There is, it's something that has always been with me in a way. From what Celestia and you have discussed, alicorns are ageless capable of surviving many centuries." she looked over at her wings, "I'm one now, ascension was never something I even thought was possible but my new role makes me stand out. Again."

"Elaborate for me please, I know the present you but little of before."

Twilight nodded, "Growing up as a noble in Canterlot meant I was supposed to distinguish myself and my family. But I had a different problem, I've always enjoyed keeping to myself as the many librarians of the city will attest to. But I also had the challenge of being above others, I never wanted to put myself so above everypony but they saw me as above and even beyond them. My intelligence and my sheer raw power in magic isolated me, pushed me out in front of others. Becoming the Ponyville librarian was a fresh start in a way, ponies didn't stare at me in fear of what I could do or beg me to help them. I was one of the community, an equal. Ascension and coronation placed me outside again, even among the others Princesses I feel alone. All of you have a better grasp and understanding of your roles, I feel caught between my role as Ponyville's bookworm librarian and as Equestria'a newest Princess with an uncertain role."

Luna just stood there, her mind mulling over each thought her marefriend was bringing to light. "I understand. More than maybe you know right now but I understand. I too have felt as an outsider, in the before I was the "lesser" Princess yet I was also a skilled mage. I was once one of the more respected experts on magic yet few knew that, even fewer ever approached me about it. Now in the after, I feel alone again. Alone in a world so different than what I had left, returning to a role so similar yet different, not the warrior-princess of old as our role now is to negotiate through words not by the sword. Words is my sister's strength not so much mine. I have also found myself woefully inadequate as a mage, outclassed not by the Archmage but by a humble student in magic."

At this Luna stepped closer to Twilight to embrace her, "I found myself outclassed, even my millenniums of knowledge paled to what you could do and what potential you possess. I am caught between the rougher world of before and the peace of now. Perhaps this is a reason why we found solace with each other. In a way we both understand what it means to stand out, what it means to be caught between roles and expectations, we are kindred spirits. We are alone save for some who know us; save for even fewer who understands us. If you are caught then I am as well, the words I spoke last night was the truth. You shall not lose me and I will be with you as you are with me, we walk together in learning and understanding what our roles are, of who we are now and who we are meant to be."

Twilight just stood there as Luna defeated her fears and insecurities, everything she had been struggling with. "Thank you Luna. I'm glad you're here with me. Thank you for this weekend, I glad to learn I'm not as alone as I thought. I love you Luna" leaning in to kiss her tenderly on the lips.

New Prompt: Paraphernalia


(Rated teen for eventual suggestive themes. This was tons of fun to write; sorry it took a little longer than expected)

Prompt: Typo

“It has to have been a typo.”

Twilight Velvet glanced over at her husband, furrowed her brow, and shook her head. “It can’t have been. Nopony would mess up so horribly on such an announcement. But…” She swallowed. “It doesn’t make sense. My Twili would never…never…”

“We both know that.” Night Light prodded the parchment with one hoof. “That’s why it has to have been a typo. This isn’t Twili. This isn’t who she is. And quite frankly, I doubt it’s who the princess is either.”

Velvet’s mouth opened in a perfectly round ‘o.’ “But it could be,” she countered. “You don’t think Luna forced this onto poor Twili, do you?”

Night Light’s eyes bulged. “By Celestia’s name…”

“She did use to be Nightmare Moon,” Velvet murmured under her breath. “Who knows how much of that disgusting personality she still has left in her?”

Husband and wife stared at each other in utmost horror.

“We have to tell Twilight,” Velvet breathed in a hoarse whisper.

As if on cue, there came a loud rap at the door, followed by said Twilight making her way inside. She seemed unusually happy, skipping about with her eyes sparkling like stars. She was even humming some obscure tune that her parents had never heard before, and launched onto her mother like glue, enveloping her in a choking hug.

“Hi, Mom!” With a little squeal she did the same to Night Light, nuzzling him and giggling despite herself. “Hi, Dad! Did you guys hear the good news?”

Velvet and Night looked at each other. “Good news?” Velvet asked cautiously.

“Have you not heard the announcement yet?” Twilight asked, detaching herself from her father and trotting around him.

“No, we’ve heard the announcement,” Night said. He gave his daughter a sheepish grin before turning away. “And…we’re not sure we want you and Luna to go through with this.”

Twilight’s excited smile fell as fast as one could say ‘oh.’ “Oh,” she said, blinking in surprise. “But…you…” Her voice caught. “You…you aren’t…?”

Velvet, never one to enjoy seeing her daughter in pain, swallowed. “Oh, Twili…it’s just not something we approve of, is all.”

Twilight’s next mumble was little more than a whisper. “But…you’re not homophobic, are you?”

Night actually fell backwards in surprise. “Of course not! My best friend in school was – never mind that. We’re not concerned about that, we’re concerned, about…well…”

“You don’t like that we’re getting married?” Twilight shot back.

The room fell so silent you could hear a pin drop.

“That’s…not what the announcement says, dearie,” Velvet finally managed to squeak up.

Twilight cocked her head to the side. “Sure it does! ‘You are hereby invited to the bonding celebration of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna of Equestria.’ That’s what it says, right?” She stared at her parents, expression slowly faltering. “…right?”

Night swallowed. “It’s supposed to say ‘bonding celebration’?”

“Yes. Luna wanted it printed that way. She says it’s how they did it in olden Equestria, though I think she just wants an excuse for our marriage – bonding – to sound even more special.” Twilight smiled for a moment, and then frowned. “So what does it say, then?”

No answer.

Mom? Dad?

Slowly Velvet pushed the paper to her daughter. Twilight skimmed it, then blinked, face going red. “Oh! Oh! No, nononono! I – I…this is a typo, Mom. Dad, I promise you this is a typo.”

Night sighed in relief; Velvet enveloped her daughter in a hug. “Don’t worry, dearie.” She laughed sheepishly. “We knew it was a typo all along.”

‘You are hereby invited to the bondage celebration of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna of Equestria.’

Next Prompt: (in honor of today’s holiday) Father

3360736 I just busted a gut laughing. :rainbowlaugh: Please, take all my yes.

I'd just like to point out there are two prompts that haven't been claimed yet if anyone wants to take them.


3360736 Claiming Father

Night Light smiled and laughed along with everypony else as they sat and talked about the reception and congratulated the happy couple. They were discussing their honeymoon now. Everywhere from Fillydelphia to Zebrica had been suggested, and Twilight had jokingly suggested the moon, which caused everypony to crack up. He was happy for them, really - but he still blinked away tears.

Twilight was married. His little girl. His Twily was all grown up.

Every parent knew that some day, they had to let their children go. Teach them to fly so they could leave the nest someday. But that didn't make it any easier.

Both their children had flown rather early. Shining Armor had left as soon as he was eighteen to go join the Guard. They had accepted his decision, and were extremely proud of him. He could see him across the table with Cadance, smiling uncontrollably and patting Twilight on the back.

Twilight had flown even younger, when she was seven. Seven. They'd seen her last at her brother's wedding, and she was a full-grown mare. They had missed her first crush, her first zit, her first dance. So many firsts all slipped between him and Velvet's hooves.

She had become a princess a year ago. Now she was married to Princess Luna. It felt like he had opened a book right at the end, when the main character succeeds, and missed all the steps in between to see how they got there. He sucked in a watery breath as his eyes began to burn.

Hours later, when Twilight and Luna were about to depart for the castle, he grabbed his daughter and pulled her in for a hug. He was crying freely now, getting her shoulder all wet, but he didn't care. "I love you, Twily. Don't forget to write."

Twilight sniffled. "I love you too, Dad."

Next prompt: Angel

3373840 going to claim angel

Can they be crossovers? I'm waiting to see if someone adds "fortress".

3375125 If you mean between collabs? Yes, between prompts sure I'd guess if you get the original posters permission

Comment posted by Peachy Moon deleted Jun 21st, 2014

I meant as in crossovers with games, anime, etc. I was hoping for "fortress" so that I could do something related to Team Fortress 2.

3375263 I'm fairly certain it can be anything. I ponified Aliens over on the Twidance thread.

Group Contributor

Well consider Fortress added to the live prompt roster as of now. Better claim it quick!

Group Contributor

In fact, heres a list of all the live prompts we have at the moment:


Edit: Claiming Father for muhself:eeyup:

3375804 Starlight Shadow already wrote one for Paparazzi

Sermonolatry and Paparazzi were written for as was Sled. Angel was given as a new prompt from ArguingPizza's piece.

List is;

Group Contributor

Claiming "Fortress".

Prompt: Fortress
(Crossover with Team Fortress 2 - Luna is a Scout and Twilight is a Medic. Rated teen for extremely heavy innuendo towards the end)

"Twilight, look out!" Luna yelled, dashing forward and slamming her baseball bat into the face of a BLU Pyro while Twilight worked to heal the RED Heavy, Big Macintosh.
"Thanks." Twilight replied, turning her Medi-Gun on Luna, who leaned forward and nuzzled her lovingly.
"We need to get out of here." Twilight said flatly. "We're gonna get killed out in the open. Let's head for the base. You've got the intel, right?"
"Alright. Time for an Ubercharge!" Luna's body became wrapped in a red metallic aura as the two of them bolted off towards the RED base.

"That was close." Twilight said, running a hoof across her forehead and climbing off of Luna's back.
"If that was close, then that Soldier saw my bat flying towards his face."
"I guess you're-" Twilight was cut off by Luna lunging forward and kissing her deeply.
"These walls are soundproof," Luna told her, " and there's nopony else around." She leaned over and whispered in Twilight's ear, resulting in a heavy blush erupting on the lavender mare's cheeks.

The RED Demoman, Soarin', walked through the base's door, looking for the source of the strange noise he had heard.
What's that noise? It sounds like... yelling? Is something going on in there?
"Show yourselves-" Soarin' stopped in his tracks, seeing Twilight and Luna on the floor in the base.
"Leavingnowbye!" He shouted, running out of the room looking as if one of his grenades had gone off inside his head.

Next prompt: Key

Prompt: S'Mores
“Camping?” asked a confused Luna, “Are we planning to flee from here or perhaps flee from a dangerous beast that has been loosen upon this world?”

“It’s not like that Luna” as Twilight tried to calmly explain her plans for a camping trip for the two of them this upcoming weekend. “Camping is meant to be a recreational activity for all ponies to enjoy. Most see it as a break from civilization but also as spending a bit of time outdoors.”

“So camping is not not referring to the temporary stops as we fled from dangers but has become a simple activity to leave the city?” Luna was now sounding more vexed about the issue than confused.

“Yes, it has. The greater peace of these past centuries had lessen most of the terrors that ponies face. Most like the idea of camping as it is usually smaller groups spending time together to relax and enjoy being together.” Twilight could see Luna’s slight irritation on the subject and was working on trying to keep Luna calm while she explained things out.

“Perhaps we could, but what does one do while on a “camping” trip?” as Luna’s tone moved back towards confusion.

:Well when my parents took Shiny and I camping, we would tell stories, maybe sing a song or two….” Twilight trailed off as she noticed Luna didn’t really seemed to enjoy those ideas.

“But mostly I took time to go stargazing with my family” at this she saw Luna perk up slightly hearing how camping could involve one of their favourite mutual hobby. “But we would also roast marshmallow and make s’mores.”

Luna truly was confused at this point, “What is this s’more, I vaguely recognize the term marshmallow from tales that ponies once spun from their travels in distant lands.”

“Ah, a marshmallow is made from a plant. It’s made into a powder and mixed with sugar and some stabilizing ingredients to form a sweet treat. S’mores is using roasted marshmallow with chocolate and graham crackers to make any sweet treat.”

“I’m still confused over what ‘camping” is now or what a s’more is but it might be a good way to spend the weekend with you. So I agree, we shall go this weekend.”

New Prompt: Kismet


Twilight curled deeper into the corner of her cell. She found it odd she was still alive, but assumed Shining Armor had something to do with it. The cold metal of her restraining anklet was a strange reminder of the cruel order she’d been a part of. Looking back she found herself counting all the times she’d passed a Unit on her daily routine. How many had helped her Lab work? How long has she ignored the blatantly obvious?

A shudder ran through her form and she swallowed, she’d almost done the same to Luna. She stifled tears, how could she ever make this right now? Luna was most likely dead, if not worse. Another cold shiver ran down her spine, Worse. What would they turn her into? What abomination would they create using her? Twilight’s eyes were so tightly shut she didn’t notice the sliver of moonlight making its way down the far wall of her cell. She’d failed to notice the tiny window when she’d been roughly shoved into this small hole to die.

It was only a few moments later when she’d stopped wallowing and stood to look around that she say the silver light. She walked over to it as if in a daze and gently pressed her hoof to the wall. Turning she caught sight of the window and blushed feeling the moonlight against her coat.

Luna was Alive!

She didn’t know how she knew this, but she felt the presence of her angel. Luna had escaped somehow! Twilight laughed, she threw her head back and cackled in mad glee. She turned to stare at the door with wide manic eyes.

“See! You aren’t as all powerful as you would pretend!” She found herself screaming with an energy she’d never felt before.

A Security Unit marched down the hall, a slit opened on her door and mechanical eyes fed the view of her cell back to the security room. A grim stallion sat behind his console and rolled his eyes. With a press of a button a shock ran up Twilight’s foreleg knocking her out.

“Bucking Lunatic..” He muttered to himself before returning to his crossword.

Twilight twitched in her induced “sleep” a smile crossing her lips as she was met by her angel in the dreamscape. They’d made a mistake in keeping her alive it seemed, though Luna didn’t explain much. Twilight was content to snuggle into her just happy she was alive. Luna held her little pony in her wings vaguely wondering why Twilight was muttering of angels.

Based off of, and nominally in the Same universe as, Twilight's Monster from FuzzyFurvert..

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Heheh! That's awesome. I've made a 'verse' and now other authors can play in it.

3383725 Its kinda like havin a kid huh? Seeing what happens as they grow.

Group Contributor

In a way, yes. I look forward to see people's responses to the blog post I'm working on

3383736 :derpyderp1: This is my inrigued face, hell I've got a little AppleDash scrap using this..though not much links it...

Group Contributor

To give you a quick preview, I'm going to let everyone know that I'll be writing some short side stories, one for each Element/Exemplar since a direct sequel to TM, I think, weakens the impact of the story.

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