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3383752 -hugs tightly- Thank you thank you thank you. I understand what you mean but I'd love to see more of it all!.....even as I write my own recursive fanfictions..

Claimed Prompt: Gold

“No,” Luna muttered as she eyed the various pieces of jewelry in the chest. “No, definitely not.” She rummaged through irreplaceable diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds and pearls, but nothing seemed to stand out to her.

It had to be perfect.

But alas, despite their priceless worth, the Canterlot Jewels weren’t enough.

“I still say that you’re making a big fuss out of nothing,” Celestia spoke up.

“Perhaps you could quit sitting around and help me?” Luna retorted, with a roll of her eyes. She went back to sifting through the gems and necklaces, but nothing stood out to her.

Celestia let out a sigh. “You realize that Twilight won’t care about expensive the ring is,” she declared. “She isn’t a material mare, you know.” Despite this, her sister ignored her and emptied the entire chest out on the floor. “Oh, for stars’ sake, Luna, honestly?”

Luna shook her head. “You wouldn’t understand, Tia,” she muttered. “I know that she doesn’t care if the ring has jewels or not, but I care. She deserves it.”

Celestia gave a small smile. “You really love her, don’t you?”

Luna tossed a medium-sized diamond in the air and caught it. “More than anything,” she murmured, looking at her reflection in the gem. “And I know that love is counted in actions, not items, but I can’t help but feel as if--” She let out a frustrated groan. “I - I don’t know. What should I choose? It shouldn’t be too over-the-top, but still something worth marveling over, don’t you think?”

“Well,” Celestia pursed her lips, and sifted through the gems. “Perhaps something traditional?”

“I’m no expert, but I would say diamonds on silver clashes,” Luna said. She lifted up a golden chain and looked at it thoughtfully. “Aren’t necklaces popular these days?”

Celestia shrugged. “I suppose so,” she mused. “Haven’t you thought of a jewel that means something?”

Luna levitated up a piece of rose quartz. “I’m not very informed on meanings of gems,” she replied.

Celestia gently moved the jewels around, and held out a hoofful of them. “Sapphires, kunzites, labradorites, garnets and amethysts are known to be symbols of pure love,” she explained. “I’m not sure if we have every one of those here, but that’s just an idea. If you’re looking for a gem that would work best--” She dropped most of the gems and held out a single amethyst. “I would suggest this one.”

Luna smiled. “It would match her eyes,” she murmured.

Celestia placed it into her sister’s hoof, and returned the grin. “Consider it,” she said softly. “And maybe, with this?” She levitated over a golden band that had silver streaks throughout. “A good contrast.”

“This was Mother’s,” Luna whispered breathlessly.

She took the band hesitantly, and swallowed. Queen Galactica had proudly worn this ring all through her years, even after King Solaris’s death. When she was murdered, with no body found, all that’s left was her regalia… and this ring.

“Tia, I - I couldn’t-”

“-it’s what you’re looking for, Luna. Simple, yet worth extreme value.”

“But-” Luna swallowed. “-should I? Really?”

Celestia nodded.

Luna placed the amethyst right over the band and held them together. She had a bittersweet smile, and released a heavy breath. “Well, then,” she said. “A trip to the jeweler’s should fix this. And then-” Her expression morphed into anxiety. “-do you think she’ll say yes?”

Celestia let out a soft laugh. “How could she not?”

Luna gave a hopeful grin. “Don’t get your mare of honor dress out just yet, Sister,” she teased.

She looked to the ring and the jewel once more, and held them next to each other.

Twilight would look positively radiant...

yay for cute sisterly bonding -- but now i'm probably gonna have to write a sequel for this where Luna proposes...
New Prompt: Bridleway

3388140 I can do this within 24 hours, but just checked the rules and it's unclear whether or not I can hold the prompt for that long. Is it okay if I hold it until tomorrow?

3388507 I'd say so... most people have held prompts longer anyway.

3388617 Alrighty then! I have a spectacular AU planned for this that I'll write tomorrow.

Claiming Dance

Here's Dance

“Are thou certain?”

Twilight gulped a breath. Her coat was heavy with froth and her legs aching and tired. Still, she nodded. “Yes…”

Luna, however, wasn’t fooled. “Neigh, Twilight, you are exhausted. ‘Twouldn’t do—”

Glaring at her hooves, Twilight’s voice took on a strange mixture of pleading and demanding, “No. Please, I can do this!”

The tip of her wing, Luna forced their eyes to meet. “Neigh, I say again. Tis no shame—”

Again, Twilight cut her off. “No! This… this is important. I need to get this right and we don’t have time for breaks.”

Luna sighed, but nodded in acquiescence. Restarting the record player with her magic, the couple moved back into position to await the music.

A duet of piano and cello drifted out of the brass speaker, and they began to move. Stepping together, their necks crossed, barrels pressed together as they took their first steps together. Luna led, using the contact to guide the younger alicorn through the movements. In perfect synchronicity, their wings opened and reached forward, creating a canopy over their heads. After making a circuit around the floor, they finally broke apart, Twilight’s left wing never leaving contact with Luna’s right as she turned. Side-by-side, they took a slow trot halfway back. There, they reared up and spun together, forehooves pressed together, using the other for support.

The stance was awkward and Twilight’s already worn hindlegs quivered under the added weight. Still, she preserved.

Their pace picked up along with the music’s tempo. The movements became quick, stepping forward and backward in rapid succession.

It was when they broke contact that everything fell apart. Twilight spun away from Luna, making three complete turns before her right leg gave out. She yelped in pain and shock, too tired to teleport. Her eyes squeezed shut in anticipation of cracking her head on the hardwood floor.

A loud pop preceded the creak of wood protesting a sudden application of weight. Instead of an unforgiving floor, she was met by a squishy cushion of a cloud soft mattress. A ceiling of stars greeted her surprise opened eyes.

Tears welled up in her eyes, the first sob escaping her control just as Luna joined her on the bed. “I’m sorry!” she cried between her sobs and Luna’s emphatic sushing. “I just… I just wanted—”

Luna’s lips interrupted her. The kiss was soft but passionate and lasted until Twilight calmed.

Pulling away, Luna placed another peck on her nose. “Prithee, my love, fret thee not over this. My heart is already thine.”

“I know,” Twilight sighed in defeat. “I just… I don’t want to embarrass you.”

“Oh dearest Twilight”—Luna kissed her left eye—”I have witnessed thine dancing, and”—then her right—”‘twould be the greatest honor to be ‘embarrassed’ by it on our wedding day.”

New Prompt: Honey Mead:moustache:

tentatively claiming Honey Mead

Honey Mead

The dark warrior leaned back in her chair taking a long pull from her flagon as her men at arms celebrated around her. The dragon that had plagued the countryside was no more and she felt a smug sense of accomplishment for that, she would like to see her sister slay the beast as quickly as she. Her dark thoughts were interrupted as the door to her hall was thrown open. One of her guards rushed in carrying a woman in her arms.

Standing Luna moved quickly to her and leaned down finding a dark skinned young woman, only a few shades lighter than Luna’s own. She wore strange clothing a skirt that barely reached her knees, and a top with no sleeves. Luna looked up at her guard.

“You found her like this?” She asked her eyes narrowed, if she found any action of her guard had left this young woman in her state of undress.

“Yes, Your Highness. I found her stumbling through the snow. She was babbling nonsense and stumbling along the path. I rushed her in here as soon as I got to her.” The woman said her red eyes showing no signs of dishonesty.

“Leave us, and summon the doctor.” Luna said waving her men off. The warriors all stood leaving, reluctantly, at her request. They soon had a new fire built outside.

Luna busied herself as she checked the woman over. Her top was obviously some form of sleeveless cold weather gear, yet her legs were bare under her less than modest skirt. She stirred slowly violet eyes opening and blinking up at Luna. She gasped and started to mutter something. Even the words Luna caught were strange and somehow degenerate from what she knew.

“Calm yourself, I am Luna, Princess of this realm. You were caught in the snow, Can you tell me your name.” Luna asked. The woman’s eyes seemed to focus and fill with fear. She started babbling rapid fire trying to sit up. Luna helped her up, but kept her from standing.

“I fear I do not understand you, where are you from that they speak so strangely?” Luna asked again slowly. The woman blinked and closed her eyes as if thinking deeply.

“Equestria..” She finally answered, her words spoken like a child out of practice. “I..I am from Equestria.” She looked up at Luna hopefully.

Luna sat back and stared at the strange woman “Not with those clothes, and speech” She responded bluntly.

“I..I am not..” She struggled rubbing her head “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and...and I might have messed up a spell..” She said clearly struggling for the right words. Both of them paused to see Luna’s doctor standing at the doorway. Luna motioned the Zebrican away, the mohawked woman nodded and slipped once more out the door.

“Twilight Sparkle, tell me what you mean”

“What year is it?” Twilight asked with a blush.

“The 300th year of Unification” Luna responded using the lay calendar “The 100th of the Two Sisters..”

“I really bucked up a spell..” Twilight said her accent growing worse. She cleared her throat and smiled slightly. “I’m from nearly 1600 years into your future.” She said bluntly. Luna blinked and then burst out laughing.

“Do you take us for a fool? Only one man has ever dared attempt temporal manipulation, once he returns from wherever the old goat sent himself I’m sure he’ll tell you it would take more power than even my mother wielded to travel more than a few days..” Luna recoiled as as Twilight’s magic slaps her across her cheek. The younger woman glared, and stood slowly.

“I was trained by your sister personally..” Luna’s eyes widen to find Twilight standing glaring at her. With a grin Luna launched herself forward her wings forming as she slammed into Twilight’s stomach. They twisted and turned, Twilight striking with her spells as Luna relied on her strength and wings. Soon Luna once again regained the upper hand and slammed Twilight down onto one of the tables.

“I believe that! you fight just like she does!” Luna taunted and slammed her head forward into Twilight's before the young woman could cast another spell. She left her laying dazed on the table to retrieve her mead. She grins taking a sip. and holding the flagon out to a very confused looking Twilight. The woman once more slipped into her native tongue and blushed taking the drink and looking at it strangely.

“Drink, after feeling your magic on me I almost believe your story, though I must ask why you were practicing spellcraft in your underwear.” That statement, and Twilight inexperience with the drink, had the desired effect and mead was sprayed across the room as Twilight coughed and blushed. .

“These are my normal clothes! Fashion has changed in my time!” Twilight said after several moments of babbling for her words. Luna smiled and ran a gloved hand up Twilight’s leg

“I’m sure..” She added stepping away, she glanced back and smirked finding Twilight’s gaze following her hips sway. “Perhaps you are one of my sister’s harem?” She asked causing another coughing and sputtering fit from the girl.

“CELESTIA DOES NOT KEEP A HAREM!” Twilight screamed loudly stumbling to her feet. Her hands glowed in a familiar arua for a moment before she stumbled forward. Luna caught her with a warm smile.

“First time drinking mead?” Luna asked

“First time getting into a fight with royalty, being sent back in time, nearly freezing, and….yes..” Twilight said looking up into Luna’s eyes.

“Twilight Sparkle, you will stay with me until such time as I make for my sister’s camp. You’ve proven yourself a capable enough warrior.” Luna grinned scooping Twilight into her arms. “Now have customs changed so much that it would be wrong of me to take you to bed?” The look on Twilight’s face was worth the impropriety of her asking. Luna threw her head back laughing as she carried Twilight into her room. “Do not worry yourself, it was a joke” Luna told her as she floated another mead barrel and flagons into the room. “Now, tell me more of your story.”

Twilight let out an exasperated sigh, but found herself snuggling into the furs of Luna’s bed. She was thankful for the mead, perhaps it would help her relax

New Prompt: Transistor

Well I appear to have gotten some Skyrim in my ponies...sorry for that.

3398416 Claimed Transistor

"Twilight?" Luna called as she roamed the castle halls. She hadn't seen hide nor hair of her for two days, and she was getting worried. "Twilight, where are you?"

As she turned the corner, she heard a loud bang and a yelp coming from the entrance to the library, where Twilight used to spend her days before she went to Ponyville. That's most likely where she is.

Luna pushed open the door and carefully made her way through the bookshelves like a skittish cat. She found Twilight in the corner, where at least four or five different chemistry kits were stacked on top of a large wooden table, along with numerous bits of metal and machine parts. The purple scientist in question was up against the opposite wall, breathing quickly. A big black scorch mark was right next to her head. She caught sight of Luna and ran toward her.

"Luna, I did it! It works!" Her expression was one of pure jubilance.

"What works?" Luna asked, stealing a glance at Twilight's lab table. A particular device caught her eye - a combination of springs and wires that currently crackled with leftover magic from some spell.

"My transistor!" Twilight tugged off her goggles, her eyes shining. "It redirects electricity, and I thought this one was going to work and so I used a mild electricity spell on it and it worked and and and-"

"When's the last time you ate?" Luna interrupted. Twilight's stomach growled, and she blushed. Luna rested a wing across her shoulders. "Let's go eat, then you can show me your transistor."

Next prompt: Corset

3399679 I cannot resist, I must claim this. :scootangel:

Claimed Prompt: Corset
I'm clearly pushing the Teen rating :P. Sorry but I'm not sorry.

Stunning. That was the only word that came to Luna’s mind as she stared longingly at Twilight, who was normally adorable and clumsy. For once, Twilight seemed… graceful. Jaw-dropping. Sexy, even. Lingerie could do wonders. And Luna had never considered what red and white would look like on Twilight.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming,” Twilight whispered, with a small smirk as she noticed her marefriend’s eyes clearly enjoying the view.

All that could come out of Luna’s mouth was a soft unintelligible mumble.

In an instant, she had pinned Twilight onto the bed, and their mouths were melded together into a hot, passionate kiss. Luna was overwhelmed: plenty of times she had seen her lover look beautiful, radiant and mesmerizing, but this clearly deserved a place on it’s own. She felt her breath quicken with every touch, never had she been this turned on. Silk ribbons and satin fabrics wrapped up her present: and Twilight was loving how desperate Luna really was. Clothing was a higher upper commodity in Equestria, but certain pieces of apparel were saved for special ‘occasions’, to put it gently. This was obviously one of those occasions. This kind of clothing was meant to be torn, and ripped at - ruined on purpose for the sense of looking attractive. Something about it.

Luna softly gasped when one of Twilight’s sock covered hooves cupped her face, and another one fondled her wing joints. The feeling of cloth fixed in with such affectionate gestures was a sensation like no other.

Their kiss broke apart, and Luna moved her lips onto Twilight’s neck, peppering kisses along the way, while she tore at the ribbon holding the saddle. It was tossed onto the floor for now, but Luna made a mental note to definitely use it later. A few bites here and there were placed under Twilight’s lavender fur, and Luna omitted a light moan as her wings began to receive a full-out massage.

“You tease,” she murmured, placing another bite on her marefriend’s neck.

Twilight giggled, but she was cut off with a sudden gasp when her lips reconnected with Luna’s in an open-mouthed kiss. Their tongues danced in a lustful tango as they felt one another everywhere and anywhere, relishing the other’s embrace.

Luna breathed heavily as they broke apart for a moment. She smiled. “Planned this, did you?” she inquired.

Twilight managed a small nod, and bit the sock on her left forehoof, sliding it off, in an attempt to be seductive. Apparently, it worked, and somehow, this drove Luna even crazier. She intertwined their hooves, as she held Twilight even closer, if such a thing was possible. Wild, fast-paced and frenzied, while the main event hadn’t even begun yet. This was going to be a fantastic evening, no doubt.

However, there was a slight roadblock.

From the very beginning, Luna had noticed that Twilight was sporting a very fluffy, and quite bold, corset. Like the saddle, it was tied on, but unlike it, Luna had to struggle with the strings.

“ do you untie this infernal thing?” she grumbled.

Luna continued fiddling with the string, even taking it in between with her teeth when magic refused to work, but the knot refused to budge. In fact, it was actually getting smaller, thus diminishing any chances of Luna untying it and finally opening up her present...

“I’ll go get the scissors,” Twilight sighed.

One of my shortest -- and most risque -- prompts, but oh well.
New Prompt: Dalmatians

Claiming kismet

So, is Dark Paradise going to update, or...

Group Contributor

I'll slap Pearp around and get him to do something

Current list:

Kismet (claimed by archonix)






Yes, let us not get into the same situation as that other prompt collab, with its Most Holy Celestial Backlog*.

* Which is (not coincidentally) Twilight's pet name for Tia's rump.

Group Contributor

But it could be, and that is the important part.:raritystarry:

Group Contributor


Claiming "Key"

Guess I'll take Bridleway. It won't be up til tomorrow though.

Is this place alive?

//crickets chirp


If nobody shows up, I'm going to take Paraphernalia. Actually, I'll take it anyways, it just might take a little bit of time to get up.

Group Contributor

It's alive-ish.:unsuresweetie:

I've been so busy with other stuff that I haven't gotten much further on the last one I claimed.

I'd like to claim 'Funhouse"! I'll try to make it a good one!

And here we are! Funhouse, though I might have gone a bit overboard. >.<

Twilight Sparkle let out a piteous moan, her forehooves wrapped tightly around her fillyfriend's. "Lunaaaa!" she whined, "I want to go to the carnival! Why won't you go with me?"

The Night Princess snorted, the sound of derision sounding unusually loud in the stillness of her bedroom. "Carnivals are for foals, Twilight. Surely you can think of something more...mature, for the pair of us to do?" she asked, looking down at the younger alicorn with a small smile playing about her lips. "Dearest Twilight...can you not think of anything we could do?" she asked sweetly, giving the studious mare's tail a tweak with her magic.

Twilight yelped, jumping to her hooves and looking at Luna curiously. "Again? Really, Luna, you're insatiable!" she said, sticking her tongue out at the other mare with a giggle. "I'll make a deal with you!" she announced. "Come with me to the carnival, and afterwards, we can do it again, how's that?" she asked, cocking her head to the side curiously.

Luna sighed, hanging her head in defeat. Why did she have to be so adorable? "Very well, I shall attend this...carnival with you," the Moon Princess acceded. "Who knows? Perhaps it shall be fun on the scale that I had that first night in Ponyville," she mused, tapping a forehoof to her chin as the pair set aside their royal regalia and left the castle, one walking along pensively, the other bouncing happily in circles around her.

"I still do not see the appeal of this, Twilight," Luna muttered as she followed her excited fillyfriend through the carnival's boisterous atmosphere. The midnight blue alicorn was laden with plush toys, prizes Twilight had won in several of the carnival's games, her remarkable skill with her magic showing through. Twilight just giggled at Luna's consternation.

"It's the atmosphere, Luna! It's all so festive and free!" she chirped, bounding back to the Night Princess like a hyperactive kitten. She took one of the plush toys Luna held and plopped it on top of the Lunar Diarch's head, settling the stuffed likeness of her elder sister behind where her crown normally sat. "There! Now I have the best Princess ever, and the best teacher I ever had, at the same time!" Twilight giggled, nuzzling against Luna lightly before bounding away again. A sharp gasp stopped her in her tracks, and Luna looked up to see Twilight practically vibrating with excitement.

"Ooh, a fun house! I haven't been into one of these since I was a filly! Come on!" she squealed, telekinetically dragging the older Princess behind her and into the large, tent-like structure, all of Luna's protests and complaints about the fun house being for foals passing her by, undisturbed. Once inside, Twilight relieved Luna of her fluffy burdens, dropping the bundle of them on the poor colt working the admittance booth. "Two, please!" she said to him, hoofing him two bits and receiving two tickets in turn. Taking Luna's hoof, they left the gawking colt behind, and trotted into the fun house proper. Grinning in a almost disturbing fashion, Twilight led Luna to the first mirror, grinning at her reflection's rather engorged head. "Look! My head matches my brain, now!" she giggled, nudging the Moon Princess in an effort to get her attention.

Luna glanced at the mirror and couldn't help herself; she snickered, covering her mouth with a hoof. "You look ridiculous, Twilight!" she said, poking at the mirror with her hoof. "What magic causes this mirror to function in such a way?" she asked, looking back at her fillyfriend, only to find her gone. "Twilight? Where did you go, little sparkler?" she asked, looking around for the younger alicorn with a frown of consternation on her face.

"Come find me, Luna~" the younger Princess' voice floated from the surrounding area, a distinct teasing note in her tone. The tone gave Luna pause, and she shook her head, smiling at Twilight's silliness. Giving a resigned shrug, the Moon Princess set off into the fun house at a slow, steady pace, her hooves thumping on the sawdust covered, wooden floor. Assorted mirrors greeted her gaze, and every so often she caught a glimpse of a shapely purple flank, or a flash of Twilight's magic. Turning to and fro, the Lunar Diarch sighed in frustration and sat down in the direct center of the fun house with a slight plop.

"Twilight? Where are you?" she asked the room at large morosely. "I am lost in this place, without you. I doubt I could even get out, at this point," she said softly, pouting. Her melancholy came to an abrupt end, though, when she felt a warmth against her back and saw a lavender wing wrapping around her gently, squeezing affectionately. Gotcha, Luna thought, grinning at how well her little gambit had paid off. Turning, she pounced, tumbling to the floor with Twilight beneath her. "Hi!" she chirped, grinning down at the now-flustered alicorn beneath her before planting a kiss right on her lips to stifle any forthcoming protests at her cheap move.

Twilight pouted up at her for a brief moment, but relented at the kiss, and she melted into it with a slight groan. Once the kiss was broken, however, she found herself slightly worried at the look of growing rage on Luna's face. "L-Luna? What's...what's wrong?" she asked hesitantly, a bit concerned. Luna muttered something and gestured with her head toward one of the mirrors surrounding them. Twilight looked at it and snorted, breaking up into giggles. At Luna's hurt look, she tried to stifle her mirth, waving a hoof. "Sorry,'s just that you look so silly in that mirror!"

Luna scowled, stepping away from Twilight and towards to mirror in question. She stomped a hoof hard enough to splinter the wood beneath her, and bellowed at the mirror, full Royal Canterlot Voice, "'TIS A LIE! 'TIS 'TIA WHO ART AS BROAD AS A BEACH BALL, NOT I!" Her volume cracked all the mirrors within range and blew the sawdust on the floor about like a sandstorm. She reared back onto her hind hooves and slammed her front down again, splintering wood again. She blinked at Twilight's shriek, and, looking about, noticed that she had literally split the fun house in half, leaving a wide split through the center of the whole building. Snatching Twilight up in her magic, she sprinted out of the building, pausing only to grab Twilight's plush toys on her way out, the colt behind the counter having already vacated. The pair of princesses booked it back to the castle, dodging and weaving through the crowds to avoid questions.

Luna lay on the bed she shared with Twilight a few hours later, her face flushed and her breathing heavy. Glancing over at the other mare on the bed, she smirked. "See? I told you this would be more fun, Twilight."

Twilight looked up at the Moon Princess and grinned. "Yeah, but then, I never expected you, of all ponies, to be insecure about her figure," she teased, plopping her Celestia plush back atop Luna's crown. "And anyway, spending time with you is fun no matter what we do, silly filly," she said, laying her head along Luna's shoulder.

Luna looked back at her lover, running a hoof along her side and smiling. "Agreed. Now, hold still so I can braid your tail properly, you squirmy little thing!"


3516868 Amazing! :pinkiehappy:


Heh, thanks! I just sort of...decided I wanted this thing to live again, you know? :twilightsmile:


3518916 Good job doing it.

You should write some TwiLuna fics :pinkiecrazy:


Based on the rather...intense reaction 'Funhouse' got? I, uh...I might. :twilightsheepish:

Question; what's our current prompt list?


Current prompt list:

Kismet (claimed by archonix)
Bridleway (claimed by StarStreak96)
Key (claimed by Habanc)
Paraphernalia (claimed by Drizzle Quill)

I'd say just take any of them unless the claimer responds. I would say something about authors needing to hurry up but I may have accidentally never done my prompt

3539269 I'm happy to relinquish rights to Bridleway. I'm too busy to get to it.


Re-claiming Paraphernalia. I've been so busy with other things that time just kind of slipped away. Oops. :twilightblush:

Group Contributor

Prompt: Key


Twilight sprung away. She didn't get far, however. A sharp pull on her hoof dropped her like a sack of potatoes.


Luna lurched up, her stomach having been crushed by Twilight's weight. Looking around, she tried to break free, only to find her forehooves immobile.


"Hey there, Luna..." Twilight trailed of sheepishly. She tried her best to look anywhere but her equine cushion.

"What– what are you doing here?" Luna, for her part, was doing her best keep her composure.

"I... I don't know."

Luna paused for a moment, the cogs in her head finally sputtering to life. Her eyes drifted from the bed and up towards Twilight. "Did we–"

"Maybe?" Twilight blurted out.

"So that's why you're–"


"But I can't remember anything."

"I can't either."

"Well, this is awkward."

"I know. But– no, nevermind..."




"–It's nothing."


The two laid there, avoiding each other's gaze. Luna looked up. To her surprise, her hooves were encased in magical hoofcuffs, bound by a magenta beam of magic.

"Did... did you do this?" Luna asked.

"I would think so. Although," she lifted up one of her own hooves with its own cuff, a navy band of energy connecting it to one of Luna's forelegs, "you did it too."

"Dammit," Luna murmured. "Do you remember the key you set?"

Twilight shook her head. "No." She focused her own magic on Luna's hoofcuffs. "I... I can't break the foreign magic deflection, either."

Luna scanned her own arcane work. "I– I must've made this myself. There's no way I can remember the combinations now."

"So, are we stuck here?" Twilight's voice quieted.

"I... I think so." Luna groaned. "Whip me with Orion's belt, I'm such a fool!"

Twilight's ears and cheeks tinted. "Well, I mean, if you want me to, I guess I wouldn't mind..."


She flushed further. "N–n–nothing."

Luna sighed, fixing the young alicorn with a stare. The moments passed by, and Twilight began to shy away.

"You're hiding something," Luna surmised.

"What?" Twilight perked up, looking down at her.

"You keep muttering things and then denying it."

"I do not!"

Luna regarded her flatly. "What is it, Twilight?"

"N– nothing."

"See!" Luna jangled her forehooves about, in a pitiful effort to wave them. "There's that 'nothing' again."

"N– no!"

Luna paused for moment. "Was... was last night your first–"

"–No!" Twilight clamped her free hoof over Luna's mouth. Her face was beet-red. "No, it was– just no!"

Luna waggled an eyebrow at her.

"I mean it!" Twilight took her hoof off Luna's mouth and threatened her with it.

"Fine..." Luna sighed. "Then, that only leaves one more possibility." She gave the younger alicorn a sympathetic look. "You must be completely, maddeningly, uncontrollably smitten with me."

Twilight pressed her hoof into Luna's chest, leaning in close to her. "I– I– I am not!"

Luna nodded gravely. "I'm afraid to say this, but you are. All the tell-tale signs are there. The blushing, the stammering, the obvious exclusion of the fact that you would like to bed me again. It's plain to see."


"Fortunately, I know just the key to unlock this conundrum. Come closer, Twilight, and I shall tell you."

Begrudgingly, Twilight drew nearer.


Twilight was nearly breathing on her.

Luna sprung forward and kissed her. When she drew back, she found the wide-eyed, astonished Twilight Sparkle.

"Granted, I do not stammer or blush like you do, but... I fear I am sick too."

I literally have no clue what I just wrote.

Next Prompt: Stuck

I literally just realized I never put a new prompt at the end of my submission!

My prompt is: Edge

Here's one for Stuck.

(It's a bit more than five hundred words, sorry.)

Luna hadn't expected things to change overnight, but a year was taxing her patience. Not that she'd ever had a lot of it to begin with. Wherever in Equestria she went, she was met with guarded stares, if not outright apprehension. Foals who had been fed a diet of dark tales, she could understand, but the disgust she saw in the eyes of grown mares and stallions … she had tried to brush it off as no more than the anxiety one would feel around royalty, but seeing how openly they interacted with her beloved sister … no, there was no point in denying it any further. They still saw the evil Nightmare Moon, not the reformed Princess Luna.
Hell, the word nightmare had since passed into common vernacular to describe bad dreams thanks to her actions.
Not that she would ever admit it to anypony, even to Celestia herself, but she was hurting because of this; anger, bitterness, resentment … these feelings would never dominate her soul again, the nightmare had ended, but despite this, she knew not how to go around convincing everypony of that fact.
Well, there was one pony. Twilight Sparkle, much to her chagrin, was – not to put too fine a point on it – enamoured of her. It was rather embarrassing, being the focus of the studious unicorn's attention; Twilight had a keen mind, and she absorbed new information in much the same way most ponies inhaled oxygen.
Twilight, when her friendship studies allowed, would often travel back to Canterlot to visit her family and Princess Celestia, but she always made time for Luna, too. The endless questions about the night sky that was her domain had made the Lunar Princess feel awkward at first, but very soon, she grew to love those long talks that would last into the wee hours of the morning.
What thrilled her most was Twilight Sparkle's attitude toward her; she never felt uncomfortable in her presence, never put on a smile to make her feel welcome, never betrayed a sliver of fear in her eyes. There was only the pure, unbridled joy of learning. Maybe even of comity, too? Luna certainly liked to think so.
One night, while they were sitting on a balcony, discussing the phases of the moon, Luna realised something; Twilight was babbling something about waxing this or waning that, and her mulberry eyes were radiating with such intensity that they shone as brightly as any of the heavenly bodies high above them.
The unicorn seemed unaware of Luna's discomfort and continued her spiel; Luna felt something stirring within her, something she hadn't felt in more than a thousand years. Celestia had tried to prepare her little sister for everything that she might face on her return, but her classes hadn't included affairs of the heart. Her brutal past would've served as a deterrent to all but the most determined of suitors, anyway.
So young, and already so brilliant, so talented, and indeed, so beautiful, the Lunar Princess thought, watching Twilight's muzzle move, but failing to comprehend the words. Luna realised that she was stuck: there was no way in Tartarus that she could tell Twilight how she felt, but at the same time, her bosom ached with a loneliness that could not be filled by her dear sister's companionship alone.
No, Luna told herself, Twilight's attention, her friendship, will suffice. Even if she felt something for me in turn, it could never work.
A delicate hoof-touch brushed against her foreleg. “What?” snapped Luna, shook out of her reverie by the slight contact.
“Sorry,” said Twilight, recoiling slightly from Luna's outburst. “You were zoning-out pretty hard, there. Was I that boring?” she added sheepishly.
“No, not at all,” replied Luna, “you were most interesting. I was simply distracted.”
“Nothing important, I hope?”
“Nothing important at all.” Luna suppressed a sigh, letting her heart break just a little more. She'd had a thousand years of it, and it was nothing she couldn't handle.

Next prompt: Icing.

(Just have to do a Cadance one now and I've completed the trifecta of pretty princess pony passion plots.)

I'm claiming Edge, but I will not likely get to it until about six hours from now, so if someone wants to write one for Edge during that time, go ahead. There'll be others that I can find.

Anyone wants kismet, take it. The idea I had went to hell and I've not had much time since.


Twilight warily watched, as Pinkie showed her, once more how to bake a cake. She chewed her lip. “Can’t you just bake the cake Pinkie? I mean, you know how hopeless…” Twilight was quickly silenced by a pink hoof.

“Absoulutely not Princess Sparklebutt!” She giggled, “Sparklebutt I get why Discord calls you that! Anyway, nuh uh you have to do this by yourself!”

Twilight groaned but dutifully listened to the lesson once again.

Luna landed on the balcony and stretched her wings out, cracking her neck a few times. It had been a very long night, but, she was very glad to be home. She walked in slowly with a slight frown. Her wife was missing, normally Twilight would be at the desk studying whenever she got off duty. However, this morning all that was there was a lit candle. Luna’s shoulders slumped as she looked around their bedroom. Finally she sat down on the bed. Well, Luna you shouldn’t be so surprised I mean how could she possibly…

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Luna, happy birthday to you.”

Luna looked up to see her wife standing in front of her smiling sweetly, levitating in front of her what appeared to be a pile of icing with a candle stuck in it. Luna let out a soft sob and blew out the candle. ‘Ho-how did you know?”

“I’m your wife, was I not supposed to know. Now have a bite of cake?”

Luna stared at the pile of icing. Theres cake under there? She grinned and opened her mouth wide for a bite.

Best cake ever

Word count- 279
New prompt Insomnia


Best cake ever


Glad you liked it!:heart:

Group Contributor

Le claim Insomnia

Here's Edge

Twilight stood at the edge of a cliff. Looking down apprehensively, she flapped her brass-colored mechanical wings twice, feeling their power start to lift her from her hooves.

Luna stood next to her, watching her marefriend’s apprehension. “You are sure you want to do this?”

The mechanical wings folded back up at Twilight’s side. “I have to, Lu. I must follow through with this experiment. After all, I triple-checked my numbers, and have successfully hovered for several minutes without winding myself or crashing.” The unicorn turned, stepping away from the edge.

Luna heard Twilight mumble something softly. “What was that, my little star?”

Twilight partially turned her head back to her lover, a tear in her visible eye. “If… if I fall, will you catch me?”

Luna stepped toward Twilight, wrapping a wing about the unicorn-turned-faux-alicorn. “Most certainly, my little star. I would not let you fall unless I fell with you.”

Twilight nuzzled the blue alicorn’s neck. “Then jump with me. It would make me feel safer to see you with me.”

Luna released her little unicorn. “I would love to, Twilight.”

As one, both ponies turned and sprinted for the cliff’s edge, their wings spread. At the last second, they both leapt over the edge, into new adventures.

Two years later, Twilight stood at the same cliff she’d once leapt off with Luna to complete her experiment. This time around, her wings were real.

Her then-marefriend and now-fiance, Luna, spoke softly only a few meters away. “You have the same expression.”

Twilight shot a confused look to Luna as she approached the larger mare. “What do you mean?”

“Two years ago. You had the same look on your face with those mechanical wings.” Luna chuckled lightly. “Your real ones look much more beautiful than those did, by the way.”

Twilight blushed lightly at the praise. “Y-you really think so?”

Luna stepped forward and nuzzled along one of Twilight’s wings. “I know so, my little star. Those mechanical ones were so… cold and, I know it is an obvious truth, artificial. Truth be told, I did not like them on you. Those artificial wings did not suit you like these ones do.”

Twilight reluctantly pulled away from Luna, back to the cliff’s edge. “Well, we do have an experiment to perform, then.”

“Oh?” Luna followed her, standing at her side.

Twilight nodded. “Yeah. Are my wings better than those mechanical ones?”

“We both know my thoughts on the subject,” Luna stated simply.

Another nod. “We do. But you know I must have the numbers to back it up.”

“Or what, you’ll cut your wings off and replace them with those mechanical wings?” Luna turned and looked at Twilight’s wings.

Twilight looked shocked at her fiance’s morbid joke. “Never. That means I’ll just practice and train until I can beat them.”

Luna smirked before brushing a wing along Twilight’s back. “Well then, my little star, let us perform an experiment.” Luna winked. “And do not worry. Just like last time, if you fall, I shall catch you.”

Twilight blushed at the contact before nodding. “Let’s get started.” Both ponies dashed to the edge, much like last time, leaping as one into another adventure.

534 words according to Gdocs. (Link provided for copy-pasta formatting. I write them with the bbcode already inside.)

Man, this was as much fun as the Twilestia collab chapter I did yesterday was.

My prompt offer is Experiment. (If one hasn't been done already for this. If one has, let me know and I'll offer up another prompt.)

Oho, so I'm not the only one posting in the Twiluna prompt thread the day after posting in the Twilestia one.

Yeah, I'd like to claim Experiment, if that's okay with everybody!

Welp. Here's experiment.

"Princess...I need you to help me with an...experiment," Twilight looked up at the elder alicorn, eyes glinting with what might have been mischief.

Luna tilted her head to one side, an eyebrow raised. She leaned downward in a kind of conspiratorial interest. "An experiment, Twilight Sparkle?" There was something odd about Twilight's voice, a little bit of eagerness only reserved for the most interesting of experiments. Luna could not contain her excitement on the subject. "Color me curious. I would like to partake in this experiment of yours!"

"Excellent," Twilight squeaked. "I hoped you'd say yes. Everything is all ready now!" Luna opened her mouth to speak, but before any words could be said, Twilight galloped off.

Luna sighed and shrugged off Twilight's bizarre behavior, before taking off after the younger mare. Luna followed Twilight, and almost immediately noticed that something was amiss. "Twilight, the laboratory is in the opposite direction. Just what kind of experiment am I partaking in?"

"You'll see! You'll see!" Twilight clopped her forehooves together. Luna expected this kind of behavior from her, and knew that the best reaction was to go along with Twilight.

As they kept walking, their destination quickly became apparent. Luna's curiosity grew and mingled with excitement. She was clever enough to deduce Twilight's plan, and if her hunch was right, their day was certainly going to be interesting.

"Twilight...Just why are we outside my bedchambers?"

"Why do you think?" A grin stretched across Twilight's muzzle. "Where else would we be if we were to study the intricacies of a romantic union?"

"Oh, you devilish mare!" Luna beamed and forced her lips against Twilight's. With her aura, she flung open the door to her bedroom, revealing a rather romantic setup. She squealed with excitement, firmly locking the door behind them. "Oh, I am going to love this experiment!'

Incredibly predictable and also totally unedited, but these prompt threads make good practice, so I guess I had fun.

My prompt is shadows, if it hasn't been done already

I've sat and thought for days and I can't seem to write anything for Paraphernalia. If anyone else wants to claim it, they can have it. I'll wait for a new prompt that I like. :twilightsheepish:

Group Contributor

Claiming Paraphenalia

Group Contributor

Prompt: Paraphenalia
Down the darkening halls of Canterlot Palace, six silhouettes made their way over the marble floors. They laughed, they sang, and one lost its balance and tumbled into a set of armor, knocking it over.

"C'mon, RD, git up!" Applejack hollered.

"No. Nooo. No, I won't." RD crawled up against the wall and sat their, forelegs crossed. "You, you... You already beat me once tonight, but no more! I... I am not going to get up and let you start telling me around!" She belched, and then giggled at it.

Applejack closed in further. "Ah said git!" she hissed. "Jus' 'cuz we're here with Twilight don't mean wec'n make a mess!"

"So what?" Rainbow squinted at her. "It's... It's not like this place isn't full of, well, I'unno... servants and maids, right? It's not like nopony has evveeer knocked one of these down, right?"

The farmpony fumed. "Ah swear when we git back to our rooms I'mma tan yer hide–"

"She's coming!" Pinkie Pie cried out, as the other girls erupted into giggles and whispers.

"Who's comin'?" Applejack turned and asked.

"Twilight Sparkle!" A voice rang down the halls. With hooves clopping loudly on the tiles below, the Princess of the Night approached, in full regalia.

The pony in question headed out to meet her, as if the leader of their motley crew. Unlike the formal dignitary approaching, she had taken a much more relaxed route to her appearance. For instance, three shoes was so fresh and chic, and slanting one's crown gave off a bit of zest. To top it off, a bottle of hard liquor was swirling in her grip.

"What is this?" Luna demanded.

Twilight wobbled on her hooves and drew the bottle closer. She strained her eyes to read. "I... I think this is some sort of rum." She shrugged and giggled. "W– would you like any?"

"No. Twilight, I mean to ask why are you wandering through the halls like some sort of homeless drunkard?"

She swayed and rolled her eyes. "Because I'm drunk."

Pinkie Pie whooped in the background. "Yeah, girl! You tell her what's what!"

Luna stared her down and sized her up. For the seconds that passed, she kept her gaze fixated on the petty delinquent before her, unmoving.

"Humph. Very well," she spoke at last. "Come with me, Twilight. Alone." Without waiting for a response, she spun around and marched down the hall.

As Twilight followed her, she was trailed with a cacophony of snickers, whistles, and jeers. One voice loudly proclaimed, "Oh, Twilight's so getting in right now."

"Shut yer yap, RD!"


Luna led her into her own private chamber, closing the door behind Twilight. Floating her crown over to it's rightful stand, she mused, "You know, it isn't befitting of a leader to be weak before their own herd. Honestly, I have no clue–"

"Woah, is that a Brushie Brittany doll?!" Twilight charged over to an opened armoire, leaking out what lay inside. "I haven't seen one of these in, like, years!"

"No!" Luna yelped. With a flash of teleportation, she slammed the armoire doors shut. "Stay out!"

But it was too late. The vase had already fallen out of arm's reach. The clock had already ticked noon. Twilight already had the bright, fuschia doll in her grip, giggling contentedly. "I never had a clue you liked these," Twilight mumbled as she spun it around, evading Luna's every swipe.

"T– Twilight!" Luna stammered as her face flushed. "Put that down this instant!"

"But it's cuuute," Twilight protested.

"I said put that down!" Luna cried. Charging her horn, she plucked Twilight off the ground and started floating her over.

Twilight erupted with laugher. "Stop it, that– that tickles!" She fell on her back, flailing her limbs about. "Luna, Luna! Stop! I– I can't take this anymore!"

As she continued to be dragged, one kicked-out leg hit the armoire. Luna cried out, and her magic died. Twilight hit the ground with a thud.

Out spilled a dozen other, often rare and of the collectible variety, Brushie Brittany dolls.

As Twilight looked up, there were even more. High into the wardrobe, sitting in perfectly proportioned shelves, were dolls of all colors and editions. So surprised was she, that the original Brushie Brittany fell from her grasp.

After the initial shock passed, Luna swept the room with her telekinesis, grabbing every doll and slamming them shut behind the doors. She placed herself between Twilight and the armoire, guarding it from further threat.

Twilight could hold it in no longer. Laughter erupted from her stomach, tears coming from her eyes as she rolled on the ground. "I... I had no clue. Really! Honestly!"

"Let us be clear," Luna hissed, "you did not see anything."

Rising to her shaking hooves, Twilight wiped the tears from her eyes. "I don't know..."

"What? What do you mean you don't know?"

"I mean, why... why should I have to do what you say? What do I get in return?"

Luna recoiled. "Are you attempting to blackmail me?"

Twilight giggled and swayed on her hooves. "No, of course not. It's just... You can't be the only one having all the fun. You and your dolls... heh."

Luna frowned. "Twilight, I'm afraid I don't understand. My–" she cast her eyes down and sighed, "–my Brushie Brittany dolls are merely for collection and admiration, not for playing as a foal would–"

"It's cute," Twilight blurted out. She leaned in close and jabbed a hoof into Luna's chest. "I never thought, y'know, the grand princess of the night and all would be brushing little dolls in her free time, but hey," Twilight shrugged, "I've certainly done worse."

Luna straightened up, getting right back in Twilight's face, trying her best block out the pervasive smell of alcohol. "Once again, I do not play–"

"But now that I think about it," Twilight gabbered on, shutting Luna off completely, "I think it's adorable. Y'know? Like, it's totally cute. Sooooo cute." She sighed and looked into Luna's eyes, head tilted and lips smirked. "Luna, why are you so cute?"

"P- Pardon?" Luna sputtered, face flushing.

"You heard me." Twilight closed in.

Luna's rump bumped up against the armoire. "I- I- I believe the alcohol has had some odd effects on you, Twilight. Would- would you like to sit down and, er, cool off?"

Twilight giggled, and ran a hoof along Luna's cheek. "You're the one who's heating up."

"I have no c– clue what you mean," Luna lied, her whole body on fire.

Twilight leaned in and nuzzled Luna's neck, earning a shiver from her. "C'mon, don't be coy. Relax. Just answer my question."

Luna sucked in a breath. Sweat was beginning to form along her hairline, and her heart was threatening to erupt from her ribcage. She looked around for an escape, somewhere, anywhere! Instead, however, she only found the expectant gaze of Twilight.

Luna gulped. "I– I don't know."

"Don't know what?"

"Why– why you find me cute."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Would you like me to tell you? Come on, I've seen the looks you give me... Wouldn't it be nice to know I return your little crush?"

Luna didn't reply, her eyes fixated on the pony before her. She chewed at her lip, but no words would come out no matter how hard she tried. Not like she knew what was the right thing to say, either.

Twilight sighed. "Or, I suppose I could just kiss you now and get it over with." She waited patiently for a reply that never came. "So, what will it be?"

Luna stared at the ground. She could feel Twilight's breathing tickling her chin, where in another moment she would relish the sensation. There wasn't much she could register at the moment, as this drunken alicorn had managed to see right through her, grab her heart, and tempt her with it. Oddly enough, that left little room for second-guessing and doubts.

In a voice unlike the regal brick wall she usually donned, she whispered, "Can I have both?"

Looking up sheepishly, she found a genuine smile over Twilight's lips. She leaned in close, nuzzling her chin. "As long as you don't shut yourself in soon after, like your little doll collection."

Luna closed her eyes and nudged forward. "Deal."

Well, that was a little longer than I wanted.

Next prompt: Renegade

3571185 This was adorable, and so good that I actually checked your profile for other stories. Turns out, I was already following you and have fave'd or put on the read later list most of your stories. Whatever you're doing, its awesome

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