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Oh, sorry! I forgot to post here. >.< My prompt has grown far, FAR beyond a simple prompt collab. Feel free to give it to someone else, if they want it. Otherwise, I'll try to write the first chapter so that it can be used here. :twilightsmile:

... vague idea for Circles. I might be reclaiming this a couple of times.

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I've been away for too long. I'm gonna continue with that little series I started back with Human and continued in one of the specials.

I hereby claim: THIS IS MY JAM!

I shall claim Races. I have a fun little idea for it.

Well here is my submission for Races. Forgot how tough it is to write a fic in such a small word count. Wanted to get this one out before I fell asleep. If you guys think it needs touched up, I shall do so.

Luna could not believe what she was hearing. After dating the love of her life, Twilight Sparkle, for more than five years, she thought she knew everything about the studious alicorn. She was wrong. It was hard to believe that such foul words could come from such sweet lips. Her stomach churned at every word that was spoken.

“I’m sorry you can’t handle what I have to say Luna, but it’s the truth” Twilight sighed.

“Surely you can’t mean such words Twilight, we thought a mare of your upbringing would be better than this. Surely you can see that all races are equal” Luna pleaded, praying her love would take her words back.

Twilight placed a bookmark in her lastest scientific journal and set the book aside. She really didn’t see what the big deal was, plenty of ponies didn’t like other races. She knew for certain that Applejack could only tolerate a few races herself. So why Luna was making such a big deal was beyond her.

“Luna, I see where you’re coming from, but not all races are equal. I just believe that all other races are inferior. You don’t see me trying to change your beliefs” Twilight responded, rubbing her temples.

“We cannot look upon thee right now, Twilight” Luna said with a sob, “We shall speak to thee when you can see reason.”

The dark alicorn sprinted out of their beddroom as fast as her hooves could carry her. She ingored all the servants and guards of the castle that attempted to comfort her. Twilight was smacking her head against a book when a concerned Celestia walked into the room. It had been some time since she saw her sister in such a state. She was surprised to say the least, when she heard of her students views.

“Twilight, what is this I hear about your disdain for other races?” Celestia questioned in a firm voice.

“I’m….sorry” Twilight grumbled, crossing her hooves over her chest.

“I just don’t see a point to any other races when the one hundred meter dash is so efficient.”

New Prompt: Instant Regret

Group Contributor

3337078 Replying to you Pearp, to alert you that this collab is still technically alive.

Here is THIS IS MY JAM! in the same continuity as Human and the sequel I did to that in the 100 special, I think.

Twilight hummed to herself as she ran her fingertips over the polished chrome accents of Vice Principal Luna’s preposterously large stereo system cabinet. Just below the frosted glass door was an immaculate frankenstein of the latest in digital playback hardware and increasingly older and more archaic devices that presumably allowed Luna to play older formated music through her surround speakers and subwoofer. Luna claimed she had it specially crafted to ‘blow the clothes right off you.’

“Like what you see?” Luna grinned from the doorway that lead from her bedroom back into the rest of the house. “I’ve spent years building and perfecting it.”

Twilight grinned and looked down the length of the room long cabinet. “I feel like such a newb here, Luna. I keep learning all these surprising things about you.” She stopped walking and squinted down at a blocky looking piece of plastic that has its own smoked, see-through cover. “It’s like a museum! Is this a combo cassette and vinyl record player?”

“Eeyup.” Luna drawled and straightened up. “I have an entire closet of tapes and 45 records covering every type of music you can think of. It’s my passion, collecting music like this.”

She smiled and walked up behind Twilight and looked down on her own past. “It’s weird, I know. But music is what I remember best about my childhood and younger years. I know where I was and what I was doing by the songs I was listening to at the time.”

Twilight nodded slowly and looked over her shoulder at the older woman. “I can understand that. Music has been shown to be excellent for memory mnemonics. And I know what having a nerd-on for an odd collection feels like. I have so many old books at home, I could supply a library.”

Twilight stepped away and stopped a second later to peer in at what could only be a machine from the truly dark age of early personal electronics. It had huge chunky dials that appeared to adjust pointers on a gage that was broken up by hatch marks and numbers that had no clear meaning. It had a gigantic port on the front that accepted something and most damning of all, it was covered in faux woodgrain paneling that made her lip curl. “What is this?”

“That, dear child of the digital age, is an 8track player. A Playdeck, specifically.” Luna scoffed smugly. “Those are impossible to find these days, and those are the ones that don’t work anymore. Mine still plays like a dream. So long as you know how to treat her.”

The high schooler snorted and clapped her hand over her mouth a second later. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to sound like that!” She snorted again and blushed as she turned away from the hideous Playdeck and its owner. “Just how old are you? I thought 8tracks went out back in the 70’s?”

“Pppbbbftt.” Luna waved a hand dismissively. “I’m not that old. They were already phased out and replaced by cassettes before I was old enough to even be aware of them.”

“But,” Twilight raised an eyebrow, “you said that you remember your past through the music? What memories do you have associated with 8tracks?”

“Mostly sexual positions.”

Twilight’s blush came roaring back with full force and made her cheeks burn. “What? That’s even more confusing!”

Luna shrugged and was silent for a long moment. Her eyes were distant as she dug through those memories. “It was a gift. You remember that previous special someone I didn’t want to talk about at lunch? She gave it to me. Same thing with all my 8tracks.”

“And you would…” Twilight moved her hands around vaguely. “While it played music?”

Luna nodded, her eyes still focused on nothing specific in the middle distance. “Each track on each tape means something to me. Your first love does that to you.”

“First? Where there other girls after her and before me?”

Luna smiled again and her teal eyes lit up and with them, so did the room. Twilight swallowed and shifted uneasily as her heart rate jumped at just that simple smile. Was she just another girl in a long line of lovers reaching back who knew how far?

“Twilight.” Luna shook her head and stepped up to the younger woman. She reached out and took Twi’s shoulders in her hands and looked into Twilight’s eyes. “Trust me. I told you it had been a long time for me. I’ve not had a serious relationship since her. Not until you came along and made my heart do those little flip flops in the park that night under the stars. I want you to know I’m not some skirt chasing fiend. I’ve had all of two girlfriends, and last time, I was the high schooler. We...we had a very rough patch before we broke up. It was a real nightmare. But I’m over it now and I just want you to feel comfortable here with me.”

Twilight sighed and relaxed in Luna’s grip. She looked at the ancient music device and then back to Luna with an eyebrow raised. “Sexual positions, huh? Like what?”

“Well…” Luna smirked and bent down to open the cabinet. She pulled out a drawer and inside Twilight could see row after row of organized, comically oversized plastic cassettes. “Pick one, and I’ll show you which position it goes with.”

“Holy moly! Are these organized by year, musician, or page the of the Kama Sutra the position is on?”

“By year, and then alphabetically by artist. If it has a blue sticker on the corner,” Luna pointed to one such adorned 8track. “the position is one that you can find in the Kama Sutra, or back issues of Cosmo.”

Twilight’s eye widened and made a quiet ‘eep!’ noise before she knelt and kissed Luna on the nose. “Have I told you that you are, like, the most wonderful woman ever? How can you be so pretty and so well organized?”

“Heh, so are you.”

“Well, I’m not that pretty though.” Twilight shrugged. “Not like you.”

Luna stuck out her tongue and stood up again with her hands on her hips. “You’re beautiful to me. Now pick a track, any track, and I’ll show you something fun, gorgeous.”

Twilight giggled and looked out over the expanse of music. The names were unfamiliar and she could only guess at the genres recorded on the magnetic tape reels. One name, however, did jump out at her and she pulled out one marked with ‘Barry White.’

“How about this one? I think I’ve heard of this artist for somewhere.”

Luna’s eyebrows shot up when she looked at the front of the cassette. “Oh my…”

“Is something wrong?” Twilight stood up and examined the tape. “‘Can’t Get Enough’ by Barry White.”

“1976.” Luna whistled. “Ok, gonna need to test something first. Hold your arms out, please.”

Twilight lifted her arms. “Like this? What ar-rrrrggghh!?” She flailed and nearly dropped the selected 8track as Luna lifted her into the air. Luna held her there for a moment and then set her gently back down.

“Yep, we can do that one.”


“Get naked while I put on the tunes and start the shower and I’ll show you.”

Word Count: 1224
New Prompt: Grinch


> real nightmare


Very cute anyway.

3873069 Sometimes the best jokes are the ones where you can see the punchline coming from miles away.:rainbowlaugh:


It was a real nightmare.

Fuzzy you glorious bastard. I am glad you are continuing this "series" though. It is one of my favorites.

That's what makes em awesome, it makes the ride some much more enjoyable.

Do you guys think I should go ahead and take another prompt?

Group Contributor



For some reason, I imagine her lips absurdly flapping away, perhaps too much for human anatomy to allow, when she "says" this. 10/10 would imagine again.

As pointed out "A real nightmare" smacked me upside the head with the 2x4 Of Cleverness. Multiple times. And then rubbed Iron-y Salt in the scratches.

But all in all, very cute. Wonderful work, Fuzzy.

Sooo much hate right now... I had something amazing and you ruined all of my hopes and dreams by stealing that prompt! I can no longer live!

But seriously, now I need to rethink my options :rainbowwild:

3883917 I seriously love your human TwiLuna.

On a completely unrelated, totally separate and in-no-way-connected-for-serious note, what Fuzzy projects are in the pipeline...

Group Contributor

Man, EVERYTHING is in the pipeline. Now that I'm sleeping better, I'm getting back into production mode. Quality should be improving too. I got an MLD prompt to finish up next, then a Twilestia one for the Assmatician series. Then it's back to working on Twilight's Monster and Pony Dreams. Alicorn Switcheroo is off to the editors, so I should have that back soon and hopefully ready for publishing before Xmas. Then there is this Sunset Shimmer x Adagio Dazzling thing I'm working on and a couple of other things that might see print in the near-ish future. Depends a little on how my work load piles up as we hit the last days before the new year.

Hehe. Glad that came over well. It's been awhile since I've gotten that kind of a response.


HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE!! I had the best idea ever! And you stole the prompt to it with an equal awesome story!! You are sick and twisted!


Still claiming circles.

Group Contributor


Claiming Instant Regret

Group Contributor

Prompt: Instant Regret

Somewhere below, off the nearby cliffs, she could hear the lake rippling against the rocks, quiet noises that were only allowed to come out during the void of night.

And then Applejack burped. Loudly, in fact.

The girls around the campfire all broke into laughter, collapsing against one another. They all knew they were somewhere within White Tail Wood, but the specifics were hazy. To be honest, almost everything was hazy.

Bottles littered around the logs they used as seats. It was a cider of five years' past, aging perfectly in a barrel kept in the basement of Sweet Apple Acres. It tasted wonderful a few hours ago; now it flowed like water.

"Luna. Lunaaa."

The lunar princess rolled her head around, coming to her equal. She was sitting beside her, albeit on another log. "Y- yes, Twilight?"

"I'm bored." Twilight pawed at her foreleg. "Do something funny."

"Uh," Luna mumbled as she took a moment to go over her options. "No."

"Come onnn. I figured you'd actually be fun like this, not all stuffy and... and pompous like in Canterlot." Twilight tilted her nose up into the air.

Luna recoiled, and almost too far as she had to keep from falling off her seat. "What? Takest back thy foul words!"

"Okay, nevermind." Twilight giggled. "The archaic speech is– is actually kinda funny."

"We shall not– what? Art thine words true?"

"Yes," she confirmed with a nod.

Luna sputtered internally, not sure what to make of this. Perhaps it wasn't too bad. Twilight certainly liked it, or at least laughed at it, and that made her heart flutter.

"Dost thou wishest Us to continue Our dialect?"

"No, no..." Twilight paused for a moment, happily gazing out into the distance. "No, but it's funny every now and then."

Luna fought to keep her faltering spirits up. "I see. Well then, what do–"

"Hit it, Applejack!" rang out Pinkie Pie's voice. Within seconds, a harmonica began playing at a lightning pace, folky and inviting all at once.

Bewildered, Luna looked to Twilight.

"Come on!" The unicorn rose to her hooves. "I'm bored! Let's dance!" Before Luna could complain or contest, she was whisked away to just outside the camp, along the grassy knoll by the bluffs.

Drunken and unashamed, Twilight began to... do something between a rocking chair impression and a dying worm. Luna watched her in equal parts confusion and amusement. It was adorable, really – or so her inebriated goggles told her.

Luna coughed into her hoof to hold in her laughter. "What do you call this, uh, dance?"

Twilight looked up to her as she spun around in circles, hooves bucking out and flailing. "No clue! It's freestyle!" She panted for breath between sentences. "You just, y'know, let it all flow through you. Feel the music!"

It's demonic, Luna quipped. Never before had she seen this outlandish side in Twilight, and after tonight perhaps she wouldn't want to either. She smiled. "I see! Well then, can I join you in this pagan blood ritual?"

"Of course!" Twilight brushed the damp hair out from her face.

Taking a deep breath, her courage no fully enforced by alcohol, Luna tried to mimic her. Front legs out, hind legs out... and that leaves no hooves on the ground.

Luna crashed into the earth. Grass was firmly shoved into her teeth, the womp of her landing still echoing into the night.

Returning to her hooves, Luna breathed pure relief as Twilight made no indication that she saw. Again, she started, placing her hooves as carefully as a drunken mare could. It was rough at first, but soon she was getting the hang of it.

"There you go, Luna!" Twilight called out. Luna nodded in turn. There was too much concentration on her hooves to be able to do much more.

Looking up for a moment, Luna caught her eyes, and watched as Twilight winked at her. It was gone in a flash, but by all things divine she was sure she saw it!

Excitement surging in her heart, Luna pushed her hooves faster. She danced harder and harder, not sure why other than to perhaps-maybe-possibly impress Twilight, but she dare not admit it to herself yet.

In the blur of vision that overtook her spinning form, Luna nudged her steps closer and closer to the purple blotch that could only be Twilight. Perhaps she'd think of something brilliant, witty, or romantic! Or maybe all three! She did think of why she was going to her, only of what she might say when she got there.

And yet, so wrapped up in her own hopes, dreams, and delirium, Luna failed to heed how close Twilight was growing.

Her rear hooves actually connected with something. Something that yelped.

Stumbling about as she spun out from her dance, Luna watched the purple blur fly over the bluffs, descending towards the blue water below. There was a large splash, followed by a bright flash of light.

Regret – over everything, over this whole stupid, silly dance – sunk in her stomach like a weighted witch.

The next thing Luna knew, a large weight came crashing down on her.

Tumbling into the grass, Luna's bleary vision began to pick up the other body atop her. It was familiar... In fact, it was the same purple blur as before!

"Wooow..." Twilight's voice murmured. "That was fun."

Cogs scrambling into place, Luna nearly shot out of her skin. "Wha-! What!? I– I kicked you across–"

Twilight burst into giggles to silence her. "I know, but I– I don't mind a dip in the water every once in awhile. That was fun, Luna."

"Twilight, you... well, you and I, I suppose, are both heavily inebriated. Don't you realize the weight of what I've done?" Luna squirmed, trying to get out from under her.

"Well, of course. I weigh a perfectly healthy amount." She smiled and stuck her tongue out at Luna.

"But– but–!"

Twilight planted a hoof over her lips. "Shh... I said I was bored, and you did something to fix it. That's all I care about. Th– thank you, Luna."

"M'okay," Luna managed from under her hoof.

Pulling her hoof aside, she leaned in and planted a kiss on Luna. She held it for just a few seconds, and those rose back up. "Now, come on! I have a few other "pagan blood rituals" I wanna try to this next song."

Next prompt: Overly-large Sweaters

3896092 Dibs on the sweater prompt! It should be up by tomorrow :P.

Habanc told me to post this after I'd left it unposted so long.

Claiming Notes

Celestia found herself awake, sitting up and panting hard in the middle of the night. She had this unexplained feeling that a storm was brewing, despite the weather forecast saying otherwise.

Fearing something was wrong, she got out of bed and headed into the bathroom. After a glass of water and spending a few minutes in front of the mirror, the feeling went away. Sufficiently calmed down, Celestia headed back to bed and was quickly asleep again.

Little did she know, her feeling was right.

Night Court was boring. Princess Luna knew that much after several months. With her court’s hours in the middle of the night, hardly anypony outside her own Nocti came to see her.

“Herald, I am done with this farce for the night. Night Court is over until tomorrow night,” she spoke. Her herald nodded and signaled to the guards around the room. Luna sighed defeatedly before getting up and walking out of the throne room.

She soon found herself wandering the gardens. Absentmindedly she spoke, “Alas, I wonder if dear Twilight is still awake? She does seem to spend some time during mine moonlit hours.”

The wind kicked up and Luna felt something pass through her mane. As she turned to see what had gotten caught up, something else tapped her chest. Her mane forgotten, she looked down to her peytral and found a little white note stuck to it. The wind died down, almost so the note wouldn’t get blown away.

She plucked it off herself and held it up to her nose. ‘I don’t know what this is,’ it read. The wind kicked up again and she felt a tap on one of her wings, followed closely by two taps on her head, one on her neck, and one on her flank. The mysterious wind died down and she noticed she had more notes stuck to her.

She scooped them up and read them. ‘Pretty wing,’ the one on her wing read, the original one, stuck in her mane read, ‘Beautiful mane’. One stuck to her horn was simply ‘Long horn,’ followed by what appeared to be a heart. Thoroughly confused, she started walking as she read the rest. ‘Adorable ear’ brought a blush to her cheeks and was followed by two simple ones, ‘Neck’ and ‘Crown’.

The one stuck to her flank had been simply the words ‘Beautiful, shapely flanks’ and turned her blushing cheeks to a full-fledged body blush. ‘Applebucking thighs’ read the one attached to a rear leg, and Luna was quickly becoming hot under the collar, so to speak.

Before she could read the last one, the wind kicked up once more and blew the notes into her face. A final note was stuck directly to her nose and the wind stopped again. ‘Cute face’ it read. Luna reared up in surprise.

Before anything else could happen, Luna, her fur more purple than blue currently, took off out of the gardens in a full gallop, subconsciously grabbing all the white notes she’d found.

Except one. A nearby bush had a lone white note on it, ‘Hiding bush’, from which a magenta glow occasionally flashed.

“Good morrow, sister!” Luna called out as Celestia entered the dining hall. As she sat next to her sister, Celestia thought Luna looked different. Happier, perhaps.

“‘Tia, I have encountered the strangest conundrum last night. I had called off Night Court early and ventured out into the gardens. Every time the wind seemed to kick up, I found myself bearing these white notes.” Luna offered a few to her sister to inspect.

Celestia looked them over. ‘Let’s see what these are all about. ‘Neck’, ‘Cute face’, ‘Adorable ear’? Oh Twilight. I see you’ve fallen quite hard for her. Do I tell Luna, though?’ As she was thinking, another note appeared, silently and softly sticking itself to Celestia, this time. Luna noticed and picked it up.

“Luna, I–”

“‘Tia! Another note! This one was on you!” Luna exclaimed, all but shoving the note into her sister’s face.

Big, white, squishy teacher’ she read before chuckling. Her chuckling turned into laughing, and further evolved into full-on immobilizing guffaws as she laid on her back on the floor. Luna, who didn’t understand the joke, shot a queer look at Celestia.

After a few minutes, Celestia calmed down and sat upright again. She wiped a tear away from her eye with a wingtip. “Oh Twilight… never change.”

“Twilight…” Luna repeated softly. Celestia almost missed it.

Celestia’s ears pinned back. “Well, the cat’s out of the bag now. Yes, this was all Twilight’s doing. She has this habit of flirting with ponies she likes, like this.”

“‘Tia, I-what?” Celestia looked over to see Luna’s truly confused expression. She was lost, floundering, and not entirely sure if this was a joke or not.

“Let me explain,” Celestia spoke. Luna gratefully nodded and set the notes off to the side.

“Until relatively recently, Twilight’s pretty much been a recluse, that much you know.” Luna nodded. “Only when you came back did she have any friends that weren’t myself, Spike, her brother, or Princess Cadance.” That shocked Luna, she thought Twilight had more friends than that before that fateful Summer Sun Celebration.

“Well, when she was younger, she took a liking of myself and Cadance. Instead of facing her fears and trying to ask one of us to be her special somepony, she used sticky notes.” Celestia pointed at the little pile on the table. “In fact, these are likely from the same pad from those years ago…” Luna nodded, following along.

“Well, neither of us knew who kept putting these little notes on us for a few days, until we compared notes, so to speak.” Celestia looked out a window, sighing wistfully. “In hindsight, I should’ve recognized her hornwriting earlier, but that’s beside the point.” Celestia pointed to the notes. “She was crushing on myself and then Cadance, hard.”

Celestia’s ears pinned back and her tone turned sorrowful. “I will admit, the attention and compliments were nice, but… she was still a young filly, and my student. She eventually grew out of the phase, but I believe Cadance spoke to her about it as well. The notes seemed to stop suddenly.”

“‘Tia, what are you saying?”

Celestia looked her sister in the eyes. “I’ll put this simply. Twilight is flirting with you.”

“Flirting?” Luna tilted her head to the side very slightly.

A note appeared in between them. Luna snagged it. ‘Flirting, the act of trying to catch a specific pony’s attention romantically.

“I see,” was all Luna said after reading the note. She suddenly leaned closer and whispered into her sister’s ear. “How do I let her know that I wish to be with her romantically?”

Celestia’s eyes widened for a fraction of a second. She whispered back, “You could try finding her and asking her yourself, or…” Celestia’s horn lit and a pad of blue notes appeared. “You could flirt back…” She winked.

Luna smiled. “I shall do just that, ‘Tia.” She wrapped Celestia in a big hug before snagging the note pad and taking off.

Celestia sighed happily. “Ah, young love…”

A final note appeared, blue, not white, before settling down on Celestia’s muzzle. ‘Thank you, best sister ever’ it read.

Gdoc Link

And I'm going to offer sticky as a prompt.

Edit - Forgot to link the inspiration: this.

I also can't seem to find the response picture Silfoe created to that one.

Group Contributor

Claiming Video Games

3997392 Claiming prompt sticky should have it up later.

Prompt: sticky

Getting sticky

It had only been a few days since, Twilight sparkle received her new alicorn status. She had been invited to the castle to prepare for her coronation as a princess. She had a lot to learn and so was now heading toward the canterlot archives to find some books on the subject.

As she trotted down the corridor that lead to the archives, she came to a crossroads and was about to go past, that is until Princess Luna crashed into her and the honey pot she was carrying spilt all over them.

“Twilight sparkle are you okay?” Luna asked with concern in her voice

Twilight groaned “Yes, I am fine Princess Luna, If a bit sticky now.”

Luna giggled “Well, that is what happens when one doesn’t look where they are going.”

Twilight internally sighed, Her and Luna’s coat were covered in honey. ‘Luna’s voice is so beautiful.’

Twilight examined every inch of Luna’s body intently.

Twilight quickly broke from her reverie and turned away and blushed.
silence reigned, that is until Luna made a suggestion.

“How about we both get cleaned up?” Luna suggested still blushing

Twilight responded “Yes, okay I’ll just go to my-”

Twilight was cut off as Luna teleported them into her bathroom.
It was a large room with light blue tiles all around even on the ceiling and sunken into the floor was a large square bath. That was suspiciously already drawn.

Twilight gently walked into to large bath that had to be five body lengths wide on all sides. Luna soon joined Twilight opposite her. Twilight watched as she lay down the water coming up to her withers. Luna was still blushing but now she was also fidgeting nervously.

Luna was the first to break the silence. “So Twilight how do you like being an alicorn?”

“I honestly don’t know Luna, It’s was just so sudden. I am glad my friends are all supportive, but i fear I may not see them as much anymore.” Twilight said sadness in her voice.

Luna’s face sunk, her head hung and ears drooped. “Oh I didn’t know. I am sorry Twilight.”

Twilight got up and trotted up to Luna, who looked up at Twilight with tears in her eyes.
Just as she got half way there she slipped and fell Luna grabbed Twilight for her forelegs to catch her and then their muzzles met, their lips joining together.

Both Twilight and Luna were wide eyed, Twilight tried to back away, but then she noticed Luna’s amorous eyes too late as Luna wrapped her forelegs around Twilight’s neck and pulled her in for a long and deep kiss.

Twilight blushed as she melted into Luna’s kiss and embrace. it seemed like an eternity. Luna pulled back to look at Twilight, Twilight and Luna were panting their tongues stuck out as a string of saliva connected them.

Twilight was the first to speak “Luna, will you be my marefriend?”

“Yes Twilight!” Luna kissed Twilight again.

Next prompt: Adorable

I think I'm going to grab Honeymoon. Let's see what happens!

Group Contributor

Claiming Disaster.

Cyberpunk TwiLuna ahoy!

I'll take adorable if no-one's claimed it yet. Should be up tomorrow.

4139216 as far as im aware no one has.

-knocks on the forum- 'ello? Anyone home? Can I just grab a prompt or are claims still taken?

Making out

The list said this one was unclaimed. I want. Don't care how inactive this all is :P

Twilight grimaced as she used her magic to bring the shot glass to her lips for what must have been the fourth time that evening, knocking back the liquid patience as though it was second nature. Celestia was right; the alcohol was a good idea. It wasn’t that she regretted offering to acclimatize Luna with modern Equestrian vernacular… She just hadn’t expected Luna to be this out of date.

“And we have been informed by Tia that this ‘hanging out’ is not a new method of execution?”

Twilight nearly spat out her drink. “Execution? Execution’s been outlawed in Equestria since” she couldn’t put her hoof on the number, but she was sure it was a large one. “Since forever!”

Luna stared at her. “Truly?”

Twilight nodded. It made her uncomfortable to even think about… that.

Luna adopted a thoughtful disposition. “Perhaps our ponies feared us not for the night, but for the widespread execution of all who opposed our foreign policy?”

Twilight blinked.

“T’was a joke, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Oh.” Twlight laughed nervously. “It wasn’t very funny.”

Luna sighed. “Perhaps we should move on, Twilight Sparkle. It appears our sense of humour does us no favours this evening. What of the phrase ‘to make out’? We believe it merely meant ‘to see’, but Tia tells us it has adopted a new meaning? We are… confused, as to what meaning such a simple phrase could develop?”

Yes. The alcohol was definitely a good idea. Slowly, she refilled her empty glass, bringing the drink to her muzzle delicately before slamming it back in a single gulp.

“Twilight? Thou hast adopted a most peculiar crimson hue. Are you unwell?”

I will be in the morning, Twilight didn’t say. “Making out is…” she stumbled on her words slightly, though she was more than happy to attribute the effect to the alcohol in her system. “It’s… umm… It’s hard to describe. It’s when two ponies-”

Luna cut her off. “Perhaps it would be easier if you showed me?”

Twilight didn’t remember Luna being so close before. In fact she was quite certain they hadn’t been muzzle to muzzle before. The lidded eyes were new too, she considered. Of course, Luna’s suggestion certainly made sense. The show don’t tell rule applied to things like this, didn’t it? Twilight could feel her body heating up as Luna held her gaze. Or maybe it was the alcohol. Or maybe it was both. Probably both. She probably didn’t have the vocabulary to properly explain it anyway.

Luna leaned forward.

Nope. She definitely didn’t have the vocabulary. Twilight gracelessly pressed her lips against the lunar diarch’s, misjudging the amount of force needed entirely and knocking Luna backwards to the balcony floor, wings splayed out behind her. Twilight paid the jarring impact no heed as she fell into the moon’s open embrace.

- - -

Twilight didn’t want to wake up. She could feel the sun beating down upon her, and the splitting headache that always followed a night involving alcohol. Intuition and experience told her that letting the two join forces could only end in disaster. She’d fall back asleep if she could - her dreams had been particularly wonderful and lucid - but the rhythmic breathing of her pony shaped mattress was distracting enough to keep that from being an option. The breath tickling her ear was also rather off putting and-

Twilight let one eye creep open.

Twilight closed it again, and ordered her mind to reboot. She confirmed that all higher functions were operating as smoothly as she could reasonably demand of them under the duress of a hangover, and let the eye sneak open again.

Logic dictated that once she’d eliminated all other possibilities, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

Wings… Check.

Horn… Check.

Crescent moon emblazoned on flank… Check.

She was reasonably certain Luna hadn’t relapsed, and ‘soulless being of hate eternal’ wasn’t checked off on the mental checklist, so it wasn’t Nightmare moon.

Suddenly the lucid dreams made a great deal more sense.

“Good morning Twilight Sparkle,” a mirthful voice whispered into her ear. Twilight’s eyes snapped open, and she desperately tried to blink away the blinding stream of light doing its best to impale her skull. “I must say, I found last night’s study session to be most rewarding, but I’m ashamed to say I forgot one of your lessons. I believe it was… the last one?” Twilight had regained enough vision that she didn’t miss Luna’s suggestive wink at her. “Perhaps there could be a morning review?”

Twilight blinked. She looked at her mental agenda for the week. Spend the night making out with Princess Luna was checked. Below it, Spend the morning making out with Princess Luna had yet to be accomplished. Twilight nodded and leaned forward.

Welp. That my prompt entry for Making Out. Don't know if this is dead or anything, but I did it. Good warm up for getting back into the swing of all this.

Follow up prompt:

To The Future!

4334517 This is gold. Cheeky little alicorn

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