TwiLuna 3,809 members · 884 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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Is there a fic where Twilight (for whatever reason) gets trapped in the Nightmare Moon AU from "Cutie Re-Mark", only to discover that Nightmare Moon is a surprisingly competent and fair ruler with all of Equestria actually flourishing under her reign?

of tyrants something if i recall
im too lazy to look in my library

but if you want to look for it just take a peek at my followed stories

for tyrants...

Remember, you have to tag the person you're replying to for them to get the notification.

I heard of that one but I passed it up thinking it was going to be another "assassinverse" fic and I have long since gotten board of anything Assassin's Creed related.

I will have to take a proper look at it now.


3 years into her rule, Nightmare Moon reigns happily, despite having encountered another alicorn. However, the fears comes quickly as an Assassin comes for her. WIll they succeed or will she fail like the others? And what will happen to Equestria after?

Any that exist and which are competently written? The grammar issues in the long description are a giant red flag that says, "steer clear of this dumpster fire."

And here's another variation: Waxing Gibbous

(See Above)

Eh. I normally ignore anything less than 5k words, but I'm curious enough to give it a read. Not gonna lie though, something squeezed out for a contest has some red flags of its own.

Well, since you apparently are one of those authors that deletes comments if you disagree with them, fuck you.

So, as I said before you deleted it, you received several pieces of lengthy feedback already from many others. I agree with them, and I'd go a step further: this isn't a story, it's a scene in a story. If you'd gotten some more firm negative feedback, maybe you'd have felt compelled to actually write the rest of it instead of just sitting on it.

I went into more detail on that tack, but alas some asshole deleted it.

I only have one downvote to give, but I wish others would have downvoted it too. As it stands, here you are a year later promoting this waste of time. It isn't worth reading, and certainly ought not be suggested to others to read.

iisaw #13 · May 7th, 2018 · · 1 ·

I delete childish, foul-mouthed trolls who disguise personal attacks as "reviews." All the other comments pointing out the story's flaws are still there.

No worries, man. You're already in one of the least exclusive clubs on Fimfic. "Thin-skinned authors."

Step 1, call the other person a troll. Not very creative, but may as well go the easy route, right?

Step 2, claim not to be deleting comments you disagree with by pointing out the ones you didn't delete. Just like every other thin-skinned crybaby.

Step 3, when someone gives a negative review, call it "childish, personal attack" and so on to justify deleting it over the others.

Still, you're the one deleting comments, and now you're a liar.

Look, sugartits, I am well-known for giving harsh reviews. They aren't personal, and I stick to facts. You already got tons of feedback over a year ago for your shitfic, and I pointed that out. There isn't anything else to add to that. But here we are a year later, you're shilling what looks to be the shittiest fic on your collection of ten. You can clearly write a full story if you put your mind to it as several of them are novel-length.

And I'm the troll here?

So what's left to comment on? Despite all the effort and help put forth by several people in the comment section, your "story" remains a shitty fragment of nothing. Don't like it? Fix it. You have tons of good advice on exactly how to do so. Indeed, the helpful advice rivals your "story" in wordcount.

So, clearly "helpful and polite positive" feedback didn't do anything to get you to finish your own damn story. Looks like when you get unhappy, negative feedback at your choice to waste peoples' time, you cry "troll." Trying to help you was a waste of not just my time, but all those others you didn't delete. Calling your pile of horsewords a waste of time is simply accurate. You wasted the time of everyone who read it, of those who sought to help you and anyone else you are apparently going to lure into reading it.

You'll fit right in with your group through. You'll convince yourself that you're in the right, just because the other person was "mean." I'm sure you'll get some sycophants to offer you their shoulders to cry on, and "back you up." All of this reinforcing your continued shitty behavior.

Go ahead. It's obvious you'll want the last word, even though we've all figured it out already. By all means, continue to follow the script though.


No worries, man. You're already in one of the least exclusive clubs on Fimfic. "Thin-skinned authors."


Step 3, when someone gives anegativereview, call it "childish, personal attack" and so on to justify deleting it over the others.

Even though I usually agree with your conclusions, your praxis needs work. This wouldn't even be a problem if you didn't act incredulous when people call you out on your tone which, again, seems to be deliberate and crafted this way. Again, I'm saying that as a person that otherwise largely agrees with most of the things you say, but if you're aware that you're deliberately using a hostile tone, then perhaps you should act less surprised when people feel attacked by it.

Look, sugartits, I amwell-knownfor giving harsh reviews. They aren't personal

They often get personal, or overly acidic. Being well known for it doesn't change the reality of the individual incidents. As well, people tend to take commentary like yours personally because their work is personal to them -- writing commentary as you do and saying it's in the author's best interest is just abuse. I appreciate them as an audience to your commentary, and I usually find it interesting, but I'd find it very disingenuous to suggest you're helping the author in most cases.

I stick to facts

From my perspective, you pride yourself on your brutal honesty, but you value the brutality more than you value the honesty. Also;

All of this reinforcing your continued shitty behavior.

They aren't personal

Stuff like this, when put together in the same comment, just reads as the height of hypocrisy.

Otherwise impartial observer here. I'm not a follower of iisaws, and I stood up for you quite a bit during the Donutier-posted-on-RCL-debacle. I'm just informing you that you've overextended yourself in this situation.

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