TwiLuna 3,809 members · 884 stories
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Hey there. I’m looking for a strong I read a long time again but can’t remember the name of. I know it involved Twilight and Luna dating her Twilights parents disapproved. In fact her father disapproved so much that he went to great lengths to separate them, including hiring someone to kill Luna, and almost got Twilight killed as well.

I think this is the story you're looking for

TTo Love a Mare
What starts off as a simple sleep over for Twilight and Equestria's Princess of the Night turns into an adventure filled with love, romance, lies, trials, friendship, and forgiveness. Though many ponies will question what happens they remain str
Mayhem Darkshadow · 30k words  ·  430  61 · 11k views

I hope it helped you

That’s it. Thank you

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