TwiLuna 3,809 members · 884 stories
Comments ( 21 )
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Okay, so I have just got back into the fandom (As in less than 24 hours ago) and I wanna see what has happen in the past, oh five or so years. Like are people still arguing over the best princess, if the shipping wars still make the Harry Potter ones look civil in comparison. Also, to the admins on here, yes, I know this technically isn't allowed but I had no other option (that I know of), so I ask that you let this stay up for at least three days before deleting this post! Please and thanks!!

welcome back they added gen 5 a new generation as a tag Prince Page story is going strong

there not really shipping 'wars' anymore, mostly everybody just went to there own corners and enjoys there favored pairings and puts out some content for those pairings now and then, there are a few OTPS though that everyone for the 'most' part agrees on, octascratch is prety much set in stone, and not only is lyrabon an otp, its a cannon one now (they got married during the last season)

Wait, REALLY??? I stopped watching sometime after the whole changeling arc thing with Starlight.

Also, I am very glad that those wars have stopped. They were VERY toxic and one of the reasons I left. But what about the "Best Princess" thing? Is that still going on??

like the shipping thing its mostly confined to its own corners, your only going to have trouble if you intentionly go into another groups areas and start for example if you started shouting that celitwi is otp in 'this' board (which is patently false but as an example) you would probly get alot of hate as a result, so yeah, don't poke the bear and your fine.

if your refering to lyrabon being cannon, yeah that was a thing that happend, pinkiecheese is also cannon now (they even had a kid)
appledash is 'impled' in the final episode but not outright confirmed, likewise for fluttercord
lyrabon, as fitting for background ponies happend in the background, we see a picture of them at there weding in a newspaper the girls are looking at during one of the episodes
there was another background arc that happend during some episodes in eason 8 or 9 i think that showed derpy going in to get her eyes worked on

really season nine wraped alot of stuff up, the only thing they didnt have the balls to take on was scootaloo's little flight that issue remains officialy unresolved..we finaly got to meet her parants though...basicly the pony equivalent of steve irwin and jane goodall as it turns out...go figure.


Okay, so I have just got back into the fandom (As in less than 24 hours ago) and I wanna see what has happen in the past, oh five or so years. Like are people still arguing over the best princess, if the shipping wars still make the Harry Potter ones look civil in comparison.

Do you have some interesting things to learn about!

The moral standards of the fandom have changed a lot! Most people on will give you the stinkeye if you portray ponies as hoofholding before they are married. Also, ever since season 7 had Starlight Glimmer go back in time and change some things, Princess Celestia is Twilight's official and legal mother. But of course, it's generally agreed that Twilight and Sunset are married because of that trip to Los Pegasus when they got into a little misunderstanding and signed the wrong paperwork.

Twilight Velvet is very sad that she no longer has a daughter, and a lot of the horsewords nowadays are hurt/comfort stories about Twilight's old family missing her.

So that should get you caught up on some of the basics of what's been going on with those characters! Anything else you need to know?

The summary above is so much horseapple stink of course :rainbowlaugh:

I am dying of laughter, thanks for that!!:rainbowlaugh:

Nice, also... why is it not surprising that those are her parents?

Good to know. I was never the type to start shit up on here anyway.

because we knew if she wasnt an orphen it was gonna be SOMETHING like that, one popular theory was she was secretly spitfires daughter

there is ONE exception to this rule, if you venture into the darker areas of Not safe for woona land there are still ponies out there that don't seem to have the ability to wrap there head around the diffrence between fantasy and reality and will periodicly pop in to voice there vitriolic opinions at those who enjoy such material, if thats not your thing cool but yeah just warning you

I speculated that the episode would be resolved with the help of some kind of magical friendship stingray, but they did not go down that route.

These days the arguments are mostly about Luna and Celestia's role in throwing Cozy Glow (an evil child) in prison and then sealing her in stone for all eternity. Dunno what the writers were thinking for that one but dang did a lot of the fandom turn against them for it.

Consequently the Royal Sister fans have had to put aside their differences to try to deal with this subset of the fandom that now sees them as terrible people.

7732524 It's pronounced Twilestia, and like you say we Twilestians mostly just stick to our group and churn out fics for contests these days. With no new content coming out and the fanbase being so much more settled it isn't really worth trying to convince people why your OTP is best. You won't have said anything new that hasn't been said already.

Ouch. Right in the heart!

So, avoid it unless I am feeling like stirring shit up? Got it.

.... I get the feeling like I am missing a LOT of context here.

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