TwiLuna 3,809 members · 884 stories
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I am trying to find a story but the thing is I'm not sure if im remembering a story or if it was my sleep addled mind combining multiple TwiLuna fics.

Celestia's secret and only reason for pushing twilight to become and alicorn was due to wanting Twi/Luna to get together and luna not having to suffer the loss of another mate due to old age. (this is why celly had no real plan for twis role as a princess). The loss of lunas previous mate was why she became NMM and Celly wanted to make sure it didn't happen again when she returned. So she pushed Luna/Twi together and made it so Twi would become an alicorn and immortal so luna could be happy. Celly is found out and twi starts massively doubting herself and luna is real pissed at celly.

A couple of details are different but I think you are looking for "Becoming One With The Night."

I have read that one afew times and it is one of my favourites. If the fic i am thinking of does not actually exist Becoming One with the Night may have been a big influence in the thoughts.

Not sure if it exists it does sound familiar but their is a chance it was taken down if it does exist but what your talking about is not becoming one with the night twilight finds out that at least in that story she is celestia’s bio kid during the fic it is a very good fic though

Sounds close to this one Luna's Librarian, Twilight's Moon Celestia secretly plans to put Twilight and Luna together and make Twilight an alicorn with no plan for her role, so Luna gives her a winky star. It is missing the part about Luna going crazy because she lost a mate to old age. That does happen in Aurora ,but that has Twilight turning herself into an Alicorn. So that's probably not it.

I have read both those as well and they are also 2 of my all time favourites.
Its starting to seem more and more like i mentally combined multiple fics together in my head.

Hmm... not quite what you are asking for but there is Sympathy: A TwiLuna Story that comes to mind from reading your request.

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