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Insane #1 · Jan 2nd, 2014 · · 3 ·

What do think about childern of this ship.

Who do see as mother and father

I think Luna as Father and Twilight as Mother

thats all I got.Also: can you guess what it says?

2508962 Twilght had some sweet loving from luna.

At least one of them has to gender-flip for this to happen. If you've read either of my three current featured stories on my own site, you'll see just which one is likeliest to have this happen, in my particular fanon. :raritywink:

Uh I actually thought up ocs for a future fic involving a pony's demented idea of using cloning technology with using twilight's and Luna's DNA at once creating triplets with the first one being deep blue with a violet mane and tail named indigo windgust,
A dark purple one with a silver mane and tail named lunar crescent and the final on is a light silver with blue and purple mane and tail named dawn moonlight.

Respectively a pegasus, earth, and unicorn. Alicorn DNA had an odd effect. That's all I will talk about how that came to be. Let's just say when the 'doners' found out they put the pony in a coma and desiredto raise the trio. And with the cmc hold's the next generation of the eoh and face their own adventures. To the dismay of the previous generation. i was thinking of the title twilit generation chronicales but it doesn't seem to be right. The trio will each have a mark that's unique respectively it's a purple whirlwind, light purple crescent moon and a fire colored moonbeam. I don't have art but I be leave that's due to my drawing skills are the wrost. I can only draw swords for the sake of tsukyomi.

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xTSGx #8 · Jan 2nd, 2014 · · 3 ·

What do think about children of this ship.

Considering they're both of the same gender, they can't have children together. 1+1 =/= 3. Only 1+2 does (when using basic arithmetic).

2509068 There's magic in Equestia..........pregnecy spell?I've seen this used before in the Solar Child series on here.

2509068 But this is FimFiction, where all it takes is some Deus Ex Magic and suddenly one way or another you can make two mares have a foal*

*May contain cynicism

my own entry into this concept. Though Dawn (the white mare in the back) is going to have her hair reworked, most likely Dusk (the stallion) as well.

I don't really think of any to be honest. Its not that I'm against it or anything but I've always felt that when oc kids get introduced the stories seem to move on to telling about them more often than not and I'm not really interested in 'next generation' type stories. Too many book series I was reading have been spoiled by doing the same.

There are plenty of stories out there on how two mares in Equestria can have foals. I think the best explanation is provided here by Twilight, and Princess Midnight - the foal of Twilight, Luna, and Trixie, on the Ask Twixie Tumblr:

2509139 we there is my method of altered cloning. It makes sense in a way that I'm surprised it wasn't used in real live guess I based this off selective genes only without the selective. The outcome is allways different hence the different looks of my trio. And this is to everyone on this thread can someone draw my oc's as I said before my art skills is really bad.except. for swords.

That and as you can guess my trio of oc's are mares both doners' were and thus the gender was non-debatable I mean the twilit triplets are created from two female DNA. That means no males. Just think the mad scientist could have made an army of monsters with this tech and only tested it out on pony DNA to see if it worked. How docter void got the DNA I'm still thinking on that front. Think he can possibly merge pony DNA with timber wolf DNA or any magical beast. Even create a kirin mutant. You know dragon-unicorn hybrid. And it won't focus on the next gen for about twenty chapters. I want to show twilight's adventures raising the triplets with Luna and their adventures.
What with this method being so new the doc felt it safe to have the growth of acceleration stop at babies as he fears any older and the whole DNA will collapse from instability. Meaning while the triplets get raised normally the monsters would get programmed for what perpouses doctor void gave them. So think of these monsters as future threats that need to mature first then wake up. Yeah I know sounds like something from spider-man and I will admit it's even surprised myself with how thought out the world I'm making is becoming but if you guy's want to help I would appreciate it. As frankly I will need help on the monsters and a little of the storyline. So yeah basically the raising from babies thing was to let the DNA stablize. I'm not that idiotic to think otherwise and not take that into account. I may not be good with math but I can tell that is very possible that accelerating the growth of the mixed DNA clones to much would throw the being to becoming useless. No one Wang's to deal with corpses of a failed project like that. That and I really don't want to imagine it. To gruesome to even get the gore tag and that's an understatement.

Dang typo it was supposed to be wants not Wang's. So replace that with the correct word. I may need help with spelling as well. This is going to be a project that I may need expert writers advice on to finish. Like I said to ebony in a diferrent forum I got my spelling style from my mom. She can't spell at all and I can only do some simple sentenses like this to compensate even though I forget how some words are spelled.

Yeah you would be surprised at how much of my skills as a writer came from my mom. Good thing I got imagination.

To be honest I just thought this project on the spot and will need help ironing out the kinks.

2508977 or you can try my method makes more sense then gender bends. I got confused trying to make sense of that in ranma 1/2 ! And that was just the concept as it's hard to keep track. I know some stories where they forgot which was the actual gender a bit saying she instead of he in random spots.

Vice versa on that as well just add that to the above.

Yeah you can say I really feel over my head on this.


It's called "magical lesbian spawn" for a reason.

2508937 Acutally, y oc, which his shape is my avatar and his name is my username, is the son of Twilight and Luna. He came with some sort of a mating between the magical powers of Twilight and Luna after Twilight became a princess. This mating was influenced by a sexual stimulation from the individuals to merge the magical entities. But it was too risky, so it needed to be stabilized by a spiritual medium provided by Princess Cadence as the Princess of Love. :twilightsmile:

There are ways. With enough spellwork, I imagine alicorns (and maybe lucky / powerful unicorns too) could end up like the Asari.

"She's seen my speculations on what children our genetics would produce! She thinks I'm sick in BRAIN!"--Twilight Sparkle, Correspondence

I would keep the mare the same, but that stallion's mane needs work... lots of it. :duck:

That is awfully unimaginative of you, kinda disapointing.
Considering we have an example in our own world..
TVtropes has a page on it.

Theoretically it should be possible even for two cisgender women to have a biological child by a process called haploidization, or through creating sperm cells from one of the two mother's bone marrow. This would theoretically mean that all of their children would be female due to the lack of a Y chromosome.

It's not hard to imagine that something similar can be done in a fantasy settings.
Yuri fandom has a thing called Science Babies, for a reason.

Magical lesbian spawn is my favorite! reasoning/theory behind this is kinda simple. I figure since there's transfiguration magic, one of the mares' eggs could easily be turned into a sperm cell. Then the two are brought together outside the womb (think in vitro fertilization) and then implanted into whichever mare wishes to be the birth parent. Viola. Lesbian babies.

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