Sensual Fiction (SFG) 1,726 members · 1,193 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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The title already asked it.
What's it about? I've been wondering that for a while now.

From the group's front page:

[ Fluffy ] - Nothing serious, mostly cute. (Everyone)
[ Fuzzy ]- A real d'aw scene for the heart. (Everyone)
[ Snuggly ]- Hugs, peck on the cheek, etc. (Everyone)
[ Tender ]- Kisses, lying down together. (Teen)
[Romantic] - Kisses w/ tongue, massages. (Teen)
[ Cheeky ] - Moaning, overly massaging wings, hooves, etc. (Teen)
[ Saucy ] - Very, VERY suggestive, but doesn't show sexual intercourse. (Mature)
[ Whoa! ] - This goes as far as describing actual sex. (Mature) Note: the Whoa! folder is not for clopfics.

Oh, darnit.
I never read front pages...

So describing actual sex, but not a Clopfic.
Either it's a Zen riddle, or you mean about the level of a bodice-ripper romance like my mom reads... :raritywink:

Full-on sexy times, but in the context of actual sensual fiction. "Clopfic" in this sense means "just the sex", with any relationshipping either glossed over or outright omitted. You can have lots of hot, messy sex in the Whoa! category, but it needs to be a part of the story. No porno excuse-plots here.

I don't think it's even there anymore...:trollestia:

I doubt half of the commenters are here anymore. Did you notice how old this thread is?

But can dead threads dream?

Group's dead, guys. Half the group mods are inactive from the site, and the rest apparently don't care. I submitted a complete list of misfiled fics a year ago and they're still not fixed.

Nope, one mod rage-deleted the entire folder last year, and since then people have started dumping clop wherever they wanted since the designated sexytimes folder was gone. Now it's just a big mess.

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