Sensual Fiction (SFG) 1,726 members · 1,193 stories
Comments ( 29 )
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do i need a message? the title says it all, am i just missing it or did the "whoa" folder make a disappearing act on me? i'm gonna feel like such an idiot if i missed it in plain sight or something

4446507 Good question. Best folder has disappeared!

should we ask the mod of this blog?

It's long been the policy of this group not to allow clop except on rare occasion. I imagine an admin felt it was too difficult to really enforce the line between permissible and non-permissible clop. I wasn't able to get permission to add my 1% explicit story, for example (because it's foalcon), yet folks usually add their clop-for-clop's sake stories without asking. Then again, maybe they're just revamping it or something.

Well, whoever did it didn't change the front page:

[ Whoa! ] - This goes as far as describing actual sex. (Mature) Note: the Whoa! folder is not for clopfics.

They also didn't mention it was coming, so if you didn't have the fics that belonged there in your shelves already, tough cookies, they're on the site somewhere. :ajbemused:

EDIT: and hey, look at this. You can lock down individual folders to keep random people from adding to them:

Would someone like to explain why the whole folder needed nuking, then?

I assume it was nuked due to its abuse, since for quite some time stories were added in there that had nothing to do with the group's goal. It's like adding trollfics in Serious Stories. And there are many there.


So why not lock [Whoa!] down to admins or trusted contributors only, delete any fics that had leaked in when they shouldn't, and leave the good ones there?

Too cluttered and would take forever and a year to sift through it.

I'd probably do the same.

sad day for the rest of us then. I'll be honest, and this might sound strange, but maybe you guys will get it because we are part of this group, i can't stand just regular clop stories. you know the kind, pony walks into a bar, sees a mare, two paragraphs later they are doing the deed. yea, i can't stand that. In order for me to even appreciate it, there has to be like two chapters of build up between the characters, developing a bond or a romance or whatever before the deed. at least, that's just me, I've always been a hopeless romantic and a sucker for sap stories. maybe that's why i'm so in love with my fiance', we're the same like that for each other.

Exactly. There was some seriously good stuff in there, and now whatever you haven't shelved is gone. :twilightoops:

so should we ask MOD what's up or just stay here and speculate, and miss out on awesome series. speaking of which, i was gonna start a new one, but haha, guess what started this thread? any recommendations?

Well, let's see. The folder was gone on or before May 31 (google cache), and it was last known to exist 7 weeks ago when someone added a clopfic to it, so it's gone gone.

All the group admins have been active at least once since then (so we can't rule any out) but half of them haven't been on in days/weeks so they don't even know we're upset. None of them made a personal blog post or anything.

Right now it looks like the only three options are a) get one of the group admins to pay attention, re-create the folder and re-fill it, b) accept the fact that it's mysteriously gone even though the front page says we have one, or c) troll them into submission by treating Saucy as the new Whoa. Given that Mature:Sex is allowed in Saucy (you're just not supposed to include the Tab-A-into-Slot-B sex), they wouldn't even notice without reading each and every fic. :pinkiecrazy:

decisions, decisions, *insert maniacal laugh*

Whirring Gears
Group Admin

Mod here. Hate to say it, but this move has come as a surprise to a number of us. We've discussed this in the past, but didn't know when it'd take place or how.

I'll ask for some details and post what I'm told.

4448135 If that's what trips your trigger, then may I recommend:

Ghost of a Rose
Spellbound Fireflies
Full Bloom (this is one of mine)

^^Not all of these are full on mature rated, but they have have very well developed romance angles with pitch perfect applications of saucy. ;)

Comment posted by Halfstar deleted Jun 11th, 2015

Thank you, we greatly appreciate your help in this matter.

SWEET! I'll look into those, appreciate it!

4454798 No problem!

Definitely let me know what you thought of Moonstone though. (I helped edit it, so I always like to hear how folks take to it)

Whirring Gears
Group Admin

Alrighty, so here's the deal.

You guys have pretty much sussed it out. The WHOA! folder had become too full with fics that weren't quite what we were looking for in our attempt to be not just another clopfic group. The line we tried to toe was just too much based on speculation and no one was happy. So with much consideration, we reluctantly agreed the best route was to remove all doubt.

For now, if it's sexual, it does not belong. We are sorry for making you guys bear with our inability to keep our head above the flow of incoming fics, but our own lives have interfered too much. We hope you understand.

4455509 "For now, if it's sexual, it does not belong."

From the front page:

[ Fluffy ] - Nothing serious, mostly cute. (Everyone)
[ Fuzzy ]- A real d'aw scene for the heart. (Everyone)
[ Snuggly ]- Hugs, peck on the cheek, etc. (Everyone)
[ Tender ]- Kisses, lying down together. (Teen)
[Romantic] - Kisses w/ tongue, massages. (Teen)
[ Cheeky ] - Moaning, overly massaging wings, hooves, etc. (Teen)
[ Saucy ] - Very, VERY suggestive, but doesn't show sexual intercourse. (Mature)
[ Whoa! ] - This goes as far as describing actual sex. (Mature) Note: the Whoa! folder is not for clopfics.

So, where's the cutoff point? There's mature:sex fics in Saucy. Are they out? Are sexy moans and massages (cheeky) out? Let's be consistent at the very least. If it's "nothing stronger than back-rubs and tongue-kisses; if it has a [sex] tag it's out*", say so, give us a date so we can archive stuff, and after that point nuke everything south of Romantic. Oh, and update the bloody front-page rules to match, if you please.

*Actually, if you're going this route, "no [sex] tagged stories" is the easiest to enforce. The site mods enforce the "sex stories must have [sex] tags" rule quite well, and all you have to do is check daily/weekly that none of the new stories heve a clearly-displayed [sex] tag, and delete those that do. Problem solved. Heck, give me the permissions and I'll clean them out in a weekend.

Whirring Gears
Group Admin

Sexy moans/massages go into their appropriate folders. Only thing out right now is anything blatantly sexual, which for the sake of trying to make it clear, we'll say is any play or acts depicting genitalia.

As for your suggestion about barring the Sex tag, it's a good idea. However, it gets tricky as the Sex tag can be applied to a lot of things. The fact that it can show up on Teen rated fics shows that it doesn't automatically make a story a clopfic. Still, we'll toss around the thought.

And we really hope we don't need to nuke anything else. The decision for the WHOA! folder came after many months of debate and consideration.

Well, after a quick look, the Saucy folder, Main folder, and New Activity folders are chock-full of clop. If you're serious about keeping it out, I think you're going to have to go with the Equestria After Dark group's system, and restrict general users to only dropping fics into a "submissions" folder, with staff promoting them to other folders or rejecting them.

Ha! Do I get bonus points for being right? :rainbowlaugh:

That was... yeah. I still think this was the right choice to make, but... I wish you'd made PSA for that...

So, I see the front page has been updated:

[ Saucy ] - Very, VERY suggestive, but doesn't show sexual intercourse. (Mature)
Right now, no stories featuring actual intercourse are allowed.

However, the Saucy folder, Main folder, and New Activity folders are still full of blatant, says-so-in-the-summary clop. :trixieshiftright:

That'll take forever to fix. Give it time.

Forever? Lolwut? OK, let's do this. New Activity. 35 items. If it has mature:sex, we check it. Here's the first nine:

Three fics. First one is a one-shot, says it's about dildos. Click, scroll down... yup, clop. Fail.
Second one. This doesn't even have a romance tag. It's a tragedy about Scoots getting brutally raped. Fail.
Third one. No romance tag. It's a dark sex series about Luna getting dominated and raped. Fail.
Oh, while we're here, Power Ponies and Dead Loyalty probably don't belong, as they lack a romance tag.

There. One quarter of the way through cleaning out the New Activity folder. Time taken: about 2 minutes. Estimated time to check everything in the three folders I mentioned: about an hour.

Depends on your idea of fixing. If you're talking about just removing the mature fics, yeah, it could be that simple. However, the front page says that none are allowed right now, and judging by the discussion it sounds like they might be back in a while. Does one delete every mature-rated fic here and try to find them and re-add them later, or do they sort through and save the ones worth saving? If they save them, then they'll have a lot of reading to do to make sure those that were added are up to their standards. It all depends on how the group's administrators want to go about it -- and when they have time, and when they feel like it, and even if they feel like it.

So add a couple more steps. Right-click the title and open in new tab before deleting it from the group. Or, if it works with your browser/OS/whatever, shift+click. Once you have a fair number of tabs open and/or finish a folder, go to each tab and click "add to bookshelf" for the bookshelf you made specifically for this purpose that is unlisted, and doesn't send notices out. Might make the above estimated hour bump up to maybe an hour and a half. Still not a "long time" by any means.

Then, later on, when some decision has been made what to do with the fics, re-add them or remove them from the bookshelf. Easy-peasy.

Well, given that what prompted this whole mess in the first place was "removing clopfics", and they flat-out nuked an entire folder full of shipfics because some clop got mixed in, a) yes, the point is to clean out the clopfics from a folder that says it shouldn't contain clopfics, and b) "it'd take too long" resulted in the nuking of an entire folder before, so "we might lose qualifying fics" isn't an excuse that holds water.

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