Sensual Fiction (SFG) 1,726 members · 1,196 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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Considering I have yet to get a response from the Spitfire group regarding this thread after around thirty minutes of waiting, I have decided to post here in hopes of gaining your assistance.
(Yes I know, I am impatient, and my apologies in advance if it appear that I am thread spamming. The original thread is located here for your convenience.)

Now, I am stuck in a rut on my latest chapter for my AppleFire shipping story, Farming In the Icy Inferno. Since March, I have been unable to circumvent a progression in terms of plot dialogue. I am also concerned as to how well my portrayal of Spitfire comes across to the reader.

Seeing this is the group that has the most Spit fans on it, I have decided to draft anyone willing to give my story the old run down and give their two cents as to where they think the story is progressing. The password for this story is pastor.

Clue me in if my characterization is spot on or not.

Give me a detailed list of the good and bad.

I would also like some advice on how to spruce up the romance, and how I could go about it.
Your ideas will be very much appreciated if you can provide some decent routes to follow.

Group Admin

Surprisingly I have read this story if you will give me some time to reread it i would be glad to pitch my 2 cents.

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