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Am I the only one here who wished Fluttershy or to be honest any of major reoccurring characters had a sibling who was an abusive, bullying jerk who hated them or at least derided them for being too soft? Or at the very least, a sibling who was aloof and really didn’t care about them?

Well, Smolder and Garble comes close? Although he doesn't bully her.

I'd personally struggle to wish that on anyone, even fictional characters. But that's just me.

7845650 Well, she is just asking for it...

Yeah, it’s just you. Not one for the whole abusive older sibling.

First of all, who hurt you.
Second of all, now that i think of it yeah that would be fun to see. Only thing i can come clos to is Fluttershy's annoying brother but he's not abusive. Also the thing going on with Twilight and Spike, not abusive but Twilight has always treated SP ke as an assistant to do chores for her but spike in one episode expressed the desire that Twilight start to see him as more of a little sibling. Did they ever solve that dilemma? Noooooo they had to end the series and move on to whatever is going on in Gen5 without solving a lot of stuff they left unsolved from gen4.

Hmm... I'm sure you're not the only one. But it makes me wonder what sort of siblings you have...

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