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The fanfics "Allegrezza " and "Vinyl and Octavia: University Days" are two very popular Scratchtavia stories that are somehow similar yet very different at the same time. The stories are completely separate and have different authors, but there's debate over which one is better due to the same subject matter. So to anyone who's read both stories, which one did you like more and why do you prefer it? I personally love both of them equally, though Allegrezza gets some bonus points for having more conflict in it.

I prefer Allegrezza out of the two. Octavia seemed to have a lot more personality in it, and it didn't rely as much on having the rich family be all disapproving of the relationship. That's a storyline that's been done to death.

I kinda like Allegraza more since it deals with some really interesting conflicts plus the [arts where they get drunk are hillarious!

Ah our Octascratch powerhouses. Like them equally ofc like most I guess. I personally find the romance part in University Days a bit better (softer I think is th word I would use). But overall Allegrezza has a better story and more comedy (Dust-mite Kingdom anyone? :rainbowlaugh:), so yeah Allegrezza takes the cake so to say.

Still University Days will hold special place for me, being the first fic I read. It kinda made th difference for me for merely liking MLP and having a wall covered in Vinyl and Octavia art pieces :derpytongue2:

I didn't like the way University Days started out, but it quickly grew on me.

I loved how immediately addicted to each other's presence the two are in Aleggrezza, forgetting the rest of their social lives in favor of planning the next time they hang out.

I'm a huge fan of the way Aleggrezza treats sex. Particularly, I like that they held off on putting labels on what was going on between them. I get so annoyed when two characters are like "We had sex so . . . that means we're in love!"

After reading it for the first time and then reading it again, though, it's pretty obvious that there isn't much there in Aleggrezza story-wise. It's really good when I want to read about an intense fast-burn relationship, but not if I'm looking for an actual plot of some kind. It just never went anywhere. I think that's ok, depending on what I'm in the mood to read. In this sense it might reflect real life more than most stories, because one can't expect a random month or two in a real person's life to have a plot. That's how I feel about Aleggrezza.

University Days actually feels like it has a plot. It also feels like that the relationship is longer. That's great because it makes the romance more plausible to me, but it's not really a dig on Aleggrezza because part of the appeal for me in Aleggrezza is the fact that sometimes I just want to read something involving a fast, intense friendship and a failure to restrain physical desires.

It's been awhile since I've read either story, though.

Allgrezza hasn't aged well and University Days was quite blatantly cut short as the author didn't want to continue, just a single chapter was churned out leaving an incredibly weak ending after all that.

i vote we ascend 2 other stories to be the masters of Octascratch
Accidental Harmony
i forward these as my nominations

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